#valriety sdv
valriety · 1 year
Hi there! I remember reading your bachelor physical touch hc and I cried while reading Sam's part because it was so darn cute ;-; him patting heads and holding hands while walking back home just make me melt hahahah </3
I wanna ask if you can make another hc for the bachelors of just Sam (whichever you prefer) if the s/o just likes to cling to them like a koala whenever they feel down :')
Thank you if you decided to do this, and hope you have a great day ahead!
SDV: Bachelor Reactions To A S/O Who Likes To Cling To Them Like A Koala When They're Down!
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Post Type: SFW, Fluff, Established Relationship, Comfort, Romantic, x Reader. Characters: Sam, Elliot, Harvey, Alex, Shane, and Sebastian. GN Reader (You/Yours).
Hi Anon!!! So sorry that it's taken forever to get this to you! These are a lil short, but I did all the bachies and put in a little extra detail for Sam just for u <3 Hope you're having a lovely day.
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Sam loves when you do this - he gets to be there for his S/O and he gets an amazing cuddle out of it??? Mark him as down.
He caught on pretty quick what it means when you get like this, so immediately he's in supportive boyfriend mode, asking if there's anything you'd like, or if you'd just like to cuddle :')
Carries you around for a little bit before taking you to a sofa to cuddle. There, he lets you wrap your arms and legs around him and pulls you close - softly patting your hair, whispering how much he loves you, and tracing a small pattern with his other hand.
If it would help, Sam would absolutely offer to run to the Saloon for takeaway. He'll make sure to get all your favourites too, but not before he makes sure you're alright!
You're in for a long night of cuddling after this! He adores you so much, and wants to make sure you know always :')
Probably started doing it back after the first time it happened, but for all sorts of things, like when he wants attention, or when he doesn't want you to leave to do chores! <3
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Immediately concerned if this is a reoccurring thing, asking if there's anything he could do for you right now and holding you close. He also thinks back to the other times this has happened, trying to recall if there was anything that made you happy back then too.
Surprisingly strong, able to hold you up with only one hand and using the other to brush and stroke your hair gently. As he carries you, he whispers about everything he loves about you, maybe he'll even recite a comfort poem to you! <3
Secretly wants to do it back sometime, but doesn't know how to bring it up.
....please bring it up for him :')
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So incredibly flustered the first time this happens before he realises that you're feeling down. Starts collecting your favourite things if you're unable to talk, reassuring you the entire time that he's there for you :')
Has to sit down after a hot minute, but that's alright, you have his full, undivided attention now! Now that he has both of his hands free, Harvey plays with your hair and rubs up and down your back.
He's happy to sit with you there in silence if you need, but he's very up for talking too! Alternatively, if you just want him to talk, Harvey will recount all his favourite things about you, and just how in love with you he is <3
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Strong enough to carry you around while he's doing stuff for ages, but will take you somewhere more comfy to relax if you'd prefer that too!
Traces a pattern on your back and gives you lots of kisses on your hair. If you're standing, he might throw in the occasional gentle swaying, or a little spin! <3
He loves it honestly, being close to you is something that he holds closest to his heart, and he loves that he can be a source of comfort for you! Absolutely encourages you to do this when you're feeling happy too :D
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Extremely warm. Like a living heater. Honestly I wouldn't blame you for doing this when you're just cold too. He's pretty grumbly about it, but don't be fooled!
Abides by cat rules and never makes an effort to get you down. Holds you super close, and tells you how much he loves you before he asks if there's anything you need <3
He's still got some strength left over from his Gridball days, so he's happy to carry you around like this for a while, or take you somewhere comforting, like the sofa or his chicken pen!
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It's certainly not to Alex's extent, but Sebastian is actually pretty strong from working on his bike and helping out Robin all the time! This guy can carry you around for a little while, or take you somewhere comfier! Whatever you need.
While he is flustered at first, he recovers quickly to ask if you need anything. Gives you a soft kiss on the forehead and sways you gently as he listens to you talk <3
One of his favourite ways of holding you is you facing him on his lap in his desk chair whilst he's doing work! He loves spending quality time with you, and this way, he's encouraged to take cuddle breaks too!
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A/N: I had a lot of ideas for this one, so I got it out fairly quickly tbh! I love it sm,,, i think it's so cute. Anyways, I know I've already posted today, but anon has been waiting long enough hfhjhjg lil very late present for you haha
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering about 16, 19, and 20 for the SDV ask game? :D
16. Favorite crop?
She’s super into strawberries! Once spring rolls around the farm is just coated in them hehe
19. Favorite season?
Winter!! She’s a sucker for the Spirit’s Eve and the Night Market, and she likes being able to just relax and hang out in the mines or the bathhouse all season :3 Plus her favorite people all have winter birthdays! (Literally all the base game people with winter birthdays + Krobus if u count them are her besties or s/o)
20. Favorite accessory?
I have this mod that lets you put clips in your farmer’s hair, so she’s usually rocking one in each side of her bangs!! I can’t remember the name but it works with Fashion Sense. During Autumn and the Egg Festival though she prefers the straw hat. Makes her feel like she’s in scarecrow cosplay during fall so it motivates her to work harder lol??? and also.. she likes to remind Abigail that She Has Won the egg hunt by wearing it there kcneifekckem
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Ur one of the only surviving Stardew writers I have found so far!! I love your works it's really cute, working onto binging it all lol ❤️ Do u know any other writers you could recommend? 🙏
Ahh, thank you! Yeah, I go onto the SDV tags and all I see is my dumb MS Paint snake header LMFAO. No but, I really do love the other Stardew writers on here! My top recommendation would have to be @valriety. From when I last check their blog they don't have as much as I do, but what they do have is a list of what they will be working on next! They also have an NSFW blog called @of-the-other-valriety which I personally haven't checked out because I'm not into NSFW but for you folks that are it's there. There's also @stardew-requests! Please keep in mind I only very quickly skimmed their profile so I don't know if there's anything problematic. I doubt there is but I can't be sure.
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valriety · 1 year
I was wondering if maybe we could get the bachelor's (and bachelorettes' if you want) reactions to the reader coming out? GN pronouns are all good. Fluff would be preferred. :)
Thank you for taking the time to read this! I love your blog. :D
SDV: Bachelor Reactions To The Reader Coming Out HCs~!
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Post Type: Fluff, SFW, Ambiguous Relationship. Characters: Sam, Elliot, Harvey, Alex, Shane, and Sebastian. GN Reader (You/Yours)
Anon I am so sorry for the wait!!! I hope this reaches you :D - they're a little short, but I made them extra fluffy just for u <3. Tried to make them ambiguous too, so lots of people can relate! I'll be posting the bachelorette version too eventually! I've actually already started hehe
'SDV: Bachelorette Reactions To The Reader Coming Out HCs~!' is in progress :)
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Sam is literally so excited for you! He's extremely happy that you felt safe enough to tell him, and is immediately asking if he can pull you in for a hug *gives u a comforting squeeze*
If there's any changes in the way he should refer to you, you can count on this guy to be on it immediately. Doesn't mess up, and corrects anyone who does if you're cool with it too
If it's more about telling him about your sexuality, you can bet that he's all about that too. Will absolutely be your wingman, or lack thereof - if you prefer :)
Supports you if you want help coming out to anyone else as well! Very reassuring that everything will be alright, and he's totally happy to stand with you or hold your hand when you go ahead and do it too <3
The type to probably send u wholesome but chaotic lgbtq+ memes all the time lol
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So proud of you. Truly. Elliot makes sure you've said everything you needed to say, before he lets you know just how happy he is to learn a little bit more about you <3. Elliot's love is unconditional, and he thinks you're lovely - no matter how you identify.
If your coming out is related to presentation: Elliot reiterates pronouns and referring terms with you immediately - he even makes an offer to trial names or pronouns with you if you're still unsure.
If it's about sexuality, he's super supportive, even recommending you literature with couples/individual characters that are just like you!
Asks if there's anything he can do to support you, and will do it, no matter what it is.
I reckon he's the type to gift cool shells he finds already, but now, he keeps an eye out for ones in your flag colours so he can make a little collection to give u :')
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Another one that's super proud of you. Coming out is terrifying sometimes , so he completely understands if it was difficult telling him. Will give you a head pat if you'll let him!
If it's related to how you present, he makes sure to ask if you'd like his medical records at the clinic updated. Offers to discreetly inform Maru too, if that's something you'd like - though he wouldn't do anything without your permission :)
And if its related to your sexuality, he's very sweet there too!
Reassuring :'). If there's anything you need from him in terms of support - now or later - just know that he'll listen to you.
Harvey's a trinket collector, so he would absolutely pick up little things for you that remind him of you or your flags colours and gift them to you <3
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Honestly just thinks you're awesome - coming out takes a lot of courage - so he's happy he can be a good friend for you here. Gives you a high five!
Regardless of what you're coming out about - Alex is giving it the same supportive energy. Behind you all the way if you need help coming out to others, even if you just need someone to vent to - he's totally up for listening :)
If there's anything you're interested in concerning physique to look a certain way, Alex has a lot of experience with exercise and making workout plans - he can totally help you if you're interested!
Also there's no way in his friendship with Haley that he hasn't picked up on a few of her hobbies. This guy definitely offers to take you shopping - whether it be clothes, pride stuff, or even just a nice meal to celebrate! <3
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Shane doesn't normally like to cause a fuss, but there's no way he'd ever hide how happy he is for you when it comes to something like this.
If it's related to presentation, Shane is more than happy to start referring to you a certain way, or even help you start to try things out. Would actually be pretty keen to help you experiment with style if you were interested.
Makes sure to reassure you that this changes nothing with your friendship - you're a lovely friend, and he cares about you a lot honestly.
Understands that you might be a bit nervous after sharing something so big, so he offers to go on a walk with you, or to his chicken shed to just chill and talk :)
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Very supportive regardless of what you come out as. Probably would be so easy to come out to too - he's quiet, kind, and pretty receptive, so I could see him being able to ease your nerves very swiftly. Asks softly if you'd like a hug :)
If you come out about your presentation, Seb starts checking his language immediately - making sure to immediately practice any new names, terms, or pronouns you might have given him when he's alone in his room so that he never gets them wrong.
Offers to stand with you or help you come out to others - might even hold your hand if you ask! But goes above and beyond if you need help coming out to Sam or Abby - he knows them well after all, so he can be very reassuring.
If you happen to play Solarian Chronicles with him, Sebastian casually gifts you a set of themed dice (maybe in your flag colours, or even designed after your campaign character) <3
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A/N: This was actually,, pretty cathartic. There's a few people in my life that I still need to come out to, so writing this was nice tbh :)
Lemme know if you enjoyed this! Again, I should be writing a bachelorette version soon - i want to write more regularly, so hopefully that'll be soon! ALSO, I tried to make these as inclusive as possible, but if you'd like to see something more specific - feel free to send a request! I'd be happy to write it for you!
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