#tyler would NOT chew mint gum
finchers-ipad · 9 months
GODDD I LOVE HEARING UR THOUGHTS!!! Do I have any other soapshipping hcs u haven’t shared yet?! >:D or like, if u want a specific type of question to answer… how do u think the narrator and Tyler apologize to each other :0 & do u think there is certain times/situations where Tyler shows his softer side?? And what is he like when he’s like that and what causes it.. sorry I just wanna hear any of ur thoughts about them LOL
YES OF COURSE, i love hearing your thoughts also!! btw i am on public transport for a minimum of 3 hours every day so never worry about spamming my inbox or anything because i am always so bored lmao!! <3
- i think tyler does show is softer side, but it comes gradually with the progression of their relationship, like it probably takes them FOREVER to start telling each other when they like or don’t like when the other does something. because it’s usually just carried out through fights. i feel like he gets sensitive when watching movies a lot, he hides this from the narrator a lot of the time, but the narrator catches him sometimes. i also think the time he is most sensitive is when they are lying in bed. the main thing that upsets him is when the narrator has to leave to go on work trips. because he can’t be more than 6ft away from this man at all times.
- honestly i think the way they apologise to each other is by using the others love language if that makes sense? for example if tyler was mad at the narrator for doing or not doing something, he would just do what tyler would have wanted (i have no idea if that makes any sense) because i think tyler’s love langue is acts of service.
for example if the narrator bought something for tyler, because he thought it would be something nice, and tyler fucking went off on him for how he’s just contributing to the consumerist american culture blah blah blah, maybe smacks him around a little just to get the point across, the narrator would get his money back for it and then steal something from the store. (and then coming home and letting tyler fuck him senseless) sorry my keyboard got possessed there that was so weird, anyway.
- but if the narrator was genuinely mad at tyler for something (which tbh i think would be very hard to do) he would want tyler to affirm him and have tyler show how much he means to him?
an example is like if the narrator was mad because tyler showed someone a bit too much attention in fight club, the narrator would just kind of sulk on the way home and not speak to tyler (because he is a jealous little bitch). and he would do this until tyler got the message, i think tyler would then, in a sarcastic tone but be deadly serious, tell him how much he means to him whilst hugging him from behind?
-yeah idk how accurate they would be, and both of those would be how they act in like the first year of their relationship :))
OTHER RANDOM HC’s!!! (some of them are ooc but this is how they act in my head OKAY?!):
- tyler EXCLUSIVELY chews bubble gum or fruit flavoured gum, specifically like strawberry or watermelon. when he eats some weird ass food like anchovy pizza or something, the narrator is like “you better fucking brush your teeth before you kiss me 😤“ and tyler just sighs and reaches into his jean pocket and pops a huge peice of bubblegum in his mouth and says “that’s the best you are getting” and then shoves his tongue down his throat.
- tyler would NEVER tell the narrator this but he likes the narrators penguin tie out of all of his ties, when he comes downstairs in the morning wearing it, tyler smiles into his coffee. he also pulls on it to give him a kiss as he leaves for work.
- the narrator has a polaroid of tyler in his wallet
- THEY HAVE MOVIE NIGHT IN THEIR LIVING ROOM EVERY WEEK!!! the theatre that tyler works at throws a shit ton of popcorn away because it’s going stale, so tyler carries home these HUGE bags of popcorn that they just have in-front of them to graze on when they are watching. tyler is spread out of the sofa with his head in the narrators lap :))
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scottiereed · 6 years
Captivated - Cyrus x Reader
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((GIF is not mine))
Pairing: Cyrus x Reader
Requested: Nope.
Summary: Cyrus is captivated by you at the Spring Fling.
Words: 1,050
Warnings: swearing
A/N: this is my first 13 Reasons Why post (as you can probably tell) but I usually write for Riverdale and you can find my masterlist for that here, I really like Cyrus’ character, so I decided to write for him first because I think they subtly developed Cyrus really well, I think even though he acts like he doesn’t care there are many moments you can see his emotion, e.g. when Clay started to hear the Night We Met and it was like he understood without knowing. Anyway, please feel free to request anything, especially Cyrus and Scott :) X
Cyrus’ eyes honed in on you across the floor of the gym, noticing the way you danced, completely carefree, arms waving in the air, eyes closed, head thrown back, hair swishing and hips moving seductively. You danced alone, no jock or boy attempting to join you, no friends dancing with you, but you didn’t care. Cyrus loved your carefree attitude, having a similar attitude himself.
Cyrus wasn’t one for relationships, he liked to be alone in that respect, not wanting to have someone depending on him, but you didn’t seem like the kind of person who depended on anyone. Clary nudged the boy in the side, bringing him out of his trance.
“Y/N, huh?” he nodded his head in your direction, a small smirk playing on his lips.
“That’s her name?” Cyrus replied, eyes not leaving your dancing form, completely captivated by the sight, but slightly unsure why he cared so much.
“Yeah, she’s in my English class.” Clay replied, beginning to watch you with Cyrus. “She’s pretty sarcastic and witty, she annoys the hell out of the teacher.” Clay laughed slightly and a small smile started to play on Cyrus’ lips, you were exactly his type (if he had one).
“Are you gonna talk to her?” Clay wondered, his attention turning to Cyrus, who had yet to pull his gaze away from you.
“What would I say?” Cyrus’ palms became clammy at the thought of talking to such a beautiful girl like you.
Clay decided to take a page out of Jeff’s book and pulled Cyrus across the gym to where you were still dancing.
“Hey, Y/N!” Clay finally brought you out of your dancing trance, your eyes snapping open and your movements stilling as you took in the presence of the boy from your English class and the second, shorter boy, who you knew was responsible for many of the pranks that had been played on the baseball team.
“Hey Jensen, you’re Cyrus right?” You asked, eyes flickering up and down the short boys form.
Cyrus looked taken aback, surprised that you knew his name, most people never noticed him. “Uh, yeah, that’s me.” He fiddled with the edge of his jacket, finally taking in what you were wearing, a floaty summer dress and a pair of boots, almost as casual as what he was wearing.
“I saw the pranks you played on the baseball team, pretty awesome.” You commented, a grin on your face, nodding in admiration.
Cyrus’ eyes lit up and he started to feel less nervous talking to you, finding a common ground on the subject of his pranks. “Ye-yeah, that was me, well and Tyler.”
“The field was awesome, I get fed up of people thinking the sun shines out of the jock asses.” Your eyes narrowed slightly as your gaze fell on Bryce. “I mean, what the fuck is he even doing here, he should be in jail.”
Cyrus spun round to follow your gaze, seeing Bryce trying to engage Justin in a conversation and Clay walking over to help. He watched the interaction carefully, ready to walk over and jump in if necessary. Cyrus groaned. “You would’ve thought he’d learn by now.”
You shook your head and reached for Cyrus’ hand, pulling his attention back to you. “This doesn’t seem like your scene.” You let your gaze wander round the gym, before settling back on Cyrus’ eyes. Cyrus was around your height, maybe an inch or so taller.
Cyrus glanced down at your joined hands and swallowed nervously before his eyes snapped back to yours. “We thought we’d come this time, since the jocks have been brought down a few pegs.” Many of the jocks were absent from the dance, you only noticed Zach and Bryce (who technically no longer attended the school).
You nodded in agreement. “I always come to these, I don’t know why, people don’t usually notice I’m even here.”
Cyrus swallowed, recognising a hint of sadness in your tone. He might’ve been an outcast but he was in a whole group of them, you just seemed to be alone. “I noticed you.”
A grin took over your face. “Probably my disastrous dance moves?” You suggested, waving your arms in the air, pulling Cyrus’ hand with you.
The boy shook his head. “I thought you looked amazing. So carefree.”
You grinned and looked around as the song switched to a slow song, The Night We Met. Cyrus flushed awkwardly and let his gaze fall to the floor. You grabbed his other hand and placed them both on your waist, loosely resting there, before wrapping your arms round his neck.
“Relax.” You smiled, gently starting to sway with Cyrus, his grip tightening slightly on your waist, to hold you more securely and started to guide your movements. “There we go.”
A bashful smile took over Cyrus’ face and his gaze flickered down to your lips, before he met your eyes again. “Can I-,” You cut the boy off by pressing your lips to his, a hand moving from his neck to cup his cheek. Cyrus moved his lips back against yours, letting you guide the kiss, not having much experience in such matters.
When you parted again, you let your hands drop and a smile played on your lips, Cyrus’ eyes flitted over your face. Suddenly, Cyrus’ hands left your waist and cupped your cheeks, pulling you back into a kiss, lead by Cyrus this time.
Your lips moved back against his and then his tongue swiped over your bottom lip, asking for your entrance, which you permitted, parting your lips immediately. You let out a soft whimper, which Cyrus swallowed, feeling Cyrus’ tongue move against yours. He tasted like punch and mint, possibly from chewing gum.
Your hand came to rest on Cyrus’ chest, gripping his t-shirt tightly. You had never felt so much, so quickly, you could feel your heart thumping in your chest, your stomach twisting. Eventually you parted for breath, Cyrus rested his forehead against yours and you could feel his hot breath fan against your face.
“You’re so beautiful.” He muttered, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
“So are you.” You replied, feeling incredibly flustered, before flushing when you realised what you’d just said. “I mean-,”
“It’s okay. Thank you.” Cyrus grinned, before reclaiming your lips.
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crxjoon-blog · 6 years
early birds 🐦
@crnate, @crxfelix, @crelliott, & @crtyler 
“Alright boys, I’m only doing this for the money.” 
Joon doesn’t ask permission from his roommates to execute his plan, which involves no less than: five empty packs of Wrigley’s Cool Mint chewing gum, the bribing of a certain metamorphmagus, and a batch of sleeping drought large enough to tranquilize an elephant. 
“You should all know by now that extra credit isn’t really my style,” he adds. Sprigs of valerian are tossed into the cauldron with all the confidence of a professional chef. “But I’ll make an exception just this once,” he says. “Anyway, I took the liberty of getting started. This sleeping drought will wipe out any competition that isn’t thirsting for Liv Tyler -- that’s Arwen, for you normies -- when Wallace morphs into her tomorrow.”
He grins. “Let’s make sure there’s not a single can of Red Bull left in this hotel,” he says. “Who volunteers to clean out the vending machines? A simple disassembly charm would be quickest, but I have the feeling most of you are the type that actually pay for things.” 
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