#um aieouwhgfiuhbrewg
adriennemoralez · 5 years
@fclvks // adrienne&.feliks
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Like moths drawn to flame, the vampires seemed to all have come rushing from all sides of the court to find their way right in the middle of the action. Their idle hands no longer tied from the restrictions of acting like something they were not. At the root of it all, they were all violent creatures. As Adrienne pulled away from the neck of a human, she wiped her mouth with her arm, not caring if blood was smeared all over her. Between killing and feeding, who would have time to worry about ones appearance. This was natural for the creatures of the night, why fight it? Why run from the very thing that had made them different, made them better. 
Through hazy eyes, she saw him. It took her a moment for her to realize just who she saw. A ghost of a man she had once considered a friend. One that haunted the kingdom with his absence. She knew him once, Feliks Dyatlov, son of a nobleman. One of the many that Gabriel and Adrienne had managed to convince to be on their side to see Alejandro’s terror and reign come to an end. They were in the ranks together, being a noble was much more exciting. He hadn’t dared come back to the court for fifty years. Not after he left abruptly, denouncing his titles and his entire life he built behind. Now the only word that crossed her mind was coward. She had never understood how he could just leave the night court behind, severing ties with everyone he once knew without warning or hesitation. But a part of her felt like it was him running, and Adrienne thought the throne was better off without someone so fickle in the midst of the war.
Making her way over to him now, she could feel the anger boiling inside of her. “Dyatlov,” she spoke. “Perdóname, I distinctly remember your father saying he would have your head if you came back here,” Adrienne’s eyes narrowed, wondering if he was here for the boy king or if his interests lied elsewhere. “Perhaps you have a death wish. I personally cannot grant that to you, but being the traidor you are, you were smart in coming here. I bet there are more than a handful of vampires that want Feliks Dyatlov’s head.”
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