#verse: santa felicita
viasotto · 2 years
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they say “she’s gone too far this time"
the basics
name: olivia wilhelmina sotto
fc: maris racal
also known as: the priceless gem
nicknames: via
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
age: 24
date of birth: august 4
astrological sign: leo
place of birth: the hamptons, new york
nationality: filipino-american (dual citizen)
ethnicity: filipino
family: don claudio and doña wilhelmina sotto (grandparents, currently in the philippines), antonio and evelina sotto (parents, currently in new york, and olivero claudio sotto (older twin brother, current location unknown)
occupation and education
education: BFA in Theatre/MA in Performing Arts Administration (dual degree), MA Art, Education, and Community Practice
previous occupations: none
current occupation: socialite
romance and attraction
relationship status: single
longest relationship: one year
height: 5′2″ without heels
weight: 106lbs
build: petite, slim build
hair color and style: long, brown
eyes color: dark brown
clothing style: classic, feminine, elegant chic
tattoos: none
piercings: ears
defining features: beauty mark on right side of lips
positive traits: supportive, motivated, persevering, creative, family-oriented, independent
negative traits: loyalty to an extreme, set in her ways, guarded
likes: choco pies, crepe cakes, brunch, sleepovers with friends, retail therapy, a well-organized day, lists, beauty face masks, eggs benedict, straightforward conversations
dislikes: surprises, rowdiness, disruptive behavior, being judged, food not cooked to perfection, confusing actions
hobbies and skills
notable skills: calligraphy, digital art, planning
secret talents: singing, dancing
languages spoken: english, tagalog, bisaya
before anything else: yes, i am aware that maris is of visayan descent and i am bisaya myself. please do not try to tell me how to play my muse. with that out of the way, please do communicate any form of drama involving my muse. unplotted drama will be ignored. it is not fun to play a character that gets dragged into things i am not aware of. i am always down for plotted in-character drama, and i prefer if we are comfortable talking ooc about it. i promise i’m approachable!
More about Via
For most of Via’s life, she was never referred to by her actual name when introduced to people. She was always “the granddaughter of Don Claudio and Doña Wilhelmina Sotto,” whose names inspire fear or awe—depending on who is hearing or saying them. Those who know the names know how much influence they sway in the Philippines, particularly in the southern islands of the country, but their influence does not stop there. The Sottos of New York have always been tied to opulence, famously known as art collectors and real estate magnates in one of the most expensive places to live in. Via’s mother took care to keep the tradition alive, hosting some of the most historic gatherings in the Hamptons. But of course, anyone in New York knows these traditions are not just about fun and festivities. Hidden behind caviars and canapés is the parental instinct to pave the way for the next generation to hold the mantel when it’s their turn. Even back in Via’s school days, classmates were clearly told by parents wanting to keep a good connection with the Sottos to be mindful of her wishes.
When one is born with influence, it becomes almost as natural as breathing--even when Via is not aware of it or choosing to actively exert it. Despite the air of influence, Via remained grounded--as far as grounding can go for someone who enjoys her fair share of everyday excesses. Unfortunately for the elder Sottos, the heir and heiress of the family fortune both refused to fall in line for the scripted life, the gilded cage. Via is known to spend her time anywhere but in the usual hangouts of the rich and famous, which is why she ended up in Santa Felicita, a paradise to its residents but it’s no Saint-Tropez. She is also here for another reason: Her older brother, who disappeared mysteriously two years ago, has been spotted here, or at least that’s the private investigator told Via. 
despite coming from old money and a very influential family, via does not like to concern herself with complicated social connections and often finds it burdensome to keep up appearances.
however, this does not mean she does not use it to her advantage from time to time. she is a socialite, after all. 
no one who’s actually friends with via calls her olivia. anyone who name-drops her using her full name is clearly using her for clout--or at least that’s what she assumes. only her family calls her olivia.
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the-owlchemist · 4 years
★ | Spagonian Structures ( Mobian!verse )
     Continuing off my previous headcanon post that established Spagonia as the Florence of the Sonic TH universe, I noticed something interesting when examining the hubworld for the city in Unleashed. 
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      Just above the market ( which exits into the town square ) there’s a hallway running along the archway of the entrance, bridging between the two buildings on either side. This walkway is likely a callback to a structure in Florence known as the Vasari Corridor. Which was named after the architect that designed it for one of the Medici family back in 1565. 
      The original corridor itself runs for about a kilometre (0.62 miles for you Stateside ) and connects two of the Palazzo owned by the Medici. It also has a few ‘stops’ along the way, such as the inside of small church, the Santa Felicita. Since the current duke of the time was a bit of an asshole unliked individual compared to his predecessors, the corridor served as a means for him to travel between both estates without having to walk the streets. 
       Pictured on the right, the bridge in the second image was originally a meat market but was moved by the duke so the smell wouldn’t reach the corridor. Since the market was placed there so the butchers could toss the off-cuts straight into the river. Nowadays it’s actually a luxury jewellery market known for it’s high end watches. Locally it’s known by denizens as ‘ The Golden Bridge ‘ and is quite the tourist attraction. 
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