#verda rants
verdart · 1 month
I made the unfortunate decision to comment on a tiktok saying
"Blitz has every right to doubt Stolas' intentions and I will di on this hill defending Blitz"
Which made me actually realize in the context of Stolitz how much the fandom vilifies Blitz.
Upon rewatch I realized that he is actually kinda innocent lmao. So here comes the rant hop on in Verda rants at 4am again train.
The thing is first of all we need to work our media literacy muscles. So Stolas stans who think he is a uwu babygirl that dod nothing wrong repeat after me. "Blitz didn't watch "just look my way", "owl in a cage" or any other Stolas longing scene that we cried over"
Now that thats setteled I don't want to hear any "he is trying" bs because as of now (pre full moon s2e8) he hasn't actually done anything that Blitz is aware.
Lets start from the top my initial comment was about how Stolas treated him for so long before actually catching the feelings and how Blitz has a right to think he is not genuine.
Up top lest start with the condescending pet names and I won't be hearing Blitz cant be mad at that Stolas does it bc he thinks he likes it... jesus okay s2e1 when stolas starts the imp dirty talk what does blitz do a) encourage him b) get naked and dtf bc that was hot, c) shuts him up
Ding ding ding C. Stolas can still take this as bedtime play sure but we have a case for Blitz not liking it from day one. Other than that we all know he views Stolas' (perhaps in his mind endearing) pet names as condescention.
Secondly even if we ignore the power imbalance Stolas is the one to suggest the transactional fucking... s1e1 even tho in the forst time it was Blitz's doing, sorta. So don't at me saying well Blitz just uses him for the grimoire, like girly duh that was the premise. But Stolas also uses Blitz. Imo lending a book vs fucking in payment is a bot excessive but for Blitz's case beggars cant be chosers.
Now to the elephant in the room... Ozzie's. Does Blitz invite him (Stolas) purely out of selfish intentions that has nothing to do with him? Yes. Is he a dick? Yes. But Does Stolas hide his fucking face when he has a reality check? Yes. But then y'all be mad bc Blitz pulled his hand back.
That night Stolas was read once, Blitz was like at least 2 times... if we don't count the stuff for Stolas by proxy. He was having a hard night bro. And after Stolas invites him he is like no and Stolas respects that. Which if the show didn't add s2e2 in between it wouldve been a perfect stepping stool to get the Stolitz on healthy communication territory but that didn't happen.
I cannot for the life of me pin point when Stolas genuinely falls for Blitz. If its from day one damn it took him long enough to understand what he was doing was wrong.
Anyways we as fans can't be mad at Stolas because we know he is starting to understand the absolute power imbalance he created and the position he left Blitz in. He has realized that the thing is lets remember and repeat "Blitz is not watching the show with us". Blitz doesn't know of this sudden change of heart.
Now to adress a few meaningful interactions we have after ozzies. The fucking pixelated phone texts from s2 western energy.
Stolas apologizes but in that way that I look down upon. "Sorry if" like girl own it up anyways Blitz brushes it off and Stolas instead just goes hehe I didnt care either. Yall need relationship therapy my god. Important thing is Stolas was trying to reach out. But instead of going anything I said that made you upset etc he could've actually apologize properly for getting ashamed. Tho Blitz should also apologize for inviting him on a date for his own gain but thats another bag of worms I won't open tonight.
Other than that he has put off seeing him and doing the transactional fucking for a while. During those times. And as we know from all the phones Blitz breaks after talking to Stolas and hearing hus dirty talk he isn't too excited about. We don't exactly know if he comes or not on those nights. But he is also showm to be quite comfortable in s2e2 with the "my dick is good but its not that good" comment so maybe they do continue the arrangement... idk. Either way we know they haven't really talked.
All I am saying is that both parties of this ship are guilty af of hurting eachother and taking advantage of eachother. But as the power house of this power imbalance, Stolas needs to be held accountable. And he is doing that now!! Or will, in s2e8 and I can't wait to see how that goes. Overall, I can see totally why Blitz shuts down any signs that Stolas might actually be into him. He has a good bunch of reasons too. And as far as we've seen from the trailer we will get to hear him say it out loud as he should.
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kirnet · 1 year
just finished book 3! very brief spoilery rant below
im kind of surprised morgan didnt just call adam a turbo virgin and threaten to fuck tea if he couldnt honestly
i mean. its fine. filled with tropes that i always expect are gonna hit harder than they do. the a route is mad repetitive. i like rebecca even less (which is an accomplishment). reeaaaalllllyyyyyy dont like that it seems that they’re giving up the detective position to become an agent? especially for dorotea. that town is her life and she does not trust the ‘trap people in the torture nexus’ one bit.
i do laugh at all the fight scenes bc i know teas chronically ill ass is not doing all that. thats not a problem with the writing that’s just me, though having a combat skill and then putting in fights where you can win without using combat is a bit whack.
i did really like all of the friendly interactions with the rest of ub and verda. verda is like my fave side character and his and teas relationship is so important to me yall have no idea so i really enjoyed that
anyways. i think tea should download tinder and start going wild for her own sanity. and i need to work on that long ass tea thing where she’s a forensic scientist turned detective who has to blow up a coal mine with morgan’s lighter
also no lighthouse. took that part of the promo way too literally. kind of disappointed i wanted to see a spooky lighthouse
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crowsintheisland · 1 year
Now that my M induced high is wearing off, here's a pretty long rant about things I didn't like about the book in general (Especially the last third)
The book started pretty great, I really enjoyed the demo so I was excited for more. By the middle I was fighting to pay attention to the plot and by the end I was rolling my eyes and honestly, pretty over it.
I loved the romance (M route) and the little friendship moments, but the rest... I have seen some people talk already how it felt like a collection of random scenes and I agree, especially with all the little times skips, it really read like Sera just wrote two separate things and then didn't know how to connect then so "2 weeks later" "that evening" "time has passed".
General plot
The blood drive was pointless, I don't know if it's possible to fail and have your blood taken, but unless that happens it added nothing to the story.
The kidnappings were more interesting but got pretty old quickly and I got tired of the same formula every fight. Either you choose the right option and win (And for my deduction/knowledge based detective they were so stupid. If I had a shot everytime the answer was to move aside and let the enemy trip I will be so drunk) or you choose the wrong one and end up being saved by UB.
The Agency
All the agency related things weren't interesting to me, I don't care about the chamber, I don't care about Rebecca, the new friend (In my case Tapeesa) it's not bad but I forget she exists most of the time. I'm pretty disappointed about having the detective working more with them because I love the station and the people there.
Sin's role
Sin had so much potential and it ended up being so irrelevant. There's no way you can convince me he couldn't actually take the detective, at least if they used his moral conflict as a reason it would be better, but the book was seriously acting like he couldn't do anything after a punch in the face. "The human can pass my barrier so guess I, the stronger, more powerful and able to fly being, can't do anything more. Time to go"
Sir my detective is bleeding out and you're saying you can catch her because she's going around a couple of bricks?
And the resolution felt so weird. I chose the research route so I was really hoping to talk about him about the reports of trappers trying to make fake bonds and all that, instead my detective just went "The bond is fake! Believe me!!" And it worked? It felt like I was missing pages, because we went from point A to B in five seconds.
And what I hated the most
The final fight.
I'm sorry but it was ridiculous. We had no mention of the trappers even considering to bring the detective to their side and now you're telling me you're inviting them to your weird auction and hoping they will be okay with it? Without any trap? Any secret master plan to take their blood?
And then when they show up you believe they're on your side because your employees didn't smell vampires nearby? No mather that just 2 days ago they were actively fighting against you?
And it would be so easy to fix it, add a couple of scenes with the trappers trying to swing the detective mind or use Tapeesa, or Tina, or Verda as bait to forcing them to come and try to kill them (Which I thought was going to happen, but then Tapeesa was just used to gauge a reaction?)
And don't make me start on the lack of security. You expect me to believe in such a big event there was no one keeping an eye on the prisioners? Rebecca could just slide there and free then without even alerting anyone.
And of course my detective just took the main guy out making him trip and fall against a tree.
The whole thing felt so anticlimactic.
Rogue leader
And of course we need the setup for the next book, so suddenly the guy is happy to be arrested because otherwise the rogue leader would kill him. Even though he didn't show any fear before.
We know she exists, we most likely know who she is (I will be surprised if it's not Rook's sister or at least some family member), why have her be some kind of twist at the end instead of using her to develop other characters and their motivations? Show her connection with the trappers instead of telling me it exists at the end. It just felt like a lazy excuse to introduce the next villain
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pupuseriazag · 4 months
choose violence ask: 4, 6, 12 y 22
Uff papa a ver, que ando re emputado de la clase esta
4) What was the last straw that made you block that annoying person?
Mira por mi segurida lo digo en español JSAJWJWJSJSK pero es que hay une artiste de un fandom que a mi me gustaba y a mi ese artiste me caia bien porque puta sus trabajos eran bien detallados y la neta si wow.
Y una vez le empezaron a atacar que las proporciones de sus oc eran "irreales" y medio el tipico "thick" pero es nomas las piernas grandotas y cinturita chikita que hey ok supongo I guess, no tiene nada de mal indulgir verda aveces con algunos diseños de personaje
Y va le maje se defendio que asi es el cuerpo de elle que se baso en si misme para el personaje porque es self insert y que "yo si naci con estas proporciones por las que muchas mujeres se operan" que al inicio yo dije "awebo reina dilo" pero maje.
Le agarro que pasaron como 3 pinches putos perros meses que sus stories en ig eran nomas la misma pelea pendeja de que elle ya habia nacido bonite y guape, que su belleza ya era natural y no necesitaba nada mas, que la gente que le criticaba las proporciones de sus ocs (que de por si muchas veces ni sabias quien era quien porque eran identicas pero eran diferente gente) y era puro "SON UNA BOLA DE ENVIDIOSOS YO SI SOY PERFECTE Y BONITE Y ME LA PELAN" y la neta si me aburrio y me llego a emputar porque ok ya te vimos si sos guape sos bonite sos perfecte you're beautoful you're gorgeous you look like linda evangelista you're a model did you stone those tights? A ese nivel y tengo muches mutuals que le siguen y puta de paso le morre SUBIENDO TODOS LOS DIAS de donde putas sacaba tiempo para hacer toda esa mamada detallada ni yo se man. Pero si me emputo del todo.
Celos? Maybe, probablemente. Pero es que me harrrrto y yo ya estaba hasta la chingada de que me salieran sus stories y ver a mutuals mamandole el ego. No se psra mi ya era muy molesto JWJSJSJSJSJWJSJW de paso andaba mal psicologicamente hablando y como que ver a alguien que su unico problema era "la gente no me cree que soy bonite~ estoy sufriendo mucho cada dia por eso" como que si llega a emperrarlo a uno, no?
6) Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Im kinda biased but larry shippers. No fucking question I have beef with those people since 2015 and every fucking time I remember the shit they do or come across one of their fucking posts about how "OK NOW THIS TIME THEY WILL COME OUT AS GAY"
I hate them so much because I was also forced by my ex best friend to read the most deranged, sick and delusional posts from them because her fucking emotional wellbeing depended on harry styles being single and straight.
"Why did she forced you to do that?" to translate them to her and debunk her because she was the kind of person who believes being born as an aries made her automatically a ""good person"" but thats another rant for another day.
I also hate them because of how insistent they were shoving their stupid theories to everyone in the directioner fandom. WHAT MAKES YOU BELIEVE THAT FUCKING BEAR WAS HINTING THEY WERE GAY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP.
Also mercy x genji shippers, god they are so fucking annoying when I try to search mercy x pharah. Yeah yeah we see you bitching about how you feel so "betrayed" by blizzard for "taking away" your straight ship 🙄 whatever, pharamercy stans have been living off crumbs until recently but appareanrly one sapphic ship is enough to make yall have fucking meltdowns over non existent people.
12) The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I dont care what other dumb dudes say, I love Sakura and she DESERVES recognition. Yes Kishimoto fucked over her chance of being a great and loved character. BUT SHE IS STILL VERY FUCKING GOOD REGARDLESS A LOT OF YOU ARE JUST MYSOGINISTS.
Yes I hate her ship wirh Sasuke, yes I love her regardless, she had so much potential my god what did they do to my sister my girly. Like ok listen LISTEN, yes she was kinda a bitch in naruto classic. Werent we all a little bit of a bitch at her age? Like yo me pongo a pensar que esta morra obviamente vivia algo privilegiada verda y es entendible que se expresara asi de pendejo con Naruto porque nadie lo trataba bien y ESTA BIEN. Por que de ahi la morra se da cuenta de varias biases que tenia en contra de naruto y se ds xuenta que puta, el mundo no es como ella pensaba y s pesar que es una cerebrito le fsltaba MUCHO por aprender
22) Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
La latinidad de Miguel. Im sorry but a lot of people just dont know how to write his lstino identity within him and thats one of the most interesting things sbout him.
Because you can explore SOOOOOO many topics wirh him on that, his relqtionship with religion, his relationship with his mom, his psyche his beliefs and traditions
Only to see people write him with spanish from spain idioms. No, sorry Im taking him away from yall.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
hullo! 💜 for the oc detailed ask: 3, 12, 13, 21, 28, 36, 45, 46 for Kai, Andy and another oc you want to rant about 👀 (no pressure to do them all)
Thanks hun!
Super detailed questions about your OCs
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Kai: Good, bad. To Kai that doesn't matter. He had a childhood that shaped him into he is now and he doesn't see the point in feeling upset about what ifs.
But no. He was very much a latchkey kid. And though he had nannys he spent a lot of time alone; he didn't pay them any mind.
A good memory is likely some project that he did on his own and got first place. I think he has a lot more sad than BAD memories, and one being that for that same project that was the last time he let himself count on his mother.
Andy: It was mixed bag. Andy is much more nostalgic than Kai, but it is pretty much is what it is. If you asked him he would say it was good -- because he is a liar. But also this Andy would lean on calling it good because he was loved and didn't have as many loses -- though the one he did have was painful. A fond memory he had definitely had to do with one of his babysitters, an older kid that he really admired -- he took Andy to a botanical garden. If that didn't start his love of flowers, it definitely cemented it. A bad memory was that guys death. Andy also had a really shit nanny -- apparently what matters to the agency is someone's paperwork, less than how they might treat a child.
It is all good, tho. [Well, let's just say Rebecca is lucky he's such a loyal little doggie.]
12. What is their favourite food?
Kai: Coffee. And sweets. He isn't picky, he just loves sugary stuff. Candy. Baked goods. He likes maple flavored things.
Andy: Probably baklava. And whiskey. Does whiskey count? He probably appreciates a good cooked lamb.
13. What is their least favourite food?
Kai: He is an adult. He is capable of eating all foods. Having least favorite foods is just ridiculous and why is it cauliflower?
Andy: Actually isn't that picky in types of food and is more picky about eating period.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Kai: No, not traditionally. Having a temper involves giving a fuck, and at an uncontrollable level. And that ain't Kai. The most he has done is snap at someone and that was Bobby, when he was starting shit about a case.
Andy: Yes. But he is also highly patient. His moods are generally pretty locked down. He is a mean sumovabinch; Andy is very why get mad when you can get even? Except he is mad. It is like a low brewing rage.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Kai: Answered here
Andy: Andy's fear would be someone better at gaming people than he is, someone gaming him and revealing his vulnerabilities. Another would be losing the team and Verda -- particularly Mason or Nate. In general? Social situations he can't control immediately? People like Tina and Felix make him uncomfortable. I'll have to ponder. He gets tense and sarcastic, before he can catch himself-- sometimes he doesn't care TO catch himself.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Kai: He is a tech nerd. He games too, but only occasionally. He watches anime. He has some practice with martial arts. And, of course reading -- but mostly non-fiction like biographies and math journals.
Andy: He gardens. He's good at cards and playing pool; he'd probably be good at gambling but he's a law abiding citizen! He goes to the gym regularly. Very occasionally he journals and very rarely he reads something not the newspaper. Once in a while he goes to plays. He isn't a bad singer, like he has good tone but he is a bit off key and would never do it, ever. But Catholic church boy rites.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Kai: Intimidating and Stoic. Sort of. He doesn't think he's intimidating but he can see how his demeanor [both as a black man and as someone who is so short in interaction] can be off putting to some people.
Andy: Charming and good-natured [at best] or charming and well-mannered ['at worst']. Well, hee knows he is the Iatter He makes the effort to be. And honestly Andy was always naturally charming even when he was a speaks-a-mile-a-minute brat. He's not good natured though, he's just patient and tolerant.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
Kai: No. Unless its in an official, on the job capacity. Arguably-- it is what you see what you get but what you see isn't all he is. He introduces him to the point/brusque.
Andy: Usually. Some people might find him... ungenuine, he's too sauve and polite. No. He comes off a lot nicer than he is. And he is always polite in an introduction, unless he's feeling cheeky. Then he presses the bounds of politess.
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ingridlczano · 2 years
location: verda’s place
character:@verdadurmaz​​​ & ingrid.
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“Do you ever feel like...” her voice trailed off, glancing over at the brunette across her; thinking about how to phrase her thoughts without sounding like it was depression o’clock. “No matter how hard you try, it’s never going to be enough? And before you say that it is enough -- and yes, I appreciate how positive you can be, it just annoys me how people can just create a fucking instagram post and get free shit, just like that.” Alcohol had hit her in the head, obviously, because this random ranting was nothing like Ingrid. She would barely post on any social media, but it was beyond her how people could easily make a living by posting photos. That was too fucking easy, no? A thousand bucks for a photo. Yup, it pissed her the fuck off. “You know, I might just consider getting only fans. It's going to be interesting to see which people pay to see my photos and then claim they’ve never been creeps. I could do it as a social experiment.” 
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emelinecormier · 1 year
location: skyline shopping center, downtown. status: closed for @mayxlee​
“Why do malls always see so... drab after the holidays are over?” Emmy questioned as the two made their way up the escalator to the second story, in search of nothing and everything all at once. “It’s like, why can’t we have twinkling lights and shiny decorations all year around, in a non-holiday specific way? I think it’d really brighten the place up. Post-holiday malls are just like... a pit of despair that people drag themselves into to return whatever lame gift they got and leave because they’re broke from spending everything during the season.” It became clear, halfway through her rant about the despair found in the loss of a couple strings of lights may not have been related to post-holiday seasonal depression at all and more so about the argument she’d had with Verda just two weeks prior. It was still lingering on her mind, driving her up a wall thinking about how it had gone so wrong when she thought they were doing so well. “Anyway, enough about my seasonal depression, what’s been up with you?”
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
I'm back again! I was hoping we could see some soft Rose talking to Vau about his past and comforting him, please? ❤
Of course!! 
Verda Tal Rose comforting Walon Vau about his past  
Notes: Read Walon Vau’s early life story, and the thing I  did on his homeworld before reading this. Both are on my AO3 and Masterlist 
Also! If you have no clue what Memories is check out my AO3 and Masterlist!
Warnings: Angst, slight fluff, Mird helps, Nightmares, mentions of a bad past, past abuse, abuse scars, mentions of past suicide attempts, Walon’s father is a fucking pyshcopath, oh no Walon Vau has F E E L I N G S  
“Your father will not be happy about this Walon!” The teacher yelled, dragging the young boy down the hallway. His hand was wrapped around his arm in a tight fist, it would leave a nasty bruise that would last for weeks. 
Walon could do nothing but follow. He hated when the teachers brought him directly to his father for punishment instead of doing it themselves. 
He stopped at his father, who was leaving some meeting room. The teacher huffed, dropping the boy's arm. Walon looked up at the tall man, his soulless grey blue eyes staring into Walon’s golden ones. 
“Did he fail again?” The teacher only nodded, Pa Vau’s face curling into a sneer. 
“Father, it was only by one question! I-” He was cut off by a harsh slap, “Did I give you permission to speak boy?!” His father roared, slapping him again. 
Walon shot awake, sitting up quickly and panting like Mird after a hunt. He buried his face in his hands, his body shaking. He hated how he dreamed about his father almost every night, the old scars on his body and soul burning with each dream. 
Rose sat up quickly, looking at her lover. He scared her and Mird both awake. She looked at his naked form, his body shaking harshly. She knew it wasn’t the cold sweat that was making him shake. Rose reached a hand out, softly putting it on his shoulder. He flinched aggressively from her touch before allowing it.  
Rose didn’t know much about his past, but she’s seen his scars. She also knew he came from a royal background and money, but that was really it. Rose frowned, rubbing his back to help him relax. 
She looked at his naked back, the pale scars running along his back like rivers. Whip scars. Lots of them.
He was covered in scars of all kinds, the worse on his back and his chest. No old scars were on his face, neck, or arms, at least not below his elbows. “Walon.” Rose spoke softly, gently grasping his chin and turning his face towards her. 
His golden eyes were bright, the whites of his eyes red from tears and a restless sleep. She could see the anger and pain in his eyes, burning behind them like a huge fire. He was breathing heavily, his body quivering. He was always rigid with his posture, and just a tense man in general. But she had never seen his muscles so tight, it was like he was a wild animal. 
She gently wiped some sweat from his brow, and Vau's muscles relaxed slightly. “Was it about your old home?” He nodded, his eyes flicking away from hers. He hated when she looked at him with pity, it made him feel weaker than he already did around her. 
Mird whined, laying its head in Walon’s lap. He stroked its head, looking at it instead of Rose. She sighed and traced a scar that raised the skin on his collar bone. It seemed like a blade caught him there, as a warning perhaps. 
They had only been staying the night with one another for a short while now. They used to part ways after sex, but things seemed to be getting more and more intimate lately. Every night he slept in the same bed as her, and he’d have nightmares like he always did. Some so bad that he’d wake her up by accident. Sometimes he didn’t and she’d wake up to find him pacing or exercising. She could always tell when he didn’t sleep, something in his past keeping him awake night after night. Leaving him restless. 
Once he had stopped shaking she spoke up, “We need to talk about your past. I want to help you, darling, but I can’t when you won’t talk to me.” Vau sighed loudly, looking at Rose, his eyes now dull and sad.  
He was silent for a moment, Rose’s warm and calloused fingers tracing the lines along his back.
Walon snorted, suddenly trying to act cold and detached, “Jango never told you where I came from? I-” Rose cut him off with a glare. “He told me you used to be a rich aristocratic bastard. Now don’t try to act all heartless, you know it only will make you hurt more.” Vau closed his eyes and sighed at that, Mird licking his fingers encouragingly. 
“Well….The planet I come from is some oceanic shit hole.” He spat out the words like they were poison. “Old fashioned and run by religious leaders who controlled the nobles and military like puppets.” Rose continued to stroke his back, letting him rant. She had never seen him so emotionally exposed. 
“My father was like….a lead puppet you know? He’s the Count of Gesl, and a religious fanatic. A man with far too much power.” How he spoke his voice had this harshness to it, sadness underlining every word. “That title was to be mine, since I was his only child, his only son. So from day one he taught me how to take his place.” 
Walon still wouldn’t make eye contact with Rose, “Every day I had multiple lessons. The teachers were cruel, I was not allowed to mess up. I had to be perfect with everything, writing, talking, dancing, sailing, riding, fighting, and so much more.” He sucked in a breath, Rose frowning even more. 
“My education was stupidly expensive, but still…...Every time I messed up I was beaten.” He snapped, Rose nearly flinching at his tone. “I was beaten over nothing sometimes. Whenever I was not my fathers version of perfect I was beaten.” Vau clenched his jaw tightly, tears causing his golden eyes to shine. He was a man that rarely showed emotion, especially ones as raw as anger and sadness. 
“My father said I was not supposed to show emotion, ever. I was supposed to be a leader, and leaders don’t show weakness. They are harsh and ruthless.” He shook his head, snorting at his own words. He was using dramatic finger quotes as he repeated his fathers words.
 “To prove this, to everyone, my family killed servants who messed up. It was some fucked up tradition. So He made me kill servants that made minor mistakes. I slaughtered my first servant at twelve.” Rose put a hand to her mouth. 
“I still remember the poor woman…...A mother. I remember he cries and pleads. I….I didn’t want to kill her….I-” Rose shook her head and stroked his knuckles, letting him know he didn’t have to continue. 
Walon was silent for a moment, his breathing heavy from the terrible memories. He changed the subject to his mother quickly.
 “I never saw my mother besides at night when she’d clean my wounds. My mother made me emotional, I suppose, so father rarely let me see her. She was just as crazy, but she didn’t hit me nearly as hard as him. Father even beat her as well, so she was even worse about the religion they follow. Being a religious fanatic kept her alive in her book I suppose. It made her…….odd and paranoid.” 
He let out a sad and dry chuckle, “She would only talk about the bible. Nothing else. I don’t think she was allowed to talk to me about anything else anyways.” Rose sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. 
Rose spoke up while he caught his breath, his chest heaving with emotion. “So your scars aren’t-” Vau cut her off, “I was never hit anywhere people could see. I had to keep up my reputation of being attractive and a member of a ‘peaceful’ family. Along with some other osik.” Rose frowned, holding his hand in hers. 
“I was never perfect enough for him. I wasn’t him, and he hated it. I wasn’t fully emotionless and psychopathic.” He sucked in a breath, Mird whining low in its throat. “He was a great military leader as well, one of the head leaders of my planet's Navy.”
He shifted, “He didn’t even let me join the Navy. Not even as a cutthroat. Not even after training for it or my whole entire life.” Vau shook his head, aggressively wiping the tears from his eyes. Rose shifted so she could look at his face again, wiping his tears. 
“I was never good enough for anything. Ever.” He looked at Rose, a frown on her beautiful face. “I tried so hard to be perfect. When I succeeded I never even got praise. I think he just enjoyed beating me, seeing how much skin he could rip away from my back before I passed out.” 
Rose shifted so she was almost in his lap, “Oh Walon.” She cupped his cheeks, staring into his golden eyes. “I’m so sorry.” He shook his head, looking away from her eyes. She pressed a soft kiss to the scar she gave him across his nose so long ago, his lips twitching a bit at the soft kiss. 
“He’s turned me into a monster. I-” Rose cut him off quickly, “No no no…..Walon you’re not a good man, at all….” He blinked quickly in surprise at that, “But you are no monster. You can feel emotion and pain no matter how hard you fucking try.” 
Vau made eye contact with her once again, quickly changing the subject again. “I tried to kill myself mutiple times…. The first time was after I wasn’t allowed into the Navy.” Vau shifted from under the sheets, motioning at the nasty jagged scar on his thigh. “I tried to cut the artery, and I did. I was so close to death.” 
He shook his head, “I was found almost immediately, blade still cutting my skin, and somehow didn’t die. It was the cruelest punishment yet, my father not letting me die.” He sucked in a breath, Rose wiping his eyes. “He told me that I couldn’t even kill myself correctly.” 
Vau harshly chuckled, but it sounded more like a desperate and sad gasp. “I was fourteen.” Rose frowned and kissed away his tears, “Well I’m glad you couldn’t kill yourself correctly.” She laughed a little, tears in her eyes as well. 
He laughed a little too, pulling her into his arms. Walon buried his face into her neck, sighing. He felt better now, like a weight had been lifted. 
Many weights and chains still held his soul down, but having one less was a huge relief. 
“Thank you…” He muttered. Rose could only nod, gently running her fingers through his black hair. Mird sat up, licking both of their faces as it whined. Mird always made them feel better, no matter what. 
She’d ask about his exile some other time. 
Walon Vau’s past would haunt him forever, his fathers stern lessons never leaving his brain. He’d remain ice cold, calm, and utterly detached. Afraid of emotion and afraid of failure. 
He’d always remain a man with a shattered soul.
Tags: @valkyrieofthehighfae @leias-left-hair-bun @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @fyrepen33 @ct7567329 @mistflyer1102 @darmanfi @just-some-girl-92 @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01@lightning-wolffe 
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obsessivedino · 4 years
31 Days of Wayhaven | Day 14 - THROAT
Characters: Pearl White, Mayor Friedman, Solomon Verda
Words: 366
If Pearl could remove herself from this situation, she would in no doubt leave, but she’s trapped in her own office. A forced smile graced her lips, accompanied with the occasional head nods, as the mayor continued his one sided conversation with her. From topic to topic, it is apparent that Mayor Friedman had nothing better to do that day than to rant about the complaints he had received recently. Most barely had anything to do with the police department.
“It is very fortunate that Captain Sung had recommended you for this position. You turned out to be much better than your father. I would have lost my mind if you turned out to be snarky, loud-mouth, abrasive--”
His phone rang.
“I must take this call. Please consider what I had mentioned earlier.” The mayor mumbled mostly to himself, before standing up and leaving the office.
Once it is certain that the mayor had left, Pearl let out a heavy sigh of relief and leaned back in her chair. That entire forty-seven minutes were exhausting. As a small break, Pearl lied motionlessly in her chair, trying to forget everything the mayor had just said.
It wasn’t until Verda’s appearance by the door that Pearl finally shot up into her upright position.
“You shouldn’t have let him keep you like that,” Verda suggested while sipping on his freshly brewed coffee, “You already got your hands full.”
A strange huff of laughter and tiredness fell out, “Don’t worry, Verda.” Pearl’s eyes fell onto her dimly lit computer screen with a light smile. She looked tired. “You know I always get my work done in the end.”
“You know that’s not the point.” He frowned, evaluating Pearl’s overall appearance, “But, talking about your father like that definitely crosses the line.”
The corners of her lips faltered for a second before lifting back up. She looked at him with a kind smile as a sort of thank you. 
“It’s alright, really!” Pearl assured him. “Besides. You can’t miss what you never had, right?”
She turned back to her work with a slight bit of pause. Pearl couldn’t help but notice the hard lump in her throat when she said that.
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not-sewell · 3 years
Hi ~~
🍄, 💐 and 🌻 for Dinah pls? :)
hi! i love this bunch of questions for Dinah! thanks for asking! 💕
answering Soft OC Asks!
🍄: What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Dinah always has a couple packets of microwave popcorn or spiced fox nuts ready to snack on. she tends to snack more when she's stressed or anxious, so it kinda made sense to her to find comfort in snacking on something healthier. nothing can provide her as much comfort as a bowl of curd rice, though. it's simple, easy-to-make, delicious and homely. which is also why it's her favourite thing to make. to top it all, it doesn't even come in the way of her extremely complicated relationship with the kitchen and cooking in general, lol. all the more a reason to love it.
Dinah, like i said, has a very complicated relationship with cooking. she likes cooking but cooking doesn’t seem to like her as much. if she really gets into it, she goes after the most obscure sounding food combinations in a bid to “invent” something and that’s just a matter of a coin-toss as one may guess.
🌻: What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
(oooooo love this!)
lemme see...
about people? the beginning of a smile, the sound of a belly laugh, the sight of people holding hands (in any context, tbh – romantic, platonic, familial).
about the world? that tea exists. that a brookie is a thing. that flowers, in general, can bloom at any given time of the year. that people have this undying tendency to hope.
things she treasures? Dinah finds joy in something as simple as being greeted with a smile - a cheerful “good morning” here, a pleasant “hello” there. a very well-made cup of tea (or chai) can also brighten her day instantly. or if she gets her fill of gentle sunlight (which is why she’s not too fond of winters).
💐: How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Dinah doesn’t like the idea of falling sick and having to rest. at all. but she gets it and will begrudgingly accept that she needs to rest. she likes to be cared for only by very few people so, fun. she’ll be okay with the whole doting and helping if it’s people who are very close to her - Tina, (to an extent) Verda, maybe Rebecca - more recently, even Farah (and Adam, if she can tune most of his frantic ranting for the first hour or two).
but Dinah is a considerate care-taker. she’s empathetic and just gets it. so she’s one of those more chill care-takers who doesn’t treat the situation like you’re dying (unless you really are) and still leaves some sense of agency for you. but she is also very mindful about setting boundaries and will not budge from those basic, simple rules.
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verdart · 11 months
I need to scream I just watched Nimona. I went in blind but I knew there was a comic not that I remembered that before starting anyways.
Since i went blind I saw the age rating for the movie and it was odd. Because here in turkey it was 18+ and I was like oh adult animation that looks cool?
No its age restricted childrens animation.
I LOVED THIS MOVIE. And other than going ah its gay in the first 5 minutes i did not even notice nor care that the only romance in the movie was between two male knights. I did not say haha this is "gay gender agenda" when i saw a girl who was clearly a trans allegory. But the people who age these here did.
Arcane we all now arcane. Its not gay at least explicitly and it has blood lots of blood and violence and a sex scene. It is rated 16+ here
We know she-ra again a wonderful show from my dearest ND Stevenson. Its rated 18+ here because of its gayness.
Not all of you may know the dragon prince its a little underrated and kinda dead (new season is a month tho) its rated 18+ because it has non binary and lesbian and gay characters who are not villians. Who are heros.
And at this point I relate to Nimona even more. I watched this in my home in a country that thinks abusing lgbt people will solve their problems.
And I felt the way Nimona felt when that little kid pointed a sword at her. I understand her very clearly.
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verdart · 5 months
I remember having said this before. But i couldn't find a post of me saying this so I'll say it again.
I am against the "live actionification" of animated movies in general.
I think it is a disrespect to the medium of animation.
All live action is saying to me is that "I think animation is not a good story telling medium the ultimate medium is live action"
Live action adaptations are where creativity, hope and magic of animated movies goes to die. I was so sivk of it when Disney was doing it but now, now it is personal with HTTYD.
The cast not at all resembling the original characters is one thing (also nico parker looks more like astrid than mason thames looks like hiccup but I cant with their height difference) but simply to take this amazing movie and remaking it in a less expressive medium seems futile.
When it comes to my opinions about the cast.
Gerrard Butler as Stoick is good he looks like him enough and he is the og voice
Nick Frost as Gobber is okay i get the vibes
Nico Parker as Astrid (i dont wanna hear but oh she is black i am white and I have more melanin then her in my skin istg she is British so its not cultural either) she is good my only problem is her height (i wouldnt mind this if it did not entirely change the way she would interact with mason bc he is 15cm taller than her)
Mason Thames as Hiccup personaly I dont think he looks the part at all. I am glad that he is not a big name and fresh faces are getting a chance but i dont think he is hiccup material
Julian Dennison as Fishlegs, he is meh he looks the part ig tho again blond erasure but his face does gove the vibes
Gabriel Howell as Snotlout, he is not my Snotlout...
Bronwyn James as Ruffnut, she does not gove me ruffnut vibes like im really unsure
Harry Trevaldwyn as Tuffnut, he looks the part he is a comedian why is a 30 yo men playing my tuff also with this cast for ruff and tuff look nothing alike and its annoying they are twins they get mixed up they are supposed to look alike...
As someone who is already agains the idea of live actions this is extremely annoying, the fact that its happening to my favorite movie of all time is killing my soul. I am worried I will probably not go see it in cinemas and ruin my brithday week (if it even comes on the given date)
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verdart · 1 year
I wanna go on a small rant, spoilers for puss in boots the last wish
Why I dont see The Wolf aka Death (straight up) as a villain:
Puss is not a "hero" in the classic sense, he is a protagonist alright but he is not a hero exactly, sure to towns people he may be but we as the audience have been seeing him through the entire Shrek franchise and we know better.
So someone striking fear in him in a way that has never been done before, that someone seems villainous... at first glance I'd say. But when you look a bit closer: sure he is intimidating, big, eerie, malicious in appearance. But once you understand his role as more than a mere bounty hunter (which for the movie happens around at 3/4 but if you done your lesson you probably got it at the bar scene) and you understand that he is actually the Death itself straight up.
Then he becomes natural. He does not have a side, he is a force of nature, nothing can escape him, run maybe but he is inevitable. He is not the antagonist of Puss, he is ever present for everyone we are just tackling this one case right.
And at the end what is his aim? I'll let you know he may have tried to kill Puss a few good times, but his intentions are not to kill him. His goal, his ultimate aim is to make him realize how foolish Puss had been and it was time to collect his shit up. Live the life dont go trough the motions praise after adventure, praise after adventure.
A great villain is a character who can shape the narrative and impact decisions of others just by mere existence in the backs of their head. He would've been a great villain but at the end of the day his aim was Puss' growth as a character.
Puss doesn't get his lesson by defeating Death and relieving himself of his anxiety. No Puss comes to an understanding and the moment Death sees this he just goes "good fight cat, my job here is done, see you later eventually"
He is villainous because his presence is dark, horrifying, intimidating, overlooming but he is no villain simply because of his allegiances.
You would not call a tornado or an earthquake a villain, you would not call a volcano or a tsunami evil. They are just what they are.
Death is just death.
He is natures law.
Mini rant out.
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verdart · 4 months
I just realized I can literally buy a train ticket and go to the town that inspired the town in luca. Or maybe its the academic burnout speaking.
My only motivation is once im out of the bio exam Im taking the first train to Venice and seeing the Carnival on Mardi Gras that is the only thing that is keeping me alive rn
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verdart · 4 months
I had a headache
I decided to go to bed around 21.30 because I have a headache and an exam at 8.30 tomorrow and I need to wake up at 7 if I want to eat.
I proceeded to read 15k words worth of oneshots and a 5+1. I still have a headache. I still have an exam tomorrow. The AU I was binging on still has more fics. Its 23.40 right now. I need to sleep or else I am going to be a ghost of a person trying to enjoy the Carnival while wanting to throw myself into the closest, deepest and coldest canal possible.
I also need to sleep on the 3 days worth of biology I managed to cram that I definitely won't remember when push comes to shove. But its okay I just need to sleep. But I am still typing this ughh
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
For Rose and Vau: 7. …to shut them up.
Thank you for asking this!
Those of you who still have no idea who Rose is, or what her story is, check out my AO3 and Masterlist.
Find the game here! 
7. To shut them up 
Rose watched as her husband paced, rambling about some battle where Jango had hurt himself. Rose wasn’t there and Jango wasn’t dead so she didn’t really care. “Walon he’s still young and foolish-” Rose tried to calm him down, groaning when Walon only continued to bitch even more. 
She stood up, still surprised that their four month old daughter was asleep through Walon’s rant. Thankfully he was never one for yelling. So he ranted like a very pissed off judge, quietly. It was either that or Mird who kept the fussy baby asleep. 
She walked to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I mean…...I swore to Jaster I’d help protect Jango after he died. Even if he's a grown man. He’s like my brother Rose.” She sighed, running her hand along his sharp jawline. 
He was about to start back up, but Rose wouldn’t allow it. She pressed her lips against his, pulling him down more so she could kiss him more passionately. He was stiff for a moment before he kissed back, his muscles relaxing under her touch. 
They hadn’t really had time to themselves like this since their daughter was born, so it distracted Walon almost immediately. 
She couldn’t help but smirk in the kiss. Verda Tal Rose always knew how to properly shut up her husband.
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