#ur a bit late anon you realize? my breasts are already removed and my chest reconstructed
the-eldritch-it-gay · 4 years
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1. I wear a niqab, not a burqa. I know white people don’t care enough to learn about the different types of Muslim veils, but my bio even says I’m a niqabi.
2. I don’t owe anyone masculinity or androgyny just because I’m nb and medically transitioning to male
3. It’s my body I can do what I want to it. I wanted to have top surgery and I wanted to go on hormones--both of which are things that drastically improved my happiness and mental health. 
4. It’s my gender identity, I label and present how I want to. Nonbinary isn’t a monolith. And I won’t apologize for not fitting into your idea of nb = white & androgynous. 
5. It’s my faith I follow it how I want to, how and why I veil is nobody’s business aside from mine and Allah’s (SWT)
6. This is an incredibly rude thing to send to someone for numerous reasons, and I pray that you will realize that and learn to change your behavior and be more compassionate and accepting.
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