blessercoeur · 4 years
From here ~ ♫  @viiribus
She had her arms open defensively, protecting the ones behind her. They could be under the ownership of the very country the man fought for, but those were her people, regardless of origin. At least she had cared for them when Noxus destroyed their lives and turned a blind eye.
She whispered for them to go and run back, neither of them expecting to be face to face with the general himself, and even if his sparing reason was bittersweet in her eyes, she took a moment to let them go to safety. Yet she stood there, even if they pleaded for her to follow, her only response being her hands resting on her hips.
“Perhaps for you, but I guarantee they have seen enough tragedy, perhaps even more so than yourself.” 
She said with dull eyes, the Shuriman accent very much prominent in her words.
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visionofnoxus · 4 years
✂ - for my muse to snap at yours as a result of a bad mood (Viiribus)
// This one was painful to produce. A complete blank when I began writing it, but I think it turned out good?
The heavy steps and clattering of the plate armor heralded the approach of The Hand. The two trifarians flanking the doors to the Grand General’s office took a glance at one another, weighing their options. As Darius rounded the corner, reaching the doors, one of the soldiers decided to act. “General Darius” He started, stepping forward as the other one knocked on Swain’s door, informing the Master Tactician of the arrival of Darius. “Hmm?” The Hand grunted, his attention moving to the the soldier. “Sir, Grand General is… Tense today. You may want to be cautious” the trifarian warned, receiving a scoff from the general. “I know how to deal with general Swain, soldier. Just do your duty”. “Ah.. Yes sir!”. With that the trifarian returned back to his position, the other guard motioning for general to enter.
Entering the large office that Swain managaed the daily activity of the empire from, Darius laid his eyes on the older man sitting behind the desk. A strange sensation overcame him at the sight of Swain, a premonition of sort. His shoulders were hunched, the areas around his eyes slightly red, as if due to lack of sleep? The Hand of Noxus had to admit he did not know much of Swain’s health, but the man appeared exhausted… There may have been some merit to the warning of the soldier.
“… Grand General?” he said with a hint of caution. No response. Yeah. An issue. “Swain?” Darius called again, advancing through the office, the other man finally reacting. Looking up from between the stacks of papers, the tactician looked older than The Hand could recall seeing him in years. “Yes Darius, what is it?” Swain asked, his voice tight like the rope of a loaded catapult, about to unleash destruction on the poor fool on the receiving end. Caution was required. 
The larger man crossed his hands over his chest, deciding to get on with the topic and get out of here. Swain would sort whatever this was out on his own, or ask for help if needed. “The minotaurs have been brought down to tolerable levels and I am gathering a force to move north. I’ll leave most of the actual legion behind since this campaign shouldn’t be too challe…” He fell silent mid sentence. The Tactician’s eyes were unfocused, staring on the table surface without seeing anything. What the fuck? Knowing damn well he should just leave, Darius chose against it. The Grand General was unwell and the seat of Might would be damned before he’d leave the capitol behind with their leader in this state.
“Swain. What is going on?” He questioned firmly, stepping right across from the man, leaning over the desk. The older man snapped out of whatever dreamworld he’d been in moments prior. “Campaign won’t need proper legionnaires yes. A good chance to bloody some new troops…” His bloodshot eyes focused, the Tactician just noticing Darius’ proximity. “Don’t press me, general, I’ve had a foul couple of days” he growled a warning. “Carry out your duties as I carry out mine. I believe you had a campaign to lead”. The tone that ordered the end of this conversation was not unclear in slightest, but Darius wasn’t done, and he was not going to have Swain pull rank on him in this situation. “You can’t order me, I’m a Trifarix just like you. Now spit it out, what the hell is going on?”. And that was the spark straight into the black powder keg. The Grand General of Noxus blew up in manner so loud and unbecoming of him that The Hand was grateful only the two legionnaires outside were within earshot.
“EVERYTHING! Enemies on every god forsaken front and all the allies are either incompetent or impotent!” Swain raged, shooting up from his chair, stacks of paper flying across the room as his clawed hand tossed the files all over the place. “While you spent a week hunting that minotaur pack on Ironpeak mountains, that traitorous thief Gangplank sunk three of our frigates meant for Ionian garrisons! Meanwhile Piltover’s sheriff managed to intercept the weapon shipment we’d had ordered from Zaunites and the whole political shitstorm that’ll stirr will have me working for weeks. And as a cherry on top, that blood sucking leech Vladimir and his little cabal of sorcerers apparently drained a bunch of peasants as a practice. Nothing too bad there right? Except one of those peasants was actually general Vargas’ only son!” The grand general strode past Darius, the man listening in shock at the unloading in process. “What was the general’s kid doing with commoners?” he questioned, well aware of disgustingly elite he sounded, but asking away none the less. “I don’t know! Maybe there was a girl, maybe he was buying drugs. At the end of the day he died and now I have to cover up for the drained corpse”. Swain spun on his heels, closing the distance between the two. “I. Have. To. Cover. For that hemomancer. Void take him!” Swain shouted, finally running out of steam, for now. A silence took over, the grand general huffing and puffing, simmering with rage, exhaustion and desperation, the Hand of Noxus weighing the options. At the end of the day, he knew there was only one option and it frankly saying filled him with dread. “Swain” he started. “Hmm?”. “Take a day off”.
The old man stared at him, the tired eyes posing the inevitable question that Darius had to agree with partially. Are you mad? Grand General didn’t have days off. The Empire required endless maintenance, as proven by the papers now scattered all across the office. “Take a day off Swain. I will handle… This” Darius motioned at the mess around them. Stepping over to the still stunned Master Tactician, he grasped the man’s shoulder, spinning Grand General on his heels once more, guiding him towards the door on the side of the office, an access corridor to Swain’s personal quarters. “You need rest. I don’t know what you do with your free time. Start with a long nap. We talk tomorrow. Now go”. Opening the door, he pushed the exhausted man through it gently, shutting the door after without so much as another word. 
Focusing his attention on the Grand General’s office and the mess all around, the Hand of Noxus sighed. Marching behind the table, he removed his armor and sat down, pulling towards him the first stack of documents. “Valet!”. “Sir..?” Came the answer from the door, one of the trifarian legionnaires peaking their head in, clearly confused. Fixing an unrelenting, commanding gaze at the soldier, Darius spoke out, initiating his plan. “Something urgent has come up that requires Grand General’s attention. He will be unavailable for the rest of the day. I will be attending in his place. Get someone to reorganize this mess and show me grand general’s schedule for the rest of the day”. After an ever so brief pause, contemplating the immediate future ahead he added: “And bring ale. Dissmissed”. As the door shut, Darius took one more glance at the papers in front of him. “Fuck”.
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sanguiresse-a · 4 years
❛ I can hear your eyes roll ❜ (viiribus)
THE NIGHT IS ALIVE. | accepting
     “Really, General?” Vladimir asks, tilting his head to the side. “Now, that’s a medical anomaly if I’ve ever heard one.” 
     To be fair, Vladimir has also been nothing but dismissive and annoyed this entire meeting. With all these soldiers and generals sitting around this conference table, he can’t help but feel particularly cornered. It doesn’t help that they don’t like anything he’s saying.
     “I have let High Command pillage my coffers for longer than you have been alive,” Vladimir says, addressing the rest of the meeting table. “Isn’t it time to wean yourselves off of my wealth? You’re all big and strong. I’m sure you can manage.” 
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tenebriiis-archived · 4 years
🎊 (viiribus)
♦ As he marches to battle & commands  the Trifarian Legions, through a difficult Battle. 
♦ When they manage to be Victorious on this War
♦ & As he Brings Home the Glory 
“Go and rise for your nation There's so much at stake, will you show up? Oh it's about damned time for a little salvation Those flags you wave, represent them The world is watching” 
[ ♦ ]
@viiribus ~ 
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elendeare · 6 years
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[// finally got to see @viiribus in-game!! <3  cries cuz they made Torv on my normal server so we could meet up ; 0 ;  bless u hon
these two are gonna take the world one flex at a time >D
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halforc-mercenary · 6 years
🐶 adopt a pet with my muse
In the morning, as the mist hung between the treetrunks like a  thick veil, the Tavern was so still the building seemed to sleep in the grey dust as if wrapped in a warm blanket.Mar sat in the kitchen, with sleepsand still in her eyes, her hair still roughly put up in a thick knot and a bowl of from warmth steaming porridge between her and Torvald on the table. The kitchen was empty beside the two warriors having breakfast and the morningsun danced reflecting over the polished pots and pans like on precious gems. It was then when they heard the calling by the backdoor. 
They had spend the last  four  days in the Tavern, stocking up their supplies, mending to their armor, patching up harness, saddles and reins, and every morning they had been greeted by a for breakfast begging cat that was as big as a fox with fur as grey as mist and her almost hilarious tiny kitten that looked with her puffy fur like a fluff beside her massive mother. Of course, with her great respect and utter love for cats,  Mar had given the Mother a piece of ham and when she had been too slow, it had been Torvald who had determinated jumped forward and fed the mother and her kitten so Mar and the warrior could watch the small family eat while they had their breakfast.  That was, until on this day, when the kitten came alone to the door. The calling before the backdoor lacked the stern, loud mewling of the mothercat and instead it was a tiny cheep that was almost swallowed by the clinking of Torvalds and Mars wooden  spoons. A frown draw a long line between the Halforcs thick eyebrows and shortly she exchanged a look with the other warrior, as if they were on the battlefield and silently needed to prepare a attack without any words of warning. Slowly, one hand around her wooden spoon like around a swordhilt, Mar stood up from her stool and made her way to the backdoor. The tavern was a old building so in the evening the Innkeeper had simply set stones before the door to keep late visitors- or worse!- from entering the door, those stones Mar and Torvald rolled to the side with the kittens quiet mewling growing more desperate with every second. 
When they finally opned the door, the kitten was alone, dirt sticking to her thick pelt like a second skin and trembling like a leaf in the wind.She looked hungry, alone and left behind. 
A sting of pity like a sharp blace bored into the Halforcs chest. What had happned with the kittens mother? Was she all alone? Automatically the young woman looked past the tiny fluff that was the smal cat and into the mist, but she could not see the cats mother. There was a crazy thought suddenly in Mars head, like a instinct, and promptly she wanted to lift the kitten up and take her with her. But that would have been foolish, she scolded herself in her mind like a stupid child. Mar was a wandering Sellsword, she lived in a tent, barely longer than three days at once in one place, and only sometimes in a Tavern, and a cat needed a house to hunt mouses, a place by the fire and a steady area to hunt.
But before Mar could convince her completly, Torvald already scooped the tiny kitten up in his arms, holding them save against his chest like an firstborn. 
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gellintalah · 6 years
“it’s okay to hurt & breakdown. you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
Hurt meme
🗡。・:*:・゚ A condescending laugh chimed from her throat, the kind that one would make when they thought the phrase uttered was complete and utter foolery. The rogue sat, with her feet kicked up on the chair before her, glancing first at him as though he were irrelevant–because he was–and then to her best friend. Lysirae also agreed, but that was neither here nor there.      “You are her play thing, not mine. Don’t pretend that you know who I am, or what I feel.” Although her wording perhaps played into hint that she did not care, Nanthis never uttered those words. She did care. About all of it. But she wasn’t about to break down now, not after so many years of being on her own, and not having to count on anyone else. Now was not the time.
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 What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine?
                        💛 platonic + 🖤 enemies + 💔 Frienemies
Honestly I could see this, especially the frienemies option. I feel they wouldn’t outright hate each other but there’s definitely better choices they would choose on who to hang out with lmao. Their friendship (Frienemyship?) could probably be mostly business and professional with the rare occasion of actually getting to know the other.
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siimplewolf · 6 years
@viiribus [sc]
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“I can see something is bothering you, so if there is something in your mind that you wish to say, please do so. I can only pretend that I don’t notice your fidgeting for so long before it gets bothersome.”
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holiestwars · 6 years
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Starter for @viiribus. 
         She was looking through a silk clutch purse for something, rummaging past a wallet, a book of business cards, an extra lipstick, and several receipts clipped together. The purse looked new, something to match her dress, a light and effervescent champagne color. The gilded pattern almost looked gold in the overhead light, like he could cut himself on it if he got too close. "My husband said your name is Torvald?" Her tone suggested a question, and she gave a brief pause for him to agree or correct her. "That's a good name; strong. Very intimidating."
         The duchess lifted her head for a brief smile, to let him know she was trying to be friendly. Where the hell was her phone? She resumed the search-- maybe it was at the bottom of the bag? Or maybe she just didn't want to be looking at this complete stranger when she asked him, "I assume my husband told you what happened?" Not that he needed to; every vampire in south Florida knew she had been kidnapped, held for a ransom her husband wouldn't pay, and escaped under violent circumstances. Every bored blood sucker for miles around was talking about it.
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bexwulf · 6 years
Ocean hues observed as the stranger went up against one of Beowulf’s own, the newcomer’s skill in battle clearly not lacking due to NEGLIGENCE or POOR INSTRUCTION. ❝ ---- who is it that taught you to fight? ❞ Beowulf asked when all was said and done and both men who’d once fought in the courtyard had now taken to rest. It was custom to offer HOSPITALITY to those who sought for it, assuming they did not bare you any ill will, and hence that was how this newcomer had found himself within BEOWULF’S COMPANY. A traveler, is what he’d claimed to be. 
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@viiribus // ♥
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sanguiresse-a · 4 years
     "General Darius, it seems that someone or something has possessed you…” 
     A flash of blood rises from Vladimir’s palm and sharpens itself into a dagger. He smiles.
     “Oh, poor me! I’ll have to put you out of your misery! Please understand, this must be done! Ta-ta!” 
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tenebriiis-archived · 4 years
🌎 ( viiribus :D )
Send me “ 🌎 “ and I’ll post a song in my mother language that reminds me your muse ll No Longer Accepting
[ ♦ ]
“Mi Nombre será Leyenda” by Tierra Santa ll For a Warrior who seeks Glory and Victory, goes directly into battling without doubt. May all remember his Name, as he brings Glory to our Empire ! 
“I chose glory rather than be forgotten, To deliver unto destiny what live gives,what has yet to be. To forever forge on bravely, Finding in my strength the courage that I must never give up Fighting until the end!”
[ Full Lyrics Here ]
[ ♦ ]
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elendeare · 6 years
Send “NO” to pin my muse against the wall to PROTECT THEM
Send “NO” to pin my muse against the wall to PROTECT THEM (full meme in link)| Not Accepting
         “Torvald--!!” The rogue cried against the other, his body cramped between the wall and the other’s figure.  And as the man cried in pain, it was more than safe for Alamor to assume he’d been hit.
“You damn fool,” the rogue spat as his fists clenched hard, looking up to the human, “you didn’t have to do that!” He helped Torvald down as he sunk to his knees, three arrows stuck from his back.  Alamor’s face scrunched and he turned his attention back to their enemies, eyes dark with anger.  Without hesitation, the elf lunged for their foe who shot his companion.  Alamor yanked his blades across its throat and it fell to the ground.
“Anar’alah, you’ve really done it now...” He muttered, returning to Torvald quickly.
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halforc-mercenary · 6 years
Rumor has it ... You think that Torvald guy is a jerk because he accidently stalked you. Lmao, come on Mar. He means well. ( Rip, totally anonymous )
“Listen-”, the Halforc lifted a gloved hand as if she needed to lecture a stubborne child: “..it is not important what I think of him-”Even if its true, Mar felt as if she was called out for a mistake and felt a blush spread on her cheeks and freckled ears: “- but what is important is what he does. And what he did was rather relevant,”I was not wearing trousers for Lights sake, The blush on her freckled cheeks became even darker. “-so he needs to do a lot of other different things to make another impact.”And change my opinion of him.
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nightscng-a · 6 years
@viiribus liked for a BFA starter !
          ✧・゚ |  ‘ no torvald, stay home. ‘ her hands, often so delicate found a place at the middle of his chest to keep his way out of the doorway barred. the summons to take LORDERON from the horde had finally reached their home and just like the call to defend DARNASSUS, the warrior made moves to follow her into battle. at first, the mage said nothing as they both prepared themselves for the outing, but the closer they had gotten to being ready, the more her stomach twisted like an anxious snake. ‘ i don’t want you to come. ‘          TELDRASSIL HAD BURNED. lysirae did not want to lose anything else in this conflict, she had so very little start with at its beginning. ‘ please just remain here...and watch prowly. I will be back sooner than you know.’   | ・゚✧
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