#unedited because I'm just Bs-ing
justwriteyoudummy · 5 months
I'm writing a blurb about superheroes tonight apparently
The Leftovers:
Some people come upon their calling by pure hard determination and grit. Some come upon it by random happenstance, things in life just sort of click into place and they find their purpose as easy as that. The rest of us get stuck with whatever is left over. And let me tell you the leftovers are far worse.
Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. Everyone HOPES for a power from the roulette that will grant them the ability to save the day, get the spotlight, save the girl. You know the drill. But those poor fools who get the 'Leftovers'? The random and weird powers that no one really quite knows what to do with? Those powers that are deemed useless by society are shunned and discriminated against: heavily. Always knowing exactly what time it is no matter where you go or how many time zones you cross without looking isn’t the most popular when compared to the chick who can shoot lightning out of her fingertips.
Me? Yeah, I’m a Leftover, but don’t get me wrong, my power is useful in it’s own way: I can swap things. Yeah, swap things. I can take something and swap it for something else entirely. Doesn’t matter how big or small, I can take something from one place and swap it to another place.
The trouble began when I realized that my Leftovers worked on superpowers too.
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