#verse ;; 🤡 fools and kings 🤡
radioiaci · 1 month
@infernal-blaze ⧐ liked for an upsetting starter.
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How many times had he circumvented this exact thing from happening only to be mired so deeply into it at the least convenient time?
Alastor had told Fizzarolli that they two would take some time away from the hotel - away from all responsibility, really (a rarity, for him) - to simply go for a private walk to both clear the imp's head of recent incidents with some of his more ornery fans. He'd simply needed to take care of a few things first and refresh himself in his room before he would meet Fizzarolli in the lobby in an hour or two - but his routine had been so violently interrupted, that the radio demon did not quite make it down there.
Instead, he was still in his own quarters, sitting with his back pressed against one of the willow trees that loomed over the bayou he'd manifested for himself with hopes that the hanging branches above would provide some sense of familiarity and comfort but all they were doing now was reminding him of cloying, reaching hands that raked over his flesh and scored marks anew. Hands were scratching excessively at his throat, leaving angry red abrasions that he was having a hard time letting be - eyes fixed forward in a manic stare as he buzzed with fervent distraught energy.
His clothing was rumpled and slathered in muck from a nearby puddle of swampy water; he'd clambered through it in a panic trying to seek some sort of shelter from her. And at present, he did not care what he looked like. Not when he was not even certain he felt like a person just then - not when all he could see was red, lingering eyes.
Not when he felt like he could not breathe.
Had he ever been able to?
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radioiaci · 1 month
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@infernal-blaze ⧐ Is Fizzarolli currently curled up underneath the covers, purring? Yes, yes he is. Is he also halfway on Alastor's lap? Absolutely. He's cozy and comfortable as he scrolls through his phone. UNPROMPTED ASKS.
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He really can attribute his laziness in the last few days to Fizzarolli's insistence on not leaving his designated hotel room. A terrible influence. Alastor is still not keen on sleeping when in the presence of others - he'd truly rather not put the imp through the trauma of having to deal with him when he inevitably falls victim to an induced spell of nightmares - but he can, at the very least lay there with Fizzarolli draped so casually over him.
It's comfortable. Which is strange.
"You make me lazy," he quips after a moment of enjoying that purring. His eyes are closed. There's something domestic about this and he both hates and appreciates it.
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radioiaci · 1 month
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@infernal-blaze ⧐ ❛ i’m not drunk, i’m just intoxicated by you. ❜ -Fizzy ;> 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐔𝐏 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒.
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"...I'm getting the distinct idea that it may be both."
But he will tolerate said terrible pick-up line from Fizzarolli, drunken or otherwise; reach out and squeeze those round cheeks of his. Too tempted by them constantly.
He'll take the ego boost.
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radioiaci · 6 days
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@circus-frog ⧐ Fizzarolli is wearing a particularly revealing outfit when he slinks into Alastor's bedroom. Little imp approaches, legs and arms fully out on display. All he's really wearing is a bowtie, a ring master hat, a bikini top, and a pair of rather tight underwear that had a little tail coat attached. A robe- clearly what he had been wearing on his way over- was tossed to the side. "Al, you aren't busy, are you?" Happy Sinday ;) SINDAY ASKS.
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He, apparently, can never have a Sunday in peace. Halfway through a small bottle of rye, he'd been nursing a few drinks and flitting through a notebook he had with some scribbles and schematics inside that he'd been reviewing to make some repairs to one of the custom radios he had sitting on the nearby shelf. Minding his own business, really, though evidently that was not to be so for very long.
Because as soon as Fizzarolli strides into the room, Alastor knows who it is without even looking - no one else has the license to do so. And while he expects a sudden intrusion into his space (and welcomes it, in fact), what he does not expect is the reveal of what Fizzarolli is wearing.
Alastor nearly does a spit take, but catches himself before he can, swallowing back the mouthful of liquor before clearing his throat and asking:
"...Did you walk down the hallway wearing that?"
Robe or not!
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radioiaci · 3 days
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@circus-frog ⧐ Without a single word, Fizzarolli is scuttling over to where Alastor is sitting, nudges open the red coat, and wiggles his way inside. Arms and legs wrap around Alastor as he tucks himself in, head peaking out from the front of the coat. UNPROMPTED ASKS.
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He has been taking far too much downtime for his liking - which means that on this particular day, he is in the midst of managing some of his paperwork necessary to keep the hotel running efficiently. And now here is Fizzarolli, again, intruding on his space.
He does not cause much of a fuss about it, but he does give a small snuff.
"Bored, are you?"
Alastor does not glance up from his paperwork. Scribbling a few more notes here and there.
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radioiaci · 29 days
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@infernal-blaze ⧐ A sealed envelope with a red wax seal is slid underneath Alastor's door. Once opened, the letter within has ridiculously fancy cursive writing and a rather silly doodle of a little imp in jester clothing standing next to a deer-like demon. The letter reads: Alastor ; Meet me in the hotel lobby at 6 pm. Be sure to wear something nice. ; Love, Fizzarolli UNPROMPTED ASKS.
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It's been a fair few days since he'd found himself doubled over with unexplained injuries. He'd been holed up for the better part of them, only really emerging in the middle of the night to grab a few glasses of whiskey to care for the lingering sting and burn and then returning to the sanctity of his room. Only Fizzarolli has been allowed in or out, and now that he feels rather fit to be back on his feet, the little envelope catches his eye with some keen interest.
Opening it up, his eyes peruse the writing within, along with the rather silly little doodle which leaves very few options for who it could possibly be from, if the signature did not tell him outright.
Adorable. He is being propositioned. Surprising, honestly, given that he has more or less been a captive audience to Fizzarolli's company for the last few days. But he supposes there is something to be said for a bit of pomp and circumstance. And he is about ready to get himself some fresh air.
So with a small chuckle to himself, he sets about getting ready. The clock is ticking though he struggles, somewhat, to determine what outfit to wear (for Fizzarolli's sake, rather than his own interest), settling on simply abandoning his coat for the time being in favor of a darkly colored vest over his usual button-down.
It's an effort, anyway.
And he will make his way down to the lobby at the designated time, knowing full well that he has not really been seen for quite a few days now. Hoping that no one decides to make a fuss.
...As a precaution, however, he encourages Husk to pour him a quick shot which he downs with a burning sensation that slides down his throat before steeling himself for what is to come.
It's fine. He will be fine.
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radioiaci · 1 month
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POV: You are Mammon meeting Fizzarolli's newest bodyguard.
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radioiaci · 2 months
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@infernal-blaze ⧐ Fizzarolli is staring up at Alastor with BIG eyes. He's here for attention. UNPROMPTED ASKS
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...Quit looking at him with those BIG OL' EYES.
"...You can use your words, can't you? Instead of making an attempt to emotionally manipulate me?" No real scathing energy in his quip, however, as he reaches to SMUSH hands on the sides of Fizzarolli's oh-so-squishable face. Squeeze squeeze.
"Like a baby dog, honestly."
The word he WAS looking for was "puppy," but he failed to pull that one out of his brain.
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radioiaci · 21 days
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@infernal-blaze ⧐ "Al, this is really important. I need you to repeat after me." ; "Fuck." UNPROMPTED ASKS.
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No, no. Go on. Please explain.
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radioiaci · 16 days
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I'm gonna be a little selective in live replies today because I'm tired BUT- @circus-frog and I are open to anyone who might be interested in interacting with either of us in the universe where these two are an 'item' (probably super obvious to anyone at the hotel) because it would be FUN. Feel free to reply to this if that interests you at all and give my Fizzy a follow ! ! ! ! ~ Could be good for some drama with any Blitz, Vox, or anyone else at the hotel honestly.
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radioiaci · 14 days
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have some gay circusradio content, scribbled by me and colored by @circus-frog SOMETIMES U GOTTA HOLD YOUR FUNNY LIL' IMP <3
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radioiaci · 14 days
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@circus-frog ⧐ "Thoughts on the word queef?" UNPROMPTED ASKS.
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...He is suspicious, taking a moment to hold up a finger to the other. Please. Contain any responses. He is going to go research.
Twenty minutes later, Alastor is going to seek out Fizzarolli.
And is going to drop the small pocket dictionary in his possession directly onto the imp's head.
"You are not allowed to talk to me for a half hour."
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radioiaci · 2 months
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SHIP VERSE TAG DUMP > verse ;; 🌹 la vie en rose 🌹 - @cannibalxroses verse ;; ⭐ nobody's eyes but mine ⭐ - @voxtekoverlord verse ;; 🔥 the fire in the sin 🔥 - @ducktastic-dad verse ;; 🍎 red means i love you 🍎 - @heliacalxrising verse ;; 🐍 i'm ready now 🐍 - @sirserpentine verse ;; 🦊 your favorite monster 🦊 - @misskittyhart verse ;; 😈 devil's whisper 😈 - @visage-of-hell verse ;; 🩸 bloodstain on the bed 🩸- @kingdomofbellows verse ;; 🤡 fools and kings 🤡 - @infernal-blaze (fizzarolli)
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radioiaci · 2 months
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@infernal-blaze ⧐ Al gets a lil nibble from his tiny imp for Chewsday CHEWSDAY ASKS
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...He does not have the wherewithal to do much about this one. But he is sure is he imparting some bad examples for the imp with his own bitey behavior.
He will allow it. Though Fizzarolli may or may not receive a return bite when he least expects it.
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radioiaci · 1 month
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@infernal-blaze ⧐ A lil nibble from Fizzy for Chewdays ;) CHEWSDAY ASKS.
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...Okay, this one, he will absolutely not only tolerate, but fully appreciate. Gonna get arms around Fizzarolli to lift him up to get a better angle. Might be slightly obnoxious in squeezing the imp closer against him.
"How do I taste?"
Shameless flirting as he seeks out that tail and wraps it around his fingers. Bringing up the tip to get teeth gently into. Tail is probably sensitive. He's not about to poke holes in it or anything.
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radioiaci · 20 days
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