#ty for the ask catbro!
ayyyyysexual · 11 months
1 & 9 & 12 & 33 :]
1. Games you're currently playing?
I've been playing slime rancher again (on PC this time wooo) and unsurprisingly, Valorant KSJSK
9. A console and/or handheld you've never played that you would like to try?
Idk if it counts as a console/handheld but goddd I wanna be able to play with a VR headset someday — I've played most of the xbox and ps consoles already and a decent chunk of the nintendo ones so it's hard to think of a specific console I wanna play (especially since a lot of the new ones seem mediocre idk)
12. Do you prefer 'blank slate' characters or characters with a set personality and backstory?
Oh god that's hard to pick uhh... Both? Both is good. Blank slate characters are very fun in games like Skyrim and Fallout bc you can make whatever choices you want, and build up whatever can of character you'd like, but storytelling games are absolutely AMAZING and I love getting attached to the main characters
Not to mention games like Deltarune which do both in super interesting ways
33. Someone has never tried a game before but is open to trying any genre. What game would you recommend as their first?
Ooo hmm... I think it rlly depends on the person asking ngl- Smth like Minecraft would usually be a good general reccomendation, especially since you can play it together to help them get the hang of it, it's not like super expensive, and there's a lotta ways you can play
If they're more into story or puzzle games then possibly smth like What Remains of Edith Finch or Portal (and Portal 2 bc how could you only play the first one) could be good starter games
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