#v: all the world´s a stage and the men and women merely players ( non kayfabe )
missxles · 5 years
“Think you can keep a straight face if I finger you under the table?” //NickxNikki
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        Feeling a SHIVER running down her spine at his words she turned to give him the most innocent look she could manage. “Mhm…possibly. But can you?” Nikki then replied, letting her legs fall apart slightly under the table. 
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missxles · 5 years
💓 for a heated kiss //Ferg and Lexi
   They should have been in their OWN hotel rooms, getting some rest, but this? Oh this was a much more interesting way to spend the time, or so Lexi thought. From the way his hands were roaming her body, however, she assumed that he thought the same.
   Pinned between him and the hotel door she SMIRKED as they pulled apart for air eventually. Her pupils blows wide Lexi let her tongue dart out to lick her lips.
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       “Missed me?”
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missxles · 6 years
[ continued from here ] @lasskickcr
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❝ how can ya’ NOT like puns? ‘nd why do ya’ have t’ go gettin’ MAD at me for sayin’ d'em? ya’ knew w'at ya’ were gettin’ into w'en d'is happened. ❞ ANYONEthat knew her, or knew OF her, would have known that PUNS were a MUST in her life. she couldn’t go a DAY without one, why would TODAY be anyDIFFERENT?  ❝ ya’ need t’ LIGHTEN up d’ere lexie. stop bein’ so VIOLENT‘nd threatenin’ me will get ya’ NOWHERE. ❞
stretching out a foot, and making sure that she was on the edge of the bed already, a knowing little GRIN appearing on her face.  ❝ w’at was it d’ey call ya’? ‘FIVE FEET OF FURY’? can ya’ even REACH me? ❞
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“I like a good pun, but not when I´m trying to SLEEP.” Lexie informed her with a roll of her eyes. It was way past midnight and while she really didn´t mind sharing the bed she minded the puns. Especially the ones about her being small. 
“Hey now. Watch OUT!” she grabbed a pillow then and threw it at the other woman, though it served more as a distraction as Lexie rolled herself over and went straight for Becky´s ribs. Even if she wasn´t ticklish she could AT LEAST poke her for a bit. That would serve her right.
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missxles · 7 years
[continued from here] @lasskickcr
her head ached and the sun was WAY too bright to help with anything other than getting a small noise of discomfort from becky as she hid her head beneath the pillow. ❝ i glitterally can’t remember –  ❞ there was a pause and silence for a few seconds before a muffled laugh could be heard and she pushed the pillow aside, a smile wide on her face. even with a pounding headache and no memory of the night before, she still managed a pun.  ❝ that was a good one, yea’? ❞
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Renee couldn´t quite hold back the laughter that tumbled from her lips at the other woman´s words and if there had been any tension in the room then it was most definitely broken by now. She chuckled, still, as she rolled onto her side to look at Becky. “The best I´ve heard from you in a while,” Renee eventually agreed, the smile remaining on her face. “Though I´d still like to know why there´s so much glitter.” And why you´re in my bed,
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missxles · 7 years
[continued from here] @beinglionhearted
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“not only do i look like it, i also feel like it, very much so”, leaning against the wall, the brunette closed her eyes for a few moments, trying to maybe make her body relax. “so, they are putting you back in a program together with bray?”
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“You should get some rest,” He nodded, gently poking her side, lips curved into a smile. “Ah...yes. Believe it or not: They´ll have him pour paint over me. I mean...it´s not like I spend most of my time here putting paint on myself anyways,” he chuckled.
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missxles · 7 years
[continued from here] @beinglionhearted
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“trust me, so do i. we used to call ourselves average jane’s in nxt and look at us now! i mean… yeah, you with a bummed shoulder and me with that… but you know what i wanted to say, right? gosh, why am i such an idiot?”
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Her lips curved into a smile at the other´s words and she nodded. “You´re not an idiot, you´re a NERD,” She then reminded her, bumping her good shoulder against the other woman´s. “And hey, we´ll come out of this stronger than ever, alright?”
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missxles · 7 years
[continued from here] @av3ngersassvmble
“You mean—The way that I loved you?” The way Nick made it sound, he still sounded hurt by the whole thing. During their storyline, he knew he felt something for CJ, he loved her. Nick felt like his heart was pulled from him body after that. “You know how much I did…..”
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“Yeah.” She held back a sigh, forcing herself to look back at him. The truth was: There wasn´t anything she could say that would make this right. She had fucked up back then and there wasn´t really much she could do to change that. “I´m sorry. I know I´ve said it before and that it´s not enough but...I can only say that I would do it differently if I could.”
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missxles · 7 years
[continued from here] @av3ngersassvmble
“Hey, you know what? There is nothing wrong with that.” The Iowan said softly and smiles. “I felt the exact same way after I came back from my injury, you just get this rush and you feel like you are back where you belong.” Of course, Colby knows that just being backstage again doesn’t mean really anything, but still. When you come back to where you feel you belong, it’s a damn good feeling.
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Brie had grown up in the ring and while the spotlight had always been more on Nikki she had still loved working in the business. She didn´t want to complain, because being with Bryan was wonderful and having Birdie had been one of the best decisions of her life, but that didn´t mean that she didn´t miss THIS. “Yeah…yeah. I know. I´ve missed you all,” She offered the other a smile. “I´ve missed getting out there to my music, seeing the people and hearing them cheer…these days I´m the one cheering whenever Birdie learns something new,”
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missxles · 5 years
“Fuck me” //Bayley and your choice!
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    “You want that?”
       Her voice was a little breathless as she sat on top of him. They´d know each other for so LONG that she didn´t really have any doubts about his request, but Bayley felt compelled to ask again, just in case.
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          Reaching out to run her hand across his CHEEK she smiled. “Tell me what you want me to do,”
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missxles · 5 years
“I hate parties. I just wanna disappear into the closet with you.” //Renee and your choice
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               A small chuckle fell from her lips at his words while her eyebrow rose. “Don´t be so negative, this is a FUN party.” Renee then grinned. “But I´m not complaining about the closet idea.”
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missxles · 5 years
“Kiss me.” //Brie and Nick
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   Her lips curved into a smile and maybe she was teasing a little more than she had to, but she liked the way he reacted to it. Liked their back and forth BANTER.
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         “What if I don´t?”
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missxles · 5 years
“Say please… I need to hear you beg.” //Lana and your choice
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         She didn´t BEG. Well, nor normally anyways. But this? Oh this was different, she was a different person when she was with him and maybe it was also helping that this was technically not allowed. 
        With her lips curved into a smiled she tangled her hand in his hair, pulling him close. “Please.” She then whispered, pushing her hips up against his.
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missxles · 5 years
“There are so may people here. Wanna sneak away and see if they notice?” //Ronda and your choice
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        “I don´t know if I WANT them to see us together,” She replied with a slight laugh. It wasn´t with malicious intent, but they were working for DIFFERENT companies and even though WWE wasn´t her favorite place to work at she was still under contract with them.
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      “But we could make sure they DON´T see us…”
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missxles · 5 years
“I want you now… I can’t wait until we’re home.” //FergxLexi
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              Lips curved into a smile she batted her eyes at him, turning around while she walked backwards. “And RISK getting caught by someone?” Lexie mused and really, she was just teasing.
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     “Imagine how GOOD it´s going to be if we wait…”
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missxles · 7 years
[continued from here] @betterthcnyou
(SMS - RENEE - SENT): New phone. (SMS - RENEE - SENT): Who dis?
( text ;; asshole ) you can´t even stop being an ass for one minute, can you?
( text ;; asshole ) Fuck you. Honestly. 
( text ;; asshole ) I´m so glad you left, you know? Jon´s so much better in EVERY aspect!
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