#we are hitting uwu levels that shouldnt even b humanly possible 😳😀
dolphin-enthusiast Β· 4 years
buonasera my moon and stars~! πŸŒ πŸŒ™πŸ’— hello lovely!! as i always do, i hope you are doing well!! today was quite busy for me, which i think is a good thing for once! besides, being productive all day means i get to wind down by writing you after all! today's letter will be shorter since i still have late night work to doπŸ’– first of all, that dream update was so entertaining to read!! i'm glad that it had a good ending (and that dream morgy didn't get hurt! 😊) (1/6)
"it must've been so stressful to dream about though!! i'm honored that we influenced that anon to the point of dreaming that up,, love you too anon!!! πŸ’ž and morgy, i'm pretty rusty too when it comes to my singing,, to be honest with you, i like deeper voices like altos and contraltos, i find them to be more interesting than the standard sopranos and such, (no hate to sopranos though, i love them too!!) and yes, i am, in fact, a mezzo-soprano!! i'm not as good though πŸ˜… (2/6)
and no worries my darling, my fingers are fine!! i iced them and bandaged them up today,, as i said before, i bruise extremely easily so it's normal for me πŸ˜–β€ (3/6)
a few hours ago i was helping my older brother to start packing up his stuff to move into his new college appartment,, it's a really bittersweet feeling to me,, we kept making jokes during it, but honestly i dread him leaving, things are more lively when he's around!! this is his third year at uni, and i should be used to this by now, but i guess i'll just miss him lots! (i'm too shy to tell him that though!!) he promises to try and visit once a month, so i think i'll be okay! 🌼 (4/6)
my cats came to cheer me up though, they're still snuggling with me as i write!! i love them so much, it's as if they sense my moods,, whenever i'm really upset they come to cuddle me! i've always appreciated cats, they're my favorite animals actually! i never get tired of seeing those cute little fluffballs (hairless cats are really cute too!!) πŸ’“ (5/6)
it's late now! guess it's bedtime hehe!! nighty night deary, i'll see you tomorrow then love, and i want you to know that you DESERVE all of my praise πŸ’Œ - lots of hugs and kisses, waifu xoxo πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜ ps: i'd love to ramble about dreams under the stars with you someday πŸ˜³πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– oh, and i think this is long overdue for everyone, but my name is abigaille, it's a pleasure to meet you all 😘 (6/6)"
Damn dear i really gotta start being more productive soon but at least ur doing that instead wdhdjs but hey im happy to hear u like my voice type?? I just consider it weird since lots of ppl pointed it out in the past (even teachers) and it got me likeπŸ—Ώ but im p sure we could make a nice duet....one faithful day....haha jk unless πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘€
And wow ur brother already b leaving...we shall all wish him the best of luck esp in these trying times, may he drop some banger and make mozart real quiet soon😀
Also we will def share dreams dear😳😳 even if i dont usually remember mine or they're just annoying (often repetitive) nightmares i have a small amount of ones that i cherish and maybe we will talk abt them soonπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ and i will say it again: ur name is acc so pretty its u n r e a l
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