#valorant lore
listles-s · 1 year
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i NEED to know the dynamic between sage and omen. NOW
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hvstias · 5 months
finally got omen AND viper lore crumbs.. riot is treating me well
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notgloomie · 1 year
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I lied. There is so much more I want to gush about.
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mezzy-1 · 3 months
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Gekko left a voicemail in Brimstone's office, asking about Harbor and Fade's investigation of a possible artifact that KINGDOM uncovered.
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yelenaa-romanova · 5 months
So here are my (cluttered) thoughts about the cinematic because I'm hyped af and don't know who to talk to why not
Cypher didn't die!
Iso is so babygirl!
The sounds of the ingame util and abilities were so perfect I love easter eggs like this
Omen with the new gun looked so freaking cool like YESS
Animation was beautiful and on point as always, I especially enjoyed the shots with the location names, felt like a movie
About that, Riot, I'm waiting 👀
The shot that had SCATTER written across the scene with Omen pushing his former boss out of the window was pure perfection
Love how the animation style changed for the flashbacks
Viper is hot pretty and shady af but goddamn this woman could do things to me
Omen saying "I'll deliver it personally" in the end gave me chills and I need a separate video just about that
None of them died and they just kicked ass together and it made me very excited! I need more!!
Also I wonder if Brim and the other higher ups at VP know about Omen and Viper's shared history
I feel like shit is about to go down and I hope we get new voicelines about the new lore
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notaspectator · 4 months
and the newest voicemail? Viper is TERRIFIED of Omen. she was okay because she had power over him before; she controlled him and he trusted her and she knew she was safe
but then omen learned who he used to be. And Viper is losing her shit because “what if he finishes the job?” She knows she wont win twice. She knows she’ll lose the second time around. And so she is rightfully afraid now that she has lost her only trump card over Omen; now that Omen knows enough to be his own person.
and Omen- he just wants to KNOW. he’s sick of being left in the dark and playing protocol lapdog; he just wants to live the life he never could and his whole world is shattering to realize that HE is the reason this happened. that if whoever he used to be never tried to kill Viper, he’d be alive, and he’s probably frustrated as hell that viper couldn’t just tell him. Before he went on this wild chase and before he had to find out himself. and he’s just tired and angry and rightfully so when he’s obviously such a lost man.
but viper is just as right in her desperate measures of self defense, trying to keep him at bay and keep him loyal, because she’s just scared and what she did to omen haunts her, alongside knowing that omen could very well turn on her out of spite. He tried once, who is to say he’s changed enough to not try again? She’s scared. and, i really hope that omen DOESNT do anything drastic because he very well might.
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mainviper · 5 months
Valorant really waited 2 years to give us decent lore, huh ?
I'm changing my profile picture btw
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iamprometheus · 1 year
I think part of the reason why Chamber is so interesting to me is because he's entirely aware of his position in the protocol. He's aware no one trusts him ("Brimstone, I'm your key to the other side, you can at least pretend you like me").
He's aware it's all temporary, and he goes out of his way to form a surface-level working relationship, enough that he can count on them in the field, but not enough to actually mean anything outside of it ("It's a shame you had to die, but you are not a part of my bigger picture").
He's aware that he's awful, but still coats his words in pleasantries, and for what? ("I am sorry we could not work out our differences").
And I think he's just convinced himself there's no wrongdoing on his end, or he doesn't mind it, because at the end of the day, everyone is aware, and he's fine with that. ("No loose ends.") ("You knew not to trust me.")
Chamber is a character who's only pleasantries and fake promises down to his core and it's so intriguing to me
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fadeslover · 1 year
ok last contoversial val meme for today.
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caramel1mochi · 9 months
Probably spoilers for the new Sage voicelines? I don't know, but
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Wingman has enough emotional intelligence to fathom Deadlock's trauma and even console her, but not enough to differentiate between trash and normal stuff?
Does this imply Wingman knows what he's doing??!!
Also, found this from Kanga Valorant on Youtube!
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blackraged · 2 years
Sova's Voice Mail
What he says:
"Commander, please accept my sincerest apologies. In my zealousness, I may have set the Danger Room to...slightly above the recommended safety limit. As a result, I have received a non-life-threatening injury, which I can assure you, will not interrupt my duties. I am on the way to medical, as we speak. Once I'm treated, I will ensure that the blood on the floor is cleaned. It is a slipping hazard. And for this, again, I apologize. Speak to you soon."
What he actually means:
"Commander, I fucked up. I was trying to prove to you and everyone else, that I'm still worthy, so I set the Danger Room to the highest level possible, to see if I can beat it on my own. Turns out, I cannot. But, despite my 7 broken ribs, the blood trail that I'm leaving behind and the big open wound across my stomach, I am still good to go. I'm currently crawling to medical in pain, but I don't want you or anyone to know that, so don't worry about me. Please do not check out the danger room before I cleaned it, because I lost a lot of fucking blood, and people might slip on it. Again, I am really sorry and I swear I am still useful. Please don't kick me out."
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listles-s · 1 year
jett’s knife necklace
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ok i’m probably looking way too deep into this but just hear me out
jett being able to wear one of her signature weapons as a necklace is a dead giveaway that the pov we’re seeing is that of the mirror world (omega) and not our world (alpha) and is a confirmation that though the agents are the same there are still subtle differences between the two that keep them distinct.
if mirror world jett is the one responsible for the venice (ascent) incident, she wouldn’t be proudly displaying her knives, the very weapon last found on site after the radianite exploded, if she were on alpha earth.
she would most definitely not be casually out and about with raze and kj either, and on alpha earth, phoenix and yoru are the ones shown to be going out with them, rather than jett.
while it Has been shown that jett is still able to be out in the public (sage’s lunar new year posts are evidence of that), it’s still significant that she’s wearing her signature knife, as it also shows evidence of pride in herself.
this creates an interesting juxtaposition between the two earth settings:
omega earth’s valorant protocol is seen as a hero organization and, by proxy, its agents as heroes of their own right. it would make sense, then, that jett would be proudly displaying her main weapon of choice, rather than hide it or herself away.
 the events and chaos she caused on alpha earth never happened on omega, so why would she ever need to feel shame for something she technically never did?
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hvstias · 5 months
“viper wants a full report.”
“i will deliver it personally”
yall. YALL.
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uhm. do you think gekko reminds reyna of her little sister.
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mezzy-1 · 3 months
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Recovered file from Valorant Emails that shows Harbor and Fade collaborating to find out what REALM is hiding.
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primeminiature · 1 year
the power of gay has prevailed !!!! it's time for all the agents fuck
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