#twc a du mortain
crownleys · 30 days
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Happy Birthday to Agent du Mortain! 🥳🥳
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nat-seal-well · 9 months
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My A-mancer detective is besties with M for comedic purposes
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southern-detective · 1 year
A: "My love for the Detective can be used against me and I'm afraid of that hurt. That's why no one must know."
All of Unit Bravo: "Be so fucking for real right now."
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my-chemical-mermaid · 10 months
Unit Bravo anytime the detective enters a room:
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getyourselfaunicorn · 9 months
Ok so I’m playing the LT route on the third book for the first time and MAN. If I thought it was bad before I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. MY GOD. Anytime anything happens I GASP
F’s conversation with A BEGGING them to not break up their family because of this, N’s little reactions telling that they kind of KNOW something is happening 😭😭😭😭
““You sound surprised to see me”, they reply with a smile of their own, but it’s tighter than usual. “Hoping for someone else?”” WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED. Like N KNOWS. Maybe not completely consciously (in their delulu era you could even say) BUT THEY KNOW.
So anyway, which me luck as I continue to read😭😭😭
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renranren · 11 months
TWC what-if scenario: what if the detective became a cat?
Out on a pair mission with their LI, the detective got drenched in some unknown potion and turned into a cat. The Agency's staff said they will return to human form in a few days. Meanwhile, LIs will need to take care of them during this time.
- Gave you a trademark monologue ramble about how reckless you were, how you should had listened to her, how the situation could have been worse, how defenseless you are in cat form, why you need to be under their protection at all times until the potion’s effect wears off. All of this while assembling a cat tree, scratching post, and a cat bed in their bedroom. “F will not enter my room without permission. You will be safer here than your own room.”  
- "I did some research and found the best cat food brand but the pet shop in your small town does not sell it and those in nearby town all ran out. No matter what form you take, your safety and well-being are still my...our priority," muttering about nutrition and started cooking your three-course homemade cat meal.
- Did their best not to touch you but never brush you off when you approach. One morning A woke up to find you sleeping on their chest. Afraid to wake you up, A just laid there like a statue (not because you are so tiny or adorable or precious or anything just that cats need more sleep).
- "I'm more of a dog-person but I can't deny that I don't enjoy this." Let you lie on their lap while they read. One hand on a book, another lazily petted along your body, or scratched under your chin or behind your ears.
- Brought out the softest, most comfortable piece of clothing they own to use as your bed and cat-proof your bedroom. Stayed the night with you. Didn’t mind about cat hair on their own clothes.
- Let you get away with anything, "Just please don't scratch the furniture or throw up on the rug." Set up A's training dummy as your scratch pose just in case.
- Cooked you cat-friendly meals and treats. Others caught them spoon-feeding you. Yeah, spoil you rotten.
- Loved brushing your fur while telling you how pretty you are. "Let me hear your purr. Now, that's my kitty."
- "Babe, you are absolutely adorable!" They practically shrieked with excitement while picking you up and spinning you around. "Don't worry, babe. We will have a lot of fun!"
- Three hours in and already set up a social media account for you. "I have to spread your cuteness, babe!" The account got erased by the Agency’s tech, of course.
- Dressed you up in whatever cloth they can put on you and take you out while wearing matching outfits. Took tons of pic and video.
- Tried out every cat viral video they saw on the internet (definitely the purrito one). "We only have three days before you turn back. Not that I don't adore you in your human form but we might not get this chance again."
- Helped get rid of cat food because you couldn't stomach it and sneaked human food for you behind N's back. Sweet F.
- Refused to touch you for the first couple of hours. They are not familiar with animals, and you are so small. What if they accidentally broke your leg or something?! After a quick Cat-101 lesson from N, they finally let you approach.
- Hesitatingly petted you and the first time they heard you purr; they just froze. Your buzzed purr and blissed out expression were incredibly soothing for them and made they feel warm inside.
- Kept you on their lap while you were stargazing together at night. Absentmindedly petted you and played with your toe beans the whole time. Spoke softly to you about everything that came to their mind.
- After knowing that cats love sunspots, they drawn a curtain open just a little for you. They still avoided sunlight but really enjoyed the scent and warmth the sun left on your soft fur, holding you close for hours after that.
- Would probably put you in their jacket in front of their chest if the weather was cold.
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soonaa · 1 year
Here is Mr. Adam du Mortain the bane of my romantic existence but he’s darling nonetheless. I care him very much and wish to hold his hand 🤲
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ras3quin · 1 year
As an A-mancer and M-mancer I am a clown and also not a clown.
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percyouinhell · 1 year
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Why not start off the old new blog with my TWC Detective 😌
Based off/Inspired by @ladiemars Detectives info sheet. (Just know that Ken is total babe and Noir would be head over hills if Noir wasn’t already trying to get into the pants of Ava)
Visualization of A’s kiss scene
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krampuscrump · 1 year
So lately I’ve been having Wayhaven Chronicles brain rot and I planned on making bracelets to wear while at my local Pride festival so I was like why not and made bracelets inspired by Unit Bravo 🥳
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crownleys · 11 months
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A post-work cooldown Ava, because.... well, Ava!
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daydreamnoise-draws · 4 months
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Played through both A and N routes and I find this difference between them pretty fascinating tbh 👀. Love triangle route will kill me when I can bring myself to play it 😭
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nat-seal-well · 1 year
D’you think the detective’s ever fallen asleep on A, and instead of waking them up, A just sits there as still as possible the entire time and insists that it’s only because humans need a lot more sleep than vampires do? Because of course Unit Bravo can’t afford to let the detective get sick. So A has to let them get their rest. That’s it—no other other reason
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
Hey!! 👀 3, 8, 15 for Lukas and Adam & 14, 34 for Felix and Séamus for the ship ask game?
Lukas x Adam [Meus Amor Aeternus]
What was their first impression of each other?
Lukas saw Adam walk into his office and his jaw dropped to the floor. Lukas is demisexual so he wasn't like attracted to Adam in that way, it was more like "Damn. This dude looks so fucking good." It's not so much the looks, but Lukas loved the way he carried himself, the way he seemed loyal to his brothers in UB, the way he exudes confidence. He also lowkey loves having to look up at Adam (he's 5'7").
Adam saw Lukas and saw a good detective who was dedicated to his work. He respected the hell out of Lukas, but also found him extremely irritating. That was mostly due to having to 'protect' Lukas from Murphy, and was always annoyed when Lukas kept trying to push through the case.
What do they love most about the other? Why?
But in the end, that's what Adam admires and dare I say, loves, about Lukas. He sees a man so dead set on achieving a goal, even if it puts him in danger. He sees a man who is so determined, so resilient, and stubborn. Lukas deals with a lot of PTSD, even before Murphy. But he sees Lukas as a person who is so resilient. Because despite Lukas' night terrors, he continues to be dedicated to his job/s. He loves how Lukas has gone through so much and is still able to push through it in the end.
Lukas absolutely just loves the way Adam treasures their time together. The quiet calm moments in the morning watching a sunrise. The two of them + Emma going for a trail run in the morning, watching the sunrise over the mountains and spreading its light into the valley below. He loves the two of them just going for drives in Adam's car, or on Lukas' motorcycle. Those small moments where they are just metaphorically so bare and vulnerable with one another.
What songs remind you of their relationship?
Lukas' Playlist:
Deep End - I Prevail My Heart I Surrender - I Prevail I Don't Belong Here - I Prevail Hurricane - I Prevail Feel Something - Illenium Sequential Lives - Opal In Sky Planetary Bliss - Opal In Sky Aurora - Opal In Sky
Séamus x Felix [Mo Chroí]
Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Depends on what you consider to be PDA. If you are talking about kissing and making out in public then no haha.
But if we're talking about holding hands while they walk down the street to the bakery, the way they smile at each other as they sit on a park bench in the summer time, how Felix will lay his head in Séamus' lap when they watch TV. Those little moments where both think to themselves "I love him." They love hugging one another a lot, they do this every where.
Do they have any inside jokes?
Mmm... I wouldn't say so. I've never really thought about this with any ship to be honest.
Ship Asks
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lava-8888 · 1 year
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me when I lie
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lexpendragon · 1 year
m hating airplanes has been confirmed for awhile, a doesn't like airplanes either
omg i had no idea It's really canon, thanks for telling anon! I imagined M hates planes but had no clue about A.
also, i think one of the reasons M hates moving around so much bc sometimes they have to get in a plane to do it... Unless the Agency has some magic device for travelling idk (would be cool)
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