#unpoopular opinion maybe?
feekins · 10 months
"u can't use 'qu**r' it's a sl-"
so is fag. so is dyke. so is tranny. and we're STILL out here self-identifying as those things - bc there's nothing wrong with being us. there's nothing immoral or perverse about how we love or who we love or even whether or not we love anyone at all! or how we express our gender (if applicable)!
we're here. we're QUEER. and if you don't like it, you can die mad about it :)
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ryostrenchcoat · 6 years
I just don't get the inclusion Akira raping Sirene . Outside of shock value it actually hurts the show as you said. If it was explored like how Akira felt major regret for giving into his instincts and doing the unforgivable, maybe it'd actual be a worthwhile scene. Crybaby does feel like it just glosses over things it doesn't want to deal with. Throw out everything, but the supporting cast and soundtrack from that show.
(unpoopular opinion in that i couldn’t give less of a shit about any of the soundcloud rappers except as a collective greek chorus - that’s super interesting - but yeah big same on the soundtrack) 
yeah the rape scene was solely included for shock value and as gross fetish fodder, just like all the pedophilic stuff surrounding that nagasaki dude. these are all really troubling things that dmcb did. if yuasa was going to include that shit he should have a) not fetishized/sexualized it for enjoyment purposes and b) actually explored the meaning and emotional impact of those scenes. 
and because tunglr.hell can be like this, i want to be absolutely clear: liking dmcb doesn’t make you a bad person. i like dmcb. but be a conscientious consumer of media. like things! but also be critical of things that you should be critical of 
it is, in fact, possible to criticize media without damning it and its audience, and to enjoy media without excusing everything about it
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chxrlotte-linlin · 6 years
Unpoopular Opinion Number 1:
I really hate the looks and views you get when someone finds out you`re still a virgin at a certain age(for example you`re well in your twenties already and still haven’t had sex in your life). Like is it really that much of a matter when someone had their first time??? Heck maybe i don’t even wanna hit the sheets with someone like ever? Thats an opinion i have which i think is really unpopular with a lot of folks.
Unpopular Opinion Number 2:
This one goes for RP’s and OC’s in general. I really hate it when someone without asking takes over my OC`s/Canon in a play. It’s rude and very mean of you to do so. Same goes for any sort of godmodding. For some people however this seems to be ordinary and no big deal *shrug*
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