#v quickly but if my partner were coming out to me w that information i’d trust them to navigate how we went forward w some sense
pascalpanic · 3 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Chapter Ten
Summary: you finally get to visit the boys at the embassy. You and Javier finally get to consummate the relationship.
W/C: 6k+ (I’m sorry it’s the FINALE I had to)
Warnings: language as always, mentions of injury, SMUT! (18+ only), oral (m and f receiving), overstimulation if you squint, p in v sex, Javier Peña is his own warning when it comes to sex
A/N: YOU GUYS. this is it! I’m so honored that you guys love it as much as you do. This series was originally only supposed to be a oneshot but I just fell in love. I’m so glad I get to share it with you all! BIGGEST thanks to @remmysbounty for being my Colombian culture expert in this and helping me with my spanish phrases, listening to my ramblings, and generally being my editor and idea helper.
previous chapter | epilogue
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“Ana, phone for you,” Lorena calls as you walk past the nurses’ station.
You nod, but you’re carrying a tray of medicine for a patient. “Can it wait?” You ask.
Lorena asks the person and then looks back up at you. “He says it’s quick.”
Sighing, you walk behind the desk. “Will you take this tray for me? Room 429,” you ask, and she nods dutifully, walking off with it after handing the phone to you. You answer the phone with your name, sitting in the chair Lorena was just in.
“Hey, it’s Steve,” a familiar southern voice says from the other end. You panic for a moment, wondering why he called you, but his voice seems relaxed. It can’t be anything too bad.
“Hey, what’s up?” You ask, twirling the phone cord around your finger, leaning forward with your elbows on the desk.
Steve chuckles. “Not much. Just Javi bein’ a dumb fuck.”
“What’s new?” You sigh, but you both know that both of you have affection behind your teasing.
“Exactly,” Steve says in agreement. “Anyway, Javi’s back at work, as you know. The bandage he has is falling off, and he says it’s fine but I know enough from Connie to know that’s not good. She said you get off work soon, would you bring some stuff to the embassy?”
You look at the watch at your wrist. He’s right. You get off at noon, and it’s about 10 right now. “Yeah, of course. Could I bring you guys lunch too? Eat with you?”
There’s a small snort from the other end of the line. “Yeah, yeah, that sounds great. Listen, though, there’s some real shitty guys around here. You’re gonna get hit on and Peña isn’t gonna be happy about it.”
“I’ll be wearing scrubs, Steve. What is there to talk about?” You ask dryly, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
“Lonely and horny men desperate for an American woman aren’t above much. Just… lettin’ you know now.”
“I think I can handle it,” you roll your eyes, knowing he can hear it in your tone. “I’ll be there at 12:30 with lunch and supplies for Javi, alright?”
“Sounds good to me. Thank you, kid.”
“I’m, like, a few years younger than you. You act like you’re my dad.”
“Whatever,” he laughs and hangs up the phone.
After your shift, you enter Valeria’s diner. Her eyes light up as she sees you, rushing your way. “¡Ay, mi hermosita! ¿Quiubo, chiquita?” She asks, grabbing your arms.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you tell her genuinely with a smile. “I didn’t know if… the bombing, if it affected you. I’m so glad it didn’t.”
“And me with you! Especially that Javier, dios mio,” she shakes her head.
“Actually...” you chuckle a little. It’s a nervous laugh, afraid to tell her what happened. “Javi was injured. He and his partner were very near the bomb. He’s okay now, but he lost a lot of blood and had to have emergency surgery. He’s got a big scar here,” you tell her and trace along your abdomen where his injury was. “He’s back at work already, but he spent a few days in the hospital and about a week or two at home.”
Valeria frowns. “Oh no. I’m glad he‘s alright now. I worried so much about him, but I figured he lived since there were no American casualties.”
You nod. “Exactly. I’m actually on my way to the embassy now, bringing him some bandages, and I wanted to pick up lunch for him and his partner.”
The woman claps her hands together excitedly. “And here I am, blabbering on! I’ll go get an order in for you. What would you like, dear?”
You put in an order that you figure Javi and Steve would both like, waiting contently at a booth Valeria seats you at and sipping a coffee she brought to you.
The little restaurant makes you smile as you think about the memories. Laughing with Javier for hours in the early morning, sharing life stories and experiences. You realize now that you think you loved Javier even then, on the night when you sat a few booths over, wrapped in his leather jacket while his mustache collected little grains of sugar and cinnamon.
Not long after, Valeria comes to your table with two large bags of food. “I couldn’t help myself- I threw a few extra desserts and snacks in. Javier needs to eat more, tell him that I said that and that’s why there’s so much.”
You laugh happily and stand. “Well, thank you. I’ll make sure to pass the message along.”
She takes your payment and hands you a large to-go cup of coffee- you deserve it after such a long shift, she tells you- before sending you on your way. The embassy is a distance away, and you hail a taxi to make your way there. The car fills with the scent of the fresh food, making your stomach rumble. When you arrive, you pay the driver and head inside.
A receptionist sits just inside. “May I help you?” She asks politely and without much interest.
“Uh….” you hadn’t expected this step. “Yes. I’m here for Agents Murphy and Peña?”
She nods, grabbing the phone. She dials a number and talks, making a face of annoyance as she switches to speaking English. She must’ve dialed Steve. She hangs up not long after. “Murphy will be here in a moment,” she tells you with a nod, and you back away to allow the next person to talk with her.
Steve finds you about a minute later. “Hey. That’s a lot of food,” he chuckles as he looks at the large bags you’re carrying.
“I went to Javier’s favorite place. This one waitress there absolutely adores him, so she gave me extra because he doesn’t eat enough,” you inform him with a smile. “She even threw in some free desserts.”
“Jesus. We could feed the whole embassy with those,” he shakes his head, taking one from you to lighten your load.
You walk through hallways and several sets of stairs, before entering the office area and finally reaching the two desks, one messy and one neat. Javier sits at the cluttered one, looking up and eyes lighting as he sees you. “Hey,” he laughs and even dares to smile: a rare sight when he’s at work. “What are you doing here?” He asks, rolling his chair back from his desk and taking your hand.
“Steve said you needed bandages,” you shrug and hold up one of the bags.
He gives him a dirty look and the blonde man simply shrugs, sitting at his own desk.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here. What’s all this then?” He asks, referring to the bags you and Steve carry.
You set one on a free space in his desk and untie the top of the bag, setting a takeout container in front of him. “Lunch,” you say simply, opening the styrofoam to release a drift of a delicious smell.
Javier sighs at the scent. “Did you see Valeria then? Is that why there’s so much food?” He asks with a little laugh.
You nod. “Exactly.”
Javier sighs and grabs a fork from the bag. “Here,” he says, pulling you to sit on one of his thighs. You squeal at the movement, laughing and grabbing the desk once you’re seated.
“At least warn me, huh?” You laugh and he steals a quick kiss from you, earning a whistle from a man who walks past.
“Wow, Peña has moved on from fucking the informants,” the man chuckles. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
You both glare at him, though he finds yours more intimidating than Javier’s. “Mm, we’re projecting our sexual frustration, are we?” You ask, taking a bite of food in your mouth with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t worry about us, run on home to the wife who doesn’t want your dick anywhere near her,” you say with a sweet smile, turning back to Javier’s desk and sipping your coffee.
The man walks away with wide eyes and Murphy laughs genuinely. “Holy shit,” he shakes his head and smiles.
“What? It’s clearly true,” you chuckle, looking back at Javier and taking another bite of the food in front of you. He’s got his heart in his eyes, barely managing to hold back a grin.
“I fucking love you,” Javi laughs contently, waiting you to finish chewing. When you do, he kisses you passionately for a moment, releasing you a few seconds later.
“You got some observational skills, kid,” Steve snorts and shoves a bite of food in his face. “We should get you working here.”
You roll your eyes. “What is your thing with calling everyone kid, Murphy?” Javier laughs, and you nod enthusiastically. You were just about to ask the same thing.
Steve opens his mouth to answer but the phone on Javier’s desk rings. “Peña.” He makes several noises of agreement before hanging up a few moments later. “Trujillo needs something. Be right back,” he tells the both of you and presses a kiss to your head. You stand to allow him to, and he kisses your lips quickly before speed-walking up the steps from the bullpen area and out to somewhere else.
You sit back down and both you and Steve continue eating your food. A minute or so later, a woman walks past but stops as she sees you. “Oh my God, Steve, is this Connie?” she asks, leaning against his desk.
“No, this is Peña’s girlfriend. She and Connie work together,” he informs her. Her face sours at the word girlfriend.
You tell the woman your name and shake her hand with a smile. “Peña has a girlfriend? My god,” she laughs lightly. Javier walks back down to his desk and the woman’s eyes light up. You stand so he can sit again. “Javier Peña, all settled down.”
“I don’t know about that,” he chuckles and sits, pulling you back onto his lap. You squeal again at the sudden movement, more so for the amusement of the woman in front of you. Laughing, you steady yourself on his desk. “Javi, warm a girl!” You chuckle, turning around to kiss him quickly. You’d discovered recently that you couldn’t get enough of it now that you were allowed to do it.
The woman shakes her head and chuckles as she walks away, heels clacking on the tile floor of the embassy.
Steve rolls her eyes. “Ah, Carolina. Last woman at the embassy Javi hasn’t fucked, and she’s been going after him for months.”
“Bullshit,” you and Javier say at the same time, laughing and turning around to face him, raising an eyebrow. “Bullshit to the fact that she’s the last woman here I haven’t fucked. Yeah, she’s been all over me,” he admits and nods.
“Well that’s too damn bad for her, isn’t it?” You laugh and offer Javier your cup of coffee.
He takes a swig and sighs. “Goddamn, this stuff tastes good. The coffee here is shit. We really need to do something about that,” he says to Steve, earning a shrug in response as he forks more food into his mouth.
The three of you eat in content silence, Javier keeping one arm wrapped around you as he eats. Steve flips through a file as he munches on his food too.
A couple of minutes later, a stone-faced bald man in army green fatigues walks. He raises an eyebrow as he sees you sitting on Javier’s lap.
You bite the bullet and introduce yourself first, telling him your name and offering a hand to shake. “Javier’s girlfriend.”
Javier chuckles at the man’s confused expression. “Yeah. Ángel, this is Trujillo. We work closely with him and his men. What else do you need?” He asks the man, turning the chair toward him.
“It can wait, I suppose, until after lunch. Wonderful to meet you, ma’am,” Trujillo says before walking off.
Javier shakes his head. “Now I see why the two of you can’t get shit done around here,” you tease and kiss the side of Javi’s head with a smile before taking the last bite of your food.
Not long after, the two men finish eating too. You stand from Javi’s desk. “Walk me out?” You ask him softly, and he nods. “I’ll see you later, Steve. Thanks for the invite,” you chuckle, taking Javier’s hand once you’re both standing.
As you walk through the halls, Javier is smiling. It’s a rare occurrence around the embassy, enough to draw stares. You smile proudly, lacing your fingers together as you walk. “So, Superman. I have a proposal,” you offer, looking up at him with big eyes.
“You get off work around six?”
“Sure do.”
“And I don’t work tonight.”
Javier chuckles as he looks down at you. “Where is this going, hm?”
You shrug a little. “All I hear about is how good you are in bed. How good of a lover you are,” you ask, looking up at him with a smirk. “Why don’t you prove it to me tonight, hm?” You ask, fingers tracing the seam where his buttons hold his tight shirt together- just barely.
“Oh god, cariño,” he murmurs. “I don’t know if my body is up to it yet, with the incision and-“
“I’m a nurse, Javi. Your nurse. I know medically that you’re stable by now. As long as it isn’t painful for you, we’re safe,” you tell him with a growing smile. “It’s been a while for you, hasn’t it?” You ask in a low voice, your hand sliding across the bare ‘v’ of his chest, exposed by his low-cut shirt.
“Yeah, it has.” Javier licks his lips as he looks down at you, a growing smile. “Your place. Sound good?”
“I’ve been waiting for this,” you admit with an excited grin, placing a kiss to his cheek as you reach the door. “You bring the protection,” you murmur next to his ear before kissing him softly on the lips. You break away and smile at his dazed face. “I’ll see you tonight. I love you,” You tell him and squeeze his hand.
“Fuck, I love you too, ángel,” Javi smiles and kisses your forehead, opening the door for you. “See you then.”
Six o’clock rolls around. You know Javier won’t come right from work, but you wait excitedly anyway. You treated yourself to a long hot shower, cleaning up and waiting. You’re dressed in a wrap dress and nothing else, waiting on the couch and trying to distract yourself with reruns of a telenovela. A bottle of whiskey and two glasses sit on your counter.
Surprisingly, a knock comes at your door around 6:15. You shout for them to enter and it’s Javier. “I thought you didn’t get off until 6:00,” you smirk a little as you look at him, closing the door behind himself.
“Steve covered for me. I left at 5, went home and showered, changed bandages and everything,” he chuckles, locking the door.
You smile and stand, walking over to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “How kind of him,” you chuckle softly, an arm around his waist. “Listen, I thought about it. If you’re still in pain, this can totally wait,” you offer, looking up at him with big and concerned eyes.
“I’ve wanted this from the moment I met you, ángel,” he murmurs, putting both hands on your waist. “Nothing could hold me back now.”
You throw your arms around his neck as Javier’s lips crash against yours, in a deep kiss that wastes no time. You make a soft noise of content against his lips and that spurs him on, his hands roaming all across your body. He breaks away, eyes wild and lips swollen already. “How many times have you cum in one night?” He asks, smirking.
You can’t help but moan in response, kissing him again deeply, your mouth exploring his. He breaks away again. “Answer.”
“Uh… three. On my own. Only once with someone else,” you tell him breathlessly, your brain so wrapped up in him that it’s difficult to think about anything other than him.
“Alright, then four’s the goal,” he chuckles, kissing you deeply and pulling your hips against his. His hands grope your ass and you moan softly.
It’s already the best you’ve ever had and he hasn’t even touched you. The passion and love you have for each other is evident in how deep and intense every little movement is, from the way you drag your nails down the back of his neck to the way he smooths his hands over the curve of your ass, feeling no panties beneath the dress. “Fuck,” he murmurs into your lips.
“My bedroom, please,” you whine, breaking away from him.
He nods, glancing in the direction of the hallway that leads to your room. He catches sight of the bottle of whiskey. “What was that for?” He asks, breathlessly chuckling.
“Confidence,” you admit with a laugh. “Don’t know why I thought I needed it. Not with you.”
“Well, it’ll go perfectly with cuddling in your bed after, hm?” He murmurs, kissing behind your ear. You sigh softly at the feeling and he walks you along to your bedroom, backwards, until you feel the backs of your legs pressed against your bed. “Let’s see what’s under here,” he mumbles breathlessly, kissing at your neck as he frantically fumbles to untie the knot around your waist that holds the wrap dress in place. He’s clearly experienced at removing all kinds of clothing, and you can feel your arousal starting to slide down to your upper thighs.
“Javi,” you whimper, and he swears he’s never heard anything sweeter.
“Oh fuck, dulzura,” he shudders at the way you sound, lifting his head and catching your lips in another intense kiss as he slips the dress off of your shoulders and it falls to the floor. “No bra, no panties,” he chuckles as he looks down, finding your exposed body. “Let’s begin, shall we?” He mumbles, his lips trailing from behind your ear to your neck to your collarbone to between your breasts.
“Please,” you whimper and Javier pushes you to lie down on the edge of the bed, sinking to his knees and spreading your legs. “Javi,” you mumble, gripping your breasts.
He looks up at you and swears he could cum in his pants right now, just from the way you look spread out for him. You’re already dripping and he bites his lip as he takes a long look at you. “Fuck, ángel,” he says with a shudder, unbuttoning his shirt quickly. “Play with your tits for me,” he commands as he slips the shirt off his shoulders, revealing his toned chest and the large gauze bandage covering part of his equally muscular abdomen.
You nod, though it doesn’t do much at this angle, and he finally gives in. His last bit of self control leaves his body as he licks a long stripe from your entrance to your clit, moaning into you at the way you taste. You whimper and your hips squirm softly before Javier brings a large hand up, pinning you down. “Javi… go slow, please,” you murmur. “It’s… been a while.”
He nods. “I’ll do anything you tell me to,” he breathes out, dark eyes even darker with his widened pupils. He’s just as entranced by you as he was by those heavy drugs in the hospital, his mind foggy from the way you taste. His nose nudges at your clit, causing you to make a soft noise. Javier slips a thick finger inside of you, shuddering at the way your walls flutter around it. “God, that’s gonna feel so good around my dick,” he mumbles, slipping in a second finger and lapping at your clit.
“Fuck,” you whimper as he curves his fingers inside of you, one hand sliding into that dark hair, gripping it. “I lied. You don’t have to go slow, do whatever you want to me,” you shiver and whine out, bucking your hips up only for Javier’s hand to push them back down.
“Patience,” he mumbles, latching onto your most sensitive spot and sucking on it softly. His fingers push in a little deeper and curve against a spot you’ve never been able to reach yourself, wishing you had him to do it. You knew he would, with his reputation. Of course he would. He already feels like he knows every inch of your body, every sensitive little spot he can stroke to drive you wild. You squeal softly at the movement, your back arching. He smirks but continues, not bothering to stop and comment.
You’re already close, and it’s driving you wild, the other hand clutching at the comforter beneath you. “Not gonna last. Feels so good,” you murmur to him, almost ashamed at how quickly he’s going to make you reach your peak.
“Yeah? Tell me about it,” he mumbles into you, his eyes closing in concentration as his tongue works hard against your clit.
“Thought about this all the time. My fingers couldn’t get anywhere near as deep as yours, Javi,” you coo, brow furrowing. “Just wanted you inside of me, doing this to me. I thought about it every night since I met you,” you whimper. “Nowhere near as good- fuck, I’m about to-” you groan but it’s cut off as your orgasm washes over you, making your legs shake and your thighs clench around his head.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” the word tumbles from your mouth over and over again as it washes over you. After you come down, there’s a delicious oversensitivity inside of you. Javier doesn’t let up. “Javi,” you murmur softly.
“Gonna get another out of you, ángel,” he murmurs for a moment before going back with renewed intensity. You thought it was perfect before, but the way he continues now allows you to feel every bud on his tongue, every line in his fingerprints inside of you, the way his fingers move at slightly different speeds as they drag against that spot deep inside of you.
Only a few moments pass before you’re there again, whining out his name as you feel something warm gush from deep within you. It’s all too good, all too much, feels like an electric wire threaded through your limbs and core. “Javi,” you shudder as you finally come to your senses. “I- uh, did I just-” you say, eyes widening as you see the damp spot beneath you.
“You sure fucking did,” he smirks, removing his fingers from inside of you and sucking on the two slick digits.
“I’ve never done that,” you admit, biting your lip.
“It means I’m doing something right,” he chuckles a little, sitting up to kiss you softly, slowly. You can taste yourself on his lips and it makes you moan as his tongue probes your mouth ever so gently. “It’s all good, baby. Wanna see if I can make you do that again?” He asks, a cocky grin on his face. “You were promised four.”
You shudder softly, hands on his shoulders. “I was,” you chuckle with the little oxygen left in your lungs. “What do you say…” you trail off, reaching between the two of you and palming at his denim-covered erection, “I take care of you, you get one more out of me, and then we finally fuck, hm?” you ask, recovering your senses.
“How could I say no to that?” he murmurs, kissing you deeply again. You squeeze softly at the bulge, and he makes a soft noise in the back of his throat. “How- I, what do-”
“Lie down up there,” you tell him and nod toward the pillows. When you stand, you tear the comforter off of your bed and toss it aside. “We’ll just have to sleep without that tonight.” He raises an eyebrow. “You are staying the night, right?” You ask, suddenly taken aback.
He nods quickly. “Yeah, yeah.” He pushes down his jeans and boxers and his dick springs free. He’s huge, not overly long but very thick, and you bite down on your lip to hold back a smirk. “Oh, you like this?” he chuckles a little, lying down with his arms above his head.
“Fuck,” you laugh softly, already imagining how he’ll feel inside. “Yeah, I do,” you nod and crawl onto the bed, lying down on your stomach between his spread legs.
You slowly trace a stripe along the underside of him, paying special attention to the frenulum and noticing the way his leg jerks beneath you. Adjusting yourself, you make big eyes up at him as you suck on the head, tracing the tip of your tongue against the little spot. “Fuck, you’re gonna have me cumming in seconds,” he laughs breathlessly. “You’re fucking amazing, baby,” he mumbles, his eyes slipping shut at the feeling. “Wait, stop, stop.”
You do exactly that, looking up at him with wide questioning eyes. “Yeah?”
Javier takes a deep breath and smirks. “You can make me cum with your mouth another time. I want this to be about you. Get up here and sit on my face.”
The boldness of his words makes your mouth fall open into a soft o-shape. You’ve certainly never done that before, but the idea is interesting. “It’ll be good, I promise. I already made you cum twice with my mouth, you know that,” he chuckles, stroking the side of your face.
“But…” Javier is much more experienced than you, you know that, so it must be fine, but there’s a little nagging insecurity inside of you. “What if I squirt again and, like, drown you?” you ask shyly.
Javier looks at you for a second before laughing softly. “No, it won’t. Come here, I can prove it to you if you’d like,” he offers, pushing a wisp of your hair back. The fact that you’re less experienced makes him even harder, if that’s physically possible, and you can feel it in your hand. He wants to do this, and that reassures you. You gulp and nod. “That’s my good girl,” Javi mumbles darkly.
You shudder at his words, your skin prickling. He can feel it. “Oh, you like that,” he murmurs. He scoots to lie flat on his back on the bed. “Come on up here, baby,” he says softly, and you agree.
You straddle his legs and gradually make your way over his body, careful to lift your hips as you pass over the incision. You’re hovering above his chest, looking down at him with the question in your eyes. “What if I like, crush your head?” You murmur and bite your lip.
“If you don’t want to, we won’t,” he mumbles, stroking your thigh. “Do you want to?” he asks.
“Yes,” you nod shyly. You’re not used to being this open about your wants.
“Then let me take care of you,” he murmurs, hands on your hips and pulling you gently. Inviting you onto his waiting lips.
You slide your hips the rest of the way and moan as his tongue finds your clit almost immediately. He moans back, entranced by you already. He puts on a bit more of a show, making loud noises and digging his fingers into your ass. He murmurs something into you but it’s lost in your folds as he lavishes your clit with his attention.
“Okay, I like this,” you admit with a breathless chuckle, moaning at the way his tongue works against you, his mustache tickles you, his nose nudges your clit when his tongue is elsewhere. You’re still hyper-sensitive from earlier, and you can tell. Your orgasm approaches rapidly, faster than it has ever before. You fall slightly forward, bracing yourself against the headboard as the tingling sensation builds.
“Gonna cum,” you warn him, panting heavily, your hands gripping the headboard tight. He makes a noise of approval and the vibrations from it cause you to let go, practically wailing his name. Your toes curl in pleasure, whimpering as it pulses through your body. It leaks from you before you can notice it, squirting into Javier’s mouth. He swallows every last bit of it, moaning at the way you taste.
Javier’s been so patient with you, putting everything about you first. He continues to eat you out as you come down from it. Eventually, you lift your hips, kneeling with your still-dripping pussy over his face. “You gonna fuck me now?” you ask, barely any air in your voice.
“Oh God yeah,” he chuckles, pressing one last kiss to your clit before pushing you over to lie next to him.
“Javi!” You squeal out with a laugh, falling next to him, his face by your legs. You’re giggling as you look over at him, hands on your bare stomach. “What if I would’ve landed on you and hit the incision?” you chide, though you both know it’s joking.
“It’d be worth it,” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your knee. He stands with a groan, cracking his neck and grabbing the condom from the pocket of his jeans. He opens it and rolls it over his leaking dick, and you smirk as you look at it, adjusting yourself back where he was lying.
“You sure this’ll be okay with the abs?” you ask him as he walks back to your side, your fingers ghosting over the gauze-covered incision.
He nods. “Yeah. You ready?” He asks, a hand cupping your face to look up at him.
“I’m waiting on the fourth,” you tease, giving his dick a gentle tug and earning a groan. “Now get on top of me and fuck me, Superman,” you say with a seductive smile, licking your lips.
“Yes ma’am,” he mumbles softly, propping his arms up on either side of you and nestling his hips between your legs. You can feel his dick pressing against your folds, and you grind your hips up into his. He moans, shivering hard. “Oh fuck. You better know it’s not gonna take long,” he tells you. “Fuckin’ dreamed about this for so long. First time I saw those tits bouncing on the treadmill, your ass when you were doing those squats,” he admits, hand running up your side and pinching a nipple as he finally admires your bare body beneath him.
“Get poetic later, get inside me now,” you beg of him, leaning up and kissing him deeply. He paws at a tit and you whine into his lips, harder when he rolls a nipple between two fingers. “Don’t tease,” you plead, spreading your legs wider.
He finally slides in and swears he’s seeing stars from the second the head is past your entrance. He groans out before he can stop himself, and you involuntarily make a matching sound. “Javier,” you cry, the way he stretches you making your already dripping pussy even wetter.
He nods. “Yeah baby,” he mumbles next to your ear.
“Start moving, I’m ready, come on,” you urge, nipping at his earlobe that dangles just above your lips. He shivers at the feeling and nods, pulling out and pushing back in. The first thrust and he’s already holding back.
He moans your name quietly, starting a slow but steady rhythm, pounding in and out of you. He looks down and bites his lip as he sees the way your tits jiggle with his thrusts. “Oh, ángel,” he groans. You bend up and kiss at his neck, daring to work a mark into the skin. “Yeah, that’s my girl, marking me up. Want that girl at the embassy to see it when I’m at work tomorrow, don’t you?” he grunts, breathing heavily already.
“All mine, no one else’s.”
“All yours, baby,” he nods, thrusting harder. “Give ‘em something to talk about, mark me up,” he groans, his eyes almost rolling back in his head from the feeling. You nod, leaving love bites and hickeys all over the smooth skin of his neck, the skin that smells like aftershave and soap and cigarettes and his sweat.
He reaches a hand between the two of you and rubs circles into your clit in time with the thrusts. “Oh, fuck do I love you, baby,” he groans. “You gonna come again?”
You’re embarrassingly close already, and the fact that he can tell is even hotter. “Yeah,” you whine into the thick column of his neck.
“Good girl, gonna squirt around me?”
“Yeah,” you whimper again, hips grinding against his hand. “Love you so much, Javi.”
“Love you too. Go for it, baby. Do it,” he asks of you, and who are you to deny him of the sensation in the moment? You stop holding back, your walls fluttering around him and your pussy leaking as your whole body tenses.
“Javi,” you cry into his ear, clinging to the back of his head and pulling him down to where you’re now lying flat, limp as a rag doll from his ministrations.
“That’s my girl,” he coos in his gravelly voice, biting down on his lip. “So good, fuck, love you baby,” he grunts in time with sporadic thrusts as he finally spills into the condom, an animalistic cry coming from his throat.
His thrusts slow and he gradually pulls out of you, lying down and pulling you into his side. “Would you believe me if I said that’s the best I’ve ever had?” He pants out, kissing the side of your head.
You drape an arm across him. “It’d be an honor,” you chuckle softly.
“It was,” he tells you honestly, this time kissing your lips. “God, I fucking love you,” he tells you with a dazed smile, eyes slipping shut.
He’s so sexy like this, sweat beaded on his forehead and dark hair stuck to it. He’s fucking beautiful is what he is, like a work of art with those swollen lips and the developing bruises on his neck. He’s your personal masterpiece. You’ve done all of those things to him, made him fill that condom, hell, you put those stitches in yourself before he left the hospital. He’s fully and truly yours. “I love you too, Javi,” you tell him, pressing your lips together in a smile as your eyes water.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks quickly as his eyes open.
“I just love you so much,” you admit with a watery voice. “That was the best I’ve ever felt, and you let me ask stupid questions, and you did this all even though I thought you were gonna bleed out in my arms a couple of weeks ago.” You bury your face where his chest meets his arm, the tears freely running.
“Ángel,” he coos and kisses your head. “You are the entire world, you know that? You saved my fucking life, not just from the shrapnel. I would’ve drank and smoked and worked myself to death if you didn’t come in.”
“And I would’ve died from that cold,” you add with a weak giggle.
“And you would’ve died from that cold,” he chuckles and lifts your head. “I love you so much. No solo como te quiero, como te amo.”
There’s a difference in the way Spanish speakers say “I love you” that native English speakers cannot understand. We say I love you to our dogs, to our partners, to our sisters and parents and to our lovers and spouses. It’s all the same way to say it: I love you. In Spanish, there is te quiero and te amo. Javier might say te quiero to his father, to Connie when she brings him food during a rough hangover. Never in his life has the man said te amo and meant it. Not to Lorraine, not to any girl he ever held in his arms as he pounded her senseless. Never, except to you.
And you can feel it in the way he presses a tender kiss to your face, in the way a tear drips from his eye and onto your forehead. He loves you in the way that inspired the greatest artists to write sonnets and plays and make beautiful art, the way that Escobar would do anything, would kill for his beloved Tata, the way Romeo and Juliet loved and fell hard and didn’t care about the repercussions and died for love of each other.
“Javi,” you coo, looking into his big brown eyes that are brimming with tears. “Te amo también, te amo, y nunca lo olvides.”
thanks for reading!
quiubo- what’s happening, what’s up
Chiquita- girl, girlfriend
dulzura- sweetheart
Y nunca lo olvides- and don’t you ever forget it.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers @diogodxlot @wonderlandgabby @yooforia @sara-alonso @dodgerandevans @pedrosmustache @apascalrascal @tanyaherondale @marydjarin @obsessivelysearching @sleep-tight1 @drinkingwhileblogging @pedro-pastel @notabotiswear @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan
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sombreboy · 4 years
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▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Hired dom!Jimin x Y/N ▎ genre: smut, some fluff ▎ word count: 6.4k ▎ warnings: soft!dom!jimin, bdsm-esque themes, spanking/cropping, bruising, fingering both holes at once lol, some edging, cursing, biting/marking, restraints, some cockwarming, unprotected sex, cum eating, Jimin might catch some feels for his client lmao
Banner by @ppersonna​ whom also shall be the victim of Jimin’s soft dom shenanigans. ♡ I spent way too long writing this please praise me.
You arrange a meeting with a hired dom for the night, whom (mis)guides you through the pleasures of pain.
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You stood in front of the building, checking the GPS on your phone an extra three times before you finally accepted the fact that this was, indeed, the right address. Gathering all the courage you could muster, you took a deep breath before stepping inside of the luxurious hotel, earning your fair share of looks from people who clearly were of higher status, probably wondering what the hell you were doing there. With a backpack in your hands.
You’d arranged a meeting with a hired dom for a variety of reasons. One, you were single. Two, the times where you weren’t, nobody had ever been able to, or dared to do the things you wanted done to you. Three, one night stands wouldn’t do. You needed somebody experienced, somebody who knew what they were doing, and that you could trust.
Not that you could say for sure that you’d be able to feel fully comfortable, but the chances were high.
You’d kept in contact with Park Jimin for a while, he was incredibly patient and open to any questions or worries on your end. He was very comforting, and easily made you feel at ease. So, that’s where you finally decided to hire him as your daddy dom for the night.
The previous day he’d sent you a list of what to bring; If you had any preferred toys, a lingerie of your own choice (even though he gave his own opinion; slutty.), and of course, just yourself. He’d take care of the rest.
You quickly made your way towards the room with the number you were informed of, hovering outside the door for probably a minute. But it was the longest minute of your life, your nerves getting to you as it felt almost impossible to raise your hand to knock.
Another deep breath, you’d be fine, you could do this, manifesting the courage within to finally bring your knuckles against the door with a light tap.
A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal the very man himself in the flesh. The blonde had a soft smile on his face, dressed simple with a black v-neck and matching black ripped jeans, stepping aside to give you enough space to join him in the room. As you did so, he closed the door behind you, the click of the lock causing you to yelp quietly, turning to the man, who still looked incredibly soft. Was he really the dom he claimed to be?
‘’Y/N.’’ His smile grew as he stepped closer, however with just enough space between the two of you to extend a hand in a greeting. Weird. But you took his offer nonetheless, returning the smile, ‘’Hi… uh, Jimin?’’
‘’That’s right…’’ He let your smaller hand linger between his fingers, eyes roaming down your figure for a mere moment before he continued, ‘’Care for something to drink while we discuss the rules?’’
‘’Uh, water would be great, thank you..’’ 
Jimin glanced at you over his shoulder as he headed over to the kitchen, a lopsided smile on his lips when he noticed how your doe eyes are looking around the room. Was this really a hotel room? It looked more like a penthouse, it was probably double-- or even triple the size of your own apartment. You quietly followed him, still in awe by your surroundings. He turns to hand you the simple glass of water, his fingers softly grazing yours as you accept it, immediately chugging it down with a nervous gulp.
‘’First time?’’ Jimin suddenly asked, causing you to almost choke on the last mouthful of water-- luckily you were able to get it down with a tight swallow before you embarrassed yourself.
‘’W-why? Does that matter…’’
‘’Well, yeah,’’ the blonde kept his reassuring smile on his lips, taking the glass from you to set it on the counter before he guides you towards the couch in the living room, urging you to sit down next to him, ‘’I’d like to be aware of your level of experience, so I know what to discuss with you before we begin… So, is this your first time?’’ 
‘’It’s my first time with a professional,’’ You admit, shifting your weight in your seat, ‘’I’ve tried before with previous partners, but…’’
‘’But?’’ Jimin pushed, urging you to continue.
‘’They were too… nice?’’ 
‘’So, what is it that you want? For me to be unkind?’’ ‘’No,’’ Your gaze fell on Jimin, who’s unwavering eyes were piercing through you, causing a shiver to run down your spine, ‘’No but... I want you to hurt me .. I mean--  really hurt me.’’ ‘’I can do that.’’
For just a split second, Jimin swore he could see your eyes glaze over with an unnamed emotion. Excitement, or something within that realm, perhaps? You quickly gathered yourself, however, keeping your hands clasped together in your lap.
‘’I assume you’ve got a pain kink?’’ Jimin bluntly asked, he was getting genuinely curious about you. It was obvious to him that you did, but he couldn’t help but wonder what you’d answer. You were probably one of his most interesting clients so far-- if not ever. You seemed so reserved, and yet here you were, with a hired dom, asking for him to hurt you.
When you replied with nothing but a nod, Jimin continued, ‘’Does pain actually feel good to you, or is it simply the concept of being hurt that gets you off?’
‘’I… both, I suppose?’’ You felt your face heat up from answering the question, feeling a bit embarrassed, however you continued with your response, ‘’If the pain is sufficient enough, it’s like…. My mind shuts off, and my skin feels like it’s electrified all over.’’
Jimin hummed… He wondered if he’d be able to push you past that point during tonight's session. He was sure of it.
‘’So, you would like for us to focus on impact play during our time together?’’ Jimin kept his attentive eyes on you, tilting his head slightly to the side in question. He already knew this from previous interactions with you through the hiring process, of course, but he wanted to have it verbally confirmed so that there would be no misunderstandings.
‘’Another thing I’d like to bring up…’’ Jimin seemed a little... surprised, to say the least, but kept his professional mask on as he continued, ‘’Is sex something you’re expecting?’’
Your leg anxiously bounces underneath your clasped hands, lower lip clamped between your teeth, ‘’If… If it’s on the table.’’
‘’Are you sure?’’ Jimin questions you once more, just to make sure that you’re certain of what you want. 
‘’Yes.’’ You nod, voice finally the most stable and confident it’s probably sounded since you got here.
‘’Okay, great!’’ Jimin smiles, leaning back into the couch comfortably, ‘’Then let’s go over do’s and don’ts before we begin, shall we?’’
He waits for your response, which simply once again was in the form of a nod.
‘’Spanking?’’ ‘’Yes.’’ ‘’Flogging?’’ You nod.
Jimin pauses for a second, his small smile reappearing, ‘’Restraints?’’
You hesitated, eyes flickering between Jimin’s before nodding.
‘’Okay,’’ The blonde replied, making a mental note of your answers, ‘’Any triggers?’’
Your eyebrows were drawn together, ‘’Huh?’’
‘’Like,’’ Jimin gestured with his hand in the air to find the right words for his elaboration, ‘’Is there anything I should avoid doing or saying that you’re not comfortable with?’’
You hummed, thinking for a moment before shaking your head, ‘’No.’’
Jimin mentally crooked an eyebrow at your answer, pursing his lips in thought, ‘’Are you sure?’’
‘’Yes.’’ You almost sighed out your reply, you didn’t want to admit it, but you were growing impatient, ‘’I’m sure.’’
‘’All right,’’ Jimin nods as he gets up from his seat, ‘’We’re almost done with the questions, be patient. Any pet names you’d prefer for me to call you?’’
‘’Uh…. Just, baby? I guess..’’ Your reply sounded more like a question, as if asking him for permission, to which Jimin gave an encouraging nod.
‘’Anything you’d like to call me other than my name? Sir? Daddy, perhaps?’’
‘’I’d rather.. Not talk that much,’’ You seemed less embarrassed by now, your voice growing more confident. Jimin nods once more, ‘’Of course, that’s okay.’’
‘’You mentioned that your previous partners were,’’ he quoted with his fingers in the air, ‘’too nice…. How far did you go with them?’’
‘’Just, spanking…. They always end up feeling too bad about hurting me, so it wouldn’t go much further than that.’’
Jimin tried to hide his growing curiosity behind his mask of professionalism, giving you another nod, ‘’One last thing,’’ he said as he gestured for you to get up from the couch and follow him towards the bedroom, to which you did without hesitation. He stood by the large bed, his grin growing before he spoke once more, ‘’Safeword?’’
‘Cute’ Jimin mused to himself, stretching his body as his eyes lingered on your smaller frame, ‘’Ready?’’
‘’Get completely undressed, baby.’’ Jimin’s tone changed, the softness from earlier no longer existent. The blonde sat down at the foot of the bed, gesturing with his hand how he wanted you to lay down across his lap, ‘’And come.’’
You immediately obeyed his commands, embarrassment long gone after the tedious, but much appreciated, conversation had made you too impatient to care. You swiftly crawled up on the bed, bending over across his lap, giving him a full view of your, for now, unbruised ass.
‘’Pretty, baby,’’ Jimin cooed, smoothing the palm of his hand along with your spine, tracing the curve of your ass until he reaches the part where it meets your thighs, causing a shiver to run down your spine, ‘’Comfortable?’’
‘’Mhm.’’ You hum in response.
As a test, Jimin didn’t warn you before his palm landed on your ass with a light smack. It wasn’t hard at all, nothing compared to what he could, and most likely would, do. But he wanted to see your reaction, which was barely one at all; merely a jump in surprise rather than in pain.
‘’Continue?’’ He asked, a cheeky grin on his face.
‘’Yes.’’ You really, really, wanted more. The slow buildup in which he was going for was almost tortuous.
‘’Good girl,’’ Jimin murmured, surprised by how the petname earned a full body shudder from you, and he took full amusement in this fact. You were full of surprises, weren’t you?
‘’Remember to use the safeword if you can’t take it anymore, okay baby?’’ He reminded you, earning a small nod from you, which was just enough for him to urge him to continue.
And with that, his palm landed on the plump of your ass once more, this time hard enough to draw a gasp from you. But he didn’t stop, his hand striking the same spot over and over, the skin slowly turning into a red, beautiful shade underneath his ministrations.
His mouth was salivating at the gorgeous colour. He noticed how your breathing was quickening, getting heavier-- it was definitely affecting you, giving Jimin a reason to smirk at how easily he had you worked up. He stopped for a moment, noting how you almost whined at the loss, wiggling your ass to taunt him.
Jimin tugged your hair, pulling your head back to look at your face with a smirk evident on his own, ‘’Continue?’’
‘’Yes’’ you breathed out, eyes fluttering as they met his. You already started to look out of it, and it was rewarding to his eyes. He hadn’t even begun, and he had a feeling you’d let him continue until your ass was basically painted with bruises.
‘’Get comfortable on the bed for me, baby. Let’s take a short break.’’
And with that, he did mean a short break. You got off his lap to sit on the bed, watching him in confusion as he stood up to grab his bag, digging in it for the tools he needed for the next part, a small glance over his shoulder to check on you, ‘’Have you ever had a crop or a cane used on you?’’
You shook your head, curiosity and excitement evident in your eyes, which made Jimin’s smile widen as he approached you once more, with the two tools mentioned in his hand, ‘’Turn over for me, ass up. I want to make sure you can handle the sensation… It’s not the same as a hand.’’
Jimin relished in how much you seemed to trust him, scrambling to get on your knees on the bed, exposing your ass and already glistening cunt for him. He was basically a complete stranger to you, but here you were, giving yourself to him to take care of you. And oh, did he plan to.
He moved closer, his hand giving your ass a soft squeeze, drawing a small breath to push your lips. Jimin was testing you, even though you said it was okay to touch you-- even expected him to fuck you eventually, it almost felt like touching you was something forbidden. And that made it more intriguing. Jimin’s own breath was getting heavier, lower lip clamped between his teeth at the sight of your holes. It was a delicious sight, and he couldn’t wait for them to be spread open for him, bruised and completely blossomed with a reddish tone when he’s done with you.
Jimin opted to start off by using the crop, meaningly tapping it against the part where your ass meets your thighs, causing you to tense up just ever so slightly.
‘’This will sting.’’ He warned, but not giving you enough time to react before he swatted your ass. You nearly collapsed face down on the bed, forearms placed on the mattress, another gasp earned. But you could take it, you wanted more, wiggling your ass in the air for him as he watches the line of red form on the skin. Knowing you could handle it, he set down the crop to grasp the cane instead, ‘’And this will be a lot sharper than the previous one.’’
If you thought the crop hurt, then the cane would definitely, really hurt. But that’s exactly what you wanted. Jimin just wasn’t sure if you were really ready for that kind of pain, ‘’Ready?’’
You tensed up, hesitating to answer as you felt the hard material of the cane tap against your ass.
‘’We can stick with the crop if you’d like.’’ Jimin teased, letting the material smooth against the bruised part of your ass. You shook your head, ‘’I want to try.’’
‘’Are you certain?’’ He questioned, knowing you’d say yes, but he wanted confirmation.
You nod, positioning yourself more comfortably, adamant to take what Jimin had planned for you, body tensing up just a tad bit in preparation for the blow.
The cry that left your lips when the cane struck across your ass was a blessing to Jimin’s ears, your body jolting forward, clawing at the sheets. Your felt tears form in the corners of your eyes before tightly screwing them shut, pressing your cheek against the pillow underneath your head.
‘’Too much?’’ Jimin cooed, and your nod in response was enough for him to toss the cane aside, instead focusing on softly smooth his hands over your ass, soothing the stinging sensation on your bruised skin, ‘’You’re doing so well, baby, it’s okay..’’
‘’Y-you can still use the crop..’’ Your muffled voice surprised him, earning a chuckle from the gorgeous blonde,
‘’Yeah? You sure? Well, I guess.. The customer’s always right.’’ He smiles, ‘’Ready to continue, baby?’’
‘’C-could I have some water first?’’
‘’Certainly,’’ Jimin’s heart almost burst at the small request, ‘’Sit up.’’ He instructed as he headed to grab a water for you, handing it to your small, naked frame as he sat down next to you. He watched you drink, and Jimin couldn’t help but feel something stir in his stomach. But, why? He had no reason to feel anything. He’d done this countless times under much heavier circumstances… But never once, did he feel this. Maybe it was your innocence, yet devilish desires that intrigued him, but the purity surrounding you made him feel like he wanted to protect you from the bad in this world; not introduce you to new ones.
He shrugged his thoughts off, he was determined to give you everything you desired, and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.
When you were ready, you returned into position; thighs spread wide, ass up, ready once again for the crop to paint your beautiful skin in red.
‘’Such an obedient babygirl,’’ He praised, getting up and without a second to waste, the crop cut through the air with a whistle before it smacked across your ass once more, adding to the many lined bruises adorning your skin, ‘’Taking everything I give you so well.’’
You noticed that his dominant persona slowly grew, probably because he finally started to get a feel of what you could and couldn’t handle. You shuddered at the praise, he didn’t even need to touch you, but he decided to reward you with it anyway, letting his hand carefully smooth up the inside of your thigh up to your ass, letting his thumb gently brush over the delicate flesh between your plump cheeks.
He quickly withdrew his hand when you started to wiggle your hips, earning a needy whine from you at the loss of his touch. This was the first time he touched you like this, but it certainly wasn’t the last.
Jimin switched the crop into his other hand before he lashed at your skin again, this time at the back of your thighs, much harder and faster than previously, continuously whipping until your thighs were adorned with streaks of red.
The sounds you made were a swirling mix of sobs and grunts, unable to hold back your cries as your entire body was trembling with each impactful strike.
Jimin was honestly amazed by how well you took this, his own bulge straining against the fabrics of his pants. He wanted to force more noises and reactions out of you.. He wanted more of you, so much more. But there was time, he was patient. This night was all about you, after all.
‘’Reach back and spread yourself wide for me, baby.’’ He instructed, and you instantly obliged, feeling the embarrassment of exposing yourself further to his eyes as your hands tightly grasped the flesh of your cheeks to spread them, your soppy folds glistening in need for more.
He didn’t ask whether or not you were okay to continue, not wanting to break the immersion of the scene this time as he falls deeper into his role. He trusted you to use your safeword if needed from now on.
‘’If you’re a really, really good girl for me…’’ He paused for the mere intensity of the anticipation of his next words, ‘’I’ll let you cum tonight, play with you until you can’t take it anymore.’’
You obviously loved the sound of that, your body trembling and wiggling for him, causing his lips curl up into a smirk, ‘’I want you to count for me. Four spanks. Go on.’’
‘’One.’’ you breathed out as he this time opted to use his palm again, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing.
‘’T-two!’’ the blunt nails of your fingers dug into the skin of your ass, but managed to hold still nonetheless as the second spank striked.
‘’Three! A-ah fuck!’’ You cursed and hissed, the third strike landing directly on your wet cunt, catching you by surprise, body jolting forward at the impact, falling flat on your stomach as you broke the position you were told to stay still in. Tears started to trickle down your cheeks, but Jimin hadn’t heard you word out the safeword, so he didn’t break his cold, hard expression, maintaining his dominant persona.
‘’Ah, ah….’’ Jimin tutted, ‘’Back into position. You still owe me one more.’’
For a moment, Jimin almost believed that you’d use your safeword on him, maybe he’d pushed you too far. But when you eagerly moved back into position for him, hands quivering as they once more spread yourself for him, knowing exactly what you got yourself into.
The final strike was fast and punishing, not even giving you the chance to count before it landed on your sore skin, a content hum vibrating in Jimin’s chest.
‘’Good girl,’’ Jimin praised, gently soothing his palm over your abused ass, ‘’Take a moment to relax.’’, and as if on cue, your small frame collapsed on the mattress, letting the soft duvet soothe the stinging bruises when you rolled over to your back.
While giving you your well deserved break, Jimin dug through his bag for additional supplies, your curious eyes following his every move, squinting to see what he’d planned for you next.
Jimin came back to the bed, climbing up on it himself to sit on his knees as he instructed for you to get back into the original position he preferred you to be in, to which you didn’t waste any time in complying to his wishes. He placed a pillow underneath your head to ensure your comfort, your cheek pressing onto the soft duvet. He’d brought two pairs of handcuffs with him, and a bottle of lube that he placed on the bed by his knees as he got to work, cuffing your wrist and ankle together on one side, and once again on the other. He trailed his fingers down your spine before pushing down, forcing you to arch your back further for him.
‘’This okay?’’ Jimin tilted his head to glance down at you, referring to the cuffs mainly.
‘’Yeah,’’ You easily replied, the strain in your voice completely vanished by now. However, Jimin intended to get that right back.
‘’Good, want you to be as comfortable as possible for this next part.’’ Jimin smiled as he moved to sit behind you, gaze roaming over your bruised skin until it lands on your core, ‘’Gonna use my fingers now.’’ He whispered out the words just loud enough, watching your hole clench around nothing as he said so. His hand softly caressed the back of your thigh, slowly inching towards your middle before letting his thumb glide between your slick folds, ‘’Continue?’’
‘’Please,’’ You gasped, being deprived of such a simple sensation for this long was driving you mad, ‘’Continue, please.’’
Jimin’s thumb continuously teased your hole, spreading the wetness across your folds as he leaned in to place a soft kiss on the back of your thigh, drawing a gasp from you. Greedy for more reactions, he nipped at your skin with his teeth, testing the waters once more.
When your reactions were nothing but inviting, he bit down hard on your bruised skin, leaving in indent of his teeth on you as he pulled back to check on you, his finger now soaked from teasing you throughout.
You were practically crying, breath heavy as your cheek pressed against the pillow, tears soaking the cloth beneath you. Jimin considered whether he should clean this up, give you another break, but decides to leave it as is. You could use your safeword, and you could breathe, so Jimin ignored this continuous urge to treat you as if you were a fragile little flower.
Jimin slowly let the tip of his finger sink into your cunt without warning, just enough so that it was nail-length deep inside. From now on, there would be no breaks unless you told him so yourself.
Earning more whines from  you, fighting the urge to push yourself against his fingers-- luckily, you didn’t have to fight it for long as you felt the sudden stretch of him sinking two digits inside of you without a word, his greed for more reactions growing.
And just as he expected, maybe even hoped; you were already squirming in your restraints, the chain of the cuffs clicking as it was straining against your attempts to move, barely able to hold yourself up, causing Jimin to tightly hold your hip with his free hand as he’s using his other to fuck his fingers into you without mercy, forcing more cries and whimpers to push through your lips.
‘’Tell me when you’re close.’’ He utters, his voice incredibly calm in contrast to the way his fingers move in and out of you, the wet squelching noises nearly causing him to groan himself.
Jimin kept his rhythmical pumping of his fingers going until he felt your body tensing up, high-pitched strained wails caught in your throat in between your barely coherent words, ‘’Please…g-gonna ...cum…’’
Jimin suddenly pulled away, leaving you a trembling mess, whining at the loss of his fingers. He brought his fingers close to his face to inspect your juices coating them before bringing them to his mouth, licking them completely clean as he allows a low moan to escape his throat. God, how badly he wanted to just bury his face into your cunt right this second and eat you out until you passed out on him. But for now, this would do, he mused as he gave his fingers one last suck, ensuring he didn’t waste a single drop.
‘’Not yet.’’ Jimin cooed at you, but he knew he wanted you to soon. But first, he wanted to play with you a little more-- you deserved it. He reached for the bottle of lube on the bed, squirting a generous amount on his fingers before coating your other hole. The cold sensation of the liquid makes you yelp, body jerking slightly. But you liked it… Wanted more.
Jimin still didn’t give in to the urges to ask you whether or not it was okay to continue. He knew you’d let him know if it was too much.
‘’Relax.’’ He murmured as he slowly pushed one finger in, easily done with the help of lubrication. You exhaled the breath you didn’t even know you were holding until he forced it out of you, one digit now knuckle deep in you. He kept it still for a moment, circling his finger inside to get you used to the sensation, ‘’You’re doing so well, baby.’’
The praise earned a whine from you, and he was fighting the smile twitching on his lips. He had to maintain his stoic expression for the sake of the play, but you were not making it easy for him.
Sliding his finger back out, he added a second one, the tight fit causing a strained groan to erupt from his throat as he made it fit, gradually forcing them inside until he was once more knuckle deep, ‘’So tight for me.’’
Your breaths were heavy, small whines continuously rolling off your lips as he finally started to move his fingers in and out of you, the lube serving to the squelching noises that gradually became louder the faster he was pumping his fingers into you.
And when you thought it couldn’t get better, it did-- Jimin using his free hand to tease at your cunt. But not for long, as you felt two more fingers entering your soppy hole, drawing out a long, low moan from you. Jimin exhaled deeply at the sight, watching as he had two fingers in each of your holes, alternating in digging as deep into you as he was physically able to.
Jimin leaned to the side to get a glance of your face, tears streaming down your cheeks with eyes tightly screwed shut. It was truly a sight, and the sounds you made only added to his own aching erection pathetically remaining untouched.
‘’Want to hear you, baby,’’ He breathes out, ‘’Don’t hold it in.’’
Your jaw fell slack when he increased the speed, slamming his fingers into you as he pleased, leaning in closer to bite and kiss at the bruised skin of your ass.
Your body tensed up once more at the familiar feeling, both holes tightening around Jimin’s fingers, your moans growing louder and more shameless everytime he keeps his steady rhythm of fucking his digits into both of your clenching holes, ‘’G-god….Gonna..c-cum..’’ You whined, muffling your moans into the pillow, drool staining the duvet.
‘’Good,’’ Jimin purrs, ‘’Cum for me, baby, you’ve done so well..’’
Jimin pulled his fingers out of your ass to solemnly focus on fucking his fingers into your cunt, curling his fingers to hurl you over the edge faster, and he can tell you’re on the edge by the way your hole is gripping around his fingers like a vice grip. With a few more punishing strokes with his curled fingers, your orgasm hits you like a wave of white pleasure, back arching as you choke on a silent cry. He almost cursed out loud at how tightly you were clenching around his digits, keeping them deep inside of you to feel every single throb of your insides, sharp eyes fixated on your core pulsating.
He gives you a moment to catch your breath when he pulls his fingers out, licking them clean once more as he crawls next to you, craning his neck to be able to look at your face. He reaches out to stroke your hair, trying to get your attention, ‘’Good job, baby… Think you can take more?’’
He knows he told himself he wasn’t going to ask, but he wanted to make sure that you even wanted the next part. It wasn’t required, but you yourself had mentioned that you expected it.
You glance up at Jimin, eyes glazed over and drool trickling from the corner of your lips down on the duvet. A small nod served as a reply along with your quiet ‘Please’.
‘’Gonna make me come too, hm?’’ Jimin’s voice was playful, yet stern. It was an odd mix, how he was able to shift between the two different modes was beyond your knowledge. But he made it work. You don’t respond, but he didn’t expect a reply either way, knowing that you’re all in for him. He swiftly grabs your waist to flip you over on your back, crawling up to position himself between your legs, piercing gaze staring directly at you. His attention on you in this sense made you feel small, but you loved it.
Jimin scuffed closer until he was comfortable, lifting your feet up to hook them over his shoulders, one hand firmly grasping your hip as the other gives his throbbing erection a few pumps, eyes never wavering from your face, a cheeky grin growing on his lips as the now familiar question slipped through his teeth, ‘’Continue?’’
You nod, and without hesitation, Jimin aligned himself with your soppy entrance and pushed his cock inside, a drawn out, low groan vibrating in his throat. You let out a muffled cry, automatically turning your head to the side to try to hide your face in the pillow.
‘’What a good girl,’’ Jimin praised, advancing his hips even further until he was buried to the hilt inside of you. He remained still for a moment, relishing in the wet, tight warmth squeezing his throbbing cock, hips pressed against your ass. It took great effort on Jimin’s end to keep himself from moving, to just let himself indulge in his primal instinct screaming at him to fuck you dumb right then and there.
But this wasn’t about him. It was about you.
‘’Baby,’’ Jimin softly said as his hands grasped your thighs, gently rubbing your skin before squeezing the flesh between his fingers, ‘’I need you to help me cum, okay?’’
‘’H-how..?’’ You question, but the way his blunt nails dug into your thighs caused your cunt to tightly clench around his length, drawing a low groan from him.
‘’Like that… Just like that… You’re so good to me.’’ Jimin groaned once more. You whimpered quietly, clenching around him again, this time on purpose.
‘’Keep going, baby..’’ Jimin encouraged, but this time he started to rock his hips back and forth, instead earning a few gasps from you, quickly turning into moans. He was honestly surprised by how every little sound you made felt like a punch in his gut that only made him harder, greedier to hear more.
A groan in frustration left Jimin as his hands moved down to your hips, letting your legs fall from his shoulder as he leaned down closer to you, ‘’You want to be good for me, don’t you?’’ Sweat formed on his temples as he was now fucking into you, hips snapping againt your ass with every thrust, ‘’Come on baby, keep squeezing me tight, please.’’
So you did, desperately clenching around his cock as your body jerks in his hold, every thrust more powerful than the last. The once again familiar pool of heat formed in your lower abdomen, the purposeful tightening around his cock now less in your control, but a mere result of another orgasm building up in you, your jaw hanging open in silent cries.
He notices, pleased with your reactions as he reaches down to grasp your chin between his thumb and index finger, ‘’Gonna cum too, baby? Again?’’ Another moan leaves his lips, the rhythm of his hips never wavering, ‘’Come on, I know you can do it. One more.’’
‘’Can’t…’’ you whined, screwing your eyes shut tightly, but Jimin could tell you were already close. He changed up the rhythm, instead grinding his hips in circles against you, prodding and teasing the sweet spot inside of you that’d have you cumming around his cock in no time, ‘’You can, baby,’’ His low grunt didn’t go unnoticed, ‘’Need you to cum for me.’’
Your body felt like it locked in place, muscles tensing up as your hands claw at the sheets, all while crying out a choked sob. The second time around your orgasm was stronger, amplified by Jimin’s cock, his groans, and his hands in a bruising grip on your hips. It felt like your eyes would roll to the back of your head if he didn’t keep you grounded with his own moans.
‘’F-fuck..! So good to me, gonna cum..’’ Jimin’s eyebrows were drawn together in focus, the layer of sweat glistening on his body as he works you through your orgasm, quickly chasing his own with the help of your tight warmth throbbing around his length. As he finally reached his peak, he swiftly pulled out, wrapping his fingers around his cock to give it a few firm strokes, cum gushing out to pool at your stomach.
Jimin clamped his lower lip between his teeth, lazily stroking his cock to ensure he’s given you every single drop he could offer.
Giving the two of you a short second to catch your breath, he remains seated on his knees between your legs, using two fingers to swipe up some of his come, ‘’Look what a mess.’’ He said with mischief in his tone, bringing his digits to your mouth to let you clean it up. Once you cleaned his fingers properly, he kept collecting more onto his fingers, feeding his come to you until your stomach was clean. A satisfied hum vibrated in Jimin’s chest, his soft smile slowly resurfacing.
‘’Thirsty?’’ He suddenly asks as he rubs your thighs soothingly. Your nod in reply was enough for him, sitting up with a small groan as you watch him head over towards the kitchen to grab the two of you a fresh bottled water. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t checking him out in his post-sex glory as his hips swayed walking away from you.
He quickly returns, crawling up in the bed next to you as he hands you the water, leaving his own on the nightstand for now.
‘’We should get you cleaned up.’’ Jimin suggested.
‘’Yeah,’’ You agreed, but put no effort into moving. Your body was spent.
‘’Maybe later,’’ Jimin snickered, in no hurry whatsoever for you to actually leave as he scuffed up to lean against the headboard, urging for you to do the same, ‘’Come.’’
You crawled up to him, a small groan from the soreness in your body. But eventually, you made it up to settle in his embrace, his arms wrapping around you in a gentle hug. His hand combed through your hair, causing you to look up at him with your doe eyes.
‘’You don’t have to stay, technically.’’ Jimin gave you a crooked smile. A strong urge to just lean in a little further, to press his lips against yours overtook him. But he didn’t.
You ponder for a moment, squeezing yourself against his body further in a hug. It was comforting, ‘’Maybe I want to?’’
‘’Perfect,’’ Jimin’s smile grew wider, and instead of giving in to his urge to kiss your lips, he settles for pressing a peck on your forehead instead, ‘’I don’t want you to leave.’’
And the two of you stayed like that for a long time, just holding each other until you fell asleep in his arms.
♡   ♡   ♡
The following morning you woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and roomservice pancakes, Jimin’s smile growing when he saw you slowly stroll over to the kitchen in a t-shirt and underwear. He was merely wearing a pair of sweats, looking awfully domestic for being… Well, for what he was really here to be.
‘’Breakfast?’’ He snickered, already seeing your attention focusing on the food placed on the table, ‘’Go on. All yours… Hm--’’ He hesitated, approaching to stand behind you as you sat down by the table, his hand gently stroking your hair, ‘’I actually have to go.. But, feel free to leave whenever you want.’’
Your eyes grew wider, already a mouthful of pancake stuffed into your mouth, only spurring his smile on to grow wider.
‘’Okay..uh..’’ You felt a little disappointed for some reason, wishing he could stay around for longer. Jimin leans down to press a kiss on your cheek, ‘’Will I see you again?’’
His question was blunt, and sounded innocent in a way-- but if it meant for another session... 
‘’Yeah.’’ You responded almost too quickly, a small smile on your lips. ‘’Good.’’ Jimin’s eyes squinted before he turned on his heels to go get ready,
‘’I left my number on a note by the table.’’
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not edit, repost or translate.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Money Can’t Buy Happiness pt 2 - Jumin Han
Y’all ASKED and you shall receive. Sorry it took so long whoops school is horrible and the last four weeks of college are the worst ❤️ thank you for dealing w my schedule HAHA
Summary: you left Jumin, unable to stand the media bashing you every day, taking the first flight you could find. Will Jumin catch up with you somehow? This is fluff so you can guess the answer
You were lucky enough to get an aisle seat at least. Your seat partners were a couple in their early 20s who honestly... couldn’t keep their hands off each other. This wouldn’t have been an issue any other time, but you could just feel your heart break even more. You shoved your bag under the seat in front of you. You checked your phone one more time before you left. Eight missed calls from Jumin. A new chat room. Texts from everyone in the RFA, even V. None of it mattered anymore. You turned off your phone, letting a tear roll down your cheek.
“Excuse me,” the stewardess called, grabbing your attention. She wanted to check your boarding pass and your name. “You were the last one to book the flight, correct?”
Oh no. They had gotten to you? “...Yes,” you confirmed, hesitantly.
“I am so sorry to say this but the flight is overbooked. It was an error on our part. We can stick you on the next flight to Orlando and give you a voucher though!”
No. This was so much worse. “When’s the next flight?” Did you really want to know? How many flights could there possibly be from here to Orlando?
“About six hours. We’ll refund you and rebook and give you a complimentary voucher,” she had the same steady smile on her face. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes.
“I, uh, it doesn’t have to be Orlando. Do you know if there’s any sooner flights to North America?” You had unbuckled your seatbelt now, accepting your fate. You were going to have to get off the flight.
She tapped on her iPad a bit. “We have a flight to JFK in two hours.”
Shit. It was highly likely they’d get to you by them. So many dramatics just for it not to work. Maybe you should try Europe. You hadn’t even realized you were crying until you noticed the plane had gone somewhat silent.
“I’m so sorry. It’s just been a long day,” you wiped your tears quickly, apologizing. “I guess that’ll work.”
She paused for a minute, listening to her headset assumedly. “Oh! It turns out we actually have an open seat in first class if you want to upgrade.”
“How much extra is it?” You asked skeptically.
She hit a few more buttons on the tablet. “$300.”
You reached into your bag to grab your card. “I’ll do that.” $300 extra was a bit of a steep price considering you were now on your own and unemployed, but you had to get out of here ASAP.
She scanned your card and had you sign. You pulled your bag out from under the chair and apologized to the person who was waiting on your seat. She led you up to first class. It would be kind of nice honestly. But it’d make you miss Jumin even more, you were sure.
“Alright, your seat is right here,” she motioned to the second section from the front.
You thanked her and started organizing your bag, trying to set it up before getting settled in.
“Disney World, huh?”
You jumped. You knew that voice. The one you loved so much.
You couldn’t speak. Not at first. You didn’t know if you wanted to yell at him or cry or kiss him. He took your bag from your hands, stowing it away for you.
“I didn’t think you’d find me,” you confessed. You figured that’d be a good baseline. You tried to keep your voice steady, biting your lip to keep it from trembling.
“Of course I’d find you.” He smiled. “Come Now, sit down. We have a lot to discuss and a long flight to do so.”
You hesitantly sat next to him. The seat was so comfortable, especially compared to the one you were previously in. You buckled your seatbelt.
“Didn’t you read my note? I told you not to follow me,” you pouted. You still couldn’t tell deep down if you were actually mad though.
“You left a note?” He questioned, eyes wide. He shook his head. “I got a call from someone in security who saw you leaving with a suitcase. Seven has been hacking and I’ve been asking around the airport trying to find you ever since. I didn’t even pack a bag.”
“You didn’t?” You paused. This was supposed to be a serious conversation but... he had really done all this? “No change of clothes or anything?”
“Not even a phone charger.”
“You’re lucky I have one. Although you are in first class; I’m sure they’d give you whatever you ask for.”
The stewards were giving directions on how to put on a life vest and stuff. You ignored it.
“Why did you leave?” Jumin asked, his face falling the more he thought about the situation. “Did you fall out of love with me?”
“No!” You blurted out. You clasped your hand over your mouth; you were too loud. “Of course not. I love you so much. I just...” you sighed. “I’m scared. I’m not brave like you. Or poised like every other woman I meet at these fancy events. I’m not good enough to do any of that. And you deserve someone who is good enough.”
“You’re far more than good enough.” His hand moved slowly towards your own. When he saw you didn’t pull away, he laced his fingers with your own. “You have a personality. You’re innocent and sweet and you care about everyone. You like to make jokes and dance poorly and bake cookies when you’re sad. You’re so much better than all of the stiff ladies I have to mingle with. I think that’s why I like you so much. You’re so unique.”
“But I’m not strong enough to deal with it all.” You rested your head on his shoulder, not wanting to look him in the eye. “Sarah is constantly criticizing me. Your father is taking her side. The media thinks I’m overweight or only after your money.”
“You don’t have to face it alone. I’m here with you.” Jumin spoke, his words a promise.
“I don’t know. I don’t know if I can go on another day with everyone criticizing me and hating on me. I just feel so empty when I’m home alone reading their messages,” You whimpered a few tears falling loose.
“I will never leave you to face it alone again.”
“How can you be so confident though?”
“Because,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. A large diamond on top, the largest you had ever seen. Sapphires on either side of the main stone. “I want to marry you. Nobody can touch you when I’m your husband. I mean if! If, I am your husband. I understand if you don’t want to make a decision right now. You’ve had a complicated day. But I went out and bought this, today actually, before I knew everything that was going on. I wanted to protect you. I still do. But most of all, I want to be yours forever.”
“Jumin, I...” more tears were falling, your vision blurry.
He unbuckled his seatbelt and knelt down. “Would you do me the honor of-“
“Sir, I need you to buckle your seatbelt as we lift off.” A stewardess informed him, standing next to your little secluded room.
“Oh! But can it wait one minute? I’m-“
“I’m afraid it can’t.” The plane started to move.
“Yes Jumin,” you grinned, grabbing his hands and pulling him back into his seat. He was shocked, unmoving. You buckled his seatbelt for him. “All better. But yes. I will marry you.”
“You will?” He asked, as though he thought he was dreaming. Your left hand reached out to his. He slid on the ring, his hands shaking slightly and his eyes blank.
You kissed his cheek. “Not dreaming. I’m here. You’re here. We’re engaged.”
“I-“ he sniffled. He wasn’t usually that emotional of a person, but he was crying now. Crying. “I promise I will protect you. I don’t care if my father doesn’t accept you or the media doesn’t like you. I love you. I will protect you and make you feel so loved every day to make up for everyone else.”
You leaned in, pressing a short kiss to his lips. “But we can still go to Disney World right?”
“Of course we can still go to Disney World.”
“You’re gonna wear that suit the whole flight?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He scoffed. “Well you didn’t really give me time to pick out my fashion wardrobe.”
You pulled your sweatshirt over your head. You always layered on flights. You had learned your lesson in the past when you had almost froze to death. “Put this on instead. It’s oversized so it should fit.”
He smirked, looking at the lavender sweatshirt in front of him, running his hands over the soft fabric. “Okay.” You pulled the curtains surrounding you shut so he could change. “But what if you get cold now?”
“I’ll ask for a blanket. Or cuddle up with your suit jacket. Or just with you,” you winked. He shook his head, smiling, and got to work.
The thing with your businessman fiancée was he wore so many layers. Even during a passionate night it took at least three minutes to take everything off of him. First was his suit jacket, which he folded and placed on your lap, just in case you needed it. Then his vest. Then his tie. Then his button down shirt. So many intricate steps to look put-together. You only got a quick flash of his bare chest before he was shrugging your sweatshirt on. It seemed to fit him okay surprisingly. You were worried about his broad shoulders honestly.
“Well? How do I look? Is this my color?” He asked you expectantly.
“I know you’re joking but honestly you look really nice in that color. Extra pretty.” You kissed his lips. “Does it feel okay on?”
“It’s not too bad. The sleeves are maybe a little short, but nothing I can’t deal with.” He grabbed your knuckles and kissed your hand. “Thank you again for thinking of me.” He inhaled softly, his eyes fluttering shut. “It smells like you.”
You giggled. You squeezed his hand to get his attention. He opened one eye to glance your way. “You know what else smells like me? Me.”
He chuckled, burying his face into your hair. “I suppose you do.” He glanced up at you behind your locks. “Well. Good night. Let me know when we get to meet Mickey.”
“I’m not comfy though,” you whined, the weight of his head on your shoulder making you slouch in your seat.
He sighed dramatically. “I guess the good thing is that you chose a flight where the chairs can be converted to beds. Why don’t I call someone to come help us?”
“You certainly know how to spoil me, huh? How’d you get me in first class?”
“Well it certainly wasn’t $300. I won’t bother telling you how much it was. And then I had to bribe the man who originally had your seat to book another flight. Needless to say, we’ll take the private jet home. It’ll be cheaper.”
“You spoil me,” you kissed his cheek, “and I love you for it.”
“And i love you too.”
Not me wanting to write a disney world fic now nooo
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celestiababie · 4 years
Seonghwa NSFW Alphabet A-Z
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A= Aftercare (What they do/act like after sex)
Seonghwa is a sweet baby, even though he can be SO DISRESPECTFUL WOW he’d make sure you’re okay and he’ll clean you up, but I honestly just think that this boy wants to cuddle ASAP. I feel like he’d be really dopey and adorable after a session together and shower you with praises as he tangled your legs with his, holding you close.
B= Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
This boy does not and I mean DOES NOT keep his tongue in his mouth, so I think that he loves his tongue the most. He’d love the reactions you’d give while he gave you head. He definitely has a talented tongue and isn’t afraid to use it. As far as your body goes, he’d love your waist the most. It wouldn’t matter if you had a chubby waist or a thin waist or anything, he just loves holding you and his hands immediately go to your waist.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum… I’m a disgusting person)
He’s a neat boy, but part of me feels like he wouldn’t mind getting messy once and a while. He’d love cumming inside of you stay safe kids and he’d love covering your stomach every now and then. He wants the clean up to be quick and easy, so he can just cuddle you.
D= Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He really really REALLY wants you to give him a lapdance. He’d often fantasized about it, but couldn’t bring himself to ask you. Just the thought of you dancing to a slow song, wearing something sexy for him, would get him riled up
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Like my thoughts with most idols, I don’t think he’s the most experienced person in the world, and he may have never even had sex before you. This doesn’t mean he can’t learn fast and pick up on things that you like. He definitely has knowledge from watching things and looking up information.
F= Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Seonghwa would prefer missionary or fucking you against a wall. He wants to keep eye contact with you and kiss you as much as he can. He loves being close to you and feeling your skin against his.
G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Or are they more humorous?)
Hwa can get a bit goofy, he thinks that sex between people should be fun, but that doesn’t take away from the level of passion he has when the two of you have sex. Sometimes he wants to giggle and laugh off any awkward moments before he lets you feel how much he loves you.
H= Hair (How well-groomed are they?)
I think that Hwa is very well-groomed. Like I said in C, Hwa is very tidy, so it only makes sense that he would like to keep himself tidy as well.
I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Hwa would be very intimate, he wants you to feel how much he loves you by expressing it with his body. He’d kiss your body up and down and whisper into your ear as he held you tight and rolled his hips against yours. He’d mutter out “I love you” and sweet nothings as he kissed you deeply.
J= Jack off (Masturbation)
He’d definitely jack off if you weren’t around or if he was alone, bored. He takes long showers and I can only imagine what he must do during that time. He would be kind of shy to express to you that he jerks off, but part of him would actually find the idea of you watching him do it hot.
K= Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Hwa would be super into praise (giving and receiving), he wants to know that he’s making you feel good, and he wants to tell you how pretty you are. I also think that he has a slight choking kink, whether it would be your hand on his throat or his hand on yours, he’d love how oddly intimate it would be. He seems somewhat clingy and possessive, so he has a marking kink. He wants to mark you with pretty purple and red hickeys. He’d suck on the soft skin of your neck, down to your collarbones, then your chest, and even your thighs. He just wants people to know that you belong to him.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He’d prefer the bedroom, but he’d often have to sneak out and spend time with you at your place since he’d feel awkward if you two fucked while the boys were home… He’d also think that shower sex is fun, but he’d make sure that you two were careful.
M= Motivation (What turns them on?)
Having you close to him could probably get him turned on, but the main thing that would get Seonghwa turned on would be you whispering in his ear. He’d shudder when you’d do it and it would send shivers down his spine.
N= NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He wouldn’t want to make you cry or give you a lot of pain. He wouldn’t be capable of continuing if he saw you in pain. He would never want to slap you on the face, even if you begged him to.
O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Don’t get me wrong, he loves receiving and he’d never turn down a good blowjob, but he could spend hours with his head in between your legs. He wants to give you as much pleasure as possible and with his skills? He could most definitely do it.
P= Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
This is a hard one… I think that Hwa would be somewhat slow, but he’d be really powerful in his thrusts, he’d speed up when you were getting close, and make sure that he was still just as powerful.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex and how often?)
Hwa hates quickies with a burning passion, he wants to take his time, and savor every second with you. On the other hand, he wouldn’t mind a quick handjob or blowjob before a performance…it would help calm his nerves and make him more confident on stage. You’d pull him into an empty room and be very careful to not ruin his outfit as you pleased him.
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
There have been a few times where he’s convinced you to make-out with him on the couch, even though he knew one of the boys could walk in at any moment, but other than that, he’s fairly vanilla. He’d be willing to try some new things, but he knows what he likes, and is scared that something might go wrong, and you’d get hurt or something.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Because Hwa likes to take his time with you and give you pleasure first, he can last a very long time…maybe an hour or more. He can go for about 2 rounds, but when he cums, he gets sleepy and just wants to cuddle with you.
T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them?)
Hwa wouldn’t own any sex toys for himself, but he wouldn’t mind if you did. When he’s away from you, he knows that you use them on yourself, and he finds the thought of sexy, he might even want you to send him a video. He would be persuaded into using them on himself after you had wanted to try putting a vibrator on the tip of his cock. His life was changed after that day…
U= Unfair  (How much do they like to tease?)
This man loooooves to tease you and make you beg for him to give you more. After a minute or two of teasing, he’ll give you what you want with a small smirk on his face. He’d get very pouty if you teased him, he wouldn’t really beg, but he’d give you puppy eyes and whine.
V= Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
Seonghwa wouldn’t be that loud, he’d still moan and groan in your ear, but it wouldn’t burst your eardrums or anything like that. Like I said in the previous letter, this boy will get whiney every now and then if you tease him. He makes really pretty sounds when he fucks you and just- wow.
W= Wild Card (Random headcanon)
It was a dark Friday night, you were already in your comfy bed. You had just gotten off the phone with Hwa and he was telling you how much he had missed you. You heard a slight rustling and the sound of something shattering. Hwa cursed loudly and you furrowed your brows at the sound of your boyfriend. You got up from your bed and slowly made your way out of your bedroom and turned on the light to the living room. Hwa was trying to clean up the shattered pieces of the lamp he had broke in the dark. You cleared your throat and looked at the male, amused as to why he was in your house and the fact that he had broken a lamp. He looked up with you with a weak smile and stuttered over his words.
“O-oh h-hi baby! I was just um…I wanted to see you. I promise I’ll get you a new lamp.”
 You rolled your eyes and beckoned him to come closer to you. When he got into arms reach, you pulled him close and wrapped your arms around him. “It’s fine~ I missed you…”
“I missed you too, sweetheart.”
The two of you hug in silence for a minute before he speaks up with a soft voice. “Can we cuddle in bed now?”
X= X-Ray (Lt’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Oh boy, here we go. Hwa definitely isn’t small, I’d say he’s more of a grower than a shower. He would be slightly above average but would have quite a bit of girth to him. Oml, this part is awkward to write. I’d say around 6 inches.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Hwa is a young male, so I think that his sex drive would be kind of high. He wouldn’t crave it 24/7, but he’d get needy 3-4 times out of the week. Sometimes he’d ask you for help, but if he didn’t feel like bothering you, he’d just solve his problem himself.
Z= ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
I’ve mentioned this on a couple of the other letters, he just wants to cuddle you as soon as possible. He gets really tired after he cums and he wants to drift off to sleep with you in his arms.
Thank you so much to whoever took the time to read this! I greatly appreciate it! Please don’t be a silent reader, tell me if you liked it, and tell me if I should do the other members.
- Admin
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mira-shard · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet (Marina X Jae edition)
Thanks for tagging me @mizutoyama!  💖
A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?) The first attractive thing Marina noticed was Jae's defiance of the rules. She strongly believes rules shouldn't always be followed. One of the most attractive things is how loyal Jae is to his family. Jae loves Marina's sense of adventure and loyalty. During their first trip to knockturn alley, she almost immediately became ride or die for him and loyalty means a lot to him.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) Both of them always thought they'd grow up to have a family. But when the wizarding war came they decided to wait until everything was over and settled down. But life had other plans as it turns out Marina was pregnant during the final battle at Hogwarts. Once things had settled down they decided to expand their family when they both felt it was safe enough to do so.
C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?) Preferbably with Jae on his back and Marina on top of him. Marina's very clingly while cuddling and Jae likes being able to grab a drink while cuddling cause she ain't getting up for hours (Not like he actually minds)
D= Dates (What are dates with them?) As long as it's the two of them and they're having fun away from the castle? It's a date. Sometimes when they're joking around they call detention a date.
E= Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)) Marina: You're my safe place. Jae: You're my partner in crime. Marina: .... This shit is equally dope. Jae & Marina: You won't believe the kinda shit that comes out of this kid's throat (I had to, they totally would)
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?) Alright, so I actually wanted to write a two shot fic about them realising their feelings for one another but basically; Marina realised it when he was comforting her after she broke down from the pressure of the portrait vault. When Jae told her she was just one girl and that it's okay to take a step back for her own sake, she felt really seen and vulnerable and that made her realise it. Jae realised his feelings during a divination class. They were paired up together and sure, he thought she was attractive but when he noticed how sweaty his palms were and she just took his mind of it by talking about a prank they could pull on Pitts or adding something other than sandwhiches to the menu. It was those little things that made him think "Oh, shit. I love her."
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?) Iiiiiiii honestly don't know if this question is like, slightly NSFW?? But considering it's the fluff alphabet XD Yes, they're quite gentle with one another. Sometimes they can play a bit rough, like wrestling or shoving one another, but most of the time they're careful around each other.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?) They actually rarely hold hands. They prefer to link arms cause, well, when you're walking through knockturn alley it's quicker to draw your wand that way. Plus Marina likes staying as close as possible.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?) Marina immediately noticed Jae was a joker during their first detention together. When they talked about the things they did to get into detention she thought he was sneaky and someone who would sell her out to Dumbledore for a galleon. Luckily, he proved her that that assumption was completely incorrect. Jae thought she was kinda cueless when he saw her stare at the bread in confusion. He assumed she never had to do it before and was probably a rich kid who would complain about detention. Some of their first assumptions about each other are completely inaccurate but they got ofter those assumptions once they spent more time together.
J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous?) Marina gets jealous easier than Jae does. Marina's jealousy mostly stems from her own insecurity and can be a little bit petty about it, but Jae isn't one to avoid confrontation and calls her out on it if she's acting up when they're in private. Jae rarely gets jealous cause he's quite easy going and is confident in Marina's feelings about him. On the rare occasion that he does get jealous, Marina noticed quickly and gets a bit more affectionate and PDA to reassure him non verbally.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?) Some quick pecks during detention or in the library are quite common. But the longer ones are in places where they can be alone, both prefer privacy and aren't that much into PDA. Unless Jae is in a teasing mood. As for their first kiss, it was in the restricted section of the library. The two snuck in to find something they could use with either the vaults or useful information. Marina noticed a book she also had at home that she loved reading as a child. She started fangirling slightly cause it's very advanced magic and Jae thought she looked so adorable, like a kid in a candy store, so he couldn't help himself and kissed her.
L= Love (Who says ‘I love you first?) Marina did, in their seventh year. I still need to figure out a few of the details there.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?) Probably will be the summer festival side quest. Will definetely write a one shot about it once it comes out. But for now I'd say the time they made fudge together for Pitts.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil one another? Do they buy the person they love everything?) Jae gives small gifts from time to time, like a banned item he think she'd like or find useful. Most of his gifts are practical or cute. Sometimes he wishes he could spoil her more but Marina reminds him she prefers his company over anything material. Marina comes from a very wealthy family and loves spoiling her friends, but sometimes she takes it a bit too far. Jae doesn't mind it that much but had to explain to her that sometimes he prefered a hug over some kind of expensive item. That conversation took place a few times before Marina finally managed to reel it in. (She still goes all out on occasions like Christmas or Jae's birthday-) 
O=  Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?) Marina immediately thinks of yellow, cause of the signarture "gold" hoodie. Jae thinks of purple, without a doubt.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?) They only started using pet names to tease one another but somewhere along the line they started saying some of them unironically. Mostly in private, tho. Marina's usual pet name for Jae is "darling," and Jae only ever really calls her "kitten." Altho that one is purely to tease her for her animagus form.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?) Exploring Hogwarts. The castle is very old and has more secret passways and tunnels than they could probably ever find.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?) So there's a hidden room in the dungeon that's under the black lake and is entirely made of glass. The ceiling, the floor, the walls, you can see trough it all, as if you were in the lake. These two love to just go there and stare at all the mermaids and sea life that goes by while they sneak in some blankets, pillows and some butterbeer.
S = Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
When Marina is upset, physhical affection works almost always. Something as simple as holding her for a few minutes calms her down pretty often. She just needs a safe spot to let all the tears out.
When Jae gets sad, he rants to let it out. He paces around in the room while ranting and Marina listens quietly. Once he's done she'll pull him in for a hug and tries to talk about whatever the issue is. If Jae doesn't want to talk about it, she'll start making stupid, corny jokes to make him laugh.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?) Practically anything. For Jae it's cooking, pranks, how to bend the rules, hobbies and interest and funny/weird things he noticed. Marina loves talking about advanced magic, gossip she learned from the mermaids, quidditch or joking around in general.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?) Jae likes to take long walks outside of the castle to help him relax. Marina prefers to stay in a room with some music on, where she won't have to do anything but just breathe. If they both need to relax they often just take a quaffle and toss it around while making small talk.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) Jae likes to brag from time to time, most of the times it's about a new recipe that he got in one try, or an especially difficult item that he managed to sneak in. Marina mainly brags about things related to quidditch. Only very sometimes when people are being annoying she brags about the cursed vaults to make a point.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?) Hehehehe, no spoilers ;)
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?) Can't help but immediately think of Rollercoaster by Bleachers, not sure why. They don't really have a song yet, but maybe that'll change?
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?) Honestly? Neither never thought about it seriously in the beginning. It's about two years after they graduated when they decide together that they'll start considering it but sadly then rumors about voldemort returning showed up.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?) Marina wanted a kneazle, Jae a crup pup. They end up getting both and named them, ironically, Merlin and Arthur.
Tagging @hanihonii perhaps you would like to do it~? Cause I wanna know more about Stephanie and Ben  👀
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quitethepirategal · 5 years
Alphabet Headcanons!
List a headcanon that correlates with each letter of the English Alphabet. Can you list that many? It’s harder than it looks! Any tidbit of information counts, from the simplest fun fact to the lengthiest lore!
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A - Red Jessica is an Aries. Her moon sign is Taurus and her rising is Leo. She’s also a cusp baby, giving her Pisces leanings.
B - She has quite a few books in her massive library, but her favorites are The Art of War, Anthony and Cleopatra, On the Origin of Species, The Prince, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Frankenstein, and Treasure Island. She reads more textbooks than anything else tho. She really wants to like Jane Austin but she just... can’t.  ( unrelated, I was trying to figure which Shakespeare play would be Jess’s fav and found this. Y’all I screamed. )
C - Cats are her favorite animal. Any kind of cat. The grace, the lore, the silliness, the toe beans; they’re majestic little idiots and she loves them. She has two of her own. Sasha and Rosie. Jessica’s loved cats since she first made friends with one as a very little girl and she remembers every cat she’s ever had or been friends with.  Her first cat was an alley cat that followed her around that she uncreatively named Katjie
D - Dutch Afrikaans and English are her native languages, she grew up speaking both. However, she hasn’t really needed to speak Afrikaans since her mother died, and is no longer fluent as a result. Her first word was “Ahoy” but her second word was “geld.”
E - Red Jessica has some ridiculous eating antics, as a result of living in starvation from birth to late childhood and living as a pirate from then on.  She can bite directly into onions and garlic cloves as if they were apples, will eat ( or save ) the bones and fat of any meaty meal, can eat an entire apple- core included, loves to eat or chew on citrus peels and raw herb leaves, has a somewhat high tolerance for both spicy things and alcohol, and, like all pirates, has learned to tolerate most rotten/stale/moldy/expired food.  On top of that, her pursuit in studying biology and botany crowns her as probably the ONLY person in all of the Neversea who knows what nutrition is and how it works. Also eating avocados make her ears itch.
F - One of Jessica’s signature mannerisms is putting her fists up by her face. When excited or overjoyed she’ll shake them and when shes shy she’ll kind of hide her smile with them. She rests her chin on her fists, holds them still by her jaw when waiting in suspense, and its immediately where her fists fly to when startled or snuck up on ( with the exception of when shes armed, to which her hands fly to her hilt or holster ).  This mannerism makes complete and total sense considering shes a trained kick boxer.
G - Gardening is her absolute favorite stress reliever and you can pry it from her cold dead hands. Just bury your problems in the dirt my dude.
H - Her curly ginger hair is certainly one of the first things you notice about her and she takes very good care of it; a wash every two days, plenty of oils, vinegar once a week for dandruff. Her curl type is 3a.
I - Red Jessica is a closeted artist and frequently engages in illustration, and while this mostly comes in handy for taking illustrative botanical notes, her other favorite subject is the human figure. Specifically, the human figure of people she finds attractive or has a crush on.  And if you ask she’d be happy to try and draw you! Though she isn’t what you would call amazing she is somewhat talented- with her drawings having very technical, anatomical, and minimalist influences. She also like to sketch pastoral scenes when out in her fields.
J - Jessica was a name her father picked out, naming her after his first love.
K - She remembers her first kill. At 13 she was involved in a skirmish and lunged at a man out from under a table with a rapier. She remembers the exact look on his face, and recalls it with pride. First kill is a right of passage to pirates.
L - Jessica’s love language is all over the place, but can be narrowed down to gifts, words, and quality time. Arrogant suitors, take note because Jess will literally never shut up about you; she will brag about you, remind you of your achievements, praise you for your talents, be proud of you, will show you off, insist to EVERYBODY that you’re the best, and in some cases, spoil you.  This goes for friends too, of course but this all goes especially for whoever she has a crush on or is courting her. She JUST!! LOVES STROKING PEOPLE’S EGOS!! Speaking of spoiling, she’s a total gift giver.  No reason or occasion needed whatsoever; she is the QUEEN of  “ I was thinking of you so I got you a little something.”
M - Jessica is really really weird when it comes to materialism.  At a first glance, shes as avaricious as they come. She hoards beauty in the form of an art collection that graces her fine chateau’s halls and eminence gardens of gorgeous flowers.  She is a little crazy about treasure too, never missing an opportunity to treasure hunt, and has been known to loan-shark a time or two.  But in actuality, as made apparent through getting to know her, she isn’t really greedy or possessive at all.  Yes she loves pretty things and yes she is great at making money but believe me when I say that she is in the treasure hunt for the hunt more so than for the treasure.  Were she somehow to loose it all, money, island, treasure, everything, she’d be more concerned that whoever took her priceless art won’t take care of it.  In the best laid plans of mice and men, Jess is totally a mouse.  She’s lived the majority of her life owning nothing but the clothes she had on so, she’d just cut her losses and start over… come to think of it being wealthy is a bit boring…
N - Jessica has never been to Neverland. In my canon, only one pirate ( Hook ) was brave enough to ever set foot on that cursed island. Red Jessica, like the rest of the neverpirates, are too afraid. Most heard tales of an unbeatable foe and that the island itself is watching you, and that’s enough to keep Jessica away.
O - Oranges are her all time favorite food. She’ll eat anything with orange in it. Second favorite is crab or lobster. Third is pineapple chili sauce.
P - Her Myers-Briggs personality type is ESTP- a, the Entrepreneur.
Q - Jessica was Dread Pirate Grace O’Malley’s quartermaster. There are 9 Dread Pirates in the Neversea, each one being a legendary pirate of old, and they have the power to grant only the most talented pirates among them recognized captainship.
R - Red Jessica is is short for Red Handed Jessica for no reason other than I am Peter Pan ( 2003 ) trash.
S - Red Jessica’s crew is a sisterhood of sorts. While she is authoritarian and a captain to be feared, Jessica is friends with everybody in her crew and trusts them with her life. Her ship, The Rose, is practically a floating sorority; complete with weird traditions, gossip, gag rivalries, inside jokes, hazing, and the occasional prank. She even aids in getting them dates ( pro wingman right here ) and babysits some of their kids. Granted, they haven’t done much sailing or piracy in some time. But they all live comfortable lives on Crimson Isle, and they’ll be ready to sail should the need arise.
T - Jessica tends to trust people a tad too quickly and “give too much away” so to speak. It’s gotten her into trouble and even gotten her heart broken a time or two; but for some reason she never learns. She’d like to think she’s great at keeping secrets and to a degree, she is… but I wouldn’t trust her with any of mine- that I will say.
U - Oppenheimer, a pirate in the crew of the Flying Frigate ( in the movie the Pirate Fairy ) is her uncle.
V - Jess finds that she spends most of her days in her vineyard. She’s perfected the growing of grapes and timely shipments of wine, but now shes tinkering with how different aspects of growth effect flavor.
W - Jessica, whether she’s aware or not, is capable of being attracted to women. But she’s never really had any female partners. She’s not homophobic and wasn’t raised in an environment that was homophobic ( pirates pretty much love and sleep with whoever they want to ) it’s just ...never occurred to her to date women. Most of the reasons as to why are subconscious maternal issues but in short, Jess already has difficulty separating different kinds of love. Friendship and romantic love kinda... feel the same. She really only knows how to love one way and she can never tell if a woman is being friendly or flirty, much less if SHE’S being friendly or flirty. For this reason I’ve always labeled her as a questioning bisexual or a heteroflexible...
X - Her most recent botanical experiments revolve around xenogamy, also known as cross pollination. And just to flex, she’s also a huge xenophile for both Spanish and Chinese culture.
Y - Yellow is her second favorite color after red. Pink is her third and emerald green is her forth.
Z - In Jake and the Neverland Pirates, we see a type of rose called a Zebra Rose. While no such flower exists in actuality, I’d like to believe this is a result of some of Jess’s experiments - the medicinal purpose being to combat itching and irritation. 
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Tagging  - @emcads @shiningsilverarmor @ofrcvenge @hunterhuntcd @youthflight @rcinbowconnection @jesterabandoned @inhxrmony @captainxhaddock @forvistxkonge @mcnsieur and you!!!
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arsyeong · 5 years
[4] thief | ijb.
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o n e  /  t w o  /  t h r e e  /  f i v e  /  s i x  /  s e v e n  /  e i g h t
summary: the thief leaves yet another warning. word count: 1,275
a/n: well this took some time HAHAHAHAHA :D and he is psychometric ended yesterday ,, this is a tribute. ive also strayed from the original character of skye because im not good with words lol. n e ways i hope u enjoy hehe :3
Even you don't know how you're still alive.
Work had been especially hard these days. You were everywhere - helping the farmers harvest their crops before winter, moving crates of produce from one place to another, writing to the seniors' families to invite them for at least Thanksgiving, feeding the farm animals and so much more.
Your friends have been checking on you often, aware of your workload. They try to help as much as they can - heck, even Bambam (who was known to be lazy) did you a few favors - but it never seemed enough. Besides, they had their own lives too. You can't just take away their own time from them.
Today was another busy day.
You give your best smile to the old woman by the pond. "The mayor of their town dropped by yesterday and said he'd be the one to give it to them," you tell her while softly stroking her hand, "I'll ask him again when I see him next. He comes here often anyway."
The lady barely manages to croak out her thanks, but you do see it on her face and in her smile. With a final nod, you let go of her hand and walk away to your next destination.
You've never really been fond of the mines, but you were very friendly with the people working there.
"Jinyoung! Yeeun!" you call out. "I'm here!"
The two turn to you, and you know from their troubled faces that something was wrong. You hurry up the hill to them. "Did something happen?"
"The dig has been going well," says Jinyoung seriously before Yeeun hands you a piece of paper, "but this happened."
At midnight, I shall help myself to the valuables in your tent. Thank you for your efforts. JB.
"If that scoundrel takes even one artifact, we'll be set back for days!" cries Yeeun. "All that hard work will be put to waste!"
Jinyoung pulls her into his arms. He pats her gently as she vents out her frustration through tears and muffled death threats for the thief.
You, however, were silently rereading the note. Unlike the two beside you, the part that had caught your eye the most was the last one. JB.
You hadn't seen him for weeks.
Before he left you after the storytelling by the lake, he had informed you he visits the town at night. "In case you want to see me again," he had said cheekily, "or if you feel like turning me in. You know where to find me."
You used the information for the former.
The remaining days of summer were spent on working in the day and relaxing with him at night. You discovered more things about him, and it was the same for him to you. Jaebeom's image of a thief quickly turned to that of a friend; you even recall the first time you acknowledged it out loud.
"I really do miss my friends back home," he had mused with a faraway look, "Youngjae, Jackson, Yugyeom ... all of them."
Your ears perked up at the first name. "If we're thinking about the same Youngjae, he's running a summer shop here. You could go visit him!"
"I can't risk it," he said, "A thief out and about during the day? I might go to jail before I could even see Youngjae."
You fell back on the grass, defeated, and he sighed. There was silence for a moment, and then you said, "I'm your friend."
Had you seen his face then, you would have seen his eyes widen and his cheeks flush red in surprise. "I know," he had told you as casually as he could, but he was panicking internally.
"Until you could see your friends back home again," you continued, "I'm your friend."
"And when I finally see them again?" he asked, facing you enough for you to see his side smile.
"I'll still be your friend," you told him with a shrug. He had snorted lightly at that, and you remember how his smile widened to reveal his top teeth. He shook his head and looked back out onto the spring. You hadn't needed to see him then to know he was also smiling.
Jinyoung's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You look up to see him and Yeeun looking at you with a hopeful gleam in their eyes. "Will you help or not?"
"Of course," you tell them, and you hope the agreement was on catching the thief. Friendly as you were with them, the idea of mining until dawn in hopes of finding something wasn't quite appealing to you.
It's Jinyoung who shakes your hand and thanks you as his partner enters their tent to prepare for tonight. Walking to your other duties, you can't help but wish preparing yourself was just as easy.
"Thank you for coming," Jinyoung greets with yet another firm handshake. Yeeun rushes to you and envelops you in a hug. She takes a second longer than the usual, and that was enough for you to tell how anxious she is for tonight.
"Do you want to sit down?" she asks softly. She looks around then smiles at you awkwardly when she's reminded they don't have chairs in the tent.
"I'd love to," you say sheepishly. "Would it be alright?"
She gestures to a red sleeping bag on your right, "You must be working a lot these days."
You seat with crossed legs on what you assume to be her sleeping bag and nod. "I am," you admit, "but I'm used to it. People are always the busiest during autumn, then workloads are reduced greatly come winter."
"Just hang in there," she beams at you encouragingly, "A few more days and you'll finally get to rest," she pauses for a while before asking, "Are you hungry? We still have some food left here."
"I ate the sandwich," confesses Jinyoung, stopping her as soon as she turns around. He looks to you with apologetic eyes, but his smile says otherwise. "Sorry."
"It's okay," you chuckle, a little heart formed by his fingers appearing when you didn't follow up on your hunger.
The three of you spend the next few minutes in silence. Still seated, you watch Yeeun pace around the limited space while Jinyoung occasionally peeks outside.
Disappointment fills you more and more with every second that passes by without any announcement of him. Nervous as you were to face him after not meeting him for some time, you had still been excited to do so. The thought of seeing him again, even under this kind of circumstance, had been your motivation to get through the day and stay up for the night.
But it doesn't seem like he's coming.
You pull your knees closer to your chest and sigh as soon as Yeeun says, "Maybe he forgot he sent a note to us."
"Or," Jinyoung starts slowly, turning to both of you, "Or he could be stealing from the dig site this very moment!"
The two of them lock eyes briefly before wordlessly rushing out of the tent, heading to the mines. You get up to zip the tent shut, but you realize they weren't the only shadows outside.
A third one was nearing you.
In your tired state, even squinting didn't allow you a good look at the figure. It was probably seven steps to you when your fingers freeze on the zipper in recognition.
“Don’t close up just yet!” He jogs to you and places his hand over yours before you could zip it up completely. He rests his head on his hand and greets, "Hey."
You take in the way his eyes sparkle as he looks up at you, and you resist the urge to smile back at him. "Aren't you going to greet me back?"
"I would if you didn't send my friends a warning note," you answer coldly, narrowing your eyes at him and trying to make him feel guilty. He just laughs.
"Ah," he says, "I see you've got my message."
"Correction: I wasn't the recipient of your message."
"Yes you were," he insists, chuckling once more at the confusion that bloomed after that. "Well, I intended for you to hear it via them."
"You aren't making sense."
"Of course I don't," he says lightly. He then lifts his head back to normal and looks around.
"They're probably still checking around the mines," you tell him, "This dig really means a lot to them, you know."
"I know."
Your surprise from his soft tone at that increases when his hand slithers under yours and takes hold of it. "Jaebeom," you gasp.
He simply laughs at you again. "Come with me."
A minute later, he was leading you downhill and away from the tent. "Are you taking advantage of my trust and bringing me somewhere for you to murder without leaving a trace?" you can't help but ask, releasing your fear all in one breath.
He glances back at you with an expression of disbelief. "Why would you think that?"
"It can happen."
"I'd never hurt you," he says softly, looking away, "Not again."
The remainder of your walk was spent in silence as you mull over his words. You're only snapped back to attention at the sound of waves crashing onto the shore.
"The ocean is especially beautiful tonight," he says once you're close enough to the waves. He tilts his head and looks at you with a small smile. "Maybe it's because you're here with me, (Y/N)."
"And here I thought you don't say things like that to your friends," you mutter.
He points at your cheeks, "But you're blushing."
"Oh, am I?" You start to pat your cheeks though you know he's telling the truth. "Really?"
In the next second, he had pushed your hands away from your face and replaced them with his own. He squishes your cheeks together and leans in, "See?"
"More like feel," you say. There's a brief silence as both of you slowly realize how close your faces were. The two of you pull away at the same time.
"Have I told you I liked cooking?" he asks suddenly.
"No," you reply, "I don't think so."
"Well, I do," he continues, "and I pride myself most on my stew."
You hum and nod along to this. "I like making other things - my second best is curry, actually - but I just like stew the best. Kimchi stew, to be exact, but my other stews are great too. It's quite easy to make, but I pride myself on that the most," he pauses then turns to you again, "I hope you get to try my stew one day."
"It must taste amazing if you talk about it like that," you say before meeting his eyes, "I'd love to."
"One day," he sighs, looking back out to the ocean.
Staring at him, you suddenly wonder, What if he gets caught?
Being friends with him may have changed your perspective of him, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a thief and that he had stolen countless times before. Kind and forgiving as the townsfolk may be, they were all about justice and safety. They'd let him rot in prison for as long as they could.
"Why do you come back here at night?" you find yourself asking.
"I rob people?" he answers, confused and sounding like it should have been obvious.
"No," you shake your head and focus on him, "I mean the nights you aren't stealing from people," and, in a whisper, you add, "The nights you spend with me."
He takes a deep breath and sticks his hands in his pockets, "Let's go back. Jinyoung and Yeeun must be worried about you."
He starts to walk away, but you take his arm and stop him. "You haven't answered my question."
"Just tell them you saw me, you ran off to catch me," he turns to you and winks, "but you failed."
"You aren't answering me," you push on, jogging until you're walking beside him.
"Don't walk beside me like that!" he whisper-yells with a playful grin on his face, "A lovely lady like you shouldn't be seen with a thief like me."
"Shut up and answer my question, Jaebeom." You were serious. You grab his arm again and pull him back to a stop. There's a fire in his eyes when he looks at you once more, but you don't back down.
"Let go."
"Tell me."
His hand was on yours, and it wasn't as gentle as it was earlier. However, it just stays there. "Why do you want to know?" he asks in a low tone.
"Why don't you want to tell me?" you shoot back.
The tension is broken by his laugh, amusement taking over his features while confusion does for yours. "Well, well," he says with a hint of pride, "That was a good answer."
Jaebeom applauds you for some seconds before he registers how serious you were. "Okay!" he breathes out, holding his hands up as if to surrender, "You answer my question then I'll answer yours. Deal?"
Sensing he wouldn't have it any other way, you simply nod and let go of him. You wait for him quietly and glare at him when he doesn't say anything. "What happened to the deal?"
"I told you to answer my question first before I answer yours," he explains, crossing his arms over his chest, "You're the one who isn't doing your part."
He smiles when you sigh, knowing he'd defeated you. Looking down, you admit, "I want to know why you come here leisurely when you know you could get caught at any moment."
"Is this your way of telling me not to come here anymore?"
You deny it so fast that he laughs yet again.
"Hey," he calls out softly. When you see his shoes on the ground you were looking at, your head shoots up in surprise. You're even more shocked when you realize how close he was standing to you. He grins at your reaction and leans in, holding you gently by your sides. "What do I do here when I'm not stealing?"
"You hang out with me," you whisper back, hoping he wouldn't notice how nervous you were at being so close to him.
He chuckles in your ear, "Exactly."
There's a pause where you could feel him breathing by you, and you weren't sure what to feel. All you were sure about was that your heart was beating faster with every moment you stay in that position.
"I come here, take risks and do all that," he finally says, voice low, "because of you."
Stunned, it takes you some time to process his words and form more questions.
But he was already gone.
"You're okay!" Yeeun says happily, pulling you into a quick hug. "You didn't come back last night, and we were worried sick about you."
"We thought that thief had done something to you," says Jinyoung, "I would never have forgiven myself if that happened. Are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm okay," you assure them with a genuine smile, "I just got tired chasing him."
"At least you're alive," Yeeun says, "Catching him is a problem for the future."
You eat the breakfast they've brought you and exchange stories about the night before. Even if you've just woken up, you made sure to follow what JB said the night before. It was a feeble attempt in trying to make yourself believe the real events were just a dream.
A very confusing dream.
p r e v i o u s  /  n e x t
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