#very much a holdover of the most typical story roots this started with
donnyclaws · 11 months
Are Abraham and Mauren on good terms when she and Roswell move into the city? Does Abraham know Damian is dating his son?
It's complicated! Esp bc this story is like in a constant flux of being written and rewritten and tweaked over and over. Basically Mauren and Abraham's relationship was very much for the convenience of it all, he needed to marry bc it's an expectation of the kingdom he's from. He had too many siblings for him to ever be a proper king or anything so the most he was used for was as a kinda marriage tool or kid maker tool to make deals with other kingdoms. Said kingdom also puts a lot of stock into male and female Roles in marriage so romance is never really a necessity, someone just needs to play the male role, the female role and somehow they need to be able to have kids, any "oddities" within that are to be kept private ect. I think I ended up calling it the Sycamore kingdom but again we're working on it, I would like to find an alternate to a kingdom structure for these. Either way it's directly related to the rose church, Victor's kingdom (the one Roswell ended up being married into), the thorn church and the cult which all hold the same belief on gender performance.
Abraham also couldn't be more obviously a closeted gay man, deeply repressed. Mauren wanted a better life and marrying into a kingdom could offer that, they happened to be on neutral terms so it just worked out as a marriage, in the job sense of the word. Erm anyway she loves Roswell, Abraham was a wildly absent father, he was also fixated on getting approval from the high daemon and from humans bc the church he's from also prioritizes minimizing being a demon as much as possible. dude's got 500 complexes. He leaves the kingdom when Roswell's like. an older teen, probably. Bc he had a big awful breakdown and declawed + detailed himself and since that him and Mauren haven't had contact.
Also rewriting how and why he ends up at the city and in a power position but it's kind of just like. He was aimless, he has only ever been raised to be in power positions and after the breakdown and having a couple stints pretending to be a preacher in a human church, he just kinda resigns back into a familiar job ect. Most of his character is him being very detached to his emotions and roles, only interrupted by those occasional breakdowns where his displeasure towards himself and demons and the effects of the church really come to a head. But yknow instead of dealing with those in a healthy way like other characters in the story who come from similar places do, the frequency of those breakdowns just kinda escalates and he gets more violent right.
When Mauren and Roswell get to the city it's crazy tense, Abraham is clearly different but he was always very distant feeling and he would have little to no reaction to seeing them again. He can't really comment on Roswell abandoning his role after all, he also can't comment on Roswell being gay because that was already known, it was part of the marriage bargain since there weren't other options for Victor in terms of political marriage. That being said, he cannot stand Damian lmao. It's pretty much the embodiement of everything he fundamentally despises about demons and is further enraged that they have killed a High Daemon before (Victor). I've said it before but Damian is consistently pinned as marked by the third god by the church Abraham is related to, they're very beastly and that's a particular trait these church demons really really want to get away from. Mainly bc the alienation in this story is based on if your species has a God source, every species that is particularly put down is one without a clear source, so their existence is constantly questioned, Demons are the clearest example of it, they're seen as without identity, seen as animalistic shapeshifters. The church demons Basically are in a state of trying to be as human as possible. High Daemon are another thing bc they're godsent but most Church Demons aren't trying to emulate that. It's also one of those things where the church demons, and Particularly Abraham, are aware that they are also doomed in a sense, so they do live in a state of self destruction, crushing others and justifying it as if it'll save them. It's not something Mauren would agree with anymore, or something Roswell ever did. Him leaving took a lot and he tried very hard to bring Mauren out with him because she's the type to be like. Well it could have been worse, I should just be grateful for the amount I have and not really wanting for better. yknow.
Idk when Damian and Roswell really start getting close or anything but I think by that point Abraham barely registers he has a son and he cannot stand Damian so they're both going to be off his radar for the most part.
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