extravalgant · 10 months
Could you talk about the storm school I think it's confusing how it's a school about inventing but also about destruction it's the nerd and jock school and it's crazy cause those two things don't seem like they go together
i LOOOOOVE the storm school ^_^ i am a bit biased in this regard because my main is a storm school and the wizard that i draw the most is a storm wizard BUT i do think it gets a bad rep because of the people that play it HAHAHA
BUT THATS WHAT ALSO MAKES IT INTERESTING DOESNT IT.... do wolf stormblades exist in canon and if so why havent they been villified in the same instance as necromancers? duncan is already kind of an example of a ''wolf deathblade'' in a way and thats why i imagine his peers dont view him as favorably as everyone else...
AND ITS ACTUALLY INTERESTING THE WAY WE SEE DIVINERS IN WIZARD CITY.... we have both suzie and artur gryphonbane as the antithesis of what we would expect a diviner to act but theyre more amicable and friendlier than duncan.
BUUUUT i am getting off topic. at its core, storm is supposed to be the polar opposite of the myth school. where myth is creation -- the act of preserving stories, of making stories, is what sets it apart from its counterparts. whereas myth is creation, storm is destruction. at the core of all its principles, the main thing that the storm school focuses on is how to deal damage as fast as possible, with as much force as possible. diviners do not make they destroy.
the inventing part comes from halston i think! he's an inventor ^_^ but it's not a coincidence that storm magic and invention go hand in hand -- a lot of storm magic powers machines and electricity within wizard city, as evidenced by triton avenue, so i guess thats another connection u can make when it comes to how many people get the ''inventor'' part.
THOUGH AS SEEN IN ARC 3.... storm is still very much a volatile school. i definitely would be partial to assume that storms are moreso of the "jock" variety
part of it is also just fanon too :] the neat part about magic system in wizard101 is how soft it is - you can interpret the schools of magic any way you want!!!
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venusbby · 1 year
— hiii i just stopped by your blog and you hit 200 followers?? congrats!! ^^
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s-starvoid · 1 year
hi valentine! hope the body doesn't get a headache.
hello dear. we’ll be okay :} thank you for the concern!
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sundownvalentine · 2 months
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Qpr c!clingy duo kiss for you beeheheheheheheheheh (my brain rotates Qpr clingy/bench trio in my mind 24/7)
THE SILLIES!!! Theyre so qpr
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extravalgant · 6 months
I miss wizbat 😭
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extravalgant · 1 year
(leans in your askbox like someone leaning around the corner)
Excuse me but did I hear correctly that uhm... .. . . you wrote something about Duncan? Duncan GruncanWuncan? And that you might post that? (holds out both of my palms like a starving child) Could you perhaps.. . . .. maybe spare me a glance? Just a silly willy little peak? Bit of aaaaaa preview?
(nah I'm just playing you don't got to if you don't want to LMAAAOOOOO but if you ever do post that thing about Duncan I would LOVE to consume that 👀 because I love Duncan and I love other people's writing a normal healthy amount)
ITS ALRIGHT BAHAHA I WAS GOING TO POST IT EVENTUALLY!!! nothing too long or big since it was just a couple musings i did about the necromancers in game when i was on my break at work >_^
i have written about him here and a bit here if u do wanna see more heehee hoohoo
since its so short i can share it right here and right now but some parts of the responses (particularly morganthes) might be wrong or i misremembered something just on the basis that i was too lazy to go back and double check LOL
necromancers always have something to prove
malistaire drake, who sets out to prove that the dead can return — that love would conquer all, that he could make deities older than him, older than the current spiral, bend to his whims and wishes. 
morganthe, who sets out to prove that she can master astral magic, that if she can't, then she'll force it to. to prove to merle ambrose that she's still the capable young wizard that was proud of her, once upon a time. that she didn't deserve to be casted out by her peers and stripped of the magic she loved so dearly. that she could spin a better spiral, weave a better world. 
duncan grimwater, who sets out to prove that he is useful. that it's not just the wizard (now savior of the spiral, now arcanum scholar, now arcanum liaison) who has the potential to take their magic to new, greater heights. that he is loyal, that everyone deserves second chances – that he wants someone, anyone, to look at him and see the potential for something more brimming underneath. that he is worth all the effort.
malorn ashthorn, who sets out to prove that if there is no one else to turn to, then he is there. to prove that his stay at the end of the path, where the old death school used to be, was purposeful. to guide and shepherd new and fresh novices, to become the gentle hand that nurtures the knowledge of death and the way it is taught. to stay as a constant, in everyone’s life.
and you... what were you trying to prove? it seems that everywhere you turned, someone was always doubting your intentions. shadow and necromancy were two sides of the same coin, parallels in the way they demonstrated their magic. shadow took and took and took, and all necromancy wants is for you to feel safe, to feel secure. even if it means taking it from something else.
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extravalgant · 1 year
hey arc 1 questing may be hellish but at least during that i know whats going on and why im doing what im doing... im in azteca right now and im chasing different people down and fighting four of each enemy over and over like okay so morganthe is up to something with a "deck of shadows" whatever that is... and we gotta stop her or else uhh... oh look another black lotus
i would arguably say that azteca and khrysalis are the ones where it starts to reach a kind of climax and ending... but i am also biased because i like azteca and khrysalis 😭
but yes morganthe wants the deck of shadows from the mirror lake and thats why shes there. ignore xibalba thats not important 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 this isnt about them rn
from what i remember from speedrunning wiz the first time (still no max...) this is how arc 2 felt for me
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extravalgant · 8 months
I finished ratbeard's second promotion and I'm going insane about him rn dude spent his whole life focused on the goal of revenge and the effects of that is so fascinating to me like ik vengeance are bad stories can sound preachy but I also think that sometimes letting someone consume your whole life like that is so damaging
i LOVEEEE revenge stories. like its a tragedy either way because you either kill the person responsible for what happened in the first place and feel aimless and lost and empty afterwards or you dont and just feel. conflicted about the whole thing
LIKE ITS SO SATISFYING IN AN UNSATISFYING WAY I THINK... i think because ratbeard is already so rough around the edges that something like murder wouldnt be above him. but then u find out thats not the case at all... +_+
sometimes i forget that pirate101 is very.. well not explicit but it makes it clear that were killing people and that some of ur crew has killed people before 😭 i mean its obvious from the beginning when u get to choose how ur parents die and whatnot but sometimes it just hits me
AND TO SPEND YOUR ENTIRE LIFE ON THAT.... i just think its sweet that he thanks the pirate<33
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extravalgant · 1 year
I hope this isn't rude, but when you tag "adam" and "eve" is it in a Catholic way, or...?
this is the funniest fucking ask ive ever gotten
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extravalgant · 1 year
marcille <- inconsolable
i will never be over marcille. like those marcille chapters were insane and im supposed to be NORMAL ABOUT IT NOW? ABOUT HER?
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extravalgant · 1 year
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extravalgant · 1 year
to people who already know this entirely strips my anon status but something so fucked abt realizing u love a void guy just as he shuts you out :(
it's so crazy too because we spent a whole chunk of lemuria essentially trying to teach him about the everything, about the way we (as the wizard) function within the spiral... that we do this not to get expect anything out of it but TO DEMONSTRATE TENDER HEARTEDNESS IN THE FACE OF A WORLD THAT MIGHT NOT ALWAYS HAVE IT...
T_T... it literally makes me so emo that he was pushed to the point where the original prophecy from sybil kind of fufilled itself... in a way. it's pretty vague even so
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extravalgant · 1 year
i hope this isn’t rude, but when you tag “young wizard” and “dasein” is it in a catholic way or ..?
yes next question
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extravalgant · 1 year
You know, I wonder if one could draw parallels between the Wizard’s attempts to help and save Dasein despite the potential risk to the spiral and Mellori’s attempt to kill spider despite the consequences?
i completely forgot about the context that prompted this ask BUT I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE... this changes everything for me
i think where it differs however is that mellori has that opportunity to do so - the wizard doesn't. we don't get the kind of agency and choice in matters that involve the entire spiral - in a sense, we are a neutral party, and a 'necessary evil'.
and i do tend to think of it them as a necessary evil - at least, perhaps, in the eyes of others. mellori might have thought of it that way when we refused to kill spider even when it meant that the entire spiral would be at risk of falling apart. or maybe perhaps she thought it was the kind of necessary evil she expected us to take even at that cost...
(the moral compass of a divine being is tricky...)
the point is that the wizard has to kind of... accept that this is happening. accept that there wasnt anything they can do to save them, and accept the kind of villainy they're being painted with when having to make the (very often) difficult choices when it comes to dealing with things that go on in the spiral
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extravalgant · 1 year
Olympus will never be free unless they do a free membership for all thing because it's side content and ergo not considered part of Arc 1. Same with Grizzleheim and Wysteria, and the Four Dungeons Zones (Kembaalung, Barkingham, Zigazag, Darkmoor)
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extravalgant · 11 months
eve as in the girl from christianity? miss apple eating queen????
this is the second time this has happened and its still just as funny
BUT NOOO NOT HER!!! eve is a ttrpg oc of mine 😭‼ tortured hollow . you know how it is etc etc behold
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