fulgensun · 4 years
“ the time has come for everything to be settled ”
The dense presence of pyreflies flying relentlessly around them did allow their ethereal spectre of light to cast bizarre shadows and colors on their expressions and visage. To him, now, under the light that flow of life and light enveloping the ruins, the land appeared unnatural, in its lifeless desolation. It did not impress him anymore - that wasn’t the place he was born into, the coldest confirmation of his oldest, most terrible doubts. The grim surprise though had been promptly replaced by a sense of urgency – to run away from that place of death the fastest he could, Yuna and the others with him.
Lulu’s expression too, under that peculiar effect, did seem different than usual. A different light did shine, around her eyes and lips – but he wasn’t sure it was just thanks to the pyreflies dancing among them, guiding them towards the destination, where he thought the Fayth would have maybe granted the young summoner her last Aeon. The mage’s eyes spoke something opposite than what her words were conveying, or so he hoped. 
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He would have never wanted to hear those words, the truth was more complicated than what his words could have ever expressed to Lulu, to Yuna, to everyone in that moment. And he knew far too well he just had to have faith in her. It wasn’t a simple task, and he just wouldn’t have stood there with crossed arms, doing nothing as the fated time did inexorably approach; the end of the pilgrimage wouldn’t have coincided with a bitter ending. Yet – what could he do now ?  Under that sense, Lulu’s might have just understood part of the doubt, questions and resolve crowding his heart  –  with her usual stern serenity. He looked at her silently, still walking next to her.
He envied that side of her, now more than ever before, as he grimly realized that, yes, she had to be right. No matter what would have happened that night or what would have awaited them inside the Dome up ahead, they had no choice. There were no more paths to follow or bizarre ideas to cling up to. But who would have stopped him from trying, and from hoping– ?  He felt his fingers clench on an even stronger grip on the hilt of his sword, as he nodded decisively at her side, eyes fixed on the long road ahead.
☀ @venusigil  ☀  Eternal Sonada :  accepting
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reginrokkr · 4 years
Purple semi-transparency flows with the motion of a pirouette whilst heterochromatic eyes stare into the mirror ahead, lips curling in a satisfied smile. “Do you think this is adequate as a summoner garment, Lulu?” Inquires the still apprentice, looking through the mirror at her older sister figure with who she has grown with the past ten years. 
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Chestnut brows arch downwards slightly. “The Church seems to be quite lenient with what summoners wear but...” Porcelain cheeks burn with rose hues at the thought that just crossed her mind. “Some summoners wore rather inappropriate outfits, don’t you think so too?”
@venusigil​ liked for a smol starter !
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endsought-archived · 5 years
venusigil replied to your post: THIS BLOG IS ARCHIVED.
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igtia · 5 years
missed me ?
         »   @venusigil .
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   ‘‘   𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐲.   we’ve  much  catching  up  to  do,  lulu.  shall  i  fetch  us  something  to  drink  then  ?  ’’
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faunashine-blog · 6 years
casts my url here
My Opinion on;
Character in general: So, it’s very important to be honest and I definitely will be: Lulu wasn’t my favorite character in FFX. The way she treated Wakka really got under my skin and her demeanor didn’t speak out to me at all.  I was seven when Final Fantasy X came out and I think I was nine when I finally played it. To me, at that age, she was just mean. Being older, I can definitely see that not every character is going to be overly affectionate. Dealing out warnings and hard truths are as much displays of love as kissing and hugging.How they play them: This is one of those cases where the mun just really killing the game and made a character I eventually was indifferent to draw me in. First, it’s the aesthetics of the blog. Then the content of the writing. And like, Tori’s Lulu is not as cold as I judged her to be in the games at nine. Do you see that brushing hair ask I did? BLESS.The Mun: Tori is such a sweetheart and while we don’t talk nearly enough, I am always blessed to see her on my dash or sending memes.
Do I:
RP with them: I do! We have one thread together and I have and will always accept all her memes.Want to RP with them:  Definitely. GIVE ME ALL THE THINGS.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Sometimes it just takes a really good writer to make a character appeal to you. And that is Tori and her Lulu.
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faircorazon · 6 years
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“Hey Lulu?” She didn’t look to the other as she stared out to the water, the island she refuses to visit. “Do you remember the boy’s name?” Almost sick to her stomach that she knows this boy was important to her, but she just can’t seem to remember his name. Yet his face was still as vivid and alive to her. “Selphie doesn’t remember either...”
              @venusigil &&   (❤ )
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yunhuntress · 6 years
“ Maybe we’ve got more in common than I thought. ”
Turning, the huntress tossed some more wood into the fire in front of them before glancing toward her companion. Perhaps Lulu had a valid point, but Fang was curious to what brought the statement on.
“We very well may have, but what sort of things brought this about?”
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hiraitz · 5 years
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❝ Hey, Lulu ! Think you can teach me some spells ? ❞
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slvershot-blog · 6 years
sending lulu to ur inbox
accepting – @venusigil
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“you remind me of a cute, fluffy cat. maybe a norwegian forest cat. they’re fluffy… and cute.”
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yunhuntress · 6 years
🍼 ( cool aunt fang holding vidina )
Carefully taking the baby into her hands, Fang could only smile wide before booping noses with the little boy. Her eyes brightened considerably as she gently bounced the babe on her knee making him laugh as she made some sound effects to go along with it. It appeared that even through the harshness of her life, Fang would still melt for a young child just as easily as ice did for fire itself.
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hiraitz · 5 years
“ somehow it’s not god who comes to my rescue ”
* welcome to ghost town // accepting
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❝ Were you expecting one too ? ❞
The question is asked in innocence, curious as to what her reply would be. It was a bit awkward for him, being among an entire civilization that believed in something that he didn’t, and it was the source of much of his inner conflict ( not that he needed anymore of that, but whatever ). He wondered how people like Wakka could follow Yevon’s teachings so strictly, and be so resistant to change. But he learned early on to keep his thoughts to himself, and let things play out by themselves.
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outofcalms-archived · 6 years
casts my url here as magic
URL Meme || Still accepting!
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Lulu! Boy, she’s in a class all her own. Her tragic backstory dictates her personality, and while she’s fiercely protective over Yuna, you start to see subtle changes later on in the game. She ultimately was one of my favorites, overcoming what emotionally stunted her and made room for a more open and approachable attitude. You were able to see her nurturing side and I love that.How they play them: I adore your portrayal, honestly. It feels natural, as does our muses relationship/interactions.The Mun: Tori! You’re super sweet and passionate! I love how we’re of the same mind on a lot of issues, not just with Lulu and Yuna, but other things as well. Our in depth discussions are ones to be remembered for sure. ♥
Do I:
RP with them: Several times!Want to RP with them:  Always!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: 10/10! All your lovely muses deserves attention and respect and love and interactions! 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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faunashine-blog · 6 years
What was your muse's last relationship like?
Gaea’s last relationship, if it could be called that, was with a hunter, Judas, that she partnered up with for several days. It was more an exploration of sorts than a relationship but she trusted him more than anyone on the planet at the time and besides Esther and her family, she truly believes she loved him. Cared for him deeply. And she mourned him for weeks after he died.
What she loved about Judas was that he didn't expect her to be some formal, perfect MESSENGER. She could simply be a woman attempting to find her place in the world. She could appear as she wanted, dress as she wanted, speak as she wanted. And he accepted her. Because of that, she was able to trust him and the time they spent together was made better not only because of the good they did but also because of the time they just spent as partners.
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stellaux · 6 years
☆ .*・。゚  @venusigil​​​ ♡
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       she  finds  herself  intrigued  by  the  design  of  lulu’s  dolls  ;  lavender  gaze  naturally  captivated  by  the  unusually  simple  yet  undeniably  endearing  marionette  that  lays  intertwine  beneath  the  sorceress’s  arms  and  lower  abdomen.  stella  blinks  and  upon  meeting  the  other’s  eyes  an  apologetic  reaction  is  immediately  made.  head  lowering  bashfully  before  finding  the  words  to  convey  her  curiosity:     ❝  oh  i’m  sorry,  i  didn’t  mean  to  stare.  i  just  find  those  dolls  to  be  quite  adorable.  ❞
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wishing you a day that is as special as you are. happy birthday apollo ! I hope your day will be filled with sweet moments and wonderful memories to cherish. you deserve all the happiness, love, success and everything nice. have a great day
I’m not very special to begin with- no okay sorry bad habit I personally don’t think I’m anything special but thank you so much. You’re very sweet and wonderful. I appreciate the good wishes and thanks for dealing with me in the times you’ve had and for being nice to me. I appreciate it immensely. I hope you’re having a wonderful day too and taking it easy, don’t push yourself too hard!
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