#we've basically all but gotten the official blessings of the powers that be to make homestuck merch without fear of reprisal at this point
autisticaradiamegido · 4 months
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day 26
someday if i can figure out how the hell people get these things made i would like to do some little destiny & malice acrylic charms. i think those are so fun. and while i mostly want them for Myself i figure that if i DID figure out the process, i should maybe open up the option to anyone else that might want them, soooo...
informal poll: if i figure out how all that works, would any of y'all be into that, and approximately how many of you?
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kurisus · 5 months
Noragami reread: Volume 23 & 24 thoughts
My last post with two volumes--the next, and final one, will have 3. Also, these volumes were not released during my last reread, so there are some discrepancies and things I didn't realize before, translation-wise.
It took me this long, but I finally figured out what Yuuki's vessel form is. It's a shadow. Symbolically this represents how he's a shadow of his former self, and is silent, insubstantial, reduced to nothing but omnipresent; living in the blind spots but caused by the presence of light (the sun). In a more practical sense, he can shape himself into a human form and send out tendrils to influence other humans, and this is also how he can become a spear for trash dad while maintaining human form. It also explains the black hair and outfit difference, and why he appears to be a human vessel, something that according to Kazuma should be impossible. Trash dad also says Yuuki is a growth-type vessel who will keep morphing depending on the enemy he's facing, which makes sense as to why his powers keep evolving when he fights Yato, then hunts for his dad, then blames heaven.
Anyway volume 23 is an absolutely miserable time and I had to psych myself up to read it for several hours. Yato's realization of who he's fighting, Hagusa losing control and believing he's attacking the father that killed him, Hiyori fainting at Yuka's house, rock paper scissors, the reveal of Yukine's real name...hell. I'm in hell.
While Yato is fighting Yukine, he addresses why he left--to ensure that everyone else lives happily. However, Yukine doesn't buy this, because his greatest fear is being abandoned. Yato wouldn't do that to him again, right? This means that Yato isn't gonna disappear, right?! Right?!?!??!!
Also in 23 is Ookuninushi accidentally knocking the Yatori plaques and hanging them back up with a blessing: May you all live happily ever after. I'm hoping that means that Kofuku tying the plaques meant they'd both die (in a sense) and him blessing them would mean they both...undie. SO YATO CAN'T DIE. SCREAMS
I'm looking SO hard for evidence that our three main characters will survive to the end, as they are, but still choose to part ways. But the thought of the last chapter is torturing me because I really have NO idea what they're gonna do.
Back to the volume at hand, instead of calling Father a goryoujin, they say he's basically the same thing as Tenjin, a human who died with a grudge and was deified to quell his wrath. There isn't a translation note about this either, which I find odd because I'm pretty sure a goryoujin is not that. Earlier they were heavily implying that Father only got his powers by returning from the dead--and this is backed up by his backstory later. So why now say he was deified, and THAT'S how he got his powers? I think it's entirely likely the official got it wrong, because they've gotten stuff wrong before, but unless there's something I'm missing, it just makes it all the more confusing.
Not a lot from volume 24 since it's mostly fighting, but I did want to say every time I go back and reread the chapters I read as they were releasing (and especially for the half-chapters we've been getting the last few years), I'm always surprised by how well everything flows together when compiled in volume form. Volume 24 is the one where Yato finally faces his fears and goes after his father, showing a long journey from earlier in the series, when he was so afraid just from his presence that he couldn't even move.
The art also goes craaaaaaaaazy in this volume. Every panel with Hagusa is amazingly composed, and the fighting between Yato and his father is well-choreographed and breathtaking to read.
I'm also realizing I solved another of my minor hangups with the series ending. I kept expecting something terrible to befall Take and Ebisu when they were on Tamatsuki because of how they talked about it, but nothing did. On a reread, it seems like what actually happened to Ebisu's previous incarnation was that trash dad was waiting for him on that island, Chiki in hand, and destroyed him and his shinki. So he deemed it too dangerous to try again, but in the present day trash dad is busy getting his ass handed to him.
Another one was also resolved, with the deal with Amaterasu and her shinki. The official makes it seem less like they're out to get her, but more that she's starting to question "the heavens are always right" and they are too, a bit.
Discord reactions, only a couple this time:
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