wrxthfulguard · 8 months
(X) @twiloid
"Agreed... I almost thought for a second that your target was also my target, but I didn't sense any magic on him." Don mentally scolded himself for making that assumption, but he wanted to check.
"And yes, I saw your subordinate fight... Almost thought that she had some kind of demonic magic in her, quite reckless to use her damaged limbs like that, but she managed to take down the target." It seems that Nightfall was someone to look out for, especially since she was Twilight's ally... Still, how she fought was impressive, not a lot of people (or demons) fought that way.
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"Time is ticking on our ends... If we don't find that renegade demon and stop them... Then the threat of war will remain if they somehow instigate it."
And that wasn't good... Sure, demons could do whatever they want once they were summoned to the living world, but sooner or later, they were banished back to Hell by holy means... At least, that's what he learned... Most demons kept coming back by other means.
He shook his head of the thought, moving to clean and bandage his mortal ally's wound.
"... You made a good choice in sparing the dark-haired gentleman earlier, I'd rather not bring another soul with me back to Hell unless it was my target."
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yorprincess · 2 years
Finding Loid || Twiloid
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The floor around her was both slick and sticky with blood, a contradiction that claws at her nose like an old lover as she marches resolutely through the building. Her red-soled shoes click down the tiled floor of the WISE safehouse. The only sound...the screams had long since died away, silenced by slit throats or by those who succumbed to blood loss.
But Thorn Princess wasn't satisfied. Not with the bodies. Not with the blood that drips from her dress, her cheek, and her stilettos gripped tightly in her fists. She cared not for her own blood that mingled with the others, a few bullets graze from shots that had been lucky. She would patch them later, but for now...
Frustration roiled within her. No one had answered her very simple demand. They all refused to answer, crying for death rather than giving away that information.
Where is Loid Forger?
She had lost track of how many safehouses she had raided, how many spies she had slaughtered since she had learned that her husband was alive and that his agency was keeping him from returning to her and Anya.
Anya, who waited with Bond and Franky - who she was still wary of, but trusted enough because he loved her daughter as if she were his own blood relative - at home, was innocent of all of her mother's dealings. To whom she had to return to in the morning. For Thorn Princess could only exist in the darkness, in the shadows. In the underbelly of society. Far, far away from her daughter's innocent smile and bright eyes.
Eyes that had become dim after her father was taken. A smile that wasn't nearly as bright as it had once been.
Shaking her head, Thorn Princess' red eyes scanned the room full of desks, reflexively wiping the blood from her golden weapons before sheathing them for the moment. She would need to wash them and her hands as soon as possible. There would be no clean-up crews for this location (just like the others). This was a reminder to WISE that she was serious.
And she couldn't help but wonder why the spy agency was allowing her to slaughter their agents like lambs. Wouldn't it be easier to simply hand Loid Forger back over to her?
Unless Loid really was...
Unless they wanted a purge of their agents...
Her fingers slid across documents on the desk before her, flipping through cipher after cipher. She didn't understand them, but there were patterns she had picked up on, and one of them, in particular, could lead to the location of the next safe house and maybe information regarding her husband.
Something caught her eye.
A note. A simple scrawl on a small piece of paper. No cipher and clear as day. Her breath stalled in her chest as she seized the note and read it over and over and over again, hope and dread filling her all at once.
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fauxwife · 4 months
SHE HAS HAD ONE TOO MANY wobbling about from side to side. " eyy liowd ~ ! " her voice still retains it's softness , but that is about the only thing she retains within her complete suspension of sensibility.
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tripping over herself making it over to him , yor collapses within @twiloid's lap. this particular social drinking has taken a lot out of her.
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toyfulbox · 8 months
As much of a lazy oaf of a dog he was, Bond could not help but sniff his way towards the kitchen. Only to find Loid, his owner's father, at the stove. Seems as if he were cooking, or something. At least he had been still at the stove, doesn't look like he was moving any time soon.
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Time to stand behind him.
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americano-psycho · 1 year
One thing I really enjoy about Spy X Family is the fact that both Yor and Anya are, at their core, meatheads. These two are the female equivalent of himbos. They are not book smart by any stretch. They are kind and loyal. They are always ready to punch their way out of a situation, even if the specific situation would only be made worse by throwing violence into the mix.
I appreciate this because 1) both of them are still well rounded characters despite being muscle-brained and 2) the people who love and care about them NEVER treat them poorly for this. Yor is still appreciated as a wife, mother, and sister by Loid, Anya, and Yuri. Anya is still loved as a daughter and friend by her parents and by Becky despite poor academic performance and the fact that Becky's first real impression is of Anya punching Damien.
On the other side of that coin, Loid is the one who's mind runs a mile a minute, who's always planning ahead, who's a focused and driven and has the big important medical job. Despite that, he can still make poor or "stupid" decisions because he can overthink things.
Basically, that family has exactly one brain cell and Loid is the only one that remembers it exists but only about 75% of the time.
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erthlyheavn · 11 months
Yor of course uwu But some of my other muses I can think of to throw Loid's way would be Makoto, Nessa, Agent Two, Tsukimi, Tiana, orrrr Duchess!
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loreolympiad · 11 months
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@olympiangold/@twiloid - 👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike // From OlympianGo but more specifically Zeus! Not that he's hopeful, but he wants the drama!
Spill The Tea
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"If I'm forced to name names... I'd have to say Hera. Don't get me wrong, we get along like the proverbial cats and dogs most of the time."
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"But I'm not so heartless as to say I outright hate her or won't offer help if asked for. Let's just say our attitudes conflict too much to be 'besties' as the kids put it."
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thrillrs-arc · 1 year
She must've not noticed that she failed to completely conceal the scrape on her chin, which had been bothering him from the moment she had set foot in his office. No matter how hard he tried to pay attention to her report, his attention didn't budge from the bunched up texture of her dried up concealer that faded into a red cut. "...Nightfall," He started, barely managing to keep his hands to himself from fixing up her makeup. He just might give in to the urge to do it if he didn't have his arms crossed over his chest to keep him in check.
"Did you change your makeup routine?"
her mission the night before had gone later than intended, and by the time she got home, she only had an opportunity for three hours of sleep. when it came time to get ready, she just kind of… half assed her normal routine. it’s not hard to notice the staring, and in normal situations she wouldn’t mind, this time it feels like he’s staring daggers.
she doesn’t make a comment about it, gaze focused on anything but the fellow agent in front of her. the longer the silence goes on, the more she starts to believe that she’s in the clear.
but no, he notices, and she can feel her face heat up. “ o-oh, um… no, twilight. i just had a late night last night, and i didn’t spend as much time as i normally would on my routine. ” she doesn’t go into detail, it’s up to him whether or not he wants to question her further.
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
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It was despite the recent various news outlets covering the uptick in crime within the surrounding cities and towns that Missi went out in public this fine day. For the past month or so had been the same odd stories. Even for a city as large as the one that Missi resided within the uptick in violence and murder had been staggering. Various cities not just her own but neighboring ones but hours away were running the same pieces. Seral killers? Gang activity? It looked like tensions between political issue and what the police force can do to counter this new unknown threat could be. Many politicians have now blamed one another, using it as chances to get dirt on others and slander names.
While Missi contently strolled about without many if only a handful of people, knowing that it was her that night. Using her supernatural magic to spread the murders and slaughter around just for fun and enjoying the aftermath of it all. Their lives meant very little but it would take a near flawless investigation to even be able to pinpoint her let alone even track her down as going into the city was a rare occurrence for the Duchess.
But there was a reason, to collect everything she could for that night’s celebration she had been running all over town with people pointing and commenting on how she was early for Halloween. Of course those people who would comment such things would quickly find their legs swept out from underneath them from her cane as she walked by. The half blind woman feigning ignorance before continuing on. 
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wrxthfulguard · 1 year
(X) @twiloid​
“... A hug or bow of respect is also okay, Mr Loid.” Don responded calmly... But his gaze towards the fireworks were... Distant.
Because no matter what... The New Years to him... Was also the same day as the yearly cleanse in Hell.
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“... I resolve to find our target and take them down ASAP... They’re lucky they’re evading... The day that the exterminator angels come down and cull off demons permanently to deal with Hell’s overpopulation.” 
But he glanced over back at Loid. “Still... The only time I’m safe from that... Is here... And for that... A bittersweet New Year’s Day to you as well.”
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yorprincess · 2 years
Under the Mistletoe
@twiloid continued from (x)
After the (frankly disastrous) party with her coworkers earlier that year, getting invited to a small informal holiday party at Loid's work filled Yor with dread. In the weeks since her husband had informed her and asked for her to accompany him, she had been silently panicking every chance it crossed her mind. She had brought it up to Camila, Sharon, and Millie hoping for some advice... only to be told things that had only made her feel worse. The only person who seemed keen on wishing her a good time was Director McMahon, who had graciously ensured that she would have time off for the event and the day after "just in case."
The thing that probably made the whole affair less stressful was that it was fairly informal, with most of the doctors wearing "ugly" sweaters and the spouses wearing reindeer headbands - something Yor had been offered when they walked in. After brief introductions, some of the wives pulled Yor away from her husband to meet more spouses and gossip. It wasn't to different from being with the girls at City Hall...but it was nice to be included and actually engaged with. Some of the wives seemed genuinely interested in her (rather than spewing jealously laced comments like "how did you manage to get with Dr. Forger!") and asked for her opinion on some topics. It was...nice.
She sipped the glass of wine she had been offered and was feeling the warmth from the alcohol as the women mulled about the room. It was a comfortable air and she was soaking in the warmth when she tripped and stumbled.
Blinking up, she found herself beside Loid - who she hadn't seen in a while - and smiled at him before something caught her eye.
There, above their heads, was a small twig of greenery. She tilted her head in confusion at it, until several voices called out sweet-sounding taunts at her husband and the hair on the back of her neck rose from all the eyes on her. But confusion more than anything made its home in her mind. What is this? What's the fuss? she thought as she stood frozen beside her husband. This tradition hadn't been something her colleagues had mentioned...
Maybe it was the wine...but she felt oddly calm at that moment as Loid's eyes fell on her. Something about his expression wasn't quite right. He always looked so assured and put together...so why did his eyes look... nervous? As if this was something he wasn't comfortable with but was pretending to be fine. Beckoned by his soft voice, she stepped into the circle of his arms, her hands coming to rest on his chest gently - the barest of touches, ready to pull away should she not be welcome. She smiled at him, hoping to reassure him while not having the faintest idea what the big deal was. Being close to him was for the act, right? They had practiced being this close recently so this shouldn't be a problem.
"Is this alright, Loid?" She whispered, her words slightly slurred but only faintly. "What... you don't have to do anything if you aren't sure, regardless of tradition."
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seeasunset · 1 year
{Starter from s.c. for: @twiloid}
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❝Y'know, I'm not here to cause any trouble or harm. Just passing through here is all. It's one of the many shortcuts I have to take back to certain areas is all.❞
Hands risen up in the gesture of meaning no harm. He didn't want to fight. Not only because he wasn't in the mood, but because there's no reason to cause any fight right here and now.
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hermajsty-a · 1 year
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❝  papa. i don’t get it.  ❞  anya whines before placing her head in her arms frustrated. she wants to be useful to her papa, she wants to save the world. but she isn’t getting it. she perks up quickly  ❝ maybe some peanuts can help ! ❞ she hops up and runs to the cabinet that they would be found grabbing a fresh bag.
@twiloid liked for a starter !
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toyfulbox · 11 months
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"You know, people say they pick their nose, but I feel like I was just born with mine." || @twiloid
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"Papa that's..." She tilts her head ever so slightly, unknowing of the intention here. Was it supposed to be a funny joke? Was he being serious?
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"You never make sense, papa."
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closedcoffins · 1 year
He might have gotten Yuri's address from Yor. And he might have sent him a card in the mail: an envelope containing a festive family portrait of the Forgers with a neatly calligraphed standard message written in sparkly ink with little hearts doting the i's.
'Merry Christmas! Love, The Forger Family Yor, Anya, Bond and Loid (Yor's husband) :)' That parenthesis was deliberate.
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Yuri's trying his best not to clench his hand around the cardstock so hard that he tears it, but the visible wrinkles in the material show his evident failure to practice any sort of self-control.
If it were any other circumstances, getting a Christmas card like this from Yor would probably send him into some kind of manic high that lasted until some outside force came to bring him down. However, the infuriatingly polite little reminder at the very end is likely to send Yuri into cardiac arrest through sheer frustration.
How dare Loid Forger think he has more of a right to send me a christmas card than my own sister!!
... That sort of thing is in line with Yuri's thoughts, among other varied insults he could throw at the man. It's about at that point that he really does rip the paper, and in a fit of anger he throws both it and the envelope it came in onto the table, on his way out with his coat halfway on before it even hits the table.
"I've had it with you, Lottie!" he shouts, though obviously he's nowhere near Loid and the only people who can hear him are his probably-confused neighbors. "This is the final straw! I'm going to chase you out once and for all!"
( And if Yuri returns home several hours later still half-drunk, clutching a throwaway container of Christmas dinner leftovers from the Forger family, that's none of his nosy neighbors' business. )
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unprompted. / always accepting.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
@twiloid || ♫
{ ♪ } -- Relief visibly flooded her features when he seemed to agree to her charade. Gingerly wrapping her hand around his arm, she smiled and stood a little closer. 
     “That’s okay!” She chirped, “It’s easy to get some of the street names mixed up. I’ve been living here most of my life and I still get lost sometimes.”
   Chuckling a little, Bella gently pulled him forward to start walking. Her thoughts were churning, trying to figure out the safest place to go that wasn’t too far away. She didn’t want to drag him too far off course, especially not when he was kind enough to help her out. Under the guise of trying to pinpoint their location, she managed to look behind them and see that the strange man in the trench coat was still behind her. Farther away now, but still there. The tightening of her fingers against his bicep was almost undetectable, and she turned to smile at him again.
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     “I think the restaurant has cancelled our reservation by now, but there’s a cute little cafe I know of! Ah, and work was fine. It being close to the holiday season, people are more and more worried about finding nice jewelry as gifts for their partners. Orders are coming in all the time!”
   That was it. The safest place to go would be to Arius’s cafe. Between them and Dimitri, she’d have other people who could help her out of trouble, and she knew of many places to hide or ways to get back out of the building. Speaking under her breath again, she gave a sheepish look.
     “Thank you. I’m Bella, by the way. My friend owns this cafe, so I think I’ll be okay there.”
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