detectivegoldstein · 21 days
Getting checked out of the clinic, James looked back at his friend once more, uncertainty clear on his features. "Ya sure you want me to stay with ya for a week? I'll be fine, really." Well, maybe he wouldn't, but he would sooner lie and struggle alone than feel like he were burdening anyone.
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edgarwayne · 10 hours
Edgar had snuck out from the play a bit early, trusting that everyone would be okay in stage crew without him for the second half of the performance. He used this time to set up the party at the dance hall, putting out snacks and hanging streamers. It was as he was on a ladder, hanging up said decorations, that he heard the entrance door open.
Fearing he had less time to prepare than anticipated, Edgar turned to see who it was. Shock rippled through him upon seeing Christian of all people. He was about to say something, when he lost footing on the ladder, tumbling off unceremoniously. "Shit," he groaned. Well, that was bloody embarrassing.
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uninfernodelamente · 7 months
"So, I was thinking..." Paloma started facing Lachlan on the couch a small smile on her face, "Do you think it's too soon to start talking baby names?" she raised her brows as one of her hand casually went to twirl Lachlan's hair. It was one of the many evening she was spending at Lachlan and Sofie's place, the sky has gone dark what seemed like ages ago and the two of them were just enjoying each others company. Or at least trying, Paloma would be lying to say she just casually thought of this, she really just wanted to get her and Lach's minds off of recent events. The deaths, earthquake, longer dark evenings and other bizarre Huntsville news were visibly on both their minds. Even now that almost two weeks have past you could still see the small scratches on Paloma's arm from the aftermath of the quakes.
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violenttempest · 10 months
Location: Louis' Place
Blog: @wanderinglcst
Briana stared at the counter top. She couldn't stop her hands from shaking and every time she moved she felt dizzy. She'd finally run out of her medication and was starting to feel the withdrawl. She had tried to ration it before she ran out but her behaviour at the fare was evidence enough that it hadn't worked.
She hadn't slept properly since the black out started. Every time she closed her eyes she saw that thing.
Feeling a hand on her arm she flinched and looked up to see Louis had walked into the kitchen. "Sorry I... I don't..."
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oxtofmydcpth · 7 months
Post-Quake // Matthew Walker // @wanderinglcst
And so it was Dodger wandering the streets of the Pumpkin Festival alone once more, steps shuffling, vampire cape catching in the gentle breeze and he sighed. Maybe he shouldn't have brought up the things Bastián had been saying to Phoenix, but it was done now. He'd head home soon, get some sleep in before the other two returned and they could sort the issue from th-
The shaking caused by the quake snapped him out of his train of thought, knocking him to the ground and leaving him with a few minutes of nothing. When he finally stood, head ringing from where it had hit the floor, he noticed the wails of pain and confusion from Main Street. Instinct told him to run, but not in the opposite direction but towards it. He had to find Jay and Phoenix.
"Matt," he called out as he eventually spotted the other, slowing his sprint and clutching at his chest as he took in long, laboured breaths, "what the hell happened?"
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missheatherlee · 14 days
Heather was walking towards the entrance of the cafe when Sebby unexpectedly lunged at a woman sitting at one of the outdoor tables, sniffing her aggressively. With a frown she let out a whistle and tugged on the dog's lead. As he looked up at his owner, Heather signed for him to come back and sit. Looking properly chastised, Sebby followed the orders. Giving the woman an apologetic glance, Heather held up a finger before writing on her whiteboard. 'I am so sorry. He's never done that before. Maybe he really likes your smell?'
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santiagoayala · 1 month
It was pure pandemonium. People were scrambling, yelling. Water was rushing in. Santiago's fun loving persona dropped, his immediate thoughts going to Cole. Shoving his way through the crowd, he grit his teeth as he waded through the water. He had to find her. He had to make sure she was safe.
Seeing people close up the doors, Santiago let out an enraged yell, charging towards them. "No! You fucking let us out! You can't keep us in here!" People said it was too late, there wouldn't be time to get out. He was about to throw a punch and force his way out, determined to look for Cole no matter what, when suddenly he was tackled into the hot water. "Puta madre, let me go," he hissed. "I need to find her!"
He scrambled with the other man in the water, taking in a few mouthfuls of hot water as he tried to fight off whoever was stopping him.
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ciarawinters · 3 months
All morning Ciara had been running around getting things prepped for opening day. Finally having a moment to catch her breath, she sat down at the bar and asked for a diet coke. Seeing Joey she waved with a smile. "It's kind of weird that we're working together now."
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faciensmel · 1 year
"Hi Sofie," Andy came round and hugged the girl, bright smile on her face, "I can see you got the crown, it looks perfect on you, matches your smile" she beamed giving a girl a quick wink before looking up at Lachlan. Her eyebrows went slightly up seeing his watery eyes, she was so used to being around nature and flowers that she almost forgot how other struggle over spring season. "Hi Mr. Ramirez. I mean Lachlan." she quickly corrected herself with an exhaled laugh, "I'll remember to call you that one of these days I'm sure." Andy added.
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darkestxdreams · 1 year
@wanderinglcst -- for Elijah
Obviously the Sasquatch would never be as crowded as a bar in the city could get, but there were times when the place could get decently full. Maybe a lot of people figured they needed a drink after recent events. At any rate, Tristan was finding himself getting more than a few drinks for patrons, so when the next person motioned to him, he ended up sounding a little exasperated. "Yeah, be right there! We don't exactly have an extensive drink list, so there's not a whole lot of a debate over what to have anyway!"
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backmaskcd · 28 days
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closed starter for @wanderinglcst (siobhan) location: just outside town hall
"Woah; what, did you raid a wedding before coming here?" Jace was shocked by her armful of wedding dress, giving her a kind smile. "I didn't think anyone would honeymoon in Huntsville... I'm Jace. I take it you just sort of stumbled in here recently?"
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detectivegoldstein · 1 month
A scowl was heavily set as he hobbled around looking for Eli. His knee was hurting like a bitch, his hands kept shaking uncontrollably, and he could feel his heart rate beating erratically. Cutting back on alcohol was taking its toll and James was regretting agreeing to come to the damn festival in the first place. "Oy," he snapped when he finally found the blond, before grimacing. "Sorry. Shit mood. Anyway, I wanted to talk to ya 'bout something."
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edgarwayne · 1 month
At the festival Edgar hadn't had any luck finding Christian, so it was by pure happenstance that he saw the man at the ball. Explaining to Nathan that he needed to take care of something and would be right back, he stalked over to his ex and practically dragged him away from the more crowded part of the dance hall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he hissed out.
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uninfernodelamente · 1 year
Paloma came home from her day at the office and took her time showering and changing into something more homeware. She did decide to keep the lacey set though, just to see if Lachlan would notice really. To pass time she though she'll make sure there was something quick to make. Putting some music on and singing along she rolled some pizza bases in case they were in a mood for food, not like they could order in. Paloma got carried away with it, her loud singing only got cut off as she hear a knock on the door. She made quick way to the door bright smile on her face, she composed herself face falling into neutral expression as she opened the door, "Hi, neighbor." she gave Lachlan a small smile leaning onto the door frame, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.
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violenttempest · 3 months
[continued from here x] @wanderinglcst
Briana flinched back when Louis touched her, looking at him with wide frantic eyes as if knocked out of the memory she had been trapped in and pushed into another. She shook her head. "No. No you can't. I won't go. I won't. You can't force me into this!" She pleaded as whatever imagined threat became real for her. "Dad. Please. I have the appointment just let me..."
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oxtofmydcpth · 2 months
Consecutive Loses - Andrew x Kane
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With @wanderinglcst
The fight club was going on a lot longer than Andrew expected but he had slipped in when things were rowdy and hid, watching everyone fight each other, getting all bloody and mangled for the next couple of hours. When it finally died down, Andrew stayed firmly in his hiding spot, eyes on Kane.
This evening hadn’t turned out as Kane had wanted, not just his body that was bruised this time around, but his ego. Kane fucking Bentley beaten officially by Malcolm fucking Reese. Of course Kane had his excuses, that he’d spent much of the afternoon organising the arena, maybe pulled a muscle or something warming up, and demanded a rematch in the future. It would happen, and he’d win. The rules of life were you had to win two out of three fights, and they were even. One more win and Kane was the rightful champion again. He stood from where he’d been sat in the centre of the ring, head tilting to the side until his neck clicked, and he made his way over to the mop and bucket, ready to clean up the blood from the floor, making the place practically good as new for use on Monday morning for whatever function was scheduled.
Andrew kept low, hiding behind some equipment as everyone began to file out, congratulating each other and discussing having a round at the bar... and then it was just Kane, sitting there looking utterly pathetic on the floor. He was beaten and bloody, perfect because that meant he would have a harder time putting up a fight so Andrew put on a pair of gloves to make sure none of his prints got anywhere then stepped out. "You really do have a small cock don't you."
The last thing Kane needed right now was Andrew here, the voice so recognisable to Kane at this point, and all he did was groan in annoyance. “Always talkin’ ‘bout my cock ain’t ye?” He did laugh at that, turning his head back just to get a glimpse of Andrew in his peripherals. “So desperate fer mine t’be tiny t’compensate fer yer own eh? Yers tiny too? Got it locked up or somethin’? Does it even work? Or is it as fuckin’ useless as yer arm is?” He wasn’t in the mood at all for this, body aching, and with an entire sports hall to clean up, he didn’t need a slanging matching with the resident weirdo. He turned away again, hands reaching for the mop. “If yer stayin’ t’piss me off, put them gloves t’good use an’ at least help me clean up.”
Andrew laughed along with him then rolled his eyes some, moving out of Kane's line of sight. "Oh yeah, it's pretty useless." He nodded some, moving whenever Kane did, watching and waiting for the perfect moment. "Maybe you need to be taught a lesson."
“Knew it,” Kane couldn’t help the triumphant drip in his voice, “makes sense why yer so agitated all the time.” Regardless of Andrews presence, Kane had a tight schedule to adhere to, cleaning up before dark and grabbing himself a drink or several at the bar with everyone else. “A lesson huh?” He scoffed, wringing the mop in the bucket and letting it slap onto the floor, “an’ who’s gonna do that? You? ‘Cause fight clubs over. Come back next time.”
Andrew rolled his eyes, just deciding to play along because Kane wouldn't be getting out of the end of this. "Hm, no." He continued to watch but the longer he waited to do this, the more Kane would put up a struggle so while he was distracted by the mopping, Andrew quickly came up behind him, threw a rope around his neck and pulled.
It was the lack of talking that was getting Kane riled up, this man that constantly felt the need to take small digs at him at every opportunity opting now for short sentences. “Two words? That’s all I’m worth?” He chuckled, sliding the mop along the floor, “y’know I thought ye would’a be-“ the air was cut off mid sentence, something tightly wrapping around his neck. Instinct kicked in, mop falling to the ground as his hands came up to grab at the rope, pulling it away from his skin as hard as he could, hoping to breathe.
When Kane tried to pull it away, Andrew's grip on the rope tightened and he pulled in the opposite direction, hoping it would cut off his air supply. Over the last couple of weeks, he had been focused on building the strength in his left arm in order to do this, just shut him up! "SHUT UP!" Andrew pulled with all the strength he could muster up.
Kane knew how to fight, he could prepare himself for months for these things, but surprise attacks were something different. His fingers curled under the rope, hoping to grip it properly, but the force doing nothing more than pushing his own fingers into his throat. One hand came loose and he reached back over his shoulders, an attempt to grab Andrew's face or his hair or something but Kane was seeing stars, couldn't focus, couldn't breathe, already exhausted muscles screaming for him to stop straining them at odds with his survival instincts.
Clearly, something was going on in Andrew's head because he kept shouting to shut up and that he's doing it. He tugged and tugged, trying to get Kane on his knees, his dodged the hand that reached out to grab him so Andrew kicked him with a lot of force in his back, letting the rope go so he would have to fall on the floor.
The stars that danced on the edge of Kane's vision were fluttering closer and closer to the center, making everything pulse a dark red, but still he tried to get a hold on things, feet firmly planted on the ground, standing firm. If he could grab hold of Andrew's head, flip him over his shoulder and get him on the ground this would be game over. It would be so easy. A hard force slammed into his back, pushing out the remaining air from his lungs, but the sensation disappeared, the strangling pull on his neck gone and his body weight betrayed him, sending him to the ground. Disorientated, he still needed to fight back, sweeping his leg back to hopefully knock Andrew to the ground too.
Andrew stood over Kane, laughing in the same way he had been laughing at him every time they ran into each other, obnoxious and loud, there was no humour and no light behind his eyes at this point. "Who's the fucking weakling no-" Kane's leg caught his own and the water on the floor caused him to slip and fall, lying there for a second, Andrew winced and tried to regain himself, slowly getting himself up to sit.
Kane felt his foot make contact and pushed with everything he had to bring the other to the floor, cutting out the laughter that he could just about make out over the ringing in his ears. "Fuckin'...s-stay...down..." This was far from over. With the floor slippery underneath him, Kane pulled himself forwards, the weight rack just to the side of the arena that the fighters could use to warm up being something he could use to pull himself to his feet. Still his body ached, after a night of fighting he needed rest, needed to let his body heal, already pushed to its limit, and he felt the strain with each movement to reach forward and pull his body along.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Andrew screamed from his own spot on the floor. Since he wasn't as exhausted as Kane was, he shortly got back onto his feet and made his way over, stepping on Kane's hand and holding it down with his heel. He had brought the rope along with him. "I am not done with you yet." Andrew threw the rope back around his neck in a bid to try get this over with. It was more difficult to strangle him in this position though and he couldn't get as good of a grip as he had previously.
Again, Kane felt the pull of the rope around his neck, a disgustingly familiar sensation at this point, and Kane continued to reach forwards with his free, attempting to claw himself away, but the hold Andrew had was too strong, one hand pinned to the ground and the rope not allowing him to progress any further. Think you fuck, think. He twisted his body, an unnatural twist with his arm still locked in place, a twist that made his bones creak and his muscles pull, the rope burning against the flesh of his neck as he spun to look up at Andrew, his free hand balled up into a tight fist aiming a punch at Andrew's crotch.
Andrew was too far gone at this point, his vision was completely red as he pulled and pulled, feeling the rope dig into his flesh and wanted nothing more than to separate his head from his neck, Kane couldn't laugh at him any more without a head. But then he punched him in the crotch, causing Andrew to quickly let go and double over, groaning in pain, dropping to his knees as tears prickled at the corners of his eyes. He took deep breaths to try and shake this off.
A direct hit. Under normal circumstances Kane would be grinning, taunting, being all over insufferable but he couldn't. His shoulder was on fire, having that arm pinned to the ground while he twisted his body pulling something the wrong way. Could have been a muscle, torn ligament, dislocation, anything, but the pain was horrific. He couldn't stop. He turned himself over fully, back to the ground and pushed himself into a seated position, him and Andrew finally on the same level. "Yer a real...st-stupid fuck...y'know...that r-right..." he was out of breath, feeling dizzy, his uninjured arm pushing himself off the ground into a wobbly stand.
A few deep breaths later and his own pain subsided enough, Andrew looked up and over at Kane. "What's the matter? Lost the use of your arm as well as your dick?!" Andrew kicked out at his legs to try bring him back down and scrambled over to him, moving to try and choke him with his good hand instead, the grip was forceful and tight but not as much as the rope was. All Andrew wanted right now was to see the light in those pathetic eyes go out.
t was like every tactic Kane had ever used was coming back to bite him on the ass, the words he'd thrown so confidently at Andrew now coming back at him with vicious precision. His legs hit, and Kane's exhausted body fell again, finding himself pinned to the ground. "G-get...off...me..." He pushed his injured arm up, taking a grip on Andrew's shoulder, curling his fingers so they dug into his skin, the other hand coming up to Andrews face, gripping his head tightly with his thumb pressing over his eye.
Andrew's grip tightened around his neck despite the fact that Kane was gripping onto his bad shoulder, it was like he couldn't feel the pain in it any more as the adrenaline (and the thrill) coursed its way through his body. The thumb pressing into his eye didn't really seem to have much of an affect him on him either, he pulled his head out of his grip with a sharp pull. "Come on you bastard!" He was starting to get impatient, why wasn't he dying?! Andrew brought Kane's head up and tried to slam it on the floor instead.
Kane’s own grip failed to keep a hold of Andrew’s head, every movement stopping his thumb from gauging out the others eye completely so instead he let his fingers curl into the hair at the top of his neck and yanked it hard. It didn’t do enough, and the first slam of Kane’s head into the ground hadn’t been expected, but after the second, and the third, and the fourth, Kane’s senses began to dull, the ache from the impact zone pulling more attention than the hand around his neck. He gave a final push, jabbing his thumb as deep into the muscle in Andrew’s shoulder as he could, using whatever force his legs could muster to try and curl up around Andrew's neck. He might be exhausted by he was still flexible.
There it was, Andrew could see that the slamming was doing the job so he continued doing it, as hard as he could.. until the thumb hit the cluster of nerves in his shoulder, causing him to yell out in pain and let his neck go, having to scramble back to hold onto it and put some distance between them. This was starting to get annoying now, he just didn't give up did he? Well, it's a good job Andrew didn't give up either so he tried to get to his feet to put more distance between them.
Something worked, and Kane let out a pained sigh of relief as Andrew released his hold, stepping away. The throbbing on the back of Kane's head continued to pound, and he gritted his teeth, eyes squinting tightly shut as he tried to compose himself. The ache of the days fights layer with this current assault on his body began to radiate though him again as the hits to his head subsided, and all he wanted to do was lie there for a moment, gather his breath and his thoughts. But he couldn't do that. He took the same initiative as Andrew, making distance, pulling himself away on by his elbows and forearms, head lolling to the side as he tried to look for the door. His first shout came out as nothing more than a grunt, and he coughed, clearing his throat as he twisted onto his front, one hand coming up to the weight rack to pull himself up a little. "Mal..." The words started coming out, the hope that someone would still be here, a school gymnasium and a closed door away, the first name he could think of, "M-Malcolm...Mal...anyone?!"
Andrew grunted and sat there on the floor for a moment, willing the pain in his shoulder away and watched Kane try to speak and pull himself up using the weight rack. When he finally did make a sound, Andrew panicked, went over there, picked up a weight and... brought it down on the same spot he had been slamming against the floor with a heavy force. He did that once... twice... three times before he dropped it, the echo of the weight clattering on the gym floor. Andrew watched, looking at the blood and brains seep out from Kane's head so bent down next to him to watch the light in his eyes. The voices in his head finally subsided and quietened for the first time in weeks, that laugh finally faded from his ears and for the first time in years Andrew felt... relief.
Gathering the rope he had used, he got to his feet and took one last look at Kane dead on the floor of the gym, blood pooling around him. Andrew stepped away in time so it didn't get on his shoes and give him away. With that, he headed out of the gym and slammed the lights off, leaving Kane there to be found by a poor unsuspecting person the next day.
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