transbeeduo · 2 years
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I am having MANY thoughts about the fact that Egg Velvet was seemingly CANONIZED during today's Egg Lore stream. And I was thinking about how THE EGG LITERALLY F__KING HATCHING would affect things. For starters, if The Egg is played by Velvet, how would it tie into C!Antfrost???? Would they have some sort of odd romance, despite their character's history, or what would happen???? Would Velvet be his own entity, with the ability to have rational thoughts besides The Egg's current thoughts of growing and control and murder, or would he be like some kind of horrible vessel. (Think Hawthorn from Wings of Fire). Would he still be able to control others? Would he still have the telepathy, the vines, the spores, the everything??? Would Skeppy and Puffy still be obeying his orders?? Also, how will he tie into Season 2??? I have a feeling this is a way to announce Velvet being whitelisted into the SMP, with the fact that he was the only one in the lore stream that wasn't whitelisted on the DSMP. It'd make sense for him to be whitelisted too, considering he's friends with a LOT of people currently on the server. (also I think it'd be funny if in Season 2, he just COMPLETELY subverts everyone's expectations and is just the same as he always is. Bad and Skeppy try to do serious lore with him and he's just "omg skephalo 😩.... Big Daddy... 😳" and just being his normal Velvet self [affectionate])
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