senjuhashirama · 3 years
Hashirama had slaughtered dozens, if not hundreds, of Izuna's clansmen, then he came with this truce AFTER his right-hand man fatally injured him and when Madara was way too emotional because of that. Izuna saw the inconsistency of Hashirama's words with his actions and warned his naive brother of this.
Hello, anon ♥ I think you are missing a mark. Yes, they both slaughtered dozens of each other’s clansmen. It’s not said, but it’s kind of given. It was the point of the whole discourse, Hash-rama was able to forgive and Izuna wasn’t. The clans were killing each other. They didn’t know any better.  We simply don’t know why they were fighting. Who was on the offensive and who was in defensive. So I think you are a little bit ahead of the canon here.
“Fatally” is not that clear. Tobir-ma asked Mad-ra where is Izuna - but, it was anime, we can leave this out. Still, I don’t think it was as clear that it was a fatal wound. 
I don’t think it was clearly the truce “AFTER” - I think it was implied that Hash-rama wanted the peace and probably requested it more times.. Although the panel where Hash-rama says, “I have sent you a cease-fire agreement,” it implies that Hash-rama probably didn’t ask the truce for the first time. Mad-ra just refused. But as I’ve said, it’s only implied. But that’s my read of things, therefore it can differ. 
As I see it is more like... The battle was probably a bloodbath and Hash-rama wanted to end it. I really don’t see there a reason to believe there was a motive behind it. I just don’t really see any indicator for Hash-rama being a liar. Especially when databook states he’s.. .honest? 
It’s because each of his words exudes his feelings for the village’s ninjas, and in them resides the weight of the truth. - source 
But if you can find something conflicting that doesn’t scream headcanon, lemme know. 
“Izuna saw inconsistency” - he saw what? We don’t know how long Hash-rama was the leader of the clan and whether he supported the battles. We don’t know how this battle came to be. I can literally headcanon here that Uchihas attacked Senjus (which I won’t), but I’m just pointing out the blank space you filled with your personal headcanons. Which is good, but it’s a speculation. 
You know what isn’t speculation? Mad-ra leaving his whole clan on the battlefield without a general to die. As a general, you can’t be emotional and you save your brother. That’s nepotism. No wonder Uchihas refuged to Senju clan. 
And even if there was an inconsistency - what is the problem with offering the truce? There is not a problem. Yes, they both killed ninjas. But is that a reason to continue the war?
 I’m sorry, but this seems like you’re trying to grasp the straws to show Hash-rama as the bad guy, but it’s only a mix of headcanons and twisting things to look like this and honestly I think it’s pretty irrational interpretation that would make no sense even being written as a fanfiction. The fanfiction would be atrocious. 
Feel free to do a writeup and give me some more insight into your interpretation and your read of things, because to me this just seems delulu, it’s missing logic and even reason for the characters to act as they do. 
tldr we don’t know:
If the Senjus knew Izuna’s wound was fatal.
If Hash-rama asked for truce before
Who started this battle
How long were Mad-ra and Hash-rama leaders of their clan
And frankly, not even if Hash-rama and Mad-ra killed anyone after becoming the leaders of their clans
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