#twilight just suffering from Midna leaving and not knowing where they truly stood and what could of been if she had stayed
ordonianhero · 1 year
Wind: why doesn’t rancher speak about relationship stuff. I know he says it’s complicated. But- like does anyone actually know why?
Warriors: you know, I don’t think any of us truly know.
Time: *staying quiet and sipping his tea*
Sky: you know don’t you? *looking to Time*
Time: hm, if he wants to talk about he will or he won’t. That’s up to him.
Warriors: was it that bad?
Time: *sets his cup down* he said himself. “A princess that was so beautiful, it shattered his heart.” Friends and loved one will always come and go from our lives through time.
Legend: yeah. *sadly looking down as he carves a bird out of wood*
Time: think we all been there in some way or another.
Wind: champion do you know?
Wild: oh me, ah. Well no. But it pains me to see him look so down cast during the hour of twilight.
Twilight: *returns from patrolling* what’s with all the glum faces?
Time: *pats a seat beside him, Which twilight takes* nothing to worry bout pup. Think others are just curious about your statement you made a long while back about a certain princess.
Twilight: oh. *cough* yeah. It’s complicated. Still sorting that all out.
Four: that’s understandable, we don’t mean to pry into something you’re not ready to talk about.
Twi: *softly chuckles and sighs* yeah.
In Times journal he has written from his conversation with Twilight:
Those tears falling down his face, staining his cheeks, preventing his words,
They are not just because he is sad.
No, rather they are full of all his emotions.
The ones the words tells him to bottle up, shove down, hide away.
It’s his confidence
His desperation
His embarrassment.
But most of all-
Those tears are his anger.
He knows what he wants to say, what he wants to shout.
His mouth just will not form the words, no matter how hard he tries.
His tears are full of unspoken phases, evidence of his broken heart and the anger he holds inside.
Ones I know far to well. When someone we love and care about leave. With no return in sight. To be left wondering, “what if” and grieving that loss.
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