#very cozy vibes AND we get lore?? like sign me UP
skneees · 2 years
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pov the local archaeologist is trying to figure out who took his emerald ore
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noodleisgodd · 3 years
Dream SMP-esque Minecraft server looking for new players! pt. 2
I figured I should probably add a bit more info about the server/lore for people who wanted to know, so here’s this! Check out my previous post for the first part! Also again, reblogs are super appreciated :D
So! We essentially have 4 groups/towns/whatever you call them. There’s The Outpost, Eden, Snowdos, and Aurora Veil.
The Outpost makes up most of the spawn area, and is officially allied with Snowdos.
Snowdos is directly west of the Outpost, in the nearby plains biome. It’s home to many of our server members.
Aurora Veil is a bit more west of Snowdos, and is the other largest group along with Snowdos.
Eden is northwest of spawn, the farthest north but definitely a cool place. Eden and the Outpost are pretty (member-wise) small, but have some pretty cool builds.
In canon, Aurora Veil and Snowdos don’t like each other, they’ve never gotten along and it seems they never will. Snowdos (and the Outpost, per their trade alliance) are more of a trade type of town, (half jokingly referred to as capitalists) whereas Aurora Veil is canonically a commune.
The Snowdos-Outpost alliance outlines their agreement to work with each other for the better. It was signed by all the members of both places at the time it was agreed on.
Snowdos hosted a gala to celebrate this alliance, invited everyone to show up for a fun time. The gala went well, but there was some tension between Aurora Veil and Snowdos because of a few previous scuffles. (The main one being Aurora Veil asking Snowdos to keep off of their land)
The same day as the gala, Snowdos and Aurora Veil had a meeting, discussing how to go forward. They met in the Eden library, as Eden is a neutral ground. Aurora Veil stated that they didn’t want anyone, Snowdos or otherwise, in their lands. Snowdos agreed, after getting a better layout of where Aurora Veil’s boundaries are.
Since then, things have been a bit tense. Some worry about a threat of war declaration from Aurora Veil, others remain indifferent. But, for now, there seems to be a very fragile agreement between Aurora Veil and Snowdos.
Also, a bit of the vibe of each place: The Outpost is pretty standard, cool vibes and a public safety hut for that first night. Snowdos is well, in the snow, and it has a pretty cozy feel as well as a mansion or two around that are both beautiful. It was built off the base of a village and has expanded from there. Aurora Veil is also in the snow, and has super pretty builds and is pretty big and they have like the best roofs I’ve seen in Minecraft. Eden has an almost post-apocalypse vibe, more of the nature-reclaiming-builds kinda thing? So lots of vines and mossy cobble.
That’s the big picture of the lore for now! If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send an ask!
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blankdblank · 4 years
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His exhaustion over took him as he realized, it was finally done. Collapsed post shower in the middle of the floor of his assigned room after the first mission the giant blue conqueror Ronan exhaled lowly almost in a growl at the pinch of his neck and shoulders from hours of helping the Avengers and their latest fumble of a mission requiring his help. It was all a blur how he got pulled into helping them and as it was going he wished more and more that he and Loki had been successful in their attempts to destroy the planet.
Across his bare chest his hands settled and at the body now straddling his waist his eyes snapped open to find his new assigned partner lifting his right hand. Lowly he growled out, “What are you doing?”
His eyes following the nail file you were scraping against the edge of his pinky nail. “You kept picking at your nails earlier.”
“And that grants you permission to force this ritual on me?”
“Not a ritual.” You said moving onto the next finger.
His eyes remained on you and he repeated, “What of permission?”
“You mean like you asked my permission before throwing me over that wall today?”
“That was different.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” With the last finger on his hand filed it was lowered into a bowl of liquid he eyed and you said while lifting his other hand, “If it was acid or something else you’d be screaming.”
“Is this ritual out of welcome or irritation? Because by your tone it most likely would be the latter.”
“Trust me, if I was irritated with you then you wouldn’t be able to find me until I was ready to give you a piece of my mind.”
“Your kind can distribute pieces of your brain?”
Catching his eye you replied, “Giving someone a piece of your mind means you tell someone what is bothering you, normally in a confrontational way.”
“You mean a verbal battle.”
“Which I would win, yes.”
“Doubtful, I am a skilled linguist in the tongues of sixty three races you haven’t even heard of.”
“Now you’re just trying to impress me. Show me there’s brains behind all that muscle.”
“How could there not be a brain controlling muscles?” To yourself you giggled shaking your head, “I take that as a sign that is another figure of speech?”
“Catching on, Big Ro.” You said lifting his hand from the bowl you moved to his other side to soak that hand while you pulled another file to finish off his nails and fix his cuticles before buffing and laying his hand on his chest to grab his second hand.
“Why the focus on my nails?”
“About two percent of you is visible under that armor of yours. How do you even fight without turning your head? Can’t imagine you can take a blow to the side of your head without your helmet flying around to block your face.”
“It is bonded to the frame to my back panels, and I can turn my head whenever I wish. Though I am rarely surrounded to require a need to.”
“Hmm.” You murmured and his brow arched up.
“My armor is impenetrable, unlike yours.”
“Mine just needs to be fire and water proof.”
“What of plasma rays?”
Leaning back you propped a leg on his chest drawing his eyes to your half metal limb, “The fall from your toss broke my leg in the landing when I hit that mine. I’ve been in isolation chambers with explosions from split atoms, plasma rays are cupcakes compared to that.” You said lowering your leg to his side.
“Still pitiful.” His Kree mindset whirling at the possibilities the few abilities from you he had seen that could benefit his people greatly. “Warrior of your class deserves proper armor.”
“Well I doubt any of your craftsmen could make any out of their usual jumbo sized models for you and all your Accuser buddies.”
“We were not, buddies, as you have named them.”
“Right, a much more masculine term then, comrades in arms perhaps?”
“Is the title important?”
“No, just trying to see if it’s all business with you Kree or not becase by you alone I am not catching a vibe that you have very many comedy clubs.”
“We have jokes. Merely you would not understand them out of context. Deeply rooted in our lore.”
“No doubt.” Your hand patted his chest and you said, “All free now.” Shifting to stand up you stole a peck on the end of his nose taking your file kit and the bowl with you. “Enjoy your relaxing Big Ro, team’s headed to Guam in the crack of dawn.”
Passing through the opening and closing automated door you were off to put the stuff up and join Loki for your weekly movie night. Tucking your legs up in plopping down beside the Prince he asked, “Comb get stuck in your hair again? Nearly thought you’d miss it.”
“Nope, helped Ronan with his nails.”
“Ooh, nice and cozy with your new partner.”
“He kept clicking them.”
“Been there, Strange kept popping gum.”
“How’d you fix it?”
“I bought some of that cayenne pepper gum I replaced his stash with.”
Taking a piece of popcorn from the bowl in his lap you both settled in to the film only to spot Ronan still shirtless strolling over to your side. Where like you weighed no more than a teddy bear he lifted you with one hand, turned around to plop down beside Loki with you on the other side of Ronan. Using himself as a barrier between the pair of you while he rumbled, “I accept your proposal to be your lover.” Instantly your eyes flinched wider a moment in his resting his free hand on your knee now propped against his thigh. At least until you wanted some popcorn and he brought the bowl from Loki’s lap to his own in your reach.
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