#ty toofairy i rlly wanna talk abt her
anonymocha · 1 month
OOOOH may i hear more about the oc that sounds fun
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YES YOU MAY LOOK AT MY BABYGIRL… It is a “Beyond” creature fished from the sea… And she is a lil silly. RAMBLING UNDER CUT…
She is like if Jiu Niangzi, Marcille (from Dungeon Meshi), Hitori Gotoh (pink girl from Bocchi the Rock), an electric eel, and a sea angel got thrown into a blender…
She’s an employee at Laplace with a mysterious background; A fishing boat caught a MASSIVE indestructible ‘egg sack’ from the west pacific ocean, which the foundation quickly acquired the moment it hits the news. Empyrean was soon ‘born’, straight to the adult form, and it would’ve gotten the Jessica treatment if it weren’t for their almost-instant learning in humanity’s customs (as if it’s all already preprogrammed) and physiological benefits (limited but infinite electricity maker). She was discovered to lack of any memories before her ‘birth’, or at least that’s what she said. Whether it’s true or not is still questionable.
Anyways, as a worker, she is an absolute mess of a creature who excels at creating and maintaining machinery but is a Struggler in Everything Else (exaggeration). They are a very friendly and warm presence in Laplace’s cold/serious setting, not in an upbeat/jolly kind of way but her relatively quiet and easy presence simply makes the mood less tense. But also because sometimes it does dumb shit like fucking up the coffee maker and making it explode. Always gives everyone a good laugh. Of course, she fixes it with ease.
When they do put their mind into an important project, their work is almost always flawless. She tailored many weapons for herself as leisure projects, powered and ammo-d purely by the electricity she conducts. Any machine maintenance/production project assigned to her goes swimmingly. And of course, Lucy maintenance yaaayyyyy.
+ Likes to collect electric trinkets. Her friends!!! They would pray with these machines every morning, connecting their hair (cables) to each of the machines. Nobody knows why she prays. She mentioned that she just ‘feels the urge to do so’.
An unserious and awkward goober with a lot of implications. :3 Also here are previous renditions of her:
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Truly the lesbian fish of all time. If you ignore Meg. I will write more about her in a doc later.
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