#turned into ariane by bioresonance
phonopsyche · 8 months
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what do you see in your dreams, ophelia alina ariane?
(process under the cut)
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demilypyro · 7 months
So after playing the game and turning it around in my head for several hours as I went back over all the info I gathered... here's what I personally think happened in Signalis.
This take isn't entirely comprehensive. There's a lot of elements I don't feel I'm smart enough to fully understand, and I acknowledge that the story being open to interpretation is the point. But this is what I took from the game.
During the war on Vineta, two soldiers of the Nation fight together against the Empire. Alina Seo and Lilith Itou. Spending many years together, the two fall in love.
Lilith dies in battle, and the Nation uses a backup of her personality to create the LSTR units. A heartbroken Alina is transferred to the Sierpinski mining facility on Leng.
On Rotfront, a young painter with latent bioresonant abilities named Ariane Yeong wishes to get away from it all. After completing her compulsory military service, she applies to the Penrose Program and spends many years in space, alongside her assigned Replikant unit: LSTR-512. Elster. Spending many years together, the two fall in love.
However, the Penrose Program was a setup. The ship was never intended to complete its mission. The Nation had become aware of Ariane's latent abilities and had assigned her on a doomed mission, shooting her off into space to die on a ship that would eventually break down. On the 3000th cycle of their mission, the pair learned that they had been abandoned. Unwilling or unable to do it herself, Ariane made Elster promise to end their lives rather than suffering. However, Elster couldn't bring herself to do it. As time passed, radiation began to leak from the ship's engines, and Ariane and Elster both developed cancer. Elster died from the illness before she could bring herself to fulfill her promise.
Strangely, Ariane did not die. Possibly by some mutation from the radiation interacting with her bioresonant abilities, she was unable to die. She would survive at least another 2000 cycles after the Penrose was set to run out of supplies, all the while in constant suffering. The ship eventually crashed on Leng. Ariane's uncontrolled, mutated bioresonant abilities came into contact with the various Kolibries inside the Sierpinski facility, and her suffering was shared and amplified exponentially as it spread and repeated itself along the bioresonant hivemind. A psychic feedback loop spread like a disease. All gestalts died. All the replikants who weren't mutated or destabilized were left fighting for their lives, but none could stay unaffected forever.
Meanwhile, an accident had occurred in which all backups of the original mental template of Lilith Itou were lost. As a substitute, the Nation started creating new LSTR units using the latest backup of a decommissioned LSTR unit belonging to the Penrose Program: a copy of the mind of Elster, decommissioned after 3000 cycles. However, having never read the instructions, Ariane had taken zero precautions to avoid destabilization. All new LSTRs put into service after that time were affected. They were prone to hallucinations, had trouble distinguishing the present from the corrupted memories of their lives as Lilith Itou, and were consumed by one thought: fulfilling her promise.
As time passed, dozens of LSTR units came to the Sierpinski facility. Their destabilized minds were unable to distinguish Ariane from Alina, the two loves of their two lives. Every time one of them entered the facility, their destabilization further worsened the cascade of bioresonant mutation affecting the people within, and Falke in particular found herself affected by Elster's memories. Adler tries his best to stop this, by killing any Elsters who appeared, but it was just delaying the inevitable. Ariane's memories and Elster's hallucinations combine with Falke's supernatural abilities, causing the facility to become warped by images and places from Ariane's past, even turning an entire area into a replica of Rotfront and conjuring apparitions of Isa, a long-dead childhood friend of Ariane's. How much was Elster's hallucinations and how much was Falke's reality bending abilities is unclear.
Finally, one of the Elster units successfully makes it through the impossibly warped facility, kills Falke, and fulfills her promise. By ending Ariane's life, the feedback loop of suffering is stopped, and the cycle finally ends.
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sixthcav · 4 months
signalis spoilers warning
i feel stupid discussing my feelings in public so i'll post them here where a. people seem to do it more often and b. no one really knows me. but what broke me the most about signalis was the tragedy of ariane's character. elster, of course, is also extremely tragic in her own right but ariane felt so relatable to me on a personal level that i can't watch that train ride scene or hear the music without bawling. the two happiest times of her life were when she was isolated from the world, on top of people picking on her she just didn't fit in with the society the eusan nation fostered, she was a misfit and looked like one, and to top it off her bioresonance likely turned these spoken words into a shout, so to speak. there was so little peace in her life, and even then the penrose mission was originally little more than a prolonged death. if not for elster, ariane would've likely decided to die alone in space. and even on top of that she had what little peace she had ripped away at the end. i don't think there's a story that breaks my heart more than hers.
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amagpiesguide · 6 days
Do you think Ariane ever wanted her mom? Like because when we’re in pain, or scared or really anything we tend to want our mothers, so it’d be natural for Ariane to want her mother. GOD I IMAGINED IN ARIANES LAST MOMENTS BEFORE THE BIORESONANCE THING SHE WAS CRYING FOR HER MOM
Now that got me thinking, what about the replikas?? Do they long for the neural pattern’s mothers even though they’re not biologically their child?? When they destabilise I mean, like imagine a dying STAR on the battlefield calling out for her neural patterns mom oh my days
You guys cannot convince me ariane did not want her mom, especially with how she was raised I would reckon they had a very close bond. I wish there was more stuff surrounding ariane’s mom and even the itou twins mom like who is she?? Anja Itou or Lilith itou?? I would think Anja, because Lilith never had a male lover (that we know of) but she had Alina. Lilith being a possible older sister to them seems like a much more likely scenario than their mother, and personally on how lilith’s personality is shown (this is with the theory that she’s Elsters neural pattern) she probably would not want kids
And if the case was that Lilith was their mom, realistically then, Elster would’ve most likely atleast had some more instinct to protect isa— meanwhile with a sibling you really don’t have that urge (unless their like a baby) and honestly, I think Lilith and the twins wouldn’t of known each other for that long. Lilith would’ve been just a faded memory from childhood [if I’m correct on the timing of when Lilith might’ve been put into whatever they do to the replika neural pattern and that she is Elsters neural pattern] I mean, the faint possibility of her being the twins mother is that if Alina was their second mother, but that doesn’t make sense: Ariane is often portrayed as a ‘clone’ in a way of Alina, looking almost exact same as her. So why would Alina be their second mom? And it wouldn’t be possible because Alina was in the sierpenski as we know it,
So that would leave Anja to be their mother, Lilith? Maybe a cousin or older sister. Looking at Isa (assuming that Erika looks basically the same) she looks like she would relate to Lilith but not in a mother and daughter way; more like a cousins or sisters way. And What is the deal with Alina?? Is she just meant to be Lilith’s lover, or does Ariane end up being like some reincarnation of her? Or is Alina in retrospect just made to be that person Ariane triggers Elsters neural pattern memories with? But that would make her character practically basic if she only had one purpose. But I can’t figure out what she’s even here for, maybe she doesn’t really have a purpose? Some characters in fiction might not have proper purpose but they’re very important to plot I think,
Oh the ariane having acute radiation syndrome, she would be in SO much worse of state in reality, burns everywhere only getting worse, skin cells dying, even her bone marrow [i forgot if this parts correct shh] possibly started to degrade [I think I’m thinking of chromosomes], her teeth falling out, her organs dying from the inside out, losing absolute control over her own bodily fluids, I understand that it’s probably for creepy affect with her very basic black arms and legs to show nercotic skin but realistically ariane would’ve been dead much sooner when the radiation kicked in, even with the cryo medical pod. We all know of the person who had severe radiation poisoning, he died after a long battle. Considering Ariane would’ve practically be begging Elster— if Elster didn’t die first, because to me atleast, Replikas much more fragile when it comes to things like radiation, excluding MNHR units. They would start to degrade faster than a human would,
Ariane would be in so much pain, her skin wouldn’t even turn black it’d fall off exposing muscle and nerves. And her hair doesnt make sense, when someone has that much radiation and Ariane probably got out through so much more radiation, her hair would’ve fallen OUT, not grown. She would’ve looked like a burned mummy, and most likely. Elster wasn’t Alive to see any of Ariane’s true pain, yet Ariane probably would’ve still chosen the Penrose program. Why? Because hearing how sierpenski is that shit is SCARY. But also, we all know of Ariane’s bullying on rotfront. With how much she was getting bullied [I heard she even got put in hospital temporarily?? Idk if that’s right] she would of course pick that option. It’s like giving someone the option to choose: Go to school for years, Go for a year and get all of your diplomas immediately [of course it’s not a accurate comparison but shut up]
Bullying fucking ruins people, from experience I wanted to leave my entire country because I got bullied so badly. I wanted to leave the planet [as in going to space], when your given a choice between going to a facility or seeing the stars? You’d the stars especially in ariane’s place. The eusan nation is strict, and rotfront was terrible to ariane. Why would she want to put herself through more??
Anyways I’m literally ariane yeong (I bleached my hair to look like her, my roots are over grown tho 🫡) also sorry for so much writing, I have no one to really yap my ideas to 😔🙏
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fadingwinnerpirate · 8 months
My Understanding of The Story of Signalis
1. Ariane is a soft, artistic soul that isn't fit for the brutal, totalitarian regime of Eusan and eventually signs up for the Penrose program to escape the bullying that awakened her bioresonance.
2. On the Penrose-512, she meets and falls in love with Elster-512, where they do cute couple things like watching movies and listening to music, which awakens Elster's human memories and emotions, which made her love Ariane in return.
3. Because the Penrose program is basically a way for Eusan to dispose of people that don't conform to it's whims, Ariane starts going crazy from isolation, the reactor starts leaking and Ariane gets cancer from the radiation. Elster puts Ariane into a cryosleep to preserve her life, but not before Ariane makes her promise that she'd come and put her out of her misery if Elster couldn't find a way to help her.
4. Eventually, the Penrose-512 crash lands on a habitable planet by a complete miracle and Ariane is awoken from cryosleep and walks out into the snow so that Elster doesn't have to see her cancer ridden body, passing under a mysterious arch that connects her to a Lovecraftian outer god called The Red Eye, turning Ariane and her memories/experiences into a big pit that Elster promptly crawls into in search of Ariane.
5. At the same time, back in the Eusan Nation, the mining facility S-23 Sierpinski discovers a mysterious Artifact that's also connected to The Red Eye, and when it is presented to their bio resonant leader Falke, she synchronizes with Ariane and essentially taking on her "role" in the Promise that The Red Eye took from Ariane's memory, passing on the "role" of Elster to Falke's subordinate, Adler. However, because Falke has the most amount of authority that a Replika can have in the Eusan Nation, and she doesn't want to seem even the slightest bit vulnerable, she forces herself into the role of Elster, the white knight who "saves" the girl and doesn't have to show any vulnerability or weakness to do so (at least on the surface). The Red Eye takes great offense to this, and afflicts Falke, and the rest of Sierpinski through her, with the same torturous, endless existence that Ariane went through on the Penrose in an attempt to force Falke to accept her role. Eventually, reality starts coming apart due to this, and copies of Elster-512 start entering this cycle in an attempt to uphold the promise she made, leading to the gameplay of Signalis and its endings.
6. The Memory ending is the simplest, where Elster fails to uphold her promise and causes the cycle to continue repeating as it has been. The Promise ending is a bit more complicated, since it's unclear if Elster fulfilling her promise and killing Ariane breaks the cycle and restores reality or if it still isn't enough to satisfy The Red Eye, though I think it's more likely to be the latter. The Artifact Ending is, by far, the most open to interpretation, but I choose to interpret it thusly: as Elster works to gather the keys and the code that open the safe that (most likely) represents Ariane's heart, she shows The Red Eye that she loves Ariane to the point that she'd be willing to sacrifice her own life and do completely impossible, insane, and unreasonable tasks so that Ariane could be happy and healthy again, and by sacrificing the six versions of herself that represent different aspects of who she is (her base personality, her memories as a human, her role as a protector, etc.), as well as the vase of lillies that I think represent Ariane's love for Elster, The Red Eye releases its grasp on reality, possibly allowing Ariane's bioresonance to become powerful enough that she can cure her cancer and either ressurect or make a copy of Elster that she can live her life with, essentially rejecting the sacrifice that Elster made so that they can live the happiest lives they can on this untamed, snowy paradise, Together.
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shybreadgarden · 4 months
Hey idea brewing…. Let me cook… you know how the timing of the Penrose 512 journey doesn’t make sense?
In order for them to be on Leng? They have elapsed at least 3000 cycles, and it’s confirmed they’re going far out into the reaches of space. Not to a planet within their own solar system. I had thought about, well, what if they circled back, or what if Ariane’s disruption of the clock to make it vinetan time did something that made the time go faster… but I have a different idea now. I think those are still things to consider for how the Penrose 512 crashed on that particular planet.
But our Elster, our player character, passes many of herself dead. This cycle has been repeated many times. Which means SHE was NOT the one on that ship originally. Those are not HER memories. And it is not HER Ariane. Except that they become so. So our Elster got to Leng a different way. Always gets to Leng a different way. So what’s happening?
Maybe multiple Penrose programs are crashing? Multiple Elsters crashing the ships as soon as they get near Leng’s orbit in order to answer the bioresonant call. This is an interplanetary incident now. But then why is there only one ship, but multiple bodies? How does she wake up again and again, crawl out of death again and again, but leave bodies behind? Where do they come from? Maybe Ariane is building them somehow. Or perhaps they’re corrupted versions of other units and that’s why the Replikas are being corrupted? The ones that turn into zombies are the ones that are unable to become Elsters.
Yes, it is a cycle, it is cyclical, but it’s not a total reset of the clock. Because the bodies build up, and Adler remembers, and the corruption gets worse. So how long do we have? And where does Elster come from?
Or, you know, maybe I’m thinking about it too hard. 😊 But I like thinking about it.
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internetskiff · 6 months
I've immediately begun a second playthrough after my first blind one and I've realized something that's probably extremely obvious in hindsight but
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technically this is the moment Adler lets it slip that he knows about the loop. He's asked Elster for the picture before she even revealed she had it. He's quite an interesting character to me since it seems like he's the only one who's both aware of the loop and not going insane, or, well, going insane in a different way. Every other Replika's either turned mindless or obsessive but he's still trying to make sense of the loop, and even seemingly trying to maintain it.
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Maybe my view of the story is still incomplete since I found out there's more to the game I've yet to see (so far I've only gotten the 'Memory' ending), but what would happen if the loop breaks? Why is Adler so afraid of it? If this is a dream reality, is he afraid that the moment Ariane wakes Sierpinski gets erased from existence? Or, at the very least, this extremely warped perception of the facility?
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Also, there's this moment that I can't stop thinking about. I genuinely can't tell if I just didn't take a look at this key before or if Alina's pass photo changed to make her look wounded like this on the second playthrough. I might've just taken the key and booked it because the EULR enemies creeped me out. I think she and Adler are the only people to ever mention seeing an LSTR at Sierpinski, so I'm wondering if they were both just driven mad by bioresonance or if there really was one at the facility at some point. The way Alina talks about her makes it sound as if she was stationed at the facility for a while. Is she just being bombarded with Ariane's memories? Judging from how she mentions off-handedly about feeling sick and she's covered in that many bandages, I assume she was suffering from the same radiation poisoning-like symptoms as everyone else. Genuinely can't stop thinking about this game's story. It feels like absolutely everything connects in some way. It's so fucking good. Apologies if I got anything wrong from what I've gathered so far, trying to be more thorough when it comes to looking at the finer details on the second playthrough. Playing this game mostly blind was the best decision I made, makes me adore every second of it even more.
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void-thing · 3 months
some thoughts i had about signalis in a discord chat about whether what's happening is actually real
spoilers below
specifically, about whether the game is all a dream or not. So far I've preferred to interpret the game as a dream.
While it's not totally clear to me whether anything happening in Signalis is physically real, I've come to realize that my partiality to the dream interpretation is probably because it doesn't actually matter. The game's core themes - love vs entropy, the human spirit vs authoritarianism - are all wrapped up in the backstory.
The part that actually makes sense and is not really disputed - the fact that Ariane and Elster grew up in a dystopian hellhole and ended up on a doomed space mission -is where the game's actual meat is. I see the Penrose mission as allegorical for life as a whole - we are all doomed to die eventually, but life is still worth living largely because of our relationships to other people.
Except as an allegory to Ariane's cancer, I don't see the game proper as having anything to do with this. Finding an eldritch god in the core of leng that turns replikas into zombies has no deeper meaning besides the allegorical one, so it really doesn't matter to the game's core themes whether the gameplay is actually happening or is all just a dream in Ariane's dying brain. So i kinda gravitate to treating it all as a dream and focusing on the bits that actually matter.
in short, the game isn't about "saving my wife from monsters", it's about "coming to grips with my wife's cancer". The descent into leng and back doesn't have to be physical for that to work.
PS: In this interpretation I consider the Artifact ending to represent Ariane's nightmare coming to an end and transitioning into a gentler dream so that the remainder of her existence does not have to be suffering.
PPS: I concede that Elster's actual consciousness may have gotten pulled into the dream via bioresonance shenanigans. I find that a little less depressing than imagining that Ariane is generating a fake Elster for wish fulfillment.
PPPS: as an aside, I don't really consider myself a fan of the horror genre so that probably has something to do with it. I was never in it for the zombies.
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xaracosmia · 23 days
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name / alias: clara age: 31 pronouns: any pronouns ooc contact: twt @ blackring004 other characters in xc: zoya (path to nowhere), marcille donato (dungeon meshi), hella (path to nowhere), maki (jujutsu kaisen)
name: LSTR-512/elster age: adult; appears to be in her middle-to-late 20s. pronouns: she/her series: signalis canon point: post the events of the "leave" route. app triggers: war / canon typical violence / gun violence / mental and physical deterioration / psychological horror / cosmic horror / cancer / asphyxiation.
FOCUSED: elster's straightforwardness comes from the preference in keeping interactions brief. this mostly happens when she's focused on getting something done, or when talking to someone she's not very acquainted with. STOIC…?: a facade brought forth by her tunnel visioning tendencies. but that's the extent of what it really is: a facade. those who push through this initial point get to see what lies beyond it. DEDICATED: beyond her neural path and programming, elster takes her devotion seriously. not something extended to everyone she meets, but rather to those who earned it. that's how it goes most of the time, right?
history / background:
( wake up. )
elster is an LSTR unit replika who is woken up by a radio signal played by the eusan nation. she emerges from the penrose, a spaceship that has crashed onto the frozen planet leng. she navigates her way through the snowstorm to find a large hole in the ground and jumps into it, landing her in a familiar room with a copy of the king in yellow. events eventually lead her into S-23 sierpinski, a mining facility.
elster fights her way through the facility in search of her gestalt, alina seo, and ventures deep down into the mines. down there, she finds a path leading out towards a red, sandy expanse with obsidian pillars. she also finds scatters of other LSTR units as she walks, leading up to the penrose, which she tries to get into. too injured and fatigued, elster has one of her arms ripped from the exertion she put in trying to open the hatch and falls down. she fades away…
…only to wake up once more, in the penrose. elster goes through a dream and remembers whom her real gestalt is, ariane yeong. she relives the day they celebrated their 3000th cycle together until it's eventually time to wake up again, called into consciousness by the same radio signal.
this time, elster arrives on rotfront and fights to complete a puzzle displaying the phases of the moon on each planet. once solved, a hole widens to let elster crawl through, taking her to the same familiar room once more. as it turns out, this is ariane's room in her aunt's apartment. elster walks out to a long hall that takes her back to falke's room, the commanding FKLR unit of S-23 sierpinski. falke's bioresonance is surmountable to the great empress, and as a result makes her easily susceptible to ariane's bioresonance powers. having attuned so deeply to them, her dreams mix with hers, and her identity begins merging with ariane and elster's both, leaving her a broken existence that yearns for a promise that will be fulfilled.
perhaps any part of falke that remained resented them, or perhaps this grief that doesn't belong to her has overtaken her body, as falke attacks elster with the intent to become one.
elster defeats falke and runs out to the red expanse to get to the penrose once more. here, the true condition of the penrose is shown—filled with waste, dust, and damaged metals. elster gets to the cryopod to find ariane resting there and is asked to fulfill her promise. the promise that compelled her to be here in the first place. with her hands around ariane's neck, elster finds herself struggling under the weight of her love. the promise is left unfulfilled as elster leaves penrose behind, as well as the parts that got her here, like the chestplate. exhausted and sustained damage crush what's left of her soul, the promise she swore to carry through bringing her to her knees.
… … …
maybe next time.
powers / abilities:
inherent abilities:
REPLIKA — a fancy word for android. replika units require a "blueprint" in order to function, those are called neural pathways. since those are created by using a gestalt's memories, they come with manuals on what not to do in order to keep their neural pathways intact. TECHNICAL & COMBAT KNOWLEDGE — LSTR units are programmed to excel on both ship management, self-upkeep and in combat, making them reliable units all around. ENHANCED DURABILITY & STRENGTH — it comes with being designed as a combat unit.
items / weapons:
LSTR DOCUMENTS — meant for gestalt eyes only, the paper brown envelope holds every detail about LSTR units, and how to handle them. it's open. REVOLVER — just a simple revolver. nothing special about it. holds up 6 cartridges. UPGRADE — additional LSTR parts that can upgrade her into a better, more proficient combat unit. it enhances her strength and endurance.
starting ability: n/a. starting item: LSTR documents.
would you like this character to be housed upon arrival?: no
those are her fucking hooves.
discord id: promise512
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demilypyro · 6 months
"So it turns out the entire setting of the game was either a constructed reality created by Ariane's godlike powers or just a hallucination as Elster is overwhelmed by Ariane's memories and pain being broadcast over the bioresonance network"
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shybreadgarden · 6 months
So I’ve had this theory about the cycle and Falke for a while and I haven’t gotten to discuss it much so, tumblr.
Here be spoilers.
Many of you have probably encountered THIS Reddit thread “Regarding Falke,” but there’s a comment at the bottom that I found really interesting. It starts a little out of touch, but then they suggest that Ariane could be using her bioresonance to connect to Falke, using Falke as a kind of amplifier. She’s searching for Eslter, telling Elster to wake up, and using Falke to do it.
This could account for Falke’s appearance in relation to Ariane, but also her blurring of Elster’s memories with her own as she connects with Elster after Elster. I liked that idea a lot, but I’ve been building on it in my head. What if something more mundane and sinister is going on at the same time? What if Ariane is using Falke as an amplifier, and since Falke is connected to so many Replikas, that’s accounting for the illness and the fact that Elster keeps getting woken and called to Ariane.
But then on top of that, there is the “dig holes secretly are digged where the earth’s pores ought to suffice” line, which is from lovecraft. That points to an eldritch horror, and is one of the most direct connections besides the red eye. But the digging is what gets me. It’s literally a mine. And they’re digging, ostensibly for resources, but maybe they woke something up they didn’t understand. Something that could connect to Falke as well. Then when Falke became an amplifier and the cycle of Elster started, the Eldritch Something made the cycle even stronger, and it in turn grew stronger, “Learning to walk that ought to crawl.”
And now you say, wait, but it can’t be literal because they’re in the Penrose program, so they would be way far away from Leng by the time they crash. And I say, yeah, but we know Ariane modified the length of the cycles on the ship, so there’s no real way to tell how far they travelled in realation to where they are. And there’s more than one Penrose in the program. Some of them would have found other worlds. Some of those worlds would have been good for settlement. Some of them would have been good for resources. And a mine needs to be run by A Falke and AN Adler not THE. So what if they’re at Serpinsky, but A Sperpinsky, on a moon or planet that isn’t Leng. And this one was different, because it had something on it the republic didn’t expect. As the republic pushes out, becoming an empire, they face consequences.
There are some other things that come up for me. One is how Ariane stays alive. She’s been in a clearly broken Cryopod, for an untold amount of time, possibly decades or centuries if we look at the quantity of dead Elsters. In red liquid. Blood? Or is the eldritch horror keeping her alive to strengthen itself?
If Ariane is killed, as in the Promise ending, how does the cycle continue? Unless there IS an outside force.
One more Falke thing. In the thread, there are posters who say that Falke shows up in the lines of Arianes and Elsters in the false ending, and turns her head when called. I watched it, and I couldn’t see her in Elster’s. But I could see someone who could be her in Ariane’s. If it’s true, it would have really interesting implications.
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