#twistedrunes hc
twistedrunes · 6 years
Master List
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George  - An AU multi-chapter story about the life of an OC in the Peaky Universe - the whole gang are here
Performance Anxiety - An Alfie fic from reader requests
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Tommy’s reaction to reader fainting
Intimacy with Tommy (inc NSFW) 
What Tommy finds attractive headcanon 
Tommy dating a Romani girl who’s a very accurate palm and tea-leaf reader 
Tommy after Grace’s death - the fuckboy and falling in love again (NSFW)
Tommy’s reaction to reader coming home with a puppy 
Tommy and Charlie dealing with the loss of Grace - All that remains
Shirts: Tommy
Tommy Pregnancy Headcanons 
Birthday Girl
Tommy New Father Headcanons
The kitten and the tiger 
Female best friend headcanons
The Two of Us (female best friend part II)
Nine O’Clock
Fire In The Belly
The Arrangement
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NSFW Alfie head-canons
Jealous Alfie head-canons
What Alfie finds attractive headcanon
Dating Alfie head-canons
Husband and father Alfie head-canons
Alfie being supportive of reader with anxiety issues
Alfie meets anxiety reader’s parents - Performance Anxiety 
Alfie helps a homesick worker - Midsummer’s Eve
Alfie finds out you can look after yourself - gender neutral
Alfie and Hagrid buddies PB x HP crossover headcanon
Alfie drinking headcanons
Performance Anxiety - Part 2
Performance Anxiety - Part 3
Alfie Pregnancy Headcanons 
Alfie New Father Headcanons
Shirts: Alfie
A day to remember
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Changing Fortunes 
Too straight for straws  
Bathhouse Blues
Chocolate Kisses
How They Sleep
Melting Hearts
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NSFW John head-canons 
John’s reaction to his daughter dating for the first time 
Shirts: John
What’s school like for John’s kids
Bathtime with John - NSFW
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Finn and Isaiah’s little sister 
Drunk Finn Headcanons
Finn’s Firsts 
Finn’s Family 
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What Michael looks for in a girl/ preferences 
NSFW Michael headcanons
One Way Ticket 
Shirts: Michael 
Weeping Willow
Michael pregnancy headcanons
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Shirts: Arthur
Jealous Arthur headcanon/drabble
A good lie in 
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Polly Gray Headcanons
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Because I love you
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Favourite Foods
A trip to the museum
Shelby sister coming out as lesbian to the family
How the siblings protect/ look after a younger oc sister
Peaky Blinders - what happens on your Birthday
What if..... WWI never happened?
Fav books
Reactions to you flirting and being flirted with
Diner - a Luca Changretta imagine
Lingerie preferences
The Selkie - a collaboration with @collecting-stories 
Rauðr - Bjorn Ironside
Crushing on Rey - Written In The Stars (Star Wars)
Sit - Bob Saginowsky (The Drop)
Prompt events (closed)
Headcanon weekend Feb 2018 - multifandom mostly Peaky Blinders
Angst and Fluff March 2018 - Peaky Blinders
I’m also on AO3 - TwistedRunes
Thanks to @flowers-in-your-hayr​ for the headers 
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whentommymetalfie · 6 years
Hi, I just wanted to let you know I adore your writing and everything you’ve contributed to the fandom. It always brings a smile on my face when you’ve posted something new on your tumblr and/or ao3. Anyways, I’ve reread your fics multiple times, and I just wanted to ask: do you have any recommendations from other writers? Thanks!
I wouldn’t hang out on this blue hell site if it weren’t for people like you
I don’t know if you mean specifically Alfie/Tommy writers, but that’s all I read, so… that’s all I can recommend. But I’ll assume that’s what you meant!
So. this is basically just me fangirling all over the place. (something I fully support by the way) so get ready for that. As always, if you decide to read something by these brilliant people, do send some love and let them know they are appreciated. Just an incoherent “AADsadhksgha
@twistedrunes  has written two beautiful stories for this pairing, and maybe if you ask nicely, they’ll bless us with more some day!  Read them here, and here! Also follow them for: generally lovely content, both peaky related and otherwise. What would this fandom even do without you? We’d all be lost. I’d be lost.
@pure-bastard-extract is working on a story that honestly has taken over my life. At any given moment of the day, I’m thinking at least in part of this story. Here’s a link to the brilliant thing. If you have not read this story, do it. If you have, do it again! And then read it again. Let it consume you. Join me in the pit. Also follow for: great stuff about this pairing in general, plus a funnier dash! Also, the odd opossum.
@darkandstormyslash writes absolutely amazing things, and has several stories on their AO3 account. Here’s a link to that! Always great set-ups, brilliant characterization and dialogue. Read to make your existence better! Also follow for: LGBTQ+ media recs, fan art, just… so many great things
@hethrewmyheartinthecut has written Alfie/Tommy stuff! How have I missed this? A little ficlet about Alfie sending Tommy an unexpected cake. Heres a link! Some snooping told me that this author has another Tommy/Alfie story coming up in the future. Also follow for: I just started following this person, but some (not at all creepy) digging through their blog tells me there’s sharp Peaky content to be found here.
Are you writing/creating content for this pairing and isn’t on this list? Immediately make yourself known so I can follow you! Also: Are you thinking about writing (stories, HCs, you name it) and need cheerleading, general support or a little push, feel free to message me and I will shower you with love. This is a small but supportive ship
I was also asked about some of my favorite fics a while back, here’s that post.
I hope this was helpful, and thank you again for dropping by xxx
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Dating Alfie headcanon ? Xxx
Hello, lovely anon. Thank you for your request. Here it is. It’s part of a series of headcanons about Alfie’s relationships. Love to hear what you think of it. 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39641376
Warnings: Nil
Alfie talks a lot. You find it endearing. He loves making you laugh with his stories.
Alfie is very physical – he likes to be in contact with you as much as he can. But how that works varies. He’s not a stupid man he knows that his line of work puts yours at risk. So his PDA’s are limited and are mostly to warn off potential suitors or a demonstration of how he expects others to treat you – with the utmost respect. Around family and friends though he is much more touchy but keeps it very low-key. In private though, his hands, mouth, and other parts would be all over you.
He wants to know your friends and family and for you to know his. He thinks community is very important.
Alfie the great storyteller and loves going to the pictures. He also likes kissing and cuddling in the dark too. He is often conflicted.
He’s super soppy though. He brings you little trinkets all the time. Just random things. Particularly if he’s been away, or just feels that he hasn’t spent enough time with you recently. The object always comes with a long story which always boils down to the same thing. “I missed you. I was thinking of you.”
He’s one for big romantic gestures. Room full of flowers. Expensive jewellery.
But Alfie Does Not Dance. He’ll do anything else for you. But would rather get shot than dance, it’s less painful. Well maybe just here in the lounge, with the blinds drawn, just for one song.
Because of his chosen occupation, he would rather stay in. He worries too much about you when you’re out and he can’t control absolutely every aspect of what’s going on. While he’d never admit it, Grace being killed in Tommy’s arms shook him to the core.
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Hi I just wanted to say I love your Peaky Blinders works they're amazing!!! If they're still going can I request Michael Gray headcanons about what he'd be like in a relationship??? Plz and thanks xx
Hello lovely Anon!
Thank you for your kind words. I’m so pleased you’re enjoying what I’ve done so far. Here is your request I hope you enjoy it. 
As you can all see I didn’t even stay on track for the day! So here’s the Michael request, earlier than I said. I have already done a  ‘what Michael looks for in a girl post.’ So this is more NSFW - actually it’s nearly all NSFW. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Warnings: NSFW
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AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39642813
You will get the best of everything dating Michael, fancy restaurants, clothes, jewellery and negligee. Particularly negligee.
But no-one in Birmingham will know you’re dating or even that you know each other. He does NOT want his cousins to know. Or his mother.
He’s aware that dating him comes with some danger to you, not as much as if you were dating Tommy perhaps, but he’s still part of Shelby Company and so you’re at risk.
And he gets off on the fact that he has something Tommy doesn’t know about.
When you met, you weren’t terribly experienced. Michael is proud he gave you his first orgasm.
He’s even prouder that he’s taken you from shy, nice girl to complete minx.
Michael likes Dom/Sub play – he is the Dom. You call him Sir.
Silk ties are perfect to tie you up. It’s part of the reason he has so many ties.
He’ll see you on the street and ignore you. He’ll look straight ahead as he flicks his tongue over his lips, allowing smoke to rise from his mouth before drawing it back in through his nose. He knows what it does to you.
He’ll ring you later and want a detailed description of what that did to you. He likes to listen to you as you pleasure yourself.
He likes to go to nice hotels for sex. The lush surroundings and anonymity driving him wild. 
Sometimes you play at not knowing each other and he will pick you up in the bar. He’s not opposed to you pretending to be a prostitute either.
The first time you see him on the street and say “Good afternoon, Sir.” He doesn’t call you and he’s waiting for you when you finish work. He drives you out of town, you think you’re going to a hotel, you’re not. This is when Michael finds out that he loves sex outdoors.
There’s a lot more of that. 
He loves to take you from behind. While he’s fully dressed, only removing his jacket and tie. Your hands tied in front of you, bent over a table, lounge, desk or even bathtub.
He’s very affectionate in his after play. Holding you closely, running his fingers over anything that may still be hurting. Kissing you all over. Whispering sweet nothings in your ear. 
Usually, the morning after he prefers to engage in more vanilla acts, slow and gentle. He just needs to get his need to dominate out first.
Enjoy this? Agree? Disagree? Have a head-canon you want me to do? Send me an askInterested in my other work? Go to my MASTERLIST 
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twistedrunes · 6 years
What do you think tommy would find attractive in his love(looks wise but also personality)?
Hello Anon, 
Thank you for your request I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think.
Warnings: Nil
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39640074
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He doesn’t really have a particular type (have you seen the differences in the women he’s slept with?)
Darker eyes – maybe it’s because of everyone’s obsession with his own but he prefers darker eyes.
There’s just something about a woman’s neck. Hair pinned up with loose strands caressing their neck will make him want to do the same.
He likes a nice smile and kind eyes.
A good sense of humour. Able to hold their own with his brothers.
Smart, he needs someone to bounce ideas off.
He would be turned off by someone who he deemed excessively money hungry. Mostly due to his fear that they are only with him for the money or reputation.
He needs someone who will be a good mother to Charlie and is keen to have other children. 
How well they interact with Charlie will be important to him. Nothing fake, just pretending to like him. He would need to see a genuine interest. 
Someone gentle and affectionate.
But they’d still need to be tough, it’s a stressful life they lead.
While he would like someone who worries about him, nagging would be a turnoff.
Loyalty to him first and family second.
Above all, he looks for kindness. He hopes that their kindness will help balance out his own mercilessness.
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Gif from https://giphy.com/gifs/season-3-bbc-drama-3o6Ztns3EC8z9ltjDW
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twistedrunes · 6 years
hc request for what they do on your birthday? peaky boys, michael, isiaha and alfie included please!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39637782
Arthur: His heart is in the right place, but he’s never been good with dates. So he will most likely forget. Only to remember at some point during the day when someone asks something about what the two of you are doing to celebrate. Cue, frantic shopping and flower purchasing. Followed by a mad dash home to hug and kiss and say sorry and probably dinner out. 
Tommy: In the morning he’d already be gone for work. But there would be a card on your bedside. Something simple written inside - Happy Birthday, Love Tommy. On the kitchen table, there would be packages from expensive stores, new negligee and a new dress along with a card that simply said: Be ready at 8. Sure enough at eight o’clock, he’d be on your doorstep. Temporary struck dumb by the vision in front of him. He’d jokingly suggest you skip dinner. But would take you to the most expensive restaurant in town and then take you home and dance with you in the loungeroom. Before finally taking you upstairs where he would joke that it felt like his birthday as he ‘unwrapped’ you. 
John: A night out on the town with all of your friends. A trip to the pub for dinner and drinks. Lots of laughing and kidding about. He would get you a piece of jewellery and make some comment about it not being nearly as beautiful as you. He’d tease you about how old you were getting, even if you were younger than him. Talk about having to trade you in for the latest model. Lots and lots of kisses and cuddles. 
Finn: Would be on your doorstep at 7am, picnic basket and a bunch of your favourite flowers in hand. After a kiss, he would advise that he was taking you on a picnic and that he had organised for you to have the day off. He’d wait patiently while you got ready before taking you out to the car and driving you into the country, taking you to a perfect spot on the river, private and secluded. Where he would unpack the basket filled with your favourite foods and drinks. After you’d finished eating he’d sing you happy birthday at the top of his lungs. Finally, when you got home he would present you with the hair slides, or book or whatever he’d noticed you looking at in the shops, but never told anyone about. 
Michael: A piece of jewellery, simple and elegant and bespoke. He designed it himself, it’s the very thing you never knew you wanted. It’s perfect and you don’t want another thing. But he’s a little unsure of himself so he would follow Tommy’s lead and take you to a fancy restaurant, somewhere nice and secluded at the back. 
Alfie: You’d wake to Alfie watching you. “How is it the older you get the more beautiful you become? Right, cause I just seem to get uglier the older I get. Must be some kind of witchcraft.” 
You’d roll your eyes, “Yes, Alfie, I’m a witch. I syphon your vitality while you sleep.” 
Alfie would grin “Well it won’t be long before I am an actual ogre.” Then he’d scratch his beard nodding to himself in that way he does. “But, it’s a price I’ll willing to pay.” 
Then you would get breakfast in bed. The most ridiculous bunch of flowers would be delivered to your work. Like they would cover your desk. Then you’d have a nice quiet night at home, a bottle of wine, something nice to eat. 
Isaiah: He’s a fairly traditional guy. A trip to the pictures, dinner, dancing. He’d buy you exactly what you’d been hinting at. It might not be the most original or expensive birthday but you’d have no doubt of his love for you. 
Do you agree? Disagree? Have an idea you want me to do? Send me an ask.Interested in my other work? Find them on my MASTERLIST
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twistedrunes · 6 years
NSFW with John maybe? X
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39639093
Thank you anon for your request. I hope you like it. As it says on the tin NSFW so….
- He is an outrageous flirt. He flirts with everyone, all the time. It would probably be the main source of tension between you. When you confront him about it he would respond with something like “Does it matter where I get my appetite  as long as I eat at home?”
- He loves PDA. Holding hands, kissing, light groping all of it. He likes the reassurance that you do like him and are willing to acknowledge your relationship in public. His brothers are always telling him to knock it off when you all go out. 
- John believes that you never need a chair because his lap is where you should be sitting. Like he would prefer you sit on his lap during dinner no matter how awkward that makes the actual process of eating. 
- John is an absolute boob man. He just loves them, how soft they are, how they change when you get turned on. 
- He doesn’t mind a bit of rough play, but even in play can’t bring himself to hurt you. But you hurting him, making him submit that he can handle. 
- He’ll try anything once. He loves acting out fantasies and role-playing. He particularly loves Cops and Peaky’s. Being strip searched is a definite highlight. 
- Being with John means having lots of sex. He’s nearly constantly up for it. You do find it slightly amusing that just one little touch, or whispered invitation from you will have him pushing you up against the nearest wall and driving his tongue down your throat. 
- John’s fav position is up against a wall, hard and fast. He just loves the immediacy of it, knowing you can’t keep your hands off each other long enough to find another surface. Which is a bit of a problem because walls are everywhere and he’s easily distracted.
- He quite likes doing it in public. The risk of getting caught just increasing his excitement. 
- He loves giving and receiving oral. He loves the slightly naughty nature of it. He loves eye contact during it. You on your knees, his cock in your mouth as you look up at him is just…. wow!
- he doesn’t talk much during sex. But loves listening to you, little cries and moans, saying his name, telling him when you’re going to cum, all just feed his desire. 
- He’s a total screamer though. The whole house knows when he’s cumming. He jokes it’s the only time he talks to God. 
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twistedrunes · 6 years
I really liked tommy headcanon about what he would find attractive; could you do the same for Alfie?xxx
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an aside - I love this gif - it does something to me. 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39639243
Thank you kind anon, 
As we have established I love me some Alfie. So I hope you enjoy this too.
Alfie is not a fan of the current flapper fashions. He likes ladies with curves.
Particularly boobs and butt. Let’s just say he likes to knead.
Long hair, again not a fan of the current pixie cut trend
Alfie likes women, everything about them, their scent, their skin, the way they are all different and each requires a thorough exploration to get to know. 
Women are like jewels, each unique and with their own flaws but all desirable. 
He likes his women smart and sassy she needs to be able to hold her own in a conversation.
He loves a woman with passion. He loves to live life. He wants someone who embraces life like he does.
Passion leads to fighting and fucking so he’s all for it. Not that he’s ever violent with his women he just really likes makeup sex. Blood pumping voices harsh from yelling, sweaty. 
He’s dated a number of artists in the past; painters, sculptors, poets. There is more than one painting of him he would rather no-one sees. A number of them are in his safe. There are also some casts.
He likes someone who is independent. He doesn’t like to feel like someone is relying on him. So if they make their own money and have their own life he’s a happy man.
Enjoy this? Agree? Disagree? Have a head-canon you want me to do? Send me an ask
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Oooh okay so hc for Tommy dating a gypsy girl who’s a really accurate palm and tea leaf reader xxx thanks flower
Thanks anon. SFW
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39640977
* So when they first met he would have only let her read his palm as part of his seduction technique. He wouldn’t have listened to a word.
* Tommy would just enjoy the feel of her fingers tracing light patterns on his palm
* Polly would totally love the girl.
* She and Esme would be Besties
* The three of them would go on little picnics in the forest 
* Linda would be more put out than normal about the antics of the Shelby ladies
* At first Tommy wouldn’t drink tea around her. In fact, tea wouldn’t even be an option for anyone - he’s actually really superstitious and thinks it would be tempting fate. 
* After a while he’d kinda half listen to what’s she’s telling him. Mostly to humour her so she’d sleep with him.
* But one day, she says something and it happens EXACTLY how she says.
* So Tommy would start asking her to do readings for him - but never when anyone else was around, she wouldn’t be able to tell anyone. 
* Then as she proves herself more and more he wouldn’t make a move without asking her first. 
Hope this is what you were hoping for. Feel free to send more. 
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Alfie being jealous headcanons pleaaaaase!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39640218
Hello lovely anon - thanks for your request. I hope you enjoy it!
So I’m going to do a couple of Alfie relationship headcanons. This is the first one - Alfie jealous. 
Warnings swearing
Alfie has a very low opinion of men in general. Basically, they’re pigs, aren’t they? It’s a constant wonder to him that all the women don’t just run off with each other. So he expects that you’re going to have men come onto you, cause he’s got good taste, right. Really can’t blame em, he thinks.
So he applies the law of the jungle to his approach to dealing with it. First off he marks his territory. His hand on yours, or an arm around your waist or shoulders or a quick kiss on the top of your head, forehead or cheek. A bit of fancy jewellery doesn’t go astray either.  Just to give the fuckers fair warning.
-But some cunts are blind and some are stupid and will still have a go, won’t they? So Alfie will give them fair warning; posturing, standing tall, arms folded over his chest, the dead-eyed stare, vocalisations, including grunts, snorts, ridicule and speeches. May even resort to not so subtly showing he’s armed.  Just good old fashioned intimidation.
Inevitably though some young buck will think he’s ready to take Alfie on, or some old buck will try to relive his glory days. Try their luck. A physical confrontation the only option. Some people learn their lessons too fucking late don’t they?
But his reactions when he thinks you may be looking elsewhere are very different indeed.
Total damn silence anyone? I mean not a freaking peep.
Just with glowering looks and occasional grunts.
So you know something is wrong pretty much immediately. But he’s not exactly going to admit he’s feeling a bit vulnerable, is he?
He feels vulnerable because while he expects other men to be interested in you. He still wonders why you chose him. So thinks you must be on the lookout for someone ‘better’ than he is.
It takes much pestering and cajoling to get him to admit that he’s in a foul mood. Even more for him to admit to why. But once he starts it’s like a dam has burst. The accusations and insinuations coming thick and fast, with everything blown out of all proportion.
What he doesn’t realise is that unlike him you don’t have a tough persona to maintain. So the little things you do the grease the wheels when socialising mean only as much as there is on the surface. He’s not friendly like you, see?
After an epic fight with slammed doors and hurtful words you realise, he sees the little acts of kindness that you give others as comparable the acts of love you show him. Little touches here and there, listening, smiling.
So after a long chat and about how you need to interact with the rest of the world, and can’t sit in a corner mute for the rest of your life, he agrees not to over-react. 
You make sure to reassure him. Showing little signs of physical affection when you’re out, whispering terms of endearment, perhaps catching him in a quiet corner and giving him a good snog.
He’s getting better. 
Enjoy this? Agree? Disagree? Have a head-canon you want me to do? Send me an ask
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Heeey! Could you write some head-canons of Alfie being supportive while the reader has anxiety issues
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15375891/chapters/35680926
Hello! Thanks for the ask. I couldn’t work out how to do a “this is how Alfie would be in all situations” type on so here’s a little drabble for one particular situation. I hope you like it.
“What are you still doing here?” Alfie asks poking his head around your office door. “It’s fucking two am.” He says coming and perching himself on the corner of your desk, pushing your stapler and hole punch aside. 
You look up blinking surprised both at the time and that Alfie was even here. You fight the urge to return the stationery items to their correct positions, tapping your finger on the desk in three groups of three. “Oh, I didn’t realise. I just wanted to make sure all the figures were perfect for your meeting tomorrow.” You explain hurriedly feeling the warmth of a blush creeping up your neck. 
Alfie’s eyebrows arch “They were fine this afternoon when I looked at them.” He says calmly.
“Well, I found a spelling mistake and so I checked it all again and then wanted to redo it so I’m sure it’s correct.” You say quickly, praying he would just leave it. You know it’s dumb to redo the same thing over and over. But you just need it to be perfect. 
“Right,” Alfie says slowly “So ya remember the talk we had about how I don’t flog people for spelling mistakes. Yeah?” 
You nod. You can feel the hot tears of embarrassment welling in your eyes.  Your hand moves to the stapler putting it back in place unable to stand it any longer. Alfie notices. Of course, he does, nothing slips the man’s attention. 
“So is there something in particular wrong which has set this off, or are you just stuck in your own head again?” He asks kindly, removing himself from your desk, stopping to put the stationery back in place before coming to stand next to you, leaning over to look at the page in front of you. 
Your chin begins to wobble and a hot tear reaches your cheek. You’re grateful that he can’t see your face. “In my head.” You admit with shame and embarrassment. “I know it’s stupid but sometimes I just can’t stop it.” 
Alfie nods, his fingers working in his beard as he places his spectacles on the end of his nose. He remains next to you, looking over the pages. Saying nothing.
Overwhelmed, by fatigue, embarrassment and his presence, hot tears run down your cheeks. Alfie’s eyes flick to yours and it’s all too much. “I feel like I can’t breathe.” You sob. 
“Do ya need a hug sweetie?” Alfie says stepping away and holding his arms open to you. You nod and stand, allowing him to embrace you. “Now we’re going to just breathe okay.” Alfie instructs “In and out.” He says slowly, his hand guiding your head onto his chest where you listen to the gentle lub, dub of his heart. “In and out,” Alfie repeats rhythmically. You stand connected until your breathing calms and your heart stops racing. 
“Hmm,” Alfie ponders, as you pull away and retake your seat, wiping your face furiously with your hands. “So now I’m gonna finish looking over these papers and when they are right I’m going to put them in my safe, locked away until the meeting tomorrow.” You nod. Alfie nods in return before continuing. “Now I’m the boss of this place and so my word is final, yeah. So no second-guessing me, right?”
“Yes, Mr Solomons.” You reply, a wave of relief flowing through your body. 
So this became a little series - Performance Anxiety - Part 1
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twistedrunes · 6 years
EEEEE I saw that your headcanons were open and actually SQUEALED since I adore your work so much! May I request a headcanon where you faint and tommy reacts (or doesn’t know how to react ahah) 💟💟such love for u x
Thanks for the ask. I squealed reading your squealing! Thank you for the love. I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for but it’s the only thing that came to mind. Hope you enjoy it. 
Tommy looked down at the crumpled figure on the floor in front of him. Eyebrows furrowed. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on. The two of you had been talking about the numbers and then you’d kind of sunk to the floor. You’d fainted he realised. It wasn’t at all what he had suspected. No dramatic swoon with the back of your hand pressed to your brow, you had just slowly folded up and now were a puddle on his floor at his feet.
Your indistinct mumble snaps him out of his shock. Stepping over you he opens the door to his office and yells “Polly!” 
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twistedrunes · 6 years
hi! i don’t know if your requests are open (couldn’t find a post or something) but if they are could you please do drunk finn headcanons? thanks 🌸
Hello friend, My inbox is always open, it just might take me a while to get to things :) So my cinnamon cupcake Finn boy drinking ‘ay?
Warnings: Language, kisses that’s about it
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39641724
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*Well he’s been drinking from a young age - wanted to be like his brothers
*At a party one night he stole a glass of whiskey from next to someone’s chair. He and his best mate had taken the glass out the back, hiding in the alley. He took a big mouthful like he had seen Arthur take. His throat burnt and his eyes watered and he spat most of it out. 
*Unfortunately he also stole some cigarettes.  He thought he was going to die. The next morning he was sure he was going to die. 
*He really doesn’t like whiskey. At all. But he really doesn’t have an option. His brothers would give him shit for drinking anything else. Perhaps he could get away with gin, but only since Tommy started making it down Charlie’s yard. Before that clear spirits were only for women. 
* So he doesn’t often get drunk. That boy can nurse a drink for hours. See because no one really pays attention no one really notices his only had one drink all night.
* Unlike all of his brothers he is a happy, happy drunk. Not at all aggressive or angry. 
*His stages of drunk are:- Smiley - Giggley- “OMG that’s so fucking funny”- “No. Stop. I can’t breathe.”- “You’re my best friend” - to his actual best friends- “You’re my favourite brother.” to his actual brothers - all of them even Ada once- “I love you so much.” - to anyone within hugging distance.- Asleep under the table. 
* Usually, if he’s out with his SO he likes to keep his PDA lowkey. His brothers just give him too much shit. But when he’s had a few he lets his guard down. Becoming very handsy
* He also makes up very, very bad poems about how much he loves you, how beautiful you are, what a gift to the human race you are, etc. etc. etc. 
* Sloppy, sloppy kisses and then asleep with his head in your lap. 
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twistedrunes · 6 years
heyy, sorry if this is odd but could you do headcanons about being a shelby sister and coming out to the family as a lesbian?? i love u!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16878018/chapters/39637941
Hi! Don’t apologise - there is nothing odd about being a lesbian. 
(SS = Shelby Sister)
J: “Yeah, but are you SURE? Have you ever even been with a man?”
SS: “Yes I’m sure. No, I’ve never been with a man, the thought makes me queasy”
J: “Then how to do you KNOW?”
SS: “How do you know you’re not gay John? Ever been with a man to be sure?”
J: “Right.”
Later John would also have ‘Questions’
“Do you have a girlfriend? Is she pretty? Is she nice? When can we meet her?”
Polly & Ada:
P: “Lucky you.” 
Ad: *nods in agreement*
P: “Tea love?”
Ar: “Well the Bible says,”
P: *hit’s Arthur up the back of the head with a Bible* “The Bible is a whole lot more specific about a whole lot of things you do Arthur, by choice, shall we make a list?”
Ar: “Right.”
T: “Hmmm. Do you know anyone in the women’s rights movement? I need you to go and get some information for me.”
- Any woman rejecting any of the brothers in given SS’s phone number and a sly wink. 
- Anyone calling SS a dyke or any other derogatory term will regret it. 
- The Shelby’s open a gay nightclub - so SS is safe and can meet nice people. 
Thanks for the ask anon. P.S I love you too!
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Hi there! I love all of your writing and your Alfie Solomons headcanons. I was wondering if you could do HCs for Alfie finding out his significant other was endanger and what his reaction would be like when that person could take care of them self? Like if she already was good with guns or knives or something like that? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hello, anon,
Thanks for this. I have written stuff a bit like this for George, but here’s a slightly different viewpoint. I tried to make it gender neutral too. 
Warnings: Language, violence and suggestions of sex
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At first, he’d be furious that anyone would dare to threaten his special person. 
Then he’d be worried. He doesn’t like feeling worried. He’s not used to that.
So he’d go back to furious again. A much more familiar feeling. He can do something with that. 
Then just before he explodes and begins to inflict some serious damage on the misguided people who thought their behaviour would stand, you’d pull a knife. 
Now he’s worried again. Because it’s not a game is it. People’s lives are in actual danger and here you were fucking about with things you didn’t understand.
But, hang on. Wait a minute. You’ve got the guy pinned against the wall. Knife to his neck. Speaking quietly, the volume of your voice incongruous with the words coming out of it. You’re swearing like he does, you don’t normally do that. 
Then as calm as you like, you stick the knife in his gut. The man’s hands come to his stomach a small ‘o’ forming on his lips. The ‘o’ getting larger as he sees the blood covering his hand. You whisper something in his ear. Alfie doesn’t hear but the man scampers off. 
Alfie stands shocked, unable to move and amazingly lost for words.
You look at him, eyes dropping and shoulders slumping in worry that he doesn’t like this newly revealed part of yourself. “I’m sorry,” you mumble.
The look on your face and the tone of your voice pushing Alfie into action. He grabs your shoulders and pulls you to him “Ya right? You hurt?” He’d ask hurriedly. 
“I’m fine.” You’d say. 
Alfie would stumble and stutter over his words before finally managing to say “That was amazing, fuck, you are amazing.”
“So you’re not angry?”
“Fuck no! Surprised, shocked, amazed, a little turned on.” He laughs nervously. 
“I just thought, that you know, being with you, I should learn how to look after myself.”
“Yeah, that’s smart that. Fuck! Look I’m gonna have to be honest right now. I’m a lot turned on.”
Cue happy sexy times. 
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twistedrunes · 6 years
Hi! Could you do a #16 calming techniques for themselves and how they would calm their s/o? Thank you 💞
16) Their calming techniques
Arthur: Look he likes to get his frustrations out physically. A fight is the solution in or out of the ring. Linda, they’ll have a little prayer circle or talk about going to America. 
Tommy: Smoking. It’s not healthy but, hey. It acts as a mental distraction and it’s something to do with his hands. Charlie: Tommy will give him a hug and rub his back. 
John: Cuddling. He and Esme will hug to calm each other, just breathing in the smell of the other, eyes closed, rubbing each other’s backs.
Finn: Likes to go for a walk, alone. He just needs some peace, his family are insane. He would do the same with his S/O.
Michael: Deep breath and count to ten. His adoptive mother taught it to him. Thinks the rest of the Shelby’s would benefit from engaging the technique. With his S/O he’d like to talk it out to help them find a solution. 
Polly: Visualises herself in Australia with Anna and Michael. With her S/O she would run her fingers through their hair. 
Ada: Yoga. She’s teaching Karl yoga too. 
Alfie:  He really doesn’t need much calming you know. He’s pretty in control of his life and he doesn’t care what people think so there’s really not to be worried about. But you know if he needs to de-stress a Turkish bath and a fuck will do him fine (already answered c&p). With his S/O it’s a giant bear hug and then a chat to work it out. 
Prompt list here - doing these all weekend so feel free to send one in.
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