#well i had meant to read it before though so ig i finally did... but not in full and idr much yaaaaay 😭😭😭😭
m1ckeyb3rry ¡ 3 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You and Lee spend some time in Ba Sing Se, where you meet a familiar girl. Afterwards, you tell Lee the story of Quynh and how she came to be.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 7.2k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: PLEASE DO NOT SLANDER ME FOR THE FATHER GLOWWORM REPRESENTATION I HAVE NOT READ THE KYOSHI NOVELS ‼️ idek what he’s up to in canon but his powers fit the situation so he got to feature in the fic…pretty sure he’s way more heinous in the atla-verse but oh well!!! glass princess father glowworm is just chill like that ig 😰
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“Lee,” you said from where you sat on the kitchen counter, watching him scrub dishes. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he wore his signature scowl on his face, though every time you spoke, it abated in favor of something resembling a smile.
“Y/N,” he said. “Are we introducing one another or something?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you said. “Now that we are friends, I want to ask you a question.”
“We’re not friends,” he said, as was customary, taking a rag and using it to dry the mug he had just washed. “But go ahead.”
In the days since you had happened upon the refugee gate, you had not seen the Blue Spirit at all. Every night, you waited for him, and every night you returned to the palace disappointed. Eventually, you understood what he was saying by not arriving, and so you turned to the only other source of companionship you had been offered: Lee and Mushi from the tea shop.
Mushi had been delighted, but Lee had been more than a little annoyed at the prospect of having to spend everyday with you. This time, though, you did not relent. You followed him around the tea shop as he worked, chattering to him incessantly, and finally he grew resigned enough to your presence that he stopped complaining about it and began speaking with you somewhat normally.
For the most part, the two of you talked about books and tea and other, safer subjects. You were still trying to understand what you had seen the other day, and you had no idea what Lee’s opinions were on the matter, so until now, you had not even considered broaching any of the more sensitive topics.
“How did you end up in Ba Sing Se? I don’t mean why you came. I mean, how did you get in here?” you said.
The question was still unclear, but Lee did not ask for further explanation. He finished drying the mug and put it with the rest before taking a plate and running it under the water.
“We took a ferry,” he said. “We had to buy tickets and show our passports, of course, but it went relatively seamlessly otherwise. By the way, if you’re just going to sit there, you might as well be useful and sweep or something.”
“What about the entrance fee?” you said, sliding off the counter and taking the broom he handed you, leaning on the handle and batting your eyelashes at him without even trying to sweep. This earned you a scoff as he once again shifted from washing to drying, though his trademark red flush crept up his neck at the same time, which meant he wasn’t really upset.
“It wasn’t a thing when we came,” he said. “Or, at least, it wasn’t that high. I’m pretty sure that it was included in the price of our tickets. They were so expensive that it would only make sense. Possibly not, though. Last I checked, they just raise the prices because they can nowadays.”
“I can’t understand it,” you said. “Why is there such a desperate need for people to come here? Surely you must know. Can you tell me?”
Belatedly, you realized this might give away your identity in some way, because who else would have such little sense for what was happening in the world but the princess who had been locked away for so long? But if Lee was suspicious, he did not show it, only exhaling heavily and shaking his head.
“There’s quite a lot, and none of it is safe to discuss here,” he said. “Sorry, but I don’t want something happening to my uncle or I.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “I don’t blame you. If I had known it was like that, I wouldn’t have asked.”
He shrugged his broad shoulders. “It’s a strange place we live in.”
“That’s for certain!” you said, pointing the broom at him for emphasis. “Do you know the situation at that one gate?”
“The second southeast gate? Yeah, it’s in a bad shape, but almost all of them are like that,” he said. “It’s common knowledge, but that doesn’t mean anyone’s about to do anything about it.”
All of them were like that. That meant that every day, the entire perimeter of Ba Sing Se was flooded by people trying to get in, people like the ones the you and Blue Spirit had seen. It was human suffering on a scale you could not comprehend, and the broom clattered to the ground as you attempted to envision it. How many hundreds of them were there? What were they seeking refuge from? What reality was worse than the one they were running towards?
“Every gate,” you said. “But Ba Sing Se has so many…”
“Some of them are wealthier entrances,” Lee said, using a towel to wipe his hands off and unrolling his sleeves. Picking up the broom, he began to sweep. “It’s not that bad at those ones. Apparently, things at the second southeast gate are improving now, too.”
“Are they?” you said. It was only a modicum of reassurance, but even the knowledge that one less person might be hurt was enough to cheer you. “Why is that?”
“Apparently, some rich woman came with someone dressed as the Blue Spirit and donated half of her life savings so that no one had to pay the entrance fee there,” he said. “Things haven’t devolved into sheer chaos only because what she did is still a relatively unknown thing, so it’s mostly only had positive consequences so far.”
“Half of her life savings?” you said, thinking back to the amount you had given, which had really been nothing but pocket change. “Um, wow. That was — very generous of her to do. She must be a charitable person.”
“Must be,” Lee said flatly. “And I guess there really is a Blue Spirit in Ba Sing Se. Sorry for doubting it. Even though he’s obviously not the same person as the one from the play, namely because that Blue Spirit would’ve done something instead of just standing around when there’s people in need.”
“He was doing what he could!” you said. Lee raised his eyebrows at you, and this time, it was your turn to cough to disguise your emotions. “That is to say, I’m sure there was more going on than either of us are aware of.”
“Right,” he said. You glared at him.
“Really! The Blue Spirit is a good person!” you said, feeling honor-bound to defend him. Even if you hadn’t seen him in so long, he was still the man who had saved you. You still harbored some feelings you could not quite name for him. “Maybe it only looked like he wasn’t doing anything, but he was. I know he was.”
“Whatever you say. Super-fan,” he said, muttering the last under his breath.
“You’re the one who likes the play so much,” you reminded him. “If anyone’s a super-fan, it’s you.”
Lee was saved from responding by Mushi’s entrance. His uncle was the kind of person that was impossible to be angry around, and he had an uncanny knack for knowing exactly when you and his nephew were arguing. His presence quelled you both, and it was probably the only reason the two of you had not, in the earlier days, read one another to filth.
“Good, you got all of those cups washed!” Mushi said. “I was worried you’d be too distracted, but I’m glad to see that that didn’t happen.”
“What would I be distracted by?” Lee said, putting the broom away. You had picked up very quickly on the fact that Lee had no interest in helping out around the Pao Family Tea House, and that tea was not really something that excited him, but it was the only way that he and his uncle could make money, so he did what he could, albeit without a smile on his face or any passion to his motions.
“If I had a lovely lady to talk with all day, I’d hardly get anything done!” Mushi said.
“Uncle!” Lee hissed.
“It’s okay, Mushi. You can think of me as more of a taskmaster than anything; I make sure Lee gets everything done in a timely fashion,” you said when it became evident that Lee was far too embarrassed to say anything more.
“And she doesn’t even offer to help while she’s at it,” Lee added. “So, ha.”
“It feels like you were trying to get the last word in there, but I don’t think you were successful in that endeavor,” you said. “Just so you know.”
“Shut up,” he said.
“Lee, please be kind to your friend,” Mushi said.
“Yeah, Lee,” you crowed. “Be nice to your friend!”
“Y/N,” Lee said, pointing a threatening finger at you, though it was hard to genuinely be afraid of him when he was so relatively harmless in everything he did. “You’re not even my friend, so you don’t get to pull that card!”
“I’m the only person you talk to, besides your uncle, so doesn’t that make us friends automatically?” you said.
“No, it just means I don’t have any friends at all!” he said haughtily, leaning the broom against the wall and dusting his hands off against his apron.
“Once again, I don’t think that that’s quite the closing statement you were aiming for,” you said. “It has more of an embarrassing effect to it than a victorious one.”
“Now, now, both of you should stop quarreling,” Mushi said. “Lee, your shift is almost over. How about you and Y/N take some time to explore the city together? It’ll only improve your spirits!”
“Believe it or not, I’d actually rather work,” Lee said, though he did untie his apron and hang it up.
“Just be back in time for your evening shift!” Mushi said.
“I’ll make sure he is,” you promised, following after Lee as he all but raced out of the tea shop, waving at Mushi, who waved cheerfully back. “Hey, Lee, wait up!”
Luckily, Lee did slow down a bit, allowing you to catch up with him, the two of you walking side by side down the street in the afternoon sun. It was a different context than you were usually in; he had been forced to take the evening shift more often than not nowadays, so he was normally still working by the time you left for the fountain. Today was the first time you had come early enough to be there for his break, and without the tea shop in the background to smooth your interactions over, there was an awkwardness that filled the air.
Who were you and he outside of the Pao Family Tea House? Who was Lee when he was not working as a server? Who were you when you were not protected by the secrecy of being just another patron of the shop?
“It’s you!” a soft, feminine voice said. Suddenly, you were being accosted by a pair of arms thrown around your shoulders, holding you in the sincerest embrace you had felt in many years.
“Me?” you said, wriggling free from the hug to peer at the girl. She beamed up at you, holding onto your hands, and though you couldn’t quite place it, you knew that you did recognize her from somewhere.
“Yes, you,” she said. “Everyone’s been saying you’re a spirit, since you don’t match the description of anyone living in the Upper Ring, but I’vealways believed in you. I’ve always known that you were a real person.”
Your eyes widened as you realized where you knew her from: she was the girl who had been helping the man with the burnt leg at the second southeast gate. She must’ve seen you when you had given the captain the money, and somehow, despite the days that had elapsed since then, she had recognized you.
You glanced at Lee, but he did not seem surprised nor intrigued by the conversation. He was diligently reading a street sign, which really could not have been all too fascinating, but he was an odd boy with odd habits, and it afforded you some semblance of privacy to converse with the girl, so you did not say anything to him about it.
“You’re the reason my father is still alive, lady,” the girl said, squeezing your hands tightly. “We thought we might have to cut his — cut his leg off or something, but because of you, we were able to get to a doctor in time.”
“That kind of doctor must be expensive,” you said. She nodded.
“Oh, yes, he was one of the Upper Ring ones,” she said. “But he saved my father’s leg, so what does it matter? I’ll figure it out.”
“You will?” you said. “What about your mother? Or your elder siblings, if you have any?”
The girl glanced around nervously before beckoning you closer. You offered her your ear, wondering what kind of terrible secrecy she was sworn to that she had to be so careful.
“I know we’re not supposed to talk about it, so please don’t repeat this to anyone, but the truth is that my mother and my little brother were killed by Firebenders. They set our house on fire while they were taking over our village. It’s how my father got his leg burnt,” she said, her small voice choked. “He went back in to save them, but he couldn’t. The only reason I’m alright is that our cat had run away and I had gone to find her.”
She was barely more than a child, and yet she had had the responsibilities of a woman thrust upon her. How could a little girl be expected to take upon the sole burden of providing for herself, for paying back the doctor that her father had needed? It wasn’t fair. None of it was fair, but if not her, then who else could even do it? By that definition, she was alone now.
You thought that maybe you and she were not entirely dissimilar. In the end, you, too, were alone. Even if you could not relate to anything else, you had that much in common with her.
“Here,” you said, taking her hand, pressing a handful of coins into it. “I’m not sure if this will be enough, but it will be better than nothing. At least, it should tide you over until your father is feeling better and he, too, can find work.”
Her eyes shone, and she dipped into a bow. Cursing under your breath, you caught her by the shoulders, looking around to make sure that nobody had seen. The last thing you needed was to be caught and dragged back to the palace by the Dai Li or some other such authority.
“Lady, I only came to thank you, but you’ve done me such a favor that I don’t know how I can ever repay you for it,” she said. You smiled at her.
“You needn’t repay me. In truth, I should’ve been doing these things long ago; it’s only thanks to, ah, extenuating circumstances that I haven’t been. I hope you stay well, dear girl, and that your father may recover swiftly. I’m sorry that you have had to suffer so greatly already,” you said, ruffling her hair.
“I hope I get to see you again, lady,” she said before gasping. “Not because you’ve given me money every time! It’s because you’re really kind. I want to thank you properly one day.”
“If it is our destiny, then I’m sure we will meet once more,” you said. “And you needn’t thank me. It is only my duty.”
“Destiny?” she said. “But how can I ensure that that destiny comes about?”
“Hm,” you said, tapping your chin in thought. “When you are older, please work very hard. Work so hard that even the royal family cannot ignore your efforts, and then go to the palace and ask for Quynh. Even if I am not allowed to meet you, I will find a way. If you can do that, then I will do my part so that our fates can collide another time.”
“Quynh!” she said, sucking in a breath. “Oh, I didn’t know…! I’ve treated you so flippantly!”
“It’s not a problem,” you said. “Now run along. And — and I know it won’t do anything, but I’m very sorry about what happened to your family. I wish there was something I could’ve done to stop it.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” she said. “It was — you know. Them. You’re the one who’s helped me. I’m really grateful to you, so don’t apologize.”
“Maybe that’s how it is,” you said. “Anyways, welcome to Ba Sing Se. The city is improved by your presence.”
“Thank you!” she said, bowing again before you could stop her and then scampering away. You watched her go until she disappeared into the crowd, and then you turned to Lee, who was still steadfastly reading the same sign.
“There must be something fascinating written on that sign, for you to be so intently reading it,” you said, jabbing his arm with your pointer finger as you read over the sign yourself. “Mm, very interesting indeed. Left to the Firelight Fountain. Right to the Pao Family Tea House. Straight to the First Southeast Gate. That’s the kind of content you just can’t pull yourself away from.”
“I was trying to be respectful and not listen in on your conversation!” Lee said.
“Oh, thanks,” you said. “That was surprisingly good of you to do.”
“What was it about, anyways?” he said. “Why’d she recognize you?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said. He pursed his lips before turning away, continuing to walk down the street, towards the Firelight Fountain where you spent your evenings waiting for the Blue Spirit.
“Who is Quynh?” he said after a second. You frowned at him.
“How do you not know who Quynh is? She’s the patron spirit of the Earth Kingdom!” you said. “Or at least of Ba Sing Se.”
“Sorry I never had much time to study theology of all things while I was out…there!” he said, vaguely gesturing around.
“Out there,” you said. “Where, like the Fire Nation or something? I thought knowledge of her must be common throughout the Earth Kingdom.”
“No!” he said quickly. “Just — we traveled a lot, you know, and mostly in rural areas, so we, um, never heard the stories.”
You supposed it made sense. What guarantee was there that the legend of Quynh had reached every single corner of the Earth Kingdom? It made sense that someone like Lee, who must’ve spent his formative years in some place closer to the border than Ba Sing Se, wasn’t quite educated on the tale of the great mother bear.
“What business did you have traveling, anyways?” you said.
“It was for, er, work,” he said. “We were in, uh, a circus! Yeah, a circus.”
“A circus,” you said. “I’m sure you attracted all sorts of patrons with your charming and outgoing personality.”
“I wasn’t a performer! My uncle was. I just maintained his equipment,” he said.
“That’s a little more believable,” you said. “What did he do in the circus?”
“He was,” Lee began, his eyebrows low over his eyes in thought, “an acrobat! Mhm. He was an acrobat.”
“It’s not as believable anymore,” you informed him. You couldn’t imagine Mushi doing flips and cartwheels anymore than you could imagine Lee juggling. When he had said that his uncle had been a performer, you had been expecting him to be the ringmaster, perhaps, or even an animal trainer, but not an acrobat.
“Why? Uncle Mushi is plenty flexible!” he said. You made a face.
“I shall take your word for it,” you said. “But I’m sure he’s pleased to be retired by now.”
“Very pleased,” Lee said. “In fact, he’s so pleased to have put that part of his life behind him that he becomes really upset when people bring it up again. So I’d recommend you don’t.”
Upsetting Mushi was the last thing you wanted to do, given how well he always treated you when you visited the Pao Family Tea House, so you nodded at Lee and mimed sealing your lips together.
“I won’t mention it,” you said.
“Thank you,” he said. “But back to the original topic. Who is Quynh?”
“Ah, right,” you said. “Although she’s known as the guardian spirit of Ba Sing Se, and of the Earth Kingdom in general, it’s a little more complex than that. You see, she’s not meant to guard the entire kingdom; her loyalty is to the royal family and them alone.”
“Then how’d it get confused?” he said.
“Once upon a time, when she was the most active, the interests of the royal family and the interests of the kingdom were not so separate,” you said. “Maybe it’s not the case in the recent era, but no one’s even seen Quynh in so long that by now, her name has been solidified in history as the great mother of the Earth Kingdom.”
“Is that all there is to the story?” he said as you reached the Firelight Fountain. Of course, in the daytime, there were no lanterns lit, but in lieu of the eponymous firelight, there was a family of turtleducks floating in the placid waters.
Digging in his pockets, Lee produced a bunch of grapes. Breaking off a few, he dropped them in your palm before taking a couple of his own and tossing them into the fountain for the turtleducks to peck at. You followed his example, secretly pleased that he had known that bread was bad for the turtleducks’ stomachs and had been appropriately prepared with a better alternative.
“No, naturally it’s a long tale,” you said. “Do you really want to hear it?”
“Sure,” he said. “It beats working the afternoon shift.”
“I suppose that’s fair,” you said. “Alright, then. It’s an old story, for Quynh is an old beast, but it’s widely considered to be timeless, so I hope that you do not find it to be at all dated, despite its age.”
Contrary to popular belief, Quynh was not born a spirit. In fact, she was a mortal animal, a bear — a true one, of the same form as King Kuei’s Bosco. Even she was a child once, a mere cub, small enough that a person could heft her in their arms.
In that time, bears were considered to be a great threat to the world. They were thought of as vicious, cruel creatures, with swords for teeth and knives for claws. Larger than any man could ever hope to be, they were frequently hunted, both for sport and for safety, and so it came to be that by the time Quynh was all of two moons old, her and her mother were the only known bears left in the world.
Her mother, who was scarred and gray at the muzzle, knew that it was only a matter of time before she and Quynh, too, followed in the paths of their brethren. She was a canny bear, and so she took Quynh to a river and sank her teeth into the scruff of her daughter’s neck, dipping her into mud to disguise her scent and then dragging the whining cub into a cave that promised to have what she needed.
It was some time before she reached it, but eventually, she made it to the center of the cave, where its inhabitant resided. It was one of the massive, blind badgermoles, though something set this one apart from the others: she was in mourning, hunched over the frail body of her young, which had drawn only a few breaths before passing. 
Quynh’s mother nudged the badgermole before dropping Quynh at her feet. The badgermole, deprived of her sense of smell because of the mud slathered over Quynh’s body, accepted her as her own — or perhaps she did not want to question the stroke of good fortune, that she had just lost her child and then so soon had been given another to care for, even one as tiny as Quynh.
Her mother nuzzled her one last time before leaving the cave. It is unclear what happened to her after that; until recently, it was agreed that she must have been killed like the others, but since the discovery of Bosco, her fate was no longer quite as certain. Perhaps she and a few others managed to survive for all of that time, leading to the birth of the king’s companion…or perhaps Bosco was unrelated to Quynh and the descendant of another strain entirely.
The badgermoles raised Quynh as if she were one of them. She learnt to Earthbend from them, though it was not in the same way; she was not blind, and so did not have the same reliance on the element, and because of her comparatively smaller stature, she never gained the strength needed to command the earth in the way of her family. Still, she did what she could, and though she remembered her mother fondly, she thought of her only on the coldest of nights. The badgermoles were the ones who reared her, and though she could never forget that she was not one of them, that she was a bear, she was never ostracized for it. They loved her, the badgermoles, and as she had spent much of her life with them, she loved them back.
It was when she was four years of age that someone else came to the cave of the badgermoles, though this visitor was neither bear nor badgermole. He was a boy, one with a kind smile and soft hands. His name was Shan, and according to him, he had come to learn from the badgermoles. Earthbending was their art, and if he ever wanted to master it in a meaningful way, then he would have to become their disciple.
Quynh did not trust Shan for many moons after his arrival. She remembered what his kind had done to her own, and though the badgermoles harbored no such misgivings, she would always snarl at him when he visited, gnashing her teeth until he backed away with his hands in the air.
Stubbornness, though, was a family trait. Just like the rest of his line, Shan was not willing to give up. He knew not why Quynh despised him, only that she did, and it was something he could not live with. Every day he tried, and every day, in small increments, she forgave him. The sins of his forefathers were not his own, after all, yet he still endeavored to make up for them. He would bring food for Quynh, tell her stories about the sun and promise to take her there one day — after all, she was a bear, not a badgermole, and bears were not meant to live in the darkness.
That was why, when Shan could no longer learn anything from the badgermoles, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he hesitantly reached out and placed his hand in between Quynh’s eyes, splaying his fingers over her broad forehead and asking her a question: will you come with me?
She hesitated for only a moment, but when she glanced back, the badgermoles had already left, for they, too, knew the truth of her being. They had raised her, and they had loved her, and it was because of those years of affection that they were doing her this last favor and letting her go, letting her rejoin the world that she was born to live in.
It was only once they both stood in the sun that Shan revealed something new to her: the continent which they lived on was in a state of perpetual war. It was composed of many small provinces which were constantly battling one another for as many reasons as there were creatures under the sun. For food. For land. For resources. For perceived insults. For women. For riches. It went on and on, and it was to one such war that Shan had lost his parents. 
This was why he needed Quynh’s help. He wanted to unite the provinces, to turn them into one kingdom, so that the wars might cease for some time, but he could not do it alone. He needed her strength, alongside the strength he had received from the badgermoles. She thought that she might feel angry, but in truth, there was a kind of joy she felt at being needed. So she, in her own way, agreed to his request. She agreed to help him turn the disjointed provinces into one united Earth Kingdom — just as long as she could stay by his side when doing so.
Quynh had come to love Shan. It was like that. Sometimes it was as if she had been born to meet him, to be his companion; if she were a human, then she might’ve called him her greatest friend, but since she was not, since she was but an animal, the only word she had for it was brother. Shan was her brother, though much more delicate than she and without nearly as much fur, so she guarded him with all the ferocity of an elder sibling.
Their combined mastery of Earthbending was too much for the warlords and their paltry armies. It was not long before their dream was realized and they had a proper kingdom. The warlords hailed Shan as their ruler and crowned him the Earth King, but then they ran into a new problem: what was a king without a palace?
Thus began their most ambitious undertaking, even more ambitious than the unification of the Earth Kingdom. They were to build a city, one that an ordinary man could not even conceptualize, one that even the greatest army could not take. It would be named Ba Sing Se: the impenetrable capital of the greatest kingdom the world had ever seen.
Scores upon scores of men were enrolled in academies to learn Earthbending, so that the city could be built in a timely fashion. Things went excellently for a time, and Quynh thought that she might finally be happy. She had her beloved Shan at her side, and now that the wars were over, she could spend most of her days sleeping, allowing the sun to warm her dark fur as she dozed in the gardens behind Shan’s childhood home. 
But things were not meant to be like that. A kingdom in its infancy would always strain against its new rulers; that was the way of things, a way which Quynh had not yet learnt. It was because of this that, during one of his tours of the site where the palace would soon be constructed, an assassin tried to kill Shan.
Quynh was the first to sense his arrival, but he was too fast for her to do anything. She could only roar out a warning to her brother as she ran towards him, her ears flat against her head, her swords for teeth and knives for claws extended, even though it was futile. She would not reach him in time. The man rushing at her Shan would stab the dagger into his back, and she could do nothing about it but push herself faster, faster, in the hopes that she could make it, in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, she could at least take the dagger in his stead.
It was not the dagger which killed her. It was her own brother’s student who cried out in alarm and sent a stalagmite shooting up from the ground and into her heart. It was that old fear which all men possessed, the insidious one which said that bears were vicious, cruel creatures, which spelled out her end, as it had spelled out the end of every other bear before her.
Shan had heeded Quynh’s warning and made quick work of the assassin, who was nothing in the face of a master Earthbender such as himself, so he had not understood at first why his faithful companion had stopped roaring. It was only when he turned and saw her bleeding and heard his pupil rambling on about how she had almost killed him that he understood what had happened.
He cast the boy aside, banished him from the Earth Kingdom and told him to never return, and then he fell to his knees in front of Quynh’s lifeless body. For, as she had loved him, he had loved her, too. The skittish bear who had detested him thoroughly…in the process of winning her over, an indescribable fondness had blossomed in him. Quynh was the only reason he had a kingdom. Quynh was the only reason he had anything. Why, then, was Quynh gone? How was he supposed to rule without her at his side? His Quynh. His bear. His greatest friend.
For three days and three nights, he prayed. He prayed to every spirit he could think of: Tui, La, Agni, the Mother of Faces, and even the more unsavory ones, such as Koh the Face-Stealer. He prayed only for one thing: Quynh’s return. He would give up everything, he repeated, as long as she came back to him. That was his promise. That was his vow.
Only one spirit heard him. He was a being who claimed to be a father, though he held such a disdain for everything that it was uncertain whose father he was meant to be, exactly. Shan would never have dared to converse with such a spirit unless he was truly desperate, but he was truly desperate, and it was for this reason that he opened himself to conversation with one of the most malevolent beings in both the spiritual and physical planes: Father Glowworm.
Father Glowworm was the conniving sort, but he was, in his own way, fair. It was not pity that drove his actions, of course, but a hunger, a lust. He told Shan that he could not bring Quynh back, that it was against the laws of the universe to breathe life unto death, but that there was something else he could do — for a price.
Shan agreed. It didn’t matter the price. He had lost his entire family already; he could not lose Quynh, too. Father Glowworm warned him that he would not like it, but Shan swore that there was nothing more important to him than Quynh.
But the price itself was Quynh, Father Glowworm said. He would subsume her body. Shan would have to watch him tear her apart and eat her, and if he could manage that, if he could manage to watch as Father Glowworm ate the body of his greatest friend, then Father Glowworm would give her spirit some of his powers, the ones which allowed him to tunnel between the physical and spiritual worlds. 
There was still another catch. According to Father Glowworm, what he was about to do was the highest form of offense. By offering Quynh’s body to Father Glowworm, Shan was desecrating it thoroughly, and by agreeing to watch, he was essentially forsaking her, declaring that she meant nothing, was nothing to him but rot and garbage. Her spirit would not know the meaning of the ritual, only that it was being done, and so, even if he went through with it, there was a high likelihood that she would not manifest ever again. She would never dare show herself to the man who had allowed her to be devoured by such an evil being, who had stood by and taken in the gory scene without so much as flinching.
She would have to love him so much that she returned in spite of that, Father Glowworm said. Those were the conditions. That was the only way it could be.
Even though it was wrong, even though she would most likely hate him for the rest of time, even though he knew he was ruining everything for the mere chance that he might see her again, Shan agreed to it. Because there was that chance. Because if Quynh loved him as much as he loved her, then she would come back. Because if it had been the opposite way, he would’ve come back. For Quynh, no matter what she did to him, he would’ve come back.
Father Glowworm did nothing to spare Shan’s feelings. His eye remained focused on the man as he did exactly as he had promised, gorging himself on Quynh’s body piece by bloody piece, until there was nothing left of her but a pile of gleaming bones. Those bones, too, were not safe, as he absorbed them, humming as the power and life which had once been Quynh’s filled him instead.
The entire time, Shan stared straight ahead, his gaze never wavering from Father Glowworm’s singular eye. And finally, when the spirit was finished, he began to laugh.
Foolish man, he told him. Everything you have done has been for naught. Do you think that any creature is loyal enough to return after you allowed its body to be destroyed like that? I thank you for the meal, but this is where we must part.
Shan clenched his fists and kept staring into that eye, asking him only one thing. Did you give Quynh the powers you promised? Is she a spirit now?
Of course, Father Glowworm said. Consider it a gratuity for how delicious she was.
Though it seemed hopeless, Shan did not fret the way Father Glowworm was urging him to. As soon as he had the confirmation that Quynh really was a spirit, he allowed himself to relax, nodding at the pulsating mass that was Father Glowworm’s body.
Father Glowworm was naturally confused. In this kind of situation, Shan should’ve been screaming, should’ve been cursing him for the unfair deal — the deal which was by design uneven. He had made it so many times, and it had never mattered. The end result was always the same. The dead ones never came back. They wandered the spirit world in a haze of confusion and anger, hating a person whose only crime had been loving them too much — not that they knew that, of course. Watching their grief and ingesting their mourning was how he amused himself in his eternal existence, but Shan provided no such amusement. It was only a moment later, as the ground began to shake and an enormous form made of shadows emerged from a doorway in the air, that Father Glowworm understood why.
Quynh loved Shan. And so, Quynh came back.
“That’s the tale of her origin, anyways,” you said.
“I didn’t know that Father Glowworm made deals with people,” Lee said. “In all my studies — limited studies, of course, given that I was doing, uh, circus-y things most of the time — he was just a bloodthirsty killer.”
“Even spirits get bored,” you said. “He was also that, but from time to time, he would do this type of thing for no other reason than because he could. Because he wanted to. Are you following?”
“I think so,” Lee said. “Is this a true story?”
“If you believe in Quynh, it is,” you said. You had heard the tale from Quynh herself, so of course you knew that it was real, but it remained that not everyone was aware that Quynh was more than a legendary concept. And surely you could not give away that you had met Quynh personally — many times in fact — so the non-answer was the best way you could hint to Lee just how verifiable the so-called myth was.
“I see,” he said. “It’s really fantastical.”
“Perhaps,” you said.
“But maybe not entirely so,” he said. “Is it known what powers Father Glowworm gave her?”
“It is,” you said. “Though if you didn’t believe that story, you’ll scoff at what they are. They’re very power-of-love based.”
“Sappy,” he said.
“Most assuredly,” you said.
“Just tell me. You’ve gotten me interested now,” he said.
“The palace is built around Quynh’s Den,” you said. “It’s where Quynh resides, so that she may look after the royal family — the descendants of Shan, who she considers to be like her own children — and it’s a place outside of time or space, in a way. It’s said that her den is made in the same place that her body died and her spirit was reborn. In fact, all of Ba Sing Se was built around that central location, with her Den serving as a support to the entire city.
“Because of this, and because of Father Glowworm’s tunneling powers which he gifted to her, she’s also known as the Keeper of Doors. It’s said that every door in Ba Sing Se is a place sacred to Quynh, and that’s why you’ll sometimes see people praying while standing in doorways. From Quynh’s Den, she can open doors to anywhere in the city, though she has trouble with extreme precision or accuracy. Some say that her doors lead you to where you need to go, not where you want to.”
“I don’t see what’s romantic about that,” Lee said. “It’s typical spirit world stuff.”
“Let me finish!” you said, accidentally throwing a grape too hard into the water. It hit the surface with a splash, dousing the nearby turtleduck, who honked at you in irritation. You mouthed an apology at it.
“Look what you’ve done,” Lee observed. “You’ve gone and made the turtleducks upset. Great going, Y/N.”
“Hush!” you said. “Anyways, the romantic part is the best part of the story, I’d say, but it’s the least accepted. You see, Quynh obviously loved Shan.”
“Obviously,” Lee said.
“She loved him so much that it manifested in her powers, too. There’s only one door that she never closes and which always has the same destination, no matter where it’s opened from: Quynh’s Door, which leads to the inside of the palace itself,” you said.
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Lee said.
“It would be,” you said. “Think of how many invasions would be successful if the aggressors could find Quynh’s Door! But it’s not one of her normal doors, which can be seen by anybody. Sometimes, it can’t be seen by anyone at all. It’s a door that only appears to those who Quynh deems worthy.”
“And how is one deemed worthy?” Lee said, clearly enthralled as he leaned in towards you slightly, all pretenses of feeding the turtleducks abandoned. You grinned at him.
“It’s the same way Quynh came back as a spirit,” you said. “You have to be loved by Shan, or, in modernity, someone of his line.”
“You don’t say…” Lee trailed off.
“Do you see what I mean? It’s almost out of the realm of probability that it’s the case, that she really loved Shan that much, but it’s the truth,” you said. “The only way that a person can find Quynh’s Door and enter the palace without restriction is if they are loved by someone in the royal family.”
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taglist (comment/send an ask/dm to be added): @rinisfruity14 @c4ttheart @blacky-rose @shizko @marsbars09 @happyplaidpersonfestival @catborglar @camilleverreault @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @lovialy @heart4hees @stefnarda
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103 notes ¡ View notes
sanjisblackasswife ¡ 2 years
Eu definitivamente amo sua escrita. VocĂŞ poderia fazer o trio de monstros reagindo ao leitor pedindo para transar com ela?
Estou realmente envergonhado de perguntar isso, mas senti que precisava. Desculpe se nĂŁo entendi, inglĂŞs nĂŁo ĂŠ minha primeira lĂ­ngua.
A/N: Obrigado! Posso entender um pouco de português I gotchu no worries. Hopefully I read that correctly pls lmk if I didn’t though! I was able to understand a little :) (I probably butchered that too lol forgive me)
Monster Trio React to Their Crush Asking For Sex (NSFW-ISH?)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Zoro, Sanji, Luffy
CW: Mentions of sex
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Okay just fyi if you’re not in a relationship with him or his crush he’ll just straight up say no KSBSISKS
He will absolutely treat you the same way he did Boa and nobody wants that😭
But let’s pretend Oda allows this man to have a form of attraction to women Cuz why not ( I HC he’s straight he just haven’t found his woman yet…because that’s literally me irl skshhsksjs)
Let’s say he at least finds you very attractive and maybe even a little crush on you.
You and him were in your room and he was watching you clean and talk about nothing when you finally got to the topic of sex (SOMEHOW) and said
“You know if you were ever up for it we could have sex whenever, Captain.”
He knows what sex is but never had it so you offering it makes him a bit gitty. He’s very nervous but you can’t tell because he is laughing it off a lot
Eventually you think he doesn’t want to for how much he’s laughing but he stops and explains he does want to have sex too
Very badly in fact he was so eager to say the least when you locked yourself in a room with him
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He has had sex before, but has loss interest in it after so long of not having it
But here come yo fine ass walking around in those damn workout clothes again stressing not only Sanji out now but Zoro
“You might as well workout naked, Woman.”
You knew he had a crush on you, but he never admitted it so you decided why not tease him,
“Well how about we both workout together..naked?”
Zoro got flustered in the damn face immediately
Zoro didn’t know if you were being forrreal or not so he began to get irritated
He has fucked his fist plenty of times at the thought but for you to be so damn direct—
“So? Yes or no?”
No real words were exchanged after he began swapping spit with you
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Why would y—what’s wrong with you.
Look he’s already cumming in his pants and bleeding.
You were getting yourself drunk in the kitchen because you were angry for some reason (insert reason ig)
Sanji decided it was time to cut you off but you held up the wine bottle teasingly looking up at him and say with a slurry voice,
“If you want it back you have to fuck me.”
And that is what lead him to feel his cock twitch.
He was very attracted to you, yes but he had to get a level head and not take advantage of you in this venerable state
He had to make sure you weren’t drunk drunk though. He didn’t want to do anything you might regret and you were. You couldn’t even keep your eyes open, you tried convincing him you meant what you said but he didn’t want to hear it he was already semi hard
“L-let’s Just get you to bed sweetheart.”
“Mmhm. You Gatta sleep in bed with me.”
He did but kept pillows in between you both for good measure he knew that some people say words they don’t mean when they’re drunk so Sanji just sighed keeping your naughty little request playing in his head.
It wasn’t until he woke up with you climbing on top of him that morning telling Sanji, “I told you I wasn’t that drunk…you still wanna fuck me?”
He fucked you btw.
866 notes ¡ View notes
cyncerity ¡ 1 year
alien terrarium au!!
here it is! i said it’d be today, so it’s done! 1 min before it becomes tomorrow!
minor thing, tho: this is extremely unedited. like, there are a lot of things i post that aren’t edited fully, but i didn’t even fully read this one in one sitting. but i’m not free again until this tuesday or wednesday, so i’m not gonna make you guys wait that long lol
basically it’s midnight and i’m way too fucking busy so i’m gonna post it and edit it when i have time to later in the week. if you wanna wait for the fully edited version, ignore this until i specify that I edited it. if you don’t care, i hope you enjoy! this has been an on again off again thing for a few weeks and i’m so glad to finally have it like 95% done :)
tw: soft safe vore, unconventional vore ig?
“We have to cut our losses here. We don’t have enough to fund this any longer, and there’s no one we can reach out to for more money. We can’t risk this getting out.” “Fine, I- I know, it’s just…this is a breakthrough. We can’t afford to give up now.” “We won’t. We just need some time to get back on our feet is all. Besides, he knows what to do now…” the scientists turned their heads to the one way mirror they stood behind. A little boy, barely a teenager, sat behind it on his bed, his eyes glassy and unblinking, turned a glossy pearlescent white. Their project, practically their life’s work. Well, the container for it, anyway.
Wilbur heard the three scientists come into the room, and somehow registered one of them motion vaguely with their hand despite his eyes being effectively turned off, which meant they wanted him back in their world. Ugh. Still, he cut off his thoughts with his practically other half, eyes beginning to function again and the scientists approaching him as they saw his eyes shift back to the colors they were supposed to be.
“Wilbur, what we’re going to tell you is very, very important, so you have to listen carefully. It’s your life at stake if this goes wrong. And his.” The one in blue said, gesturing to Wilbur’s torso. Well, that was certainly a way to get his attention. Wilbur didn’t say a word, though; the green one didn’t like it when he ‘sassed them,’ so he instead scooted back and placed both arms protectively around himself and his…what did they call him once, ‘cargo’? He was sure he heard Green call him a ‘parasite’ once, which was rude. Still, they must have noticed his panic, cause the orange one responded immediately. “It’ll all be ok, things will just have to change for a minute here. You’re…youre not going to be able to stay here for a while.” “What?!” Wilbur said, unable to restrain himself. The green one went to speak up but was silenced by blue, who just whispered something about him being ‘scared’ and how this was ‘probably a lot to handle.’ Yeah, no shit it was!
“I get this is a huge change, I do, but it’s necessary for now. We don’t have the necessary resources to keep taking care of you here. We need to find a way to keep you safe and healthy, both of you. You’ll be staying somewhere secure while we find somewhere more reclusive to hide you. We don’t want anyone finding out anything and putting the two of you in danger.” Orange said, sitting next to Wilbur and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. Right. Right, he had a purpose. And if part of his purpose was to survive without his caretakers for a short while, he could do it. If it meant safety for his stowaway, he could do it.
“You doin ok, bud?” Orange asked, and Wilbur nodded slightly. Orange was his favorite of the main three. He was always nice, and even gave him extra treats when he was behaving! “When do you think you can be ready to leave, Wil?” Green asked, crouching to be at level with where he sat. “Whenever you need me to be, sir.” Green smiled and ruffled his hair. Wil always tried to be extra good for Green. It’s not like he didn’t like him, it’s just that Green was more likely to yell at him if he messed up. “Good kid. We’ll leave tomorrow morning and introduce you to who you’ll be staying with. Try to get some rest.” He said, smiling before leaving and leading the other two out with him.
“Sam! Hey buddy!” Dream said, jumping out of the side of his van and running over to his old friend. “Dream! How’ve you been?” “Pretty good, you?” “Doin pretty good myself.” Sam replied, pulling Dream in for a hug. “So, who’s this kid you found?” “Calls himself Wilbur. We found him a few months ago, but we’re a bit short on money right now and can’t handle another mouth to feed. He won’t stay here for long, promise, just till we find a more stable income.” Dream hated to lie to an old friend, but he couldn’t afford his secret to be leaked. “I’m always lookin to help out, especially for a friend. Anything I need to know about him?”
“Yeah, he’s a bit of an odd one, but that’s what we love about him.” Dream chuckled, hoping his friend was still oblivious. “He disassociates a lot. Like, constantly, and tends to get really upset if people try to mess with him when he’s like that. He also doesn’t do a lot of physical activity. Bruises take longer to heal for him, he gets sore easily, and his immune system doesn’t handle cuts well. He’s not very talkative, and he’s got some weird scars all over him. We think the two are connected, but we don’t know what this kid has been through.” Dream finished, and Sam nodded solemnly. Great, he was taking the bait. He was less likely to ask questions if he thought he was prying into the past of an abused child.
meanwhile, in the van…
“We found you abandoned. You’re just staying here until we get more stable jobs and can afford to feed you again. If he ever asks you about where you came from, you look away or change the subject as quickly as possible. You don’t know why you disassociate. You don’t know where the scars came from. Never do any of your caretaker necessities for him in front of Sam. He can’t know. Got it?” “Got it. He’ll never know.” Blue nodded back. Orange had just kind of been pacing in the van as Blue gave him the rundown again. Green came back to the van with a hand out towards Wilbur, giving him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was about to take the hand before his arm got tugged and he was pulled into a hug from behind. A gentle one, obviously no one wanted to risk damaging what was inside of him, but a hug all the same. He didn’t get many of those. When the person pulled away he saw it was Orange, who was smiling proudly. “You’re gonna be fine kid. We believe in you. I’ll miss you, ok?” Wilbur just smiled back and nodded. “I’ll miss you, too. We both will.” He said before taking Dreams hand and walking outside with him.
It had been an…odd week with Wilbur in Sam’s opinion. Firstly, he’d been way more interested in things like trees and grass than any normal child would be, but refused to touch them. He also spent 95% of his time in the guest bedroom with the door locked, never making a sound. Who knows, maybe the kid just liked to sleep. He refused to play any sort of physical game, like Dream had warned him, but he seemed overly cautious of anything that could hurt him. But he wouldn’t pry, that wasn’t his job. His job was to take care of the kid until Dream, George, and Sapnap could take him back. Right?
That’s what he was supposed to do, but somehow, against all logic…he knew this kid. The giant brown eyes, the curly brown hair, his face shape, it was all so familiar. But why?
Until it hit him.
He’d woken up in a cold sweat, immediately racing to his computer to see if he was right. And his suspicions were confirmed, against all odds. There, on his friends facebook page, was a photo of him and his young son. His young son who was Wilbur’s age. His young son who used to have an identical twin brother who went missing when he was just a few years old.
Sam knew Wilbur’s face because Wil wasn’t the only person he knew with that face.
Sam wasted no time calling. He must’ve called 12 times before someone answered, which was fair given the ungodly hour, but this was urgent. “What the fuck, Sam…” and groggy voice answered. “Mate, it’s, like, 4 in the morning, what could possibly be this important-”
“Phil, I think I found your son.”
Breakfast was different the next morning. Wilbur walked downstairs only to see two strangers sitting at Sam’s table, one an adult and one a child around his age. The adult looked about as old as Sam, which was to say a bit older than his scientists. He had blonde hair and kind blue eyes, and was wearing a dark green sweater jacket over a white button up. The other had long pick hair pulled back into a loose messy braid and glasses almost reminding Wil of his own except square instead of circular. He wore a simple pink hoodie and dirtied jeans and surprisingly clean white sneakers, but he must have been staring, cause soon the kid looked over to him and-
Wilbur’s breath froze.
Why…why did this kid have his face?
At this point, the man had looked over to, and immediately shot up from where he was sitting, knocking over the chair he was sitting on in the process and making Wilbur flinch. “Orpheus?” Wilbur stared blankly for a few moments before the man rushed him, barely giving him time to react before he was pulled into a hug.
Not a gentle one like Orange knew to give. Not one given by someone that knew why so few people were even allowed to touch him. A lung crushing, tight hug that was unbelievably painful after so much time with such infrequent gentle touching. He rarely found his mind drifting back to his the feeling of cargo in him, given that he’d lived most of his life with him and had gotten used to the odd sensations, but now it was impossible to ignore. Everything in him, everything that had been worked on so diligently, everything that had been removed and replaced and rearranged to make him perfect for his purpose, and his stowaway inside were being crushed. His purpose, the thing he’d been raised to protect, his only true constant in his life, was being crushed. It was the most horrifying downpour of fear he’d ever felt.
Wilbur screamed.
He screamed bloody murder as the adult let go and backed away, eyes wide. Wilbur vaguely noticed that both the strangers were crying, but he didn’t care. Wilbur only stopped screaming once his air was gone and now replaced by jagged breathing and spasms in his lungs. He felt like he was about to collapse as his vision darkened and his limbs began shaking. He needed to know if he was ok. If he wasn’t, Wilbur would never forgive himself. He needed to know.
“Kiddo, I need you to take deep breaths, ok, I think you’re having a panic a-“ “Stay the hell away from me! All of you!!” Wilbur screamed, voice hoarse as he smacked Sam’s hand away and ran up to his guest room and locked the door. He sat on the bed with a thud and tried to stop his shaking, but couldn’t spare much time for that since he had to make sure his cargo was still ok. He needed him to be ok. God, he was still just a kid, even younger than Wilbur. He can’t have let him get hurt.
He tried to take deep breaths and reached his mind out to some foreign instinct he knew. He wasn’t sure what it was, or how it came so easily, but it was such a central part of his brain that he could find it with ease. The second he got close to it, his whole body relaxed involuntarily. He hadn’t done that, which only meant…
“Oh, Tommy, thank god.” Wilbur sighed out loud, though the rest was said just to Tommy in the special way only they could communicate. He felt Tommy slow his heart rate more as he felt like he was being sucked away from his body into a void that words couldn’t possibly describe. “Wilbur!” a voiced called out. It hadn’t come from anywhere, just everywhere, like Wilbur’s did when he was here. Wherever ‘here’ was. He didn’t really know. It wasn’t like a darkness or white area, it was just…nothing. Not a nothingness that couldn’t be seen, but felt. Devoid of anything that could make it describable. Wilbur liked to joke that it was the emptiness in Tommy’s brain. “What was all that outside? You know i’ve got se-“ “Sensitive hearing, I know. I was being loud. Sorry.”
Wilbur could basically see Tommy huff and roll his eyes, despite the fact that he’d never seen Tommy at all. He knew every detail of his little brother friend, and Tommy knew every detail of Wilbur. Despite neither of them being able to see in their respective nothings, somehow they could sense every “move” (aka the movement they imagined themselves making since they didn’t have bodies in the nothingness) the other made in the void. Also Tommy can sometimes see through Wil’s eyes to look at reflections, but he rarely does that. Green doesn’t like when he does that.
Still though, he knew Tommy. He may not know what he looks like perfectly, but he knew Tommy. In an odd sense, he knew his details, but never what he truly looked like. He could list the facts of how Tommy was, but he had a feeling of deja vu whenever he tried to imagine a face or any detailed image of his body. He never could, he just knew the facts, like he’d seen Tommy but the detailed image in his brain had been removed and blurred beyond recognition. It seemed kind of unfair to him, given that Tommy knew exactly what he looked like because of the shared vision things and mirrors existing.
Still, though, he knew the pale white-blue of his skin the bright blonde of his hair and otherworldly accents. The shining, almost glowing iridescence of his eyes and the strange markings found on his body. He was mostly humanoid, which had initially shocked Wilbur and the scientists. Orange had warned him once that since they had no idea what Tommy was, something inhuman and vicious could easily rip through him. It scared him a little, but at that point he’d seen Tommy’s egg once and had grown monumentally attached, lethal beast creature or not. But Tommy was humanoid, except for one thing; he didn’t have legs. Rather, he had a long predominately red scaly tail like a snake.
When Wilbur was first getting used to Tommy’s being in there, the hardest thing to deal with was one: the odd feeling of scales against his sensitive organs and two: Tommy was almost always cold. How he could stay shockingly chilly in almost 100° Wilbur didn’t know, but that’s probably a big factor on why Tommy couldn’t be in open air; he’d freeze to death. Or his aversion to any form of light (maybe that was an understatement: a dim lamp 2 rooms over could kill him). But besides that, his unnatural colors, and a few other random snake-like features, Tommy was far from the horrific deep space lovecraftian monster he or the scientists were expecting. He was more just a little person who also happened to be a snake from space. No biggie.
“I- I don’t know what happened down there. There’s…there’s these two people, and one looks exactly like me and the other called me the wrong name and rushed to hug me and I panicked cause I thought he hurt you. You’re not hurt, are you?” “I’m right as rain, mr. human man. I’m sturdier than you think. Er, well, you’re sturdy and I’m in here so yeah I’m good.” Tommy responded, letting out an unearthly mix of a rumble and a hiss as he did. Wilbur liked Tommy’s weird alien noises, it comforted him. He sighed. “Still, I should’ve been more careful-“
“No you shouldn’t have! Stop bein a..a uh…” he paused for a minute to mumble a series of his weird Tommy noises before starting again. “what’s the english word for someone who takes blame for no reason and thinks that they need to solve every problem ever cause somehow everything is their fault?” “I think you’re talking about a martyr complex.” “Stop have’n a martyn complex!” Tommy yelled back, making Wilbur laugh. He pressed a hand against where he felt Tommy within himself, in one of the open areas that had been cleared just for him. Tommy pressed back and started to purr, a common reflex for him when he was happy, excited, or just needed to comfort Wilbur.
Even if Wilbur’s and Tommy’s consciouses were in the nothingness, they could still feel their body’s and move a little bit, even if it was more difficult than when they were awake. Wilbur liked to think of it as the same type of gesture that his scientists would do when they rubbed his hair or gave him a side hug, something he would love to try but could never do with Tommy. He thought Tommy deserved to have his hair played with or to be hugged, but it could never happen. But the pressing in, the only amount of intentional contact they’ve ever had and could ever have, worked just fine as a replacement. Something comforting and quick to show he cared. Of course, Tommy knew he cared, they’ve lived together (well, one within the other, but same difference) for most of Wilbur’s life and all of Tommy’s.
“Still, though…i don’t know what to do. Sam hasn’t had anyone else over, i don’t know what they’re doing here.” “I’d say good old fashion spying, then. See if you can get closer and make out what they’re saying.” “Good idea-“ Wilbur said, beginning to break off the connection before Tommy shouted out. “Wait! Aren’t you gonna let me see?” Wilbur rolled his eyes and somehow, in a way he couldnt describe, let Tommy’s weird telekinetic force into his mind. He opened his eyes and he was back in his room, the nothingness vanished and his body back in his full control. He looked to his mirror and sure enough, the shiny white gloss that overtook his eyes when talking to Tommy had confined itself to just Wilbur’s pupils. He’d given Tommy access.
“There, is that better?” Wilbur asked quietly, unable to respond telepathically when not in his weird zoned out state. The lack of that void didn’t seem to pose an issue for Tommy, though, as Wilbur heard an enthusiastic “Yup!” mixed with a few alien chirps echo through his mind as a response. Wil nodded to his reflection (and Tommy by proxy) and went to the stairs. He probably didn’t need to go down, he just needed to be able to hear them.
Ok that was, in hindsight, a bad decision.
“‘Dad?!’ I have a dad!? And a brother!?!” Wilbur whisper yelled, pacing back and forth across his room. With Sam and the now-not-so-much-strangers still talking in their kitchen, he figured it’d be safe to talk outside of the mind void. Tommy, meanwhile, laid himself against the front of Wilbur’s storage, rubbing circles into the walls to try and calm him down. “Maybe that’s not so horrible! I mean, you’re not an orphan! That’s normally a good thing, right?” Tommy said skeptically.
“Maybe it would have been 9 years ago! But now I have you!” Wilbur said, stopping to sit on his bed and pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I don’t know them. I don’t remember them at all; you’d think if they were a good family to me I’d at least recall that they existed. But I don’t. How could I ever trust them with knowing about you?” “I…I don’t know. But…you have a dad, Wil! And a brother! That’s not something you can just ignore! Neither of us know what it’s really like to have a family, maybe…you could learn for the both of us?”
Wilbur sighed. He knew Tommy was right. And they’d both wondered where their families were; if they missed their sons, if they even wanted to give them up in the first place, what ever happened to them. Wilbur always felt awful because Tommy would likely never know. The odds that his parents were even still alive were slim, and it’s not like he ended up on earth with very specific instructions on how to take care of him by accident. But Wilbur had never thought his family could show up, either, yet here they were.
“What do we do about the trio?” “You know how I feel about them. Let’s see if those two are any better.” To be fair, Wil did know how Tommy felt about them; he didn’t like them at all. Tom didn’t like the tests they ran on him, he didn’t like what they put Wil through in order to do tests on him, he didn’t like how they treated his big brother caretaker as the less important one in their experiments, and he didn’t like how damn nosy they were. That part even bugged Wilbur. How the hell did they expect Tommy to be able to explain so much about what he was? He’d never met anyone like himself either, he’d been hatched on earth!
“Well, at least we know them. They’re predictable, and we know they have our best intentions at heart. Our. They know how to help the both of us and I- I don’t know if I can do all this alone.” “Wilbur you haven’t been alone since the day I was born. You’re not gonna start now.”
“What if something happens to you and I don’t know how to fix it? It’s my job to make sure nothing bad happens to you. I couldn’t live with myself if I let myself get caught up in some familial adventure and you ended up getting hurt because of it.” “I get it but don’t you think that’s unfair?” Wilbur paused. “Wh..what do you mean ‘unfair’?” “We’re kids. You’re a kid. It sucks for you that I’m your responsibility, it’s unfair that you gave up your childhood to keep me safe. But you can get it back, some of it, at least. Just…see if this can work out. If not for you, then for me. I hate seeing you put yourself on the back burner like this, Wil, I hate it. I can’t stand that i’m the reason you can’t have friends or play or be a kid. But this could change that. If it can’t, we’ll go to whatever lab the trio puts us in next. I’m sure they’ll be sooo thrilled that you’ve met your family.”
“Tommy don’t say those things about yourself.” Wilbur said, hugging his arms around himself. “I chose to take care of you, and I’ve never regretted it. Not for a second. You’re worth everything I willingly gave up, ok?” He heard a disgruntled noise in response. “Fine, we’ll come back to this conversation later. For now…ok. I’ll..I’ll give them a shot-” He heard Tommy cheer with a mix of wooing and trilling that he made when he was excited “-but Sam obviously knows the trio, so i’m sure he’ll tell them about my family at some point if he hasn’t already.” “I figured, but what are they gonna do? They can’t take you if you want to stay.” “Emphasis on if I want to stay, remember?” “Got it, bossman.”
“Wilbur?” He heard a voice outside call while knocking before the door opened a crack. “Were you…talking to someone..?” Sam said, poking his head in through the gap a bit. “Uh, no, I just..uh..kinda talk to myself sometimes. But I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” Wilbur said, trying to move past his previous conversation as quickly as possible. The less Sam questioned why he was talking to an empty room, the better. “I shouldn’t have freaked out like that, I just…don’t like being touched.” Not exactly true, but if it would keep the blonde guy and his clone from touching him it could be the truth for a while. Sam just solemnly nodded. “I’m sorry, I told him about you and how you were just kinda found with no memories, but…I don’t think he believed that your amnesia was as bad as I told him it was. I don’t think it hit him that you really didn’t know him until you ran off…Wil, he’s-” “He’s my dad, apparently. I was eavesdropping, i heard you talking downstairs.” Sam stared wide eyed for a second before he nodded solemnly.
“I know this must be a lot. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by calling them here, you obviously didn’t expect to meet your long lost family while you stayed for the month. But…I’ve been friends with Phil for a while. That’s the blonde guy, by the way. He…he didn’t take losing you well. I was there for him when he and Techno were grieving and it..it was horrible. They were so broken.” Sam said, eyes beginning to shine from unshed tears. “I can ask them to leave if you want, I understand if-“ “I don’t want them to go.” Wilbur interrupted, almost mad at himself that he’d let Tommy talk him into this. “I want to meet them. I want to see what they’re like again.“
“Really? I mean, you can, but I just thought-“ “I’ve made up my mind. Can I meet them again?” “Y-yeah, yeah, absolutely.” Sam said, leading Wilbur out the doors down the stairs. He heard Tommy make a few more excited chirps before he started purring again. Like always, it put Wilbur at ease a bit. He followed close behind Sam down the stairs and back to the kitchen, where he saw the pink haired boy leaned over the blonde guy, who was sitting at the table with his head on his folded arms. The pink haired boy’s head snapped up from where he’d been comforting his father as Sam and Wilbur re-entered the room, eyes narrowing at Wilbur like he was a rabid animal. In the awkward silence, Phil looked up, and it almost pained Wilbur too see his red cheeks and puffy eyes. He really hadn’t meant to hurt the guys feelings, he just panicked. They all stared at each other for a moment before Wilbur realized that they were probably waiting for him to speak up. Great.
“Uh…I’m sorry for screaming at you, Mr. Phil. I don’t do well with…surprise contact. You just scared me, is all.” The man just continued to stare back at Wilbur for a moment. “You…you really don’t remember me, do you, Orpheus?” Wilbur looked back and took a deep breath. This may have been for Tommy, but he had to stand his ground here. “I’m going to say this once, and only once cause I don’t think you can handle hearing it a second time, ok? You think you can handle this?” Phil looked a bit confused at the annoyed tone but nodded, prompting Wil to continue. “Good, cause here it is: I don’t know who Orpheus is. I don’t know who he was. All I know is he’s not me. Maybe he was, but not anymore. So maybe your grieving wasn’t in vain: because he is in fact very much dead.”
Wilbur paused as Phil’s face fell and tears started to run down his face again. Even the pink haired boy had started crying. He tried to ignore it. “My name is Wilbur. If you want to know me, not Orpheus, me, I…I’m willing to try to connect with you again. I don’t mean to be heartless but I need you to understand that if you want me back, there will be no prior standards for me. I won’t try to change how I am now to be the person I used to be for your amusement, because frankly? I couldn’t give less of a shit about what you want, because I don’t know fuck all about either of you. If you came here to find the son you lost, I’d suggest leaving. Any questions?”
Shocked silence filled the room. Phil stood silent and still as tears poured down his face, his clone even started to cry when he saw Phil crying, and Sam looked like he’d just watched a bomb go off. Wilbur just stood at the center waiting for something to change. For Sam to send him to his room, for Phil to break down even worse or for him and his son to deem Wilbur too different and abandon him (again), but nothing was happening. ‘Way to sugarcoat it, Wil.’ quietly played in his head, as if Tommy was afraid he’d somehow interrupt the group despite them not being able to hear him. He’d elbow himself in the gut later, that’d probably look really weird if he did it now.
“…Do you want to come home with us?” Phil said after a few minutes, shocking Wilbur. “Do you want me to?” Phil just nodded and wiped a few more tears from
his face. “Even if you don’t remember us, you’re still my son. You always will be. I’ve missed you so, so much Wilbur.” He said, kneeling to be at eye level. Wilbur just sighed. “Ok, then…let’s go home, I guess. I didn’t come here with much, I can just go with you now?” “Really?” Phil said, surprised but seemingly excited. “Oh, o-ok then! I thought you’d want a few days but, uh, sure! As long as Sam is ok with that?”
“Oh yeah, Sam!” Wilbur interrupted, turning to face the man who’d just kind of been standing silently, clearly unsure of what to do in the situation. “I need you to tell my guardians what happened. They’ll
probably understand, but they’ll also want to meet my long lost family
since they raised me and all.” ‘More like interrogate them and possibly file a restraining order so they can never take us again, but same difference I guess.’ Tommy chimed in unhelpfully. Wilbur ignored him. “Give them Phil’s address asap so they know where to find me. Also give me their phone numbers, i don’t remember them.” “Wait, guardians?” Phil chimed in, lightly tapping Wilbur on the shoulder with a concerned look. “You have legal guardians?”
“Three college aged guys, yeah. But I wouldn’t say legal,” Wilbur explained, “they just kind of took me in when I was lost without my memories. They tried to find you for a few years but gave up after a while. I couldn’t really give them any info to go off of.” “Oh…do they treat you well?” “Yes.” ‘No.’ Wilbur and Tommy said at the same time, though obviously only one was heard. “That’s…that’s good, i guess.” Phil said quietly, then it was back to the awkward silence. Godammit, Wilbur hated silence. Was it gonna be like this all the time with Phil?
“Well then, let’s get a move on.” Said the pink haired boy who Wilbur had only remembered was in the room when he spoke up. He’d been pretty silent, but at least his tears had dried. That was better than Phil was doing. “And you are?” Wilbur asked. “Technoblade, but most people call me Techno.” he said, holding a hand out. Wilbur just stared trying to figure out why he was doing that. Was it a high five? Sometimes orange would give him a high five when he did a good job testing, but why was he doing it sideways?
Wilbur smacked his hand quickly and pulled away, smiling awkwardly. Techno just lowered his hand and stared. Shit, he was wrong about the high five, wasn’t he?“Ok…” Techno said, “we’re gonna have to re-teach you some stuff, aren’t we?” “Uuuhhh…maybe.” Wilbur said quietly as he heard Tommy laugh at him. Asshole.
Wilbur made his way to their car after grabbing his bag and saying goodbye to Sam. The packed into the car, and Wilbur was met with the silence again. Phil seemed…weary of him, to put it best. Like he was dam one bad storm away from breaking. Techno seemed more disinterested in him, just playing on a phone as Phil started to drive, never looking up at him. Well, he wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence this time. He didn’t want to talk to them anyway.
Instead, he let himself fall into his nothingness, connecting with Tommy on the other side. “Well that went great!” Tommy said sarcastically. “I stood my ground.” Wilbur shot back. “I don’t want to be treated like some lost broken kid. I’m 13. I know what I’m doing.” “Well, I like them. They seem nice!” Wilbur wasn’t sure how to respond. Sure, Phil seemed like he wanted to care about him. Techno seemed…willing, at least, even if he was a bit nonchalant. But could he trust these people? They were the people who abandoned him and left him to almost starve to death in the woods as a toddler. That wasn’t exactly something a loving family would do, but they seemed happy to see him alive. Was it a mistake? How could they have fucked up badly enough that he got amnesia and almost died at the ripe age of 4?
But Tommy seemed so excited. As much as the scientists always tried to make sure it didn’t happen, Wilbur loved Tommy. He really was like a little brother, they’d grown up together. They’d both always been told that it would be for the best that they didn’t make that kind of connection in case something where to go wrong, but who else did they have? Tommy was family to him, and damn if he wouldn’t do anything to make the little boy happy. He sighed. “Yeah, well…let’s hope so.”
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sleepingstarrynightz ¡ 2 years
Dinner With a Stranger - T.N ❥
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Part 2 ❁
Summary: Theo looked for you, a whole month after your first encounter. Basically it's just him being hopeless.
Genre: Fluff
Mentions: food, cute stuff ig but not smut...yet ;)
This has taken me forever omgggg i am so sorry i hope whoever reads it likes it though! I will most likely be writing a part 3 much longer and with more detail. I still don't know how i feel about this one lol.
Theo was not a patient person, maybe because of the fact that there weren't many occasions in which he needed to be. But for four weeks now he tested himself every Wednesday at 9pm. The routine was always the same, he'd show up at the coffee shop and order a random pastry but always the same drink, he sat in a table meant for two with a book in hand that was always different even if he couldn't read a single page while he waited with anticipation in the hopes that this time you would show up.
Every Wednesday, Theodore waited for three hours to see if you would show up. One hour before 10 and one hour after, giving you that window of time to present yourself.
For four weeks he sat patiently and for four weeks you did not show yourself.
It was foolish really, he thought. To wait for four weeks for a girl he only met once, hoping she might remember him enough, care enough about anything he said, and try to find him. That thought was pathetic though and he felt like an idiot every time he left.
You didn't show but every week, Wednesday would return and so would his hope. Today, of course was Wednesday and he was once again in his best outfit, ready to make the best impression he possibly could in the now unlikely scenario that you may show up.
Everyone noticed that he would try harder to look better on Wednesday and the way he looked disappointed at night when he got home. They noticed that his mood would change for a few days and then Wednesday he was himself again.
A knock came to his door, stopping his nervous pacing. "Come in."
Blonde hair showed itself and in came Daphne. "Hey Theo. You're leaving again?" She asked, still standing by the door.
"Not sure yet."
"It's not my business, I know that but why do you go out every Wednesday only to leave yourself returning worse than when you left?" Nobody knew where he went or why he did it.
"You're right Daph, it is none of your business." He smiled sarcastically.
"Look, there's no need to be rude, I'm just worried about you is all. We all are." She snapped while trying her best to remain calm.
"Did you have another reason for coming here?" He sighed.
"Come out with us tonight instead, I think it would be good for you. Whatever it is, is clearly not worth it." He didn't say anything.
"Is he coming?" Lorenzo's voice interrupted from behind the door.
"Are you coming?" Daphne asked hopefully.
He did not go, he thought one last final chance would be enough, this one would be a sign because it had been a month. Yes, he felt like a weirdo, and he was a bit annoyed with himself, but this was truly the last time, he promised himself.
But as he met with the familiar street, he didn't find it in him to go inside. It was past nine now and he had been wandering the streets, they were usually quieter here. He stood across the street from the cafe and people came and went but none of them were you, and none of them were going to be you he finally understood.
He gave it one last glance before checking the time only to realize how quickly the time had passed. It was well after 10 now and he had yet again wasted more time for some stranger he only met once.
He couldn't say he knew you.
His footsteps felt loud as he walked away, just wanting to be home now, but he heard the faint call of his name. Convincing himself it was his imagination, but your voice rang in his ear again. "Theo." You shouted, a bit out of breath and he finally turned around, his heart racing.
"y/n." He finally said as you stood in front of him, your name felt nice on his tongue, it was the first time he had said it out loud in a month. "You're out quite late, are you alright?" He asked, trying to focus on the concern he held for you before his excitement. The concern felt more like a cover up of his excitement.
"Yeah, what a coincidence right?" You chuckled awkwardly.
No. He thought.
"I'm alright though, thanks for asking." You smiled brightly, up at him. You glanced down at the time on your watch and then back up at him. "Want to get some food?" You asked uncomfortably, like you were scared he might say no, completely unaware that he would never even consider denying you. He had waited a month for this.
"I'd love to."
You mumbled a quick 'great', turning on your heel in the opposite direction from which you came from. "I know this nice restaurant; it stays open till very late. It's not too far from here." He followed you quietly. "Sorry I screamed at you like an insane person, it took me 3 minutes to find the courage to call to you." You admitted, and instantly regretted.
"So, you had been stalking me 3 minutes prior?" He asked, stopping in his tracks. You stopped with him and tried to collect yourself. "I'm only joking, I'm flattered." He chuckled.
You laughed, but silently cursed yourself for what you had said. You did sugarcoat when you said 3 minutes and wonder what he would have said if you had told him, it had actually been 10 minutes of you walking back and forth in the street behind him, thinking of a million ways to start a conversation.
"Uh...you know...I'm glad I ran into you today." You admitted just as you approached the restaurant.
He was glad the silence of the world was gone, and the sound of many conversations drowned out the quick beating of his heart. It meant he could play the part of a nonchalant boy again, so you wouldn't be scared away. "Whys that?"
There were many ways to answer, and you chose the vaguest response you could. "Just because." You shrugged with a smile. "A table for two please."
"So, Theo. We've hung out twice and I've yet to find out your last name. Is it a mystery?"
He smirked. "It's Nott." He bit back a laugh.
"So, what is it?" You raised an eyebrow as he let out a small giggle, at his own joke.
"No, it's literally Nott. Theodore Nott." He smiled at you.
You rolled your eyes at him but couldn't help the smile. "Ah, I like it. Common and unique all at the same time." You spoke.
"And yours?" He asked still smiling.
He hummed in response and smiled at you, ready to speak until his eyes landed on the people behind you and went wide eyed. He did try to look away, hoping they wouldn't notice him, but he knew it would be impossible.
Lorenzo laughed loudly with Blaise until he spotted Theo. "Nott! Hi!" He waved and you turned to look behind you then back at Theo who had a hand on his head, lowering it to cover his mouth. There was a small smile hiding, one of embarrassment it seemed.
"Guys look its Theo!" Blaise teased, clearly noticing Theo's annoyance.
They walked towards the two of you and then Daphne appeared behind them along with Pansy. They stood in front of your table and suddenly you felt a bit uncomfortable. The restaurant had the occasional noisy chatter but not like this.
"So, this is where you disappear to every Wednesday." Lorenzo winked at Theo and you eyed him suspiciously before Pansy caught your attention which he was grateful for.
"You look a bit familiar." She said staring at you.
"I do?" You questioned.
She shrugged. "Maybe. But I'm also kind of tipsy." She let out a small giggle.
"You alright Theo?" Daphne intervened, with a much more harsh tone. It seemed like she was angry at him but it wouldn't have made much sense if she had been.
"Great, yeah." Theo said trying his best not to pay much attention to her.
Blaise coughed awkwardly. "Are you guys almost done?"
"Um..." He hummed, looking at you, noticing your discomfort. "Almost yeah." He replied.
Lorenzo reached for the great that the two of you had barely touched, in the middle of the table. "Great! We can all go out then! Invite her over, we can hang out." He said in between bites.
"Right...these two are my roommates." Theo said pointing to Blaise and Lorenzo.
There was a feeling he got when you smiled up at his friends, it was genuine despite how nervous you obviously were. "It's nice to meet you guys, I'm y/n." You replied.
"I'm Pansy, that's Daphne, Blaise, and Lorenzo." Pansy said stretching her hand out for you to take, which you gladly did.
You eyed them all quickly before looking back at Theo who was already looking at you. He might have thought it to be fate the way your heart jumped at the same time as his, had. You would have hoped it was. "Well, I don't want to bother so I will let you continue with your plans." You tried to say mostly to him, but it was practically impossible to do so.
"Okay!" Daphne finally smiled.
Whilst at the same time Lorenzo spoke, drowning out what the blonde had said but Theo knew you had heard her. "No, it's not a bother at all. If anything, it would be nice, Theo is barely around these days." Lorenzo said much more sternly now.
Your eyes searched Theo's again, looking for the right response, a help in a choice to make. "You don't have to if you're not comfortable with it, but it would be nice." Nobody had ever heard Theo be so gentle with anyone and it made them wonder.
The phone flashed on your lap and your heart jumped out of your chest. Glancing down at it, to see it read...
Ex: "Hey, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I miss you."
Theo made a noise catching Daphne's attention, to look away from your lap.
"Okay. Yeah, I'll come. If it's really okay." You smiled and he thought that if he wasn't already sitting his legs would have given out.
"Of course, it's okay!" Pansy exclaimed already helping you get all your stuff ready.
"Of course." Theo whispered like he didn't know what to say, which he didn't. It made him a little mad at himself, at the way he lost the confidence he had the first night.
Theo's heart skipped a beat when he realized the restaurant wasn't the end. He had waited a month for you, for this, for a stranger he had only met once.
---- t a g s ----
@siriuslydestiny @pink-hufflepuff
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obislittleone ¡ 2 years
House Of Memories (54/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: misogyny?? Kind of but not really but ig it’s implied idk… fluff at the end.
Summary: The mission on Anaxes has some unforeseen challenges, and for once, it has nothing to do with separatist forces.
A/n: guys i am so excited for these chapters we are in the final stretch and I’m just elated by the fact that the story has come this far… cheers to you guys for making it happen
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 3k
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The roaring of the ship was louder than usual, but it wasn’t because of the engine, it was due to the passengers inside. You’d been around your fair share of clones, learning to like and even enjoy all of their rowdy behaviors, but you’d never seen a clone force the likes of these. They were not just rowdy and loud, but completely rambunctious and completely uncivilized, or at least that’s what Obi-Wan would say if he were here. They felt themselves superior to other clones, and though you knew of their reputation, you’d not even seen what they were capable of yet, so of course, you had your doubts.
They had been arguing most of the time, with Rex, and with Jesse. They seemed to like poking fun at them for being normal clones, or as they called them, ‘Regs’.
You didn’t understand them, their superiority complex rivaled that of Anakin when he was being bratty, but even still, you could tell he was joking most of the time he made arrogant teases against you or others. These guys were for real.
The worst of them was the one who spoke the least, if you were being completely honest. Crosshair, the sniper. He could cut you down with a look, and a simple glance could tell you everything you needed to know. He wasn’t a fan of working with Rex and Cody, and he certainly didn’t seem to like you. He very much acknowledged you existed, which couldn’t be said for the others, but every time he looked in your direction, he scoffed and shook his head.
Once it dulled down a little, and Cody finished explaining the plan, there were several conversations occurring at once, and it left two odd ones out. You, and Hunter.
He seemed to think that since you both were the only ones not interacting with the others that he could invite himself over to sit next to you, and strike up what he thought to be a conversation.
“I’ve never worked alongside a Jedi before,” he said, and you gave him a glance of neutrality. Perhaps he was capable of being civil after all.
“I never understood what was so great about them,” he finished, seemingly unknowing that what he had said was just mildly offensive to you. You wouldn’t take it personally, you knew that what the Jedi had become was far different than what they used to be.
“We’ve lost our way, I suppose. The war has taken it’s toll on everyone, hopefully once it’s over the Jedi Order will be what it once was,” you said, thinking of the teachings you grew up with, and longing for a time when they can be important again.
“And what’s that?”
“A symbol of hope.”
He nearly laughed at your response, and you furrowed your brow.What was so funny?
“Some wizards who carry laser swords are supposed to represent hope?” He sounded in disbelief, and since you were feeling generous, you’d let this one slide, but if he kept on, your patience may wear thin. You were a consular, slow to anger and slow to aggression, but you were still human.
“Actually, yes. We’re meant to be peacekeepers, not soldiers.”
Your explanation seemed to do little for Hunter, as he simply couldn’t imagine it. He may never have fought alongside a Jedi, but he met his fair share, and wasn’t impressed. Well, he’d never met you.
“I’ll believe it when it happens. The way I see it, the powers of the Jedi are no match for the likes of us, and if we were in charge, this war would be over,” he seemed to believe the words he said, but little did you know he was trying to rile you up. He wanted to see a Jedi’s capabilities first hand, and could read you like a book, without even trying. He knew that though you tried to keep composed, you were becoming irritated, and perhaps you were close to snapping.
“You’re not very fond of Jedi, are you?”
“I don’t think they need to be the leading Generals of this war. I think they are entitled to those places of power.”
You huffed out a breath, clenching your fists and your jaw at once, trying to breathe evenly while remembering your Master’s words in your head. Be slow to anger, for then you are better than the mightiest man.
“How old are you?” You tilted your head as you asked him. You had a better way of showing this fool who was in charge here than throwing hands. It would be an honorable way to put him in his place.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re a clone, you haven’t lived to the age you appear due to growth supplements… so, how old are you?”
He knew this was a trap, somehow, someway. It was probably not going to end in his favor.
“Nearing three years of full development,” he answered, nodding to you as if to say ‘go ahead, continue.’ Now he was intrigued.
“Wonderful. You know where I was at the age of three?”
He didn’t respond that time, he just waited, as he knew you were probably about to elaborate on this small set up.
“I was a slave. I worked tireless hours for the people who owned me, and I was not even given proper food or shelter. By the time I was five, I had learned techniques that could disable enemies twice my size, both physically, and mentally. When I was ten years old I defeated my first challenger, and the fight wasn’t even close. When I was fifteen years old, I became so skilled in combat that not even my own Master could beat me. I stand here today, twenty years old, having been beaten, tortured, and nearly killed on several occasions due to this war. You may think the Jedi are entitled to their ranks, but I have damn well earned it,” you finished, giving him a pointed look you’d given to very few people. He shuddered visibly, though he formerly thought nothing could shake him.
“I understand. My apologies for the offense.”
Had you… scared him? No, maybe not, but you sure did rattle him. You were a being to behold when you got to that state of driven determination. Even if it were just something as simple as getting a point across, which you very well did.
“There’s no offense taken. Just remember which side you’re on, and choose your battles wisely.”
Cody had overheard the little conversation between you both, and obviously he was proud, but also a little shocked at your boldness. Usually you were so cordial with strangers, so if you were this badly stirred by a few defective clones, he was worried for your sanity over the span of the mission.
Within the next moments, the ship was being shot at by enemy forces. It all happened so fast, the emergency crash landing that had been brought upon you by the droids who shot you down. The engines were in flames by now, and everyone was trying to jump ship or at least prepare to make a forced exit before it all came crashing down. The smoke was heavy, and you held your breath till you were out of it, only then realizing that not everyone made it away from the ship in time.
“Where’s Cody?”
Under the gunship. Cody was quite literally trapped under the gunship.
You stepped back towards it, ready to rescue your friend and Commander from the crash site. Hunter, the ever so believing man he was, held an arm up before you, nodding at one of his men instead. Clearly your little spat in the ship had meant nothing to him, but it would, you’d be sure of that.
Wrecker had quite a different approach to the rescue, rather than climbing in, he instead opted to lifting the entire gunship from the ground, setting it up and grabbing Cody from the wreckage before letting it fall back and ensue more damage. You were a bit surprised, maybe even impressed, but you were still upset about Hunter’s choleric attitude towards you.
The large explosion from the ship behind Wrecker as he walked towards you all did not deter him in the least. One hundred percent success rate… Huh.
Your senses flared, and your head whipped around, seeing a rather unfortunate sight approaching in the distance. You stepped towards it, and caught everyone’s attention, and now they saw the large droid battalion heading straight for them.
“Everyone find cover and hold position, we’ll let them come to us,” Rex said, and you readied your lightsaber, detaching it from your hip and tilting your head to the side to crack your neck. It got a bit jarred during the crash.
“I don’t think so captain. That’s not our style, we prefer going to them,” Hunter stated, pointing out to the clear and open battlefield. “Bad batch, plan eighty-seven. Shockwave.”
Instantly they were geared up, leaving you and the ‘regs’ to watch on the sidelines. Sure, you would humor them, it wasn’t like you were going to deny them a chance at completing the mission, you weren’t that petty.
They had a very specific fighting style. It was interesting to watch. They worked well as a team, which is perhaps why they thought so highly of themselves, but you couldn’t really say any less about the other clones, for they were just as efficient. You’d admit, it was nice witness a clone force with such an ambition to get the job done. Good soldiers follow orders, but they also know when to defy them.
You watched as the last droid dropped to the ground, the robotic reinforcements being rendered useless at this point. You supposed it would do to congratulate them on their first victory of this mission, but alas, your plans changed when you saw yet another battalion fast approaching your area. The clankers were right to call for backup, but it was a pity that they too would be demolished.
“You see that?” Wrecker asked, turning to Hunter for another call.
“You did well, but now it’s my turn,” you walked right between them, brushing your shoulder harshly with Hunter’s without even a glance in his direction.
“You’re going to need help,” He said with a scowl, as if tired of your delusions, but little did he know. He crossed his arms as you turned back around, continuing your steps backwards with your arms out to the side, saber in hand.
“Sorry boys, but I got dibs.”
Wrecker laughed in a loud and obnoxious roar, the sound reaching your ears being like a challenge. Clearly they thought little of you, and honestly, or the most part you couldn’t blame them. For most others, when they saw you with Master Kenobi, they were quick to assume your abilities were great, but on your own? Well, Obi-Wan called you his little one for a reason. You didn’t look like much. You were a lovely sight to see, but not exactly a fearsome one, or at least for most people, not at first.
You saw the number of droids, and hadn’t really been intimidated by it, remembering a day when you disposed of far more, with your eyes having been blinded by smoke. Blinded… perhaps it was arrogant of you, perhaps it was foolish, but you couldn’t be bothered to ignore the thought. You reached in the pouch by your hip, pulling out a small scarf looking wrap. It was meant for emergencies, medical or otherwise, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t aid you in having a little fun.
You tied the material over your eyes, feeling your other senses become immediately heightened by the force.
The bad batch watched on, unsure of what you could be thinking, what could be running through that head of yours.
“What is she doing?” Hunter spoke under his breath, narrowing his eyes at your form where the droids were oncoming, and rather speedily he might add. You were taunting them.
“Are we going to just sit here and watch her die?” Crosshair was vastly annoyed, and could not believe that he and his team were taking orders from such a young and incapable woman. This seemed like suicide, to try and prove oneself just for the heck of it.
“Hold for my order,” Hunter replied, shaking his head and turning back to the field. You activated your lightsaber. He’d not known what it meant, the color of your saber, but what he did recognize was something he’d never seen before. It was green, but it had white streaks through it. He wasn’t much well versed in the teachings of the Jedi, but he assumed that wasn’t normal. “I want to see how far she gets on her own.”
The others sighed out in obnoxity, throwing their hands and rolling their eyes. This was pointless. A waste of time.
You felt them, the mechanical footsteps that echoed in the force as they came closer and closer, before finally stopping. The droids raised their blasters, and you could faintly distinguish the first shot from all the others. You let a breath out from your lips, using your lightsaber to deflect those shots. You focused on the movements of metal, and began running towards it, full speed. It took only moments for you to reach them, and in no time, the slashes of a lightsaber blade took over the sounds of deflection. You felt a group of droids coming up behind you, so you turned, using the force to pull them towards the ones you were cutting limbs from. They collided in a fiery blaze, short circuiting and falling to the ground in a pile of mangled machinery parts.
You sensed a shot flying right for your head, so without thinking, you froze the shot in place, taking in a deep breath before ducking and letting it be released into the head of another droid.
The bad batch couldn’t believe it. They stood there, slack jawed on the sidelines, unknowing of how they could have possibly underestimated someone so badly. Usually they had a sense about these things, but apparently, it wasn’t good enough. Hunter was mesmerized by what he was seeing, unsure of it was even real. The way you fought was so, for lack of a better word, elegant. It was like a dance, choreographed perfectly and yet completely spontaneous at the same time. The movements were fluid, like you predicted the enemy’s charge ahead of time. The continuous flow of your fight was never interrupted, not even once. It looked far different than the choppy and somewhat destructive patterns his men used to operate.
When the last droid fell to the ground, you sighed, ripping off the blind fold and shoving it into your belt pouch. You sauntered back, pleased with your efforts and satisfied with the results. They had pulled themselves together by now, but you sensed their reactions still went far deeper than the expressions they wore.
“I’ve never seen a Jedi fight like you,” was the first thing to fall from Hunter’s mouth, which was honestly the best thing you could have heard in the moment. He seemed impressed, which you were guessing was a new occurrence for him.
“Never underestimate the Padawans of Obi-Wan Kenobi, lesson learned.”
You thought that perhaps your witty remark would be the end of the conversation, but it wasn’t. His eyes only widened, and his face went blank for a moment.
“General Kenobi? The great negotiator?”
“Well, some of us just call him Obi-Wan, but yes, they are one and the same,” you clipped your saber to your belt, making sure it was secure before falling into stride with them all.
“If I had known, then-“
“If you had known, you still would have misjudged me. Some advice for the future, don’t ignore small packages, sometimes they hold great contents.”
And so the mission continued, but now it was made clear who was in charge.
Obi-Wan had only just landed on Anaxes, the sun was setting when he touched down, and though he was very tired, he’d been angsty to get to you, knowing you’d probably been as anxious as he has been the last week. He hated being without you, and though he knew you were perfectly able to function independently, there was something inside him that told him something wasn’t right. Something between you both was eerie, and he needed to be with you in order to figure it out.
When he went to Anakin, and found that you were, in fact, not here in the base, he began to get angry.
“You promised me, Anakin,” it was said with intense fervor, like if he meant it as a warning. To be fair, he hadn’t been able to contact you both all this time, as the transmitter in his ship had been disabled, and just now learning that you went off on a mission, accompanied by defective clones was a little unnerving to him.
“I didn’t authorize the mission, Master Windu thought it would be best for her to supervise the retrieval,” Anakin was not upset by his Master, and he perfectly understood his standings. You’d not been on a whole lot of missions without him, but the ones you had been on, most often you came home injured, or disoriented. It was never your fault, either. It was always the ones who surrounded you who thoughtlessly put you in danger. He trusted you, but he couldn’t find it in himself to trust others with you.
Truly he couldn’t blame Anakin, as the boy had enough problems to account for. He knew it was wrong of him to make his former padawan promise something he knew would be a long shot.
He sat down on the lower part of the bunkbed that he’d been pacing by in these barracks. He wanted so badly to just lay back on the shallow mattress and rest, but he’d never be able to relax a single muscle in his body until he knew you were safe. When you were back, and laying in his arms, that would be when he could rest, when he could forget about all the stress for a moment and simply be with you.
It wasn’t until late in the night when you returned, aboard a stolen speeder with the lot of clones whom you had supervised the past two days. You were exhausted, and you looked worn through. When you made it to your private quarters for the night, you neglected to take notice of how the door panel hadn’t been locked by your usual passcode, and you entered immediately. You stripped yourself of your cloak and let it fall to the floor, and when you turned around, you jumped in your stance, the sight of your master standing with crossed arms while leaning against the provided desk had given you a bit of a shock. You were much too tired for this.
“Obi, you scared the living kriff out of me.”
“I’m sorry,” soft smile as he approached you with open arms melted your tense state, and made you a puddle in his embrace soon after. You wrapped yourself around his waist, burying your head in his chest and breathing him in. One of the things you most often times missed when he was away was the smell of him, the comforting scent that emanated from him and made you feel at home. “How did the mission go?”
“It was… eventful,” you didn’t really want to explain it all tonight, as you were becoming more drowsy by the minute, but you another thing you missed was your late night talks with him, just before bed you would give a rundown of your day, everything you did, said, or even thought of when the other wasn’t present. “ARC Trooper Echo is alive. We’re putting in a request to go find him on Skako Minor with Anakin leading.”
“Who’s we?” He asked curiously, tipping his head down to you with a furrowed brow, though you stayed within the confines of his chest the whole time.
“Rex, Jesse, Myself, and clone force ninety-nine.”
“I see,” he replied, smiling to himself at the thought of you leading a clone force on your own. He was very proud of you, always… but you were becoming so matured as an upcoming general, he couldn’t help but let his heart swell with pride. “You need to rest if you are to begin another mission tomorrow.”
He tried to pull you back, to maybe look upon your sleepy face, and to kiss you gently, but you clung to him, unwilling to be separated so quickly.
“Can I just hold you for a minute?” Your voice was filled with exhaustion, it dripped with the need for sleep, but still, he obliged you, bringing his arms back around you and cradling you to him like a precious object that he was afraid to break.
“Of course, my love,” he kissed the top of your head, closing his eyes and enjoying the soft scratch of your hair against his face. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
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221 notes ¡ View notes
pammydawes ¡ 1 year
Wow! Sry for the wait folks I’m at 4:31 hours left in Hell Bent and I have Thots
It’s been so long that tbh I’m a little fuzzy on the details of where I left off but DANG…….that trip to hell???? Everything I hoped it would be!
I absolutely loved getting so many of the main team’s POVs, I’m hoping that on the return trip we can maybe get some more!! I am so curious abt the meaning of Babbitt rabbit being threaded through all their…..dreams? Visions? Experiences? Idk it’s hell man
The insight into Turner’s background left me feeling pretty broken. Cannot personally speak to the accuracy of Bardugo’s representation of the experience of a Black detective, but I thought it was moving.
Tripp’s backstory was intriguing! I actually know how to sail so the whole thing was pretty visceral to me, I wonder if Leigh has experience with boats bc the accuracy was impressive! Also Spencer can eat shit!
Whew….hellie’s POV. That was excellent. Just hearing how much she loved Alex already had me, but it’s rly the details of their relationship that I think Bardugo hits uk? Loved hearing abt Alex from the perspective of someone who loved her, because in NH darlington was predisposed not to care for her, and 90% of the other insight she hears comes from people who are underestimating her, judging her, or trying to kill her! So I’m glad that we got a glimpse of a diff perspective. Still hurt to re-live ground zero tho
In turner, Alex, and to some degree pammie’s cases, I can understand why they meet the criteria for murder, as justified as it was in some situations. It’s a little blurrier with Tripp, though, and I think an argument could be made that Pammie didn’t really murder her victim. So that leads me to think that maybe the murder requirement to get into hell is based more on a person’s own feelings of guilt or regret rather than some objective external judgement, which I think could have some interesting implications!
LOVE that darlington’s personal hell is trying to rebuild a ruined Black Elm, I feel like that illustrates both his love and hate for the house really well!! Nice nod to Sisyphus in Greek mythology also!
FINALLY some good wheelwalker content!!! Basically crumbs but I LOVE the imagery of Alex and the blue flames. I wonder why they’re blue?? Blue fire is supposed to be the hottest after white, right???
Anselm has rly done a magnificent job of disappointing me, which is somehow still very satisfying!! Honestly if he’s the next murder victim…….my condolences to his family ig
Love how everyone basically drags themselves out of hell completely distraught, having come so close to success only to fail, and Mercy is like great job team let’s get them in the next half!!
The demons………oof. Alex reuniting with Hellie was ROUGH man. Kind of cool how as the reader, Leigh put us in hellie’s head, which meant that when you start clocking that something’s off it’s not just like “next logical plot point”, it was like actually realizing something was wrong the same way Alex did. The hellie we got a glimpse of would NEVER say those things to alex!!! And we knew that not just bc Alex told us, but bc we actually got to read it and draw those conclusions ourselves.
I would bet my entire family that my prediction abt Lionel and the praetor is correct. They were 100% in love back in their school days and now demon Lionel is gonna kill the praetor via some gruesome/emotionally manipulative manner as literary comeuppance for his misogyny!
The talismans? Excellent. Superb. Dare I say, delightful. MORE COSMO EASTER EGGS. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I cannot wait to learn what that little guy’s deal is!!
The vampire’s visit…..uh oh. My theory is that Michelle is working for him, bc I feel like I remember her having a white umbrella at some point?? It’s a toss up whether she’s being coerced or doing it for her own benefit, I really couldn’t say. Maybe he’s turning her into a vampire?? And that’s how she’s connected to the murders???
I paused halfway through the return of Eitan, which I have mixed feelings abt tbh. I still keep feeling like his storyline is kinda tacked on needlessly, but I also do think he’s a fascinating character, so we’ll see how the rest of the convo goes. It’s also just like….Alex literally killed a room full of people that WERENT actively out to get her. What is the hold up here.
Love a good Lauren tidbit!! I’m curious to see how the rooming issue resolves. I would like for them to bring her into the fold somehow, but I also feel like the direction they’re going in is that Alex and Mercy are ultimately going to leave her out for her own protection, thereby alienating her and sacrificing their friendship. That’s definitely NOT my ideal outcome, though. Ideal would be Lauren getting to join them and get some character development. What can I say, I have a soft spot for the vinyl girlies bc…..I am one.
Now, to see what eitan has to say for himself! Next you hear from me will be, gasp……the end. I can’t believe it, I’ve been waiting for this book so long and idk if I’m ready for the next wait!!! Hhhhhnnnnng ok bye
11 notes ¡ View notes
minmin-pal ¡ 10 months
i dunno how to start this but here's my ask about killer in love :D
chap 10: i finally see the guy! the guy that i think you meant? or is the one that's like "i can have anyone i want" type? i also saw arata and stalker dude. them going to disneyland after burying someone is giving me whiplash but in a good way?/pos and i finally saw the scenes of kokoa smilling and saying "don't die." and the pic of suzuki after just stabbing the stalker. i actually really adore the artstyle omg, i see what you mean by it's super pretty
and i noticed how like during the car sequence when suzuki asked if he could call her by name? in the first panel of her it showed her eyes as normally detailed, but then the next panel when she calls him by his name, it's suddenly detailed? i love this? it makes it so easy to get immersed? and it's giving kokoa a kind of eerie feeling around her lol if that makes sense, but suzuki is actually so expressive i like how it's different from the other characters:0
i'm getting somewhat attached to them (suzuki and kokoa) now and i'm very nervous lol, i don't even know how this'll end since i'm on the 'dude disturbs suzuki and kokoa in their table' scene at the start of chap 10, but yea i should probably continue now lol
yikes points for arata and stalker, but i already worry abt this dude oh no, and yep i'll continue reading now but gahh i really like how they managed to show suzuki's thoughts ngl, at the start showing why he joined a crowd like arata's and how he tried to change the way he presented himself/his image. it went from him accepting to be kokoa's fake boyfriend to something extremely out of the normal happening to him? the whole stabbing someone then the random people in the group taking photos and making him trend on twt, online harassment and it's all piled up on him now. things never went right before, and just when he was trying to be 'normal' it didn't work and his (presumably) tired of it all now, but even when he had the knife to his throat he was able to smile even a bit then as his about to plunge it, kokoa just- runs up to him (and i'm just noticing this now but did she block the knife with her hand? is that why there's a small scar there in the "don't die" scene?)
but aa, all the details like his eye-widening, the background tuning our during these shots and kokoa just so gorgeously detailed and smiling "Don't die. Let's live together." then suzuki tearing up?? i didn't expect this to be so gut-wrenching ;; i'm- really curious what she meant by saying "I'm the same as you, I'm worthless shit, I know that desire to die but I don't want you to die." i realize now we don't actually know much about her at this point other than her having a stalker, being somewhat off-putting (though that's probably just me reading into it too much?), her enjoying the same stuff as suzuki that got exposed as a 'nerd' at the table and that's about it? ig? i assume we'll find out more about her in the future chapters though.
the last scene with suzuki crying and saying about "The feeling of being hugged is incredible. i don't know if the "You're like a goddess." scene is part of the actual manga or if the site i'm reading it on inserted it in like an art piece or something? i'm assuming it's part of the story but ahh, the symbolism of this last scene is giving foreshadowing vibes sm but it shows their dynamic kinda well i'm assuming :') suzuki seeing kokoa like a goddess and him feeling like he was 'pardoned, and allowed to live'. i'm looking forward to how this dynamic grows though defintely, it's like suzuki is uhm- what's the word? putting her on a pedestal maybe? maybe 'looking at her as though she's his redemption/saving grace'? i suppose that would fit my current understanding of their dynamic though it might change i dunno, and yep i'll continue reading now lol
last bit- I FINALLY GOT TO THE LAST SCENE OF THE CHAPTER?? WOOHOO?? not really woohoo though, it's just the dude's ugly mug lol
chap 10.2: ohh, so so far suzuki's dealing with the random dudes that know kokoa, he asks about it but then she gets a bit upset so suzuki backpedals? i'm assuming it's meant to be off-putting since they purposefully mentioned about "why didn't she just block the stalker?" thing that suzuki though in the apartment scene. all the shots of them during the night with the sparkles of the attractions around them is so pretty in all honesty, suzuki's embarassed/flustered reactions are a bit cute to read lol/lh
chap 11: THE DUDE IS BACK :'(!! suzuki come backkk ;;!! this guy haS A KNIFE???
chap 12: is the reason kokoa had a melancholic expression when asking suzuki to never change because of this dude? i know his the 'bad guy' in this scenario but it's that sense where the writer is so good at writing that i actually understand? his entire life got upended whether kokoa meant to or not, even if she didn't mean to, the fact he suffered is valid though so the lien of "Damn, I wish I could kill them all." i dunno i just react to it as"yeah that's fair" if that made sense? i dunno, off handed tiny rant lol sorry
oh wow okay i finally scrolled down to the part where he did the thing to kokoa, major yikes ;; i'm both looking forward to/dreading how suzuki will react once he finds out the dude took kokoa, it was nice meeting flustered suzuki o7o7
chapter 13: they were probably such good friends??? why would you slap her??? he has an inferiority complex is that it-?/lh he has a warped perception of what 'loving' kokoa is like ;; WAIT HIS THE KILLER??? HUH?? oh wait so the black haired transfer student actually seemed pretty chill? though i assume his nonchalance just pissed off this dude more ;; suzuki's here :D
chapter 14: oh god his comments are disgusting, he earned that punch from suzuki lol the artist really did do such a good job on the art though, all the shading and shadows really helps to paint the scene ahh/gen/pos the "I'm gonna slaughter you." scene is so intense looking like actually, the persepective!! it's so good!!
suzuki: "No way, another phyco." meanwhile suzuki:
(did that meme make sense, i hope it did lol)
is kokoa some type of evil mastermind?? or is the story just misdirecting the reader's expectations?? the writing is so good i'm becoming just as confused as suzuki lmao, and oH!! they used the manga pages!! as the background for this scene with suzuki blacked out with only his widened eyes visible, the mood setting is actually unreal i love this/pos suzuki's definitely an unreliable narrator now that i realize lol but also it's his perspective so i can't say i fault him at all, but woah i like how suzuki's eyes get all fogged up in these intense moments, super cool detail
YEAAA, HE GOT HIT WITH THE GLASS! SUZUKI GOO! OH MY GOD HE AIMED FOR THE DUDE'S EYE??? the pained expressions are so starkly different compared to the usual expressions and i just love the intensity of all the frames<33 all the rough lines and wrinkles, the more stiff edges of the character really exemplifies it a lot :D
chap 15: this dude is really adding more weight to the suspiciousness of kokoa, i'm so confused on what to think and believe ahh i adore this level of writing that manages to cause this feeling in readers lol,really puts you in the shoes of suzuki. I WASN'T READY FOR THIS SCENE OF SUZUKI SLASHING THE DUDE'S THROAT??? THE ART AND EVERYTHING IS SO PRETTY!! i adore suzuki's blank-eyed expression sm lol
chap 16: now i can't help the feeling that kokoa is using suzuki ;; though i guess that would make sense in the genre and story so far? ah suzuki's conscience is getting to him now lol, oh yea blank-eyed suzuki is the normal now ig, he finally decided on his purpose now though somehow i feel like this is what kokoa wanted lol, idk complex stories always confuse me lmao
the shot of him saying "Thats my purpose in life." is so nicely drawn omg<3 i love all the details, it looks so clean yet so 'sketchy' at the same time if that makes sense. the expressions were so nice in this chapter ngl/pos
YEA!! KOKOA IS SMILING AND BLUSHING:D i don't know how these two are ending but kokoa really does look pretty. the art is so nice to look at and oh no the camera was recording them ;;
chap 17: kokoa being sneaky and i assume jealous is very amusing to watch lol/lh o7 riko chan
chap 18.1: oh okay that was an eye opener on kokoa lmao, so i'm assuming something happened or kokoa's always just been catering to other people and stuff like that? kokoa's reaction to "can you really be happy like that?" feels intense ngl, maybe it's cause the previous characters of focus have all been dudes who are interested in kokoa aside from that one girl friend of hers that warned suzuki im pretty sure, i like the character insights so far :D
will suzuki have to reject or harm riko :(? oh but his back to somewhat gentle expressions lol, maybe it was the nap or something. OH MY GOD THE KNIFE CAME OUT, THEY'LL HAVE TO KILL HER WON'T THEY?? TT oh wait his sweating while threatening her lol, there's finally some sign of hesitation ig?
oh my fucking god
he actually killed her
WHY AM I INTERNALLY HURT SM TT riko got me attached oh no :'( the light was finally back in his eyes too ;; o7 and yep his losing himself (i'm at chapter 20 while writing this, how did i skip the chap indicators lol)
chap 21: oh my god that boyfriend is a douchebag wha the heck, IN HER HOME TOO???? all the scribbles over the pages to show suzuki suddenly 'realizing' was such a cool effect omg, i'm seeing a recurring theme of people saying to kokoa "- just because your somewhat cute." and other similar stuff like that, will her story involve something about her putting up a front or changing herself somehow?
oh yea, suzuki knows at this point lol, though ig he doesn't care anymore? or maybe he does, i'll see next chapter but i finally found the other scene you showed me :D that uh- "Okay then, why don't we kill that guy?" one with suzuki's smiling face lol, and yep his starting to lose it (i feel as though i've already said this)
chap 26: oh wait :( it's showing yuki and kokoa's trip to disneyland now, kokoa reacted exactly how suzuki did lmao. r they riding the same rides too? i don't remember the specifics of their rides ;;
chap 28: ... absolute whiplash ;; i- i love this?? it's made me feel things?? i've reached the scene from the prologue?? it's all coming together and i adore the connection they now share of 'not having anyone but each other'? i don't know how the actual ending will be like, but for no i'm really happy that they didn't make kokoa to be some type of 'in control, manipulator' type of character? she has her own motivations? she feels so human? i love how the writer was able to write this story so well that when suzuki was demanding an answer from kokoa of "whether to kill him or let him (her well ig exboyfriend?) live" and you could see she was at a loss for words, she didn't know what to say and suzuki was getting more frustrated? i, actually like the fact that kokoa leapt to protect yuki from suzuki? yuki was horrible and hurt her, took her for granted but yuki is confused but she loves yuki still?(i assume so at least) it's such a cool parallel to suzuki killing riko now that i think about it but just inversed?
riko loved suzuki sincerely and wanted to be with him, the "but i love __" moment was suzuki killing riko 'to not cause kokoa any trouble' (i don't know how to phrase this right but i hope the idea got across lol)
yuki 'loved' kokoa and literally breaks up with her, the "but i love __" moment was her literally running after suzuki, trying to stop him from killing yuki and even throwing herself at him
riko loved suzuki but suzuki loved kokoa more, kokoa loved yuki but yuki loved (idk fame? money? the name of that girl he was sleeping with that i forgot?)
i adore this bit a whole lot ngl, when kokoa proceeds to try and 'butter up' (for lack of a better term) suzuki, did she even believe herself? or was she trying to convince herself more than she was suzuki? and now they're both united again, under the "I'm the same. I have nobody but you." and- well i gues they don't really anymore do they? it's so much more different than their earlier dynamic, suzuki actually knows things about kokoa now. his seen her 'ugly', she's not just a 'random cute girl' anymore, maybe nor is she even just a 'goddess that pardoned me, that allowed me to live' since i'm pretty sure the spotless view he had of her is gone now. she's human, they know each other now. they're on the floor crying and hugging and goddamit i can feel myself tearing up too ;; /lh there's no more of that- idealizing suzuki had? is it bad i like this development a lot?
"You've finally noticed me. But that doesn't stop us crying. I can't help it and neither can you." has my heart on a platter, this made me feel too many feelings lol/gen/pos
chap 29: "I wish we had met sooner. If we had, neither of us would've been alone." why is this such a gut-wrenching line, why do i like that they're finally having a conversation ? i dunno, i know it's just been unfortunate circumstances that led them to each other but i can assume either of them would've cracked from their 'normal' eventually, but ahh the parallels again! at first it was suzuki who we knew the thoughts of and it was kokoa who seemed 'mysterious' and we didn't understand but now the roles have been reversed and now kokoa's the one asking "if suzuki will still be with her forever even if he doesn't like her anymore?"
oh my god suzuki pat kokoa in the same way or place on the head that yuki did, it is now i realize perhaps when kokoa first said for suzuki not change, she was referencing her bf lol kokoa's new haircut looks really pretty ngl though that's likely just the artstyle looking nice in general, 
chap 32:  i feel like i may have not explained it properly in my last few paragraphs lol, but ahh i suppose this is the bit where they actually have an actual honest conversation? seeing as the first time i mentioned 'they were having a conversation' it was pretty much just kokoa talking? suzuki wasn't as invested? i don't know how to phrase stuff ;;
his being honest, his finally properly realized instead of earlier where he was thinking "I won't let myself think.", there's no 'goddess', there are just two people. they're both coming to terms with it, that noit wasn't real. i'm scared of the next chapter but why do i feel like suzuki's maybe gonna turn himself in or something? maybe he'll still hold up his promise to make kokoa happy and maybe cover for her? 
kokoa wants to believe but suzuki's already been in that position, he knows that won't make her happy. "Being loved by someone like me won't make you happy." i'm actually getting teary ;;  "You'll be fine, even if you're alone." wow ok i didn't need my heart today i guess :melt_smile:
the introspection of suzuki while his on that ledge, the lack of backgrounds in the memory giving harsh contrast to the busy and filled background of when his looking down is genuinely so amazing, in the police car too, his so angry and it's understandable why, the art is beauitufl and perfectly captures everything. the shot of suzuki crying, screaming with snot  dripping and saliva leaking from his mouth, just purely uncontrolled crying. the lines are harsh, intense and then there's the last shot with the barebones shading, soft colouring and melancholic expression and it all feels so fitting/gen
i'm getting whiplash from kokoa's backstory reveal and the ending of the story itself/lh i'm actually at a loss for words? i'm pretty sure the full story will properly register in my head in a few hours but as of now, i just loved everything? the beginning, the ending that i never saw coming from a mile away, all the characters, i realize i might be lacking in experiences to properly appreciate this story but for now, i can say i genuinely did love it all. thank you? for letting me be aware that this existed?/gen/lh
the culmination of kokoa's story: it explaining why she said "I'm a worthless shit.", why she goaded riko about "not making an effort" she parroted the sentence of "Did you really expect to be loved unconditionally?" and the fact that that parallels the message she received of basically saying "Don't look for love." or something like that, it's a bit blurry right now, and why she mentioned the prince metaphor, it shows her rejecting stalker dude and the "i have a nice nose" dude lol, it showed her family and how the way she coped with everything harming her reputation and following her till the end of the story (the being seen with older men thing her classmates were gossiping about), how changing herself seemed to work for a while but it was never enough for others, it wasn't enough for her. this whole story was tragic and i realize damned by the narrative from the beginning, it was always foreshadowing something ominous but- i can't say i regret reading this. it was a very fun experience and i thank you a lot for looking it so much, i ended up reading it too.
it's not really spoilers anymore for you to talk about why you related to suzuki, if you still wanted to chat about that, the art was just as gorgeous from the start till the end, i liked it all a lot. 
thank you min<3 
(also fair warning and apology lmao, i might've missed a few "chap XX:" signifiers like that since i was just reading the manga in one tab then auto writing what i thought in the other tab like some kind of journalist lol so a few are out of place or maybe don't make sense, i hope the general idea gets through tho/gen)
okok first of all ive read through and i must say im so happy u liked it this is a big favorite of mine and i havent shown it to anyone really before (bcuz its kinda.... sad) but if u liked killer in love u should definitely check out boy's abyss its A LOT like killer in love... without the killing ive sat here typing out a response but honestly you hit a lot of feelings i had right on the nail.. and honestly you caught a LOT of stuff faster than i did- i only realized after a reread that the part where kokoa says "did you really expect to be loved unconditionally?" didnt click until i reread it- also you didnt dislike kokoa, which is really telling of you as a person when i read it, it was obvious the author was trying to make us think kokoa was the manipulator or something, and it just felt off the comments on it when i read were people hating on her and such and i always liked her (ill say something more indepth having to do with her in a second but i wanna finish this point first) im happy she was kinda just a victim and wasnt using him (though she sorta was- atleast not to the extent the manga couldve made her) its all just very genuine (ive been typing this for. an hour. and it is only one pragaraph long. im sorry if this is really short my brain is like .. mushy)
OK SO im really not typing anythong of sumbstance im sosry
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THAT SCENE. IS SO SWEET because it introduces the idea of them getting away from eachother. in that short time they knew eachother their relationship turned really codependant suzuki was literally killing all her problems- which to begin with was toxic, but now, shed reached a point of needing him, and as long as he lived he would need her too like a soldier and their country country needs soldier, soldier is dependant on country- its literally their home think koreans signing up to fight in war to aid japan (oppressors) during ww2 they couldnt LEAVE korea, and they were much too poor to feed themselves or family, so theyd join so their fsmily would get food from the military its a bit of an extremem comparison. but its not wrong :grin:
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kokoas backstory singlehandedly explained why she was her, how she was her, excused her actions, and cleared up her character shes genuinely just unforfunate in every aspect which is just so heartbreaking cuz its litterally not her fault she tried, and failed, and tried again and failed and tried and failed again she just attracts weirdos i guess
my favorite part is when suzuki kills her boyfriend because, she *technically* instigated it, but he knew she didnt want the boy dead and suzuki, he just lost it by then hed killed riko already, and he now was done for no matter what hed either run away with kokoa or die or go to jail so for him to sacrificed so much for her, just for her to have someone she still loved other than him yeah i get where he came from killing the guy was. a bit much. but its understandable amd thats whats so great about this!!! theyre all so undoubtedly human its amazing...
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the reason i like suzuki or related to him and whatnot was his relationship with kokoa im a- was a really obsessive person a while ago recently id say counting today as august its been a good 6-7 months that was honestly my rock bottom, and it was then that i read kimi ni koisuru satsujinki and when i got to when he killed riko and it was just kinda like. i would do that too and thats when it kinda clicked that i was kinda fucked at the time you can tell im being vague cuz i dont like to talk about it
aswell as the youre like a goddess scene it reminded me of how i felt about this one person. and how feeling like that kinda pushed them away from me, its just really eye-opening to see someone doing things you do, and recognizing it as a bad thing, then realizing that that in turn makes you a bad person aswell kokoa, kinda like. them. was viewed in a really uplifting way and they, or kokoa was just a human and they were flawed, and they had layers o them, and they werent just a shoulder to be leaned on and . suzuki (or me aswell) just failed to come to terms with that, and in the manga's case suzuki did eventually reach that, and let kokoa go but i was kinda like suzuki after he killed kokoa's boyfriend
completely deluded, not willing to face reality but (they) werent like kokoa in that sense, because they realized the. not goodness of the situation, and instead of staying (like kokoa did with suzuki out of fear) they just. left me which im glad they did honestly, cuz that was the healthiest option fot them
really fucked with me though, since it was just. sudden i had it coming though i was a real prick
anyway IM REALLY GLAD U LIKED IT i was scared u wouldnt really care for it so this was really heartwarming thanks custard or mikey
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25 fun and cute questions to brighten the spirits and get us through the holidays!
I was tagged by @halevetica who is literally such an angel and one of the best fanfic writers of all time!!!!!!!
Check them out on Ao3 cuz again they are one of the best and has never written a bad fic 💕
Hiya all! I’ve created this list as a reminder of happy memories and great times with our loved ones since I think we’re all feeling a tad blue this holiday season. Tagging my favourite blogs but all are welcome to answer :)
Best gift you’ve ever gotten: I would have to say the best gift I ever got came from my old high school ap lit teacher/theater director I was in the plays every year from 7th-12th grade and she got me a necklace with the drama faces on it along with a jewelry box that played at the beginning from Anastasia, which was the first song I ever sang with her on stage, when I graduated so yeah she gets the win everytime cuz she had me bawling like a baby at the final cast party we did
Nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you: I have 4 different friends who on 4 different occasions just bought me gifts not because of anything special or because they felt sorry over us fighting or something just they saw something and genuinely thought I would like it. I honestly just love receiving gifts that someone gets you out of the blue just because they simply think of you after seeing something and get it for you like it definitely means a lot to me that I'm the first person they thought of when getting those things
Your favourite holiday memory: Um... I honestly don't know if I have one, but something that I look back and think fondly of is when the one year my mom and I caroled with our church choir like I remember all the baking we did the day before in the church kitchen and it was a lot of us singing to Christmas songs that probably shouldn't be played in church lol and the caroling itself went well we gave out plates of cookies and caroled for any person who was on our prayer list at the time and seeing some of those people's faces like them seeing that people did care and that they weren't alone meant everything to me
Where you want to go first once we can travel again: New Zealand it's always looked so beautiful plus I mean that's where Lucy Lawless is from so it has to be amazing
Your spirit animal: I'm going to say a wolf just because I've always had this obsession with them since I was a kid
Your OTP: See I wanna say Sterek just because they're my favorite ship but I also like them in different pairings... I'm going to do a throwback shout out to Tyrus from Andi Mack cuz I can't handle seeing Tj and Cyrus with anyone but each other.
Tumblr pals you want to meet in real life: Literally anyone and everyone so I have more people to cuddle and binge shows with lol
Soulmates: real or fake: Imma say real like I do believe they're are souls who are cosmically linked together whether it be romantically or platonically I do think we all have that one person who we want to spend forever with
Favourite holiday food: those sugar cookies with the Reese Cups or Hershey Kisses in the center those are the shit tbh
What you wish you were doing right now: it's only 9:30 am so it's my chill in bed and contemplate life time lol but ig if there was something I wish I was doing rn it would be finishing the Sterek fic I'm reading rn
Your safe space/where or who you feel most at home with: My safe space would be while I was in school it was either the library or auditorium but now that I have an apartment that I share with my sister like I finally feel like I have a home to go to and genuinely want to be at so yeah my place is definitely my space but as for people I would say my sister and our two best friends
Favourite hobbies: Reading brings me joy lol which here are pictures I finally finished putting together my other book shelf the other day so if ya'll want to see here are some pictures. Definitely want more books though lol
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Cooking or baking: Oh cooking for sure cuz I can't bake for shit 😅
Reading or writing: Reading
Gifsets or mood boards:
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Coffee or tea: Coffee!!!!
City or suburbs: To visit city to stay suburbs
Someone who can always make you laugh: I would say my sister and our two friends we're always making each other laugh
Someone who always brightens your day: @crazyassmurdererwall just because anytime I'm having a bad day the fic I go to for comfort is Stuck In Reverse because it is literal perfection
Favourite day of the week: Whatever my day or days off are that week like how today is a glorious Tuesday cuz it's my only day off this week
Favourite animal: Wolves
Dream vacation spot: I mean I've been to the beach nearly every summer since I was a kid so I feel like renting out a nice cabin in the mountains somewhere would be dope af
Writer, artist, or creator(s) you want to see more of: @crazyassmurdererwall & @isthatbloodonhisshirt & @halevetica always 💕
Favourite movie, television show, and song: A Star Is Born (2018), Sex and the City, & You Don't Own Me by Lesley Gore
I tag @justkimberley @acercrea @charming-fan-girl @cinematicnomad only if ya'll want to of course & if I mentioned you and you see this and want to do this go for it!!!! Please tag me if you do and that goes for anyone who sees this I give you full permission to tag me so I can see all of your responses. Love you all!!! 💕💕💕
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1d1195 ¡ 25 days
It's been a while, I love the way you explain stuff😭 Ding is so freaking amazing.
So, oh, before I forget, I do study English literature and translation ( Arabic - English) btw you're a teacher? I saw some anon I think (💜 anon?) Wishing you a happy teacher's day idk about it cause we don't celebrate that here but yeah I didn't know that sounds fun! Let me guess (English teacher?)
So you know, yesterday I had a relaxing shower and afterward I wanted to style my curly/wavy hair naturally, so I think k it's a mix of 2a and 2b and that's funny cause I really tried like I saw some pics on pinterest and some videos on tiktok that motivated me but I kinda failed? 😭😭 I just rubbed the cream into my hair and pulled it back into 2 low buns but that's funny cause just before going to bed (I'm struggling with insomnia I've been staring at the ceiling since 1am and now it's 4am😭)anyway so I just fixed my hair to bed and it looked good! Like I had put effort into it, but I didn't! I think the curls aren't gonna make it till the morning🙈
Ehhh I dont know why in the freaking freak did I just say this whole story to you but I think you'll tolerate me right?
So back to classes and huffs and puffs, my finals start on the 20th. I'm not nervous, tbh I'm excited, I wanna get over with these freaking exams to read my books in peace.
So.. Love and Other Words and The Rose Code, huh? They really sound so interesting. I'm gonna need to read them. I'm also planning on reading the Twisted and King series, and do you mind if I tell you that you need to check Interlude right the tuck now? It's so freaking good you need to read it. You'll shed many tears, istg never have I ever cried this much in my whole life in "that" specific chapter, but I just love angst! But I promise it's not like that, okay? It's just amazing amazing I'm currently reading insurgence (the sequel) it's still on going bur I just love this book so much. I hope Mikii considers publishing it someday!
And I've always wanted to ask! What is your favorite piece that you wrote? I read a couple of series that you wrote, but I just wanna know which one js your favorite 🎀
Thank you so much I think you're kinder and better thank you 🩷🩷🩷🩷
I'm gonna need to study 3 novels tmrw cause I promised myself to do so! (Pride and Prejudice, David Copperfield, and The Portrait of a Lady) we studied them for my finals, but i just want to start my revisions, so... to teach and please ig😭😭
Have a very wonderful day, Sam!!! (BTW, my childhood bff's nickname's Sam! We're still friends, and we still love each other the same but not bffs anymore)
Oh now I remembered that I wanted to rant about the future and how I'm afraid of it being a (soon to be 19) girl who is (soon to be a junior) trying to be independent but in reality she will cry if you dare give her a nasty look but I guess it'll have to wait for next time cause my eyes seem to be dropping finally😭😭 I'll tty lysm🩷🩷
😭 idk what I explained, but I'm glad it came out well and that you liked it! 💕
I am a teacher! A math teacher actually if you can believe it. Writing is just a hobby of mine and I love it, but it's only for me. Teaching math is much more enjoyable than teaching English (at least I imagine so). In the US we have teacher appreciation week to recognize teachers' hard work. I had one of my current students write me a letter and one of my students last year messaged me to wish me well. But it's not that exciting tbh--well, I do get a lot of coupons emailed to me hehehe
I know NOTHING about hair. (Literally had to google what 2b meant) I make my sister figure out what I need to do and then I just do what she says. I think we might have the same hair type though based on the pictures I googled! I have one curl cream thing that I put in my hair and scrunch each morning and then hope for the best (and that there will be low humidity). It's cool to experiment with your hair, even if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to in the morning! Then you know for the next trial. Of course I tolerate you--even though that's not what I would call it, I love to hear what you're doing!
I bet you're going to crush your exams! It sounds like you're ready for it! Books in peace is a MOOD. I'm excited for you!
My favorite piece I've written oh boy. Umm...I think it would be Protection. Or maybe Zipper. Idk I feel guilty picking one over the other and I love writing them all. I will tell you I think I like Protection more than Traditional which is probs sacrilege to write on my own blog because I think everyone under the sun would choose Traditional over Protection hahahaha but I liked planning Protection more than Traditional. Although Dolcezza really took hold of my heart VERY hard. Especially lately. Probably one of the three: Zipper, Dolcezza, or Protection.
I hope studying has gone/went well and you got some sleep after being up so late! You're going to have a wonderful future, I'm sure of it, and don't worry about forgetting something. I'm not going anywhere! 💕
0 notes
univers-colore ¡ 2 years
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Do you remember these days? Well, i cant even ask you these questions. It's sad ig. I had so many of them. Infact more than the questions, i had the answers. I'll say this when you'll tell me this and that when you'll say that. Because I believed that one day you'd surely come back. You'll realise that you fucked up. And I'd be so mad but somehow you'll convince me and we'll be back to our fairy tale. The first picture, I look so happy, don't i? Yes. You are there behind that hand of mine. It was new years eve and we were together. Together on cloud nine. So in love. But it was just me I guess. The second picture? That's the day you decided that you've had enough of the relationship tag. It was over. Officially. Why did you call back? Why were about to cry when you did? And why was your first line, "I though that she isn't calling, maybe I should."? You broke it off, right? It was your plan. I didn't even want it then why all of that? Why were we still stealing glances of each other in the college? And why did you care so much about my every move? Why did you start calling me maniacally when I fell ill? Why did you start talking to me all over again after that? And if you cared SO fucking much, how could break it off and find another girl to the same with after a week? Was it really SO fucking easy for you? Here I am, writing about it for the first time, 1.5 years after our breakup. Yes. 1.5 fucking years. Maybe even more than that. 1.5 years back, we stopped talking. You found a new girl. You gave her cute nicknames. She used to call you cute and you used to get so happy. You used to watch her every step and be with her all the time and i was there. Watching. Unable to register what the fuck just happened? Took me fucking 8 months to finally admit it to myself that you were with her. You posted your picture, ofcourse with her. Looking at her all dreamily. First few months, I couldn't even believe it. It was happening right in front of me. Ofcourse I saw it but never believed it. Trusted you more than I trusted myself. Maybe we aren't supposed to do that. Maybe in this world, we're supposed to be selfish. But what do I do now? It's been fucking years and here I am, writing all of this bullshit for the first time. It was difficult to write all of this before. Read a quote somewhere, "Maybe if it meant a little less, I'd be able to talk about it more." Yeah, same. I'll find a way to carry on ig. Enjoy with your new, new girl. Yeah, I heard you've even broken the other one's heart. And i feel fucking sorry for her. I've always did. Idk why. But I did. She too, like me, fell for a jerk like you. Such idiots we were. She'll too move on, ig. Anyways, fuck you asshole.
0 notes
ekleipsi ¡ 2 years
sometimes, he'd take his husband along with him for a patrol. especially when on foot, but on ocassion naoto would join him even in the car, despite hating the enclosed spaces so much.
" nao, i am-- i am not going to pull over right now so you can go get a kebab," irritation was evident in the canine's tone, accompanied by a stern gesture of his hand, but he had nothing on the other's cute pouts and complaints. he couldn't simply tell him no... multiple times, at least. and so, with a heavy sigh, he stopped the police car right in front of the small kebab shop, so that his ever-hungry mate could go get something. " i'm putting you in cuffs if you make a mess, though. "
--- Avian didn't mind tagging along with lover on his patrols- the company was nice and, while he could usually entertain himself with some measure of tinkering or reading material, there were times where he simply missed the hound. Today was that day, where he'd even forego comfort for the sake of being in the others presence. It was a bonus that it usually meant food, as well.
--- For the last ten minutes he'd been complaining about the hunger building in his stomach, insisting that he need a high caloric intake to continue existing. He was a growing boy, after all! Though to his complaints, husband had continuously waved him off with stern words and gestures, features twisted in irritation....irritation that Naoto didn't seem to notice at all, or?
--- ...well, mayhap he did and simply was turning pouts and idle complaints, pawing at lovers thigh. ' Come on!? I'm starving, Ig. I'll die. ' he jutted lower lip out, turning an innocent look to the other before finally the other caved and he grinned eagerly as they stopped in front of the shop. ' I would never miss a crumb! ' he gasped, bouncing from the car and heading inside.
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--- It was about ten minutes that he was in, before coming out with three bags. One that he rather generously handed to husband. ' I got something for you, too! ' he beamed, as if he'd done the other a service, while still clutching two of the bags to his chest- and true to words, he didn't spill a single bit as he all but inhaled the food.
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albertdabuttler ¡ 2 years
FaceTime? II | F.W.
fandom: Harry Potter
pairings: Fred Weasley x F!Reader
WARNINGS: shit ton of cursing again heh, HELLA FLUFF, smut, masturbating (m), phone sex? not really… voice kink, thats it ig
summary: !!MODERN AU!! Fred calls you in the middle of the night because he can’t sleep but then he sees how goddamn good you look and can’t help himself…
WC: 4.5k
A/N: PART TWO MFS, this is like the first time I’m very motivated to write. EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN DORMS.
Also, please let me know if I made any mistakes!! And I’m very happy to do requests!
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gif by me but it looks so bad.. BUT FRED’S HOT SO ITS KINDA SEXY 🤪
NOT intended for minors under 16. But if you read it idc, I probably wouldn’t have cared if there was an age limit either 😭
Fred had been plopped on his bed for the past hour, staring at his ceiling as he waited to get tired and finally fall asleep. He was a chronic insomniac and barely ever got his brain to shut off, thinking of all the stupid pranks he could pull or joke gadgets he could make.
A sigh came from him, turning over on his side and looking at the picture of you, himself, and George from the summer.
He caught himself staring a little too intensely at you.
You were so goddamn beautiful.
Well, it wasn’t a secret. You were probably one of the prettiest girls in the school and Fred knew that. Everyone did…
Although that didn’t mean that he liked you. He couldn’t. It would irrevocably fuck up your friendship and he’d never be able to live with that.
But he didn’t even try to stop his mind from wandering this time. He finally realized he liked you. For the longest time.
He remembered sitting down next to you at a Gryffindor party for a quidditch win and that you put your arm around him as you sipped your juice, later turning to him with a charmingly adorable smile and saying, with the most angelic voice,
“Hey, Freddie. You looked good out there today.”
Your faces were so close together and he would have sworn he felt something, the look in your eyes was telling him so much and it gave him enough butterflies that he could have thrown up flowers.
He was so determined on finally making a move now. He would either kiss you like a crazy dumbass who would probably get rejected brutally on the spot, or he’d tell you he loved you and and hoped you took it the way he meant it and reciprocated it, but if you made a weird face then he would say “as a friend though…” And he would be safe.
But at that moment, right before he could, some other dumb Gryffindor boy had called to talk to you and he couldn’t help but frown, jealousy overtaking him.
Fred turned flat on his back. He needed to stop thinking about you.
What the fuck is my problem?
He thought, cringing at his creepy infatuation.
How could he not? You were really pretty…Rolling his eyes, he let himself think about you again. After all, he was alone.
He was sure you made fantasies about whatever stupid boy you liked too.
Turning his head to look at your picture again, he really admired you now. You were so funny, playful, you cared about him, you helped him with his dumb homework, and lord, you were hot as fuck.
Fred felt his breath hitch at the thought of you on top of him, using him as some sucker toy to get yourself off.
He quickly brushed away the thought and bit his lip hard to scold himself for thinking something so nasty.
Turning to his nightstand, he picked up his phone which had a silly picture of you and him as his background, and quickly texted you to get his mind off whatever the hell he was thinking.
F| you awake - 12:53
Fred’s mind trailed off to how soft your lips would feel against his, you putting your arms around his neck and tugging at the hair on the nape of his neck, his hands moving up and down your sides.
Yeah.. At this point he was internally yelling at himself for all of these stupid thoughts.
He thought about spamming you to get up because he definitely couldn’t handle these kind of thoughts by himself if you didn’t reply.
F| bruh - 12:55
F| wake up i cant sleep - 12:55
F| HEY - 12:56
He sighed that you didn’t reply yet.
F| .. please - 12:57
F| please ;( - 12:57
A real frown drooped over his mouth as he turned his phone off and put it over his chest, his left hand behind his head as he stared at the ceiling again, trying to make his mind go blank.
There was a buzz and he immediately turned his phone back on, hoping and crossing all his fingers that it was you.
<3| what do you want - 12:57
He smiled at his phone and replied,
F| for you to wake up - 12:57
He mentally facepalmed.
For you to wake up? Seriously? What class of dumbass am I.
<3| well im awake now so what - 12:57
He played it cool and typed in his thoughts.
F| i cant stop thinking about you -
Fuck no. What?
Deleting his insane confession, he wrote and sent something simple.
F| i cant sleep and im bored as hell - 12:58
Keep it simple. Yeah… Godric, why was he overthinking?
<3| i know your goofy ass did not just wake me up because you cant fucking fall asleep - 12:58
Fred really didn’t like it when you were mad at him, so it only made sense for him to make a joke. Right…?
F| hold on, you mean my goofy and FAT AND LUCIOUS ASS, right? - 12:58
<3| im going to beat the fucking shit out of you tmr - 12:58
Fred smirked to himself, his heart skipping at the thought of you two “wrestling”, his smile dropped and he felt as if there was an actual fire burning its way from his inner chest up to his head.
Before he could have said some dumb shit like “I’d pay all my savings just so see you try, shortie ;)”, you replied.
<3| and its luscious* 🥱 - 12:58
Rolling his eyes, Fred smiled at his phone, you had a tendency to correct people, and although many found this annoying, he found it cute without realizing it.
<3| if you actually fuckinf studied basic english you’d probably know how to spell it, but your goofy - not fat and luscious - ass is too busy setting living human beings on fire - 12:59
His jaw dropped as he stared at his phone in awe, seeing as you had the audacity to bring up his academic failure and were accusing him of pranking people to hurt them.
F| FUCK YOU - 12:59
F| i prank people i dont hurt them 🙄 - 12:59
And yes, of course he noticed your hypocrisy.
F| also you misspelled fucking - 12:59
F| also yeah my ass is fat and luscious and all the girls want it - 12:59
Fred hadn’t even the slightest idea how that would work in making you jealous. It was clear to everyone at Hogwarts that he attracted many girls but it wasn’t enough for him.
None of them were you.
He wrote again before you could say something that could get to his head.
F| you just dont wanna say that bcs then that would mean you’ve actually looked at it and i know you’d absolutely hate to admit that ;)) - 1:00
No.. That winky face is too flirty.
F| also im not the goofy one here anymore, your silly swan looking ass face wants to fight me - 1:00
That definitely wasn’t true, Fred thought you were probably the prettiest girl in the universe but he didn’t want you to know he thought that. Or even think he did.
F| can you believe that shit 😹 - 1:00
He probably shouldn’t keep going…
F| you actually wanna fight someone who’s like twice your size, the fuck do you think you are - 1:01
That was so fucking harsh, it almost sounded like he was seriously being rude. What kind of dumbass says shit like that to the person they like?
<3| fred if you dont shut the fuck up and go to bed, im telling your mom you had a girl in your room. - 1:01
A frown found its way onto his lips, his eyebrows scrunching up in disappointment, he wanted to talk to you so fucking badly, how the hell can one screw that up?
This never happened before. It was so damn easy talking to you without overthinking a single word, but now it’s like he watches every last syllable that comes out of his mouth or is typed through his fingers, you were his best friend. This shit is supposed to be a breeze.
F| … okay im sorry :( - 1:01
An apology was probably the best way to go at the moment. He thought maybe you noticed his weird attitude too and just got sick of it and went to sleep, and that maybe that was why you left him on seen.
Throwing his phone next to him, he sighed loudly, covering his face with his hands and groaning.
What the hell was his problem? Why couldn’t Fred Gideon fucking Weasley talk to a girl? His best fucking friend for fucks sake?! This was supposed to be easy, taking in account his reputation with the ladies.
Maybe it was the fact that since this school year started, he hadn’t really dated anyone. Much less have intercourse. So there was a lot of internal tension in him.
But he didn’t want to. The thought of sex with anyone in this school or at all was disgusting to him. Even masturbating. Which was odd for Fred Weasley, and the fact that he was, well... A guy.
The only time in which is wasn’t so gross was when he thought of you.
Godric, that sounds so pervy.
But it was true. When he did think about it, it wasn’t like fucking.
It was more like…
Like making love.
To you…
Making you feel so good, pleasing you and stretching you out, feeling your soft bare skin against his and being so incredibly close to you that he wouldn’t ever want to let go.
The thought of you actually wanting to be with him the same way made his heart flutter.
It also made him a little horny.
Shifting position so he had his left hand over his tummy and his right behind his head, he turned to look at the empty spot next to him.
Godric, was he fucking lonely.
No one to keep him company at night.
Not for the past eight months.
Valentine’s day was coming up, and he had no one to spend it with.
Low chance on it being with you since he was an absolute pussy after the Gryffindor party, unless it was platonic.
He reached out to grab his phone and text you again.
F| hey im really sorry for waking you up and then acting like a douche - 1:03
F| i don’t wanna bother you but do you wanna facetime? - 1:04
F| talking to you is really nice - 1:04
He hesitated before sending his next message.
Fuck it.
F| thats why i always only text you and no one else, you actually make me feel better - 1:04
This was literally a direct confession that you were the only one who could make him feel better.
F| come onnnn - 1:04
He had to cut off the sentiments though.
F| bruh if you dont answer rn im telling cormac you have a big fat crush on him - 1:04
Knowing you absolutely despised Cormac was the reasoning behind why he said that.
<3| fuck you - 1:05
He smiled.
F| i mean… - 1:05
F| if you really want to then i guess i can make an arrangement. - 1:05
Damn, I have to lay off the flirting.
The next moment, he saw his face through the camera, his eyes widening as he realized you were actually calling him.
His heart rate quickened as he fumbled to fix his hair and tried to click the answer button but his thumb kept missing it.
Turning to his right side facing his nightstand, he stuffed his left under his face as he finally got it and clicked the answer button, keeping a straight face, yours popping up with an annoyed expression.
You snorted and he had to smile, trying his hardest not to give in until you sent him a smolder, his lips curling up into a wide grin as he tried not to laugh.
“You’re so dumb” he couldn’t help but keep smiling, he knew you knew he wasn’t being serious when he said that, you two would only ever say it to each other when you were goofing around.
“Oh I’m dumb? Says the one who needs his favorite person to fall asleep and can’t spell ‘luscious’.” you scoffed sarcastically but smiled back at him.
“You think you’re my favorite person? Getting cocky are we?” he smirked, challenging you.
“Yeah, am I not?” you asked.
His smirk grew wider, yes you were his absolute favorite and nothing or no one could ever change his mind, but he couldn’t tell you that.
“Yeah, you’re one of my favorites.”
He heard you chuckle and thought it was the cutest sound to come out of you.
The hottest sounds would be the ones where he’s on top of you.
“What are you doing on Friday? Wanna go to Hogsmead?” you asked.
“Yeah sure, I’ve got a prank to play on Snape so you’ve gotta come with me to that first, you’re my lucky charm.” he answered.
He internally cringed, that was the cheesiest thing he’s ever said in his whole entire life.
“That sounds… Not so platonic, Fred. What are you implying?” you joked.
His palms got sweaty as this was probably one of the first times you took something in the way he meant it.
“Oh, shut up.” he scoffed, “You know that’s not what I meant.” he was definitely lying.
“You’re just fun to have around.”
“Just fun? You don’t love me?” you pouted and his heart only melted.
He hesitated, of course he loved you, it was just hard for him to tell you since he meant it in more than a platonic way.
“…Well when you put it like that…” he said it in a silly voice.
You threw your head back in laughter and he couldn’t help but giggle.
Merlin, she’s so adorable.
You kept on laughing and he admired you, you were so fucking perfect, everything a guy would want and more.
His head would spin whenever you’d lean onto him on the common room sofa.
Your perfume was intoxicating and it was hard for him to look you straight in the eyes for more than five seconds before his mind went into the gutter. Your smile was probably his favorite feature since he was so good at bringing it out.
He looked at you and saw that your mind was somewhere else, you lightly shook your head a couple of times and he knew you came back.
But he noticed your eyes moving lower on the screen.
She’s checking me out, huh.
Your smile faded and there was a slight crease in between your eyebrows.
Smirking to himself, a light pink dusted his cheeks, the thought of you looking at him in that particular way made his self esteem higher, but he didn’t get too cocky. It was possible you were thinking of something else, which he thought was most likely the case, but he couldn’t stop thinking about things.
You blinked a couple of times.
“So….” you said.
“So?” he repeated, he still had the smile on his face.
His eyes squinted, he recognized the shirt you were wearing.
“Um I was-“
“Wait is that that stupid old shirt George got you for Christmas 5th year?” he interrupted, although he didn’t mean to.
You chuckled again, “Yeah.”
As you stretched your arms out to show him, it was so incredibly difficult for him not to notice your cleavage. Or your hard nipples.
The shirt was oversized but it was close enough to your skin to show that.
Fred swallowed, he felt his pants tighten but tried to ignore it and avoid the filthy thoughts that were flooding into his brain right now.
“Wow, I can’t believe it still fits you.” he chuckled nervously and you followed with a chuckle too.
“I mean it’s only been about two years, not like I’ve grown that much since then. Plus, George got it like two sizes too big.” you laughed.
He smiled at your laugh, he’d never get enough of it.
“You know, I had the perfect gift for you but I lost it two days before Christmas that year. I think someone stole it and I was so sad that I couldn’t give it to you.” he said.
You had a sweet smile, “Awh. What was it?”
Now he regretted telling you.
“I’m not telling you.” he smirked.
“Bruh come on. You lost it so just tell me, it’s not like you’re going to die if you do.”
He inhaled sharply, “Yeah well I don’t want to. If it’s such a pain in your ass then I’ll tell you this, it was an inside joke from third year.” He was lying for most of it.
“Wait lemme think…” you looked up, bit your lip and were so focused, it was so hot and Fred was using all his will power to compose himself as he felt his pants get even tighter.
“Ah! I know! Was it the time you and I snuck off in the middle of the night and caught Snape reading that really cheesy poem out loud? I forgot what it was about but I remember it was really funny. You wouldn’t shut up about it for weeks.” you guessed.
“No, that’s not it. Not even close.” he said.
It was actually a necklace made of pure platinum, a thin chain with a little heart shaped locket that had a picture of you, him and George from when you were little.
Around the locket was a ton of other little charms made from tiny rubies, emeralds, diamonds, all the expensive shit you could think of.
One of them was in the shape of a crow, made from obsidian. That was the inside joke from third year.
It was when a crow landed on your fucking head and Fred laughed his ass off while you screamed if fear and agony.
So not only did it have current value, but it had an emotional value and you’d guess the joke counts too.
But he thought it was too “unfriendly” so he just gave you a black leather bracelet like the ones that him and George had that matched.
He still has that necklace, it was never stolen.
“I have no idea then.” you said.
Looking at you, he smiled. He was starting to get pretty hard but he was a fucking professional at hiding it.
Fred noticed how you looked away, “Look at me.”
He slipped his hand out from under his face and moved it down to his pants.
His dick was throbbing and he hadn’t touched it in months. The tip was already sticky and he tried so hard not to palm himself, so he gripped the bottom of his shirt until his knuckles turned white.
Smirking at his own thoughts and also at you, he could tell you were nervous.
Maybe you did like him.
“What” you said when you turned to him.
“Let’s have a staring contest.” he said.
Fred was definitely the type to love eye contact during sex.
“That’s dumb.” you said.
“You’re dumb.” he retorted.
“No, I actually study. You spend all your time making jokes and pranking people and you never study. You always only study with me and I literally do like 80% of the w-“
He cut you off at the stupid argument you were trying to make.
“Just stop talking,” he said with a small giggle as he kept looking at you with his smile.
You both sighed.
“Damn okay.” you said.
Fred kept a small smile but couldn’t fucking take it any longer and he needed relief.
Squirming. he slipped his hand into his pants, wrapping his hand all the way around the base of his cock and squeezing.
He chewed the inside of his lip at the feeling, slowly starting to drag his hand up and down.
Fred saw that you looked away and his eyebrows knotted as he mouthed a “fuck me please.”
But his expression went back to how it was before as your eyes moved across the screen again.
Moving his hand with a rough movement, his eyes almost closed shut in pleasure, but he needed to see you.
“If you’re about to fall asleep then we can just talk tomorrow. Unless—you’re sure… you wanna stay on call…?” you asked him.
His hand moved back up as he brushed his thumb over the tip. He almost groaned when he tried to reply.
“M-Yeah…” He sighed and his eyes fluttered shut at the tender feeling between his thighs.
“You look like you’re on the verge of falling asleep into oblivion, Freddie.” he heard you giggle.
The way you said his name had him in a trance. Your voice, it was so hot, the pitch was perfect and he could only imagine what it would sound like if he was ramming the soul out of you.
All the pretty sounds you’d make.
With his hand starting to pick up his pace just a little bit, his eyes rolled back at the incredible feeling.
This felt so good with you basically watching.
He turned his head into his pillow and let out a groan that he hoped wasn’t too audible by you.
His hand wasn’t moving fast enough to get him off and it was excruciating.
A small cry came from him as he turned back to look at you, eyebrows furrowed, hooded watery eyes, and his mouth slightly open like he was about to spill his soul out.
“I-I’m gonna go to bed.” he choked out, lying.
He needed to finish so badly and just couldn’t go fast enough with you watching, for you’d probably notice the movement in his arm and he would lose his shit if you told him you knew what he was doing.
An expression of sadness spread across your face and it just turned him on even more. “Oh, okay, goodnight then, I love you.”
Holy fucking shit.
He had absolutely no choice but to say it back.
His face was so red and he knew it, and he knew that you knew it, which only made it worse.
“I love you too…” A sigh fell from his lips at another rough stroke, “So much.”
His face scrunched up at the almost pain in his cock since he wasn’t going quick enough.
He heard the hang up tone but double checked that you weren’t still there as he let out a loud groan.
“Fuuuuuck….” he dragged out.
Taking his hand off his dick, he pulled off his pants in order to make it easier for himself.
As soon as he got them off, he laid on his back and his hand immediately went back to his throbbing piece.
He started moving his hand up and down, a tight grip with his pace only getting faster by the minute. His thoughts were flooded with you.
This is her hand, not mine.
The affirmation only helped him get closer to the edge. His thumb moved to brush over the tip again, picturing your pretty lips wrapped around him and your soft tongue swirling on his tip as you looked at him with innocent eyes.
No doubt, Fred felt really fucking guilty for touching himself at the thought of you.
He couldn’t help himself though.
Heavy breathing started to make its appearance, his head turned to the picture on his nightstand.
He sighed again heavily, picking up his pace as he felt the knot starting to form in his stomach.
“Godric, I want you so bad.” he whispered. No one could hear him but he couldn’t keep it in. His eyes fluttered shut again, throwing his head back as he felt himself almost getting there.
A buzz came from his phone.
It slightly distracted him but he needed to cum.
The room began getting too hot, he sat up, taking his hand off his cock again and tugging off his shirt. The cool air of the room giving him a more relaxing feeling since his skin was already starting to glisten with sweat.
He stayed sitting up and propped himself up on his left hand, leaning on it in order not to fall back.
He grabbed his cock again and started pumping, his head hanging back once again.
Your name started spilling from his mouth as he was nearing climax, his breaths were heavy and his eyebrows knitted together, he felt the coil snap as his mouth fell open and he let out a groan, his cum squirting out and spilling all over his fingers and his stomach.
He continued to stroke himself to ride out his high, a hard bite onto his lips at the extraordinary feeling of an orgasm after about five months without one.
He plopped onto his back again, a sigh of guilt coming from him.
he put his sticky-free hand behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.
Jerking off wasn’t enough.
He needed you.
The buzzing of his phone scared him shitless as he quickly grabbed it to see who the fuck was calling him.
“HOLY FUCK!” he yelled, almost smacking his mouth with his jizz-covered hand but was quick enough to stop it.
He laid back down, making sure the spot on his stomach with all his semen was out if view of the camera. And his hand too.
He picked up, “Yeah?”
“Are you okay, Freddie?” you said, his heart skipped at the nickname.
“Uhm…” he licked his lips and looked at his hand, cock, and belly, which were covered in the white substance. He kind of… played with it, while he thought of what to say.
“…Yeah, I’m fine. I just had a long and… stressful day with… uh, grades.” Fred looked back up at you, his hand still messing with his jizz while he waited for you to say whatever you needed to say.
“Erm okay well… Goodnight then I guess… See you at breakfast.”
He could tell there was something wrong but he didn’t want to say anything so he chuckled and replied, “Goodnight then, love.”
You hung up and he let out a sigh of relief, standing up to get a warm wet towel and clean himself up.
When he was done, he came back and got in his sheets again, hair hair still sticking to his forehead from sweat.
Another buzz coming from his phone.
<3| can i go to your room? - 1:37
His heart stopped, thinking of all the things you two could do.
It started beating again at a superhuman pace after he replied.
F| of course, love - 1:37
thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed the fic. Follow me if you want, or not, bcs i dont post more than once a week.
@mariaurmum @butterbeerkiss @that-lame-ghoul9000 @cuttingmeinhalf @freddie-weaselbee @katiea-21 @missslurpie @vvile-soul @urfavluna @soularsmate
there were quite a few people I couldn’t tag since their blogs wouldn’t pop up :/ sorry if I missed you, I hope you see this!
838 notes ¡ View notes
lavenderwhore444 ¡ 3 years
Ok so we all love pervert shigaraki ( Ik u do so please don’t lie to ur self love 😀) anyways what if shigaraki had a huge crush on the reader and steals there panties ( when there out in a mission working there ass off) but the reader notices and placed cameras in her room just to see who’s stealing them surprise surprise it’s ya boy shiggy and the reader finds it kind of cute that he’s that desperate but is also upsetting because there working and he’s here getting off on her stuff so.the reader catch’s him in the act and shows him the videos ( shigaraki at this point is crying from embarrassment and he’s begging for the reader to delete the videos) as a punishment the reader pegs the shit out of him and the ending is fluff since I do love shiggy
First of all English isn’t my first language so apologizes for any mistakes and for the ending please work ur magic sis 
💍🧎🏻‍♀️marry me this is so good
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Warnings: smut (obvi) shigaraki is a perv degradation a little I think #peg shiggy 2021 fingering for Shig 😌 humiliation??? Idk what to put man request says it all
Master List
🌸 I have an irl on here rn because we both simp for crusty men, and she’s probably lowkey scared of me. I was drunk on having social interaction for the first time forever and was like, “omg, I write for them. I have Tumblr 🤪” Listen, I told you I would do anything for him, and I fucking meant it, ok? And he’s a little pervert, so they're kinda gross (indirectly making me have gross kinks too ig ☹️) Plus, I warned you about his piss kink, that should've been a good indicator to the rest of these 🙄 , Anyways anon has sent me THE BEST SCENARIOS OMG. I have read a lot of Shigaraki fics, BUT THESE ARE SO ORIGINAL IM SO HAPPY. There's one, in particular, I'm excited to write because it's just so cute, omg. 🌸
Tumblr media
It was the fifth time this week. You were out on another mission, and Tomura was half-naked in your room on the verge of passing out from how many times he had cum into various articles of your clothing. It started off as just your panties. Perverted but not insane. As time went on, it only got worse. The panties weren’t good enough. He started putting one of your shirts over his face as he got off, and that worked...for a while. His next fix was to steal some of your perfume, but it wasn't good enough.
He felt disgusting the first time he got off in your room. He felt like he'd crossed a line (not that he hadn’t already), but it was the best orgasm of his life. What's done is done, so he might as well take advantage of the rest of your room. He was pretty comfortable now, face pressed into your pillow, inhaling your scent as his body spasmed for the last time. He was utterly spent.
And now, for the worst part, being in your room surrounded by your stuff, smelling your perfume, but still being all alone. It wasn't like Shigaraki had a crush on you or anything. Him having a crush on y/n? Unheard of. The rest of the girls in the league were like family to him. You two just weren't there yet, even though it had been five months, and he blushes whenever you talk to him. So what if he wants to punch Dabi whenever he looks at you? He wasn't in love with you. God damn it, he was just horny. That was it. That was the extent of his feelings, and they would go away.
They didn't go away, but more of your stuff sure did. It was becoming more common for clothing in your room to go missing only to end up clean and folded in the proper drawer. It was weird, but someone was doing most of your laundry for you. It wasn't Dabi taking your stuff. He could get his dick wet whenever he wanted. The other guys preached “don’t lewd y/n” and tried to fight Dabi when he put his hand on your thigh. Toga would steal your shirts but definitely not your underwear. If she did steal your clothing, she’d post a mirror pic and tag you in it.
So that left your boss. Tomura Shigaraki. You thought he hated you. He got all quiet and distant when you talked to him. Was he nervous? He glared at you and Dabi. Or was it just Dabi? Maybe the little creep did like you. He was kinda cute. His messy hair looked so soft, his eyes lit up when he won his games, Shigaraki had this little smile when he was watching the league sit together, and he had discarded father almost completely. But he was a creep, and you definitely didn't have a crush on him. Definitely not.
But part of you didn't want to tell him to stop. It took a while to cook up a plan, but it was foolproof when you came up with one. You found stole the money to invest in some hidden cameras. By now, you were starting to accept that you might like him just a little. But in a sad puppy kind of way. You didn't actually have a crush on him. Nope, not at all.
And it was kind of mean that he was making you do all this work while he got to jerk off in your bed. You'd come back with cuts, scrapes, bruises, and even a broken bone one time, just for him to totally ignore you. He had spent all day ruining your clothes and wouldn't even look at you.
Your behavior had changed towards Tomura, though, and he had definitely noticed. You were acting the same way he was. You were always blushing when you talked to him. You sat next to him while he played games, but it's "just because you're bored." Maybe you were starting to like him back. He had come to terms with his not-so-little crush on you. This didn't stop him from acting like a perv but still.
The cameras had been up for a while, and honestly, watching those videos back was way better than watching porn. Shigaraki looked so sweet and desperate. The way he laid in your bed afterward, holding your pillow, made your heartache for him. He just looked so lonely. You decided it was time to confront him.
"I'm going out for a couple days, guys!" you called, walking out with a backpack on your shoulder.
"I'll miss you, dollface," Dabi called back, blowing a kiss as you laughed at him.
The glare Shigaraki gave him could have dusted him right then and there. You stayed at a cheap motel for a while, watching the cameras. It was pretty nice to finally have some quiet. It didn't take long for Shigaraki to wander into your room with a raging hard-on. You took your time getting home, knowing he'd be there for at least a few hours. You glanced at your phone once in a while, catching two of Shigaraki’s orgasms. You’d hear a strangled cry and see his mouth wide open, eyes squeezed shut, and back arching. He’d coat his chest and your underwear in hot cum. You started to walk faster. Most of the league was asleep as you used your levitation quirk to float silently up the stairs. You opened the door.
“Who knew you were such a perv, Shiggy. All this time, I thought you hated me, but it looks like someone has a little crush on me, ” you said sweetly.
He looked like a deer in headlights, eyes wide as his body froze. A soft whimper left him as his face turned an angry shade of red that matched the head of his cock.
“N-no please, I'm sorry y/n I-i just didn't um ill leave. I'm so sorry, ” he muttered.
He got up, but you pushed him back on the bed.
“Not yet, Shiggy. I have something to show you, ” you said in a singsong voice.
You sat next to him, slinging your left arm around his shoulders. You pulled up the live feed.
“Aww, look at how cute we look right now, Shig, ” you teased.
His face told you that he was terrified.
“Y-you didn’t, ” he tried to fool himself.
“Oh, I did, ” you whispered in his ear.
You heard him sniffle. You slid the bar at the bottom of the screen back to show him what he was doing mere minutes ago.
“No, you can't, ” he choked as tears fell from his eyes, “please don’t show anyone y/n. Please I c-cant. I'm sorry, just don’t show anyone, ” he sobbed, “please don't. I’ll never talk to you again if you want I’ll do anything just don't show anyone, ” he cried.
“Anything?” you questioned.
“Anything, ” he nodded, still crying.
“Well, first of all, ” you said, “you can start by taking me out on a date, ”
He nearly choked as his eyes widened.
“What?” he whispered, wiping his eyes and nose.
“I said that you’re going to take me out on a date, and please use a tissue, ” you said.
He nodded and cleaned up his face the rest of the way.
“And second, you can take off your shirt and bend over the bed with your legs spread, ” you whispered in his ear, pressing a kiss just below it.
He looked confused for a second until his eyes widened, and he did as he was told.
“Now, don't play dumb with me. I know you’ll like this. I've seen you try and finger yourself before, but you did a shit job, and I promise this will be even better, ” you smiled, ruffling Tomura's hair.
He was getting more comfortable with you now, giving a nervous smile and humming when you touched his hair.
You walked back with everything you needed, only to sigh disappointedly, “oh Shiggy, that's not nearly wide enough. I know you can do better than that. Spread your legs more,”
He nodded, eager to please, and nearly did the splits. You giggled and smacked his butt. He jumped, causing you to laugh again.
“You’re so precious. It's a real shame I'm about to turn you into a slutty mess, ” you cooed.
He felt two slimy fingers press against his hole, and he shuddered. He tried to relax and let you press into him. It didn't take very long to get him moaning, bucking against your fingers. Two became three, and three became four before you decided he was ready. You were looking forward to eating him out, but this was supposed to be a punishment. You lined him up, rubbing the head against his hole that was still clenching around nothing. You pushed the entire thing inside of him as he screamed.
You scoffed, “do you know how many people you just woke up? Do you want the whole league to know you're getting pegged as punishment for being a disgusting, perverted slut? You want them to know that I'm fucking your ass? Huh? Do you? Cause I'll bend you over the fucking bar and show them who you submit to, ”
You started thrusting at a brutal pace. Tomura pushed his face into the pillow only for you to levitate him so he couldn't do anything to stop all the sounds coming out of his mouth. You were looking forward to all the looks you'd get as you smirked, and he struggled to sit next to you. You managed to go even harder.
“You’re not sitting or walking this week, Shiggy, ” you cooed.
“No, ” he choked out, “n-no call me Tomura p-please, ” he moaned.
“Tomura, ” you whispered in his ear, “pretty name for a pretty boy, ”
You reached around and twisted his nipple, causing him to cry out. Tomura only got louder as you reached around and grabbed his balls another hand-squeezed his tip between two fingers and pinched gently before jerking him instead. He was losing it now, tongue hanging out, and eyes rolled back. Little screams were ripped from him, and he jerked around.
“Y/n ‘m gonna, ‘m gonna cum, ” Tomura slurred.
“You gonna cum for me, Tomu? Go on, do it, ” you encouraged.
He cried out, his body going rigid as he shot cum out of his cock. He was gasping and panting as you let him flop down on the bed and pulled out.
“C-can you help me back to my room, ” he whispered, looking sad.
“No, ” you said as he frowned, eyes watering again, “because you're staying with me tonight. Get in bed, ”
He blushed and crawled into the corner. You yanked him closer, taking over as the big spoon.
“Goodnight, Tomura, ” you said. Kissing his back and shoulders, you rubbed his stomach and chest, “you're so pretty, baby. I forgive you. It’s obvious you’ve never had a crush on a girl before, and I think you learned your lesson, ” you said, rubbing his sore ass.
He nodded, “I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to do, ” he mumbled.
“I know, sweetie, ” you whispered, “I know. Was what we did ok? Did you like it?”
He nodded, “I liked it, ” he whispered.
“Do you need anything, ” you asked.
He shook his head, “just tired, ”
“Alright, baby, just get some sleep, love, ” you said.
He nodded as you both found an absurd amount of comfort in being so close to each other. You slept like a baby. You woke up to him gazing at you lovingly, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear.
He kissed your forehead, “I hope you know you're never getting rid of me, ” he smiled.
He kissed you, “y’know I'm kind of disappointed you didn't kiss me last night, ” he pouted.
“Mmm, I was too busy fucking you, sorry sweetie, ” you said, kissing him again.
“You enjoyed your ‘punishment’ a little too much, but having to go downstairs should be punishment enough, ” you grinned.
He groaned, “please don't make me. Let me stay in my room forever y/n, ”
“No, can do Tomu, you need breakfast, ” you said.
You walked downstairs, sitting at the bar and eating your breakfast. No one else was up yet, or so you thought until you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“You're not dead?” Dabi asked, completely dumbfounded.
“No dumbfuck, I'm not dead. Why the hell would I be dead?” he snapped.
“I dunno maybe cause you were screaming from y/n’s room all nigh- oh no. Oh god I think I'm gonna be sick, ” he fake gagged.
All you did was laugh at him.
“You two are disgusting, y’know that?” he said.
“We know, ” you smiled eating the rest of your breakfast.
465 notes ¡ View notes
btsandvmin ¡ 2 years
Ask: Reply - 2022.01.11
The first Ask: Reply of the year! I hope you all had a nice holiday and that your 2022 has started off on a happy note! 💜
As for me I am feeling a lot better after the break and after finally getting a new medicine that seems to work a lot better (just started it in late december so hopefully it will continue to work well). I want to say it feels good to want to write again and while I’ll likely keep a slower pace I am glad I am back to posting.
But enough about me, let’s get to your asks. :) There is going to be a lot on the same subjects today, for rather obvious reasons. Today’s topics will be:
Ask 1: Tae’s IG posts being about Jimin? Ask 2: Matt Maltese song rec by Tae Ask 3: Moon and stars Vmin IG pictures Ask 4: Have you watched the Vmin live? Ask 5: TAE READING VMIN HEART YOU Ask 6: Vminies wanted a vlive but I’ve only seen other shippers comment Ask 7: Your opinion on Vmin in LA and their vlive? Ask 8: Don’t you think Vlive Vmin/kook was a bit embarrassed? Ask 9: Opinion on the Vmin Vlive? Ask 10: Why are Vmin so awkward in their recent Vlive... Ask 11: ...Jimin didn’t even remember Tae’s leg injury. Ask 12: Why did Tae only want to call JK in his live and not Jimin? Ask 13: Jimin talks about JK. Does Jimin have nothing to say about what he does with Tae? Ask 14: Vmin really be wildin’ in USA, aren’t they? Ask 15: Vmin and Christmas songs Ask 16: Tae and his “idols can have a love life too” attitude Ask 17: A lovely message and how to join discord Ask 18: Another sweet message Ask 19: “Reading your content makes me feel all warmn and fuzzy” Ask 20: “You are my motivation” Ask 21: MY LOVE and toning down Vmin? Ask 22: MY LOVE trolling? Ask 23: “Bro but like romantically” Ask 24: Happy new year and another lovely message
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Let’s go!
Ask 1: Tae’s IG posts being about Jimin?
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Hi @ninjathehusky​ and thank you for loving my posts and following me. :) 
I don’t think I can say much on this actually, because to me this is too vague... I mean, I first of all don’t see why he would need to post things on IG for Jimin when he can just send him things. And secondly unless there is a repeating pattern or something special that might suggest a connection I rather just leave it as nothing. It’s just too easy to apply meanings to things that could be random if we start to think that everything has to mean something. So who knows, but I don’t personally think there is enough of a pattern to think he is posting for Jimin.
Maybe you meant a specific post of his? Either way I haven’t seen anything that really caught my Vmin eye except for the obvious old photoshoot with Vmin in the middle, and of course their first comments on each other’s first posts. :3
Ask 2: Matt Maltese song rec by Tae
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Hi! As with the ask above I just don’t put much meaning into singular posts/song recs. I mean, first of all there are so many contradicting songs used by Tae that how can we know if any of them mean anything specific to him? (Unless every song means something and he flippy flops a lot...) It could just be a song that he likes, and I know I don’t only listen to songs that fit how I am currently feeling/living, so I don’t expect BTS members to either. English songs are even more difficult since I have no clue how often they check the translations of the songs. If he shared like 5 songs on the same topic, and if we perhaps saw other signs that allign with the sentiment in the song that’s a different story though. 
For example, Tae recommennding a song about friends as a song to sing to a lover is interesting because we have seen him talk about friends as lovers before. Or Tae talking about Bruno Major’s Nothing being Jimin’s pick is interesting because he specifically mentions Jimin. But if it’s just a song out of many songs they might use/or recommend there isn’t much for me to speculate about.
So for now I don’t think there is enough for me to really say anything.
Ask 3: Moon and stars Vmin IG pictures
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I do think it’s cute. :) In general the whole “me from the moon, you from the stars” just has such a romantic tone to it. I still can’t quite believe they put that in a song about their relationship. However, when it comes to posting photos of stars or the moon it’s kind of too generic to really add anything to it in a more “could this mean something” kind of way. If they did it at the same time then I would be more willing to side-eye it. But yes, it is cute.
Ask 4: Have you watched the Vmin live?
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I have!! I’ve seen it twice, once without subs and then again with english subtitles. Plus some clips of Vmin that of course is everywhere and that I can’t help but watch every time I come across them. :P But I really need to watch it again, because it was just pure chaos and so cute and I honestly still can’t believe we finally got a Vmin(kook) vlive after all these years! 😭💜
But yeah, I really enjoyed it and it for sure had some interesting moments in it as well. 👀 I will talk about a few of these things further down in this post, but I am gonna need to watch it again!
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I know!! I mean, after Lizzo they must already have known about Vmin (unless they actually did it before but just ignored it) but now for sure they know their ship name. Can you believe we got to hear Tae say Vmin? (Though the subs for some reason sepparated it to V MIN...). This whole vlive just gave me a lot of joy. MORE PLEASE!
Ask 6: Vminies wanted a vlive but I’ve only seen other shippers comment
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Vminies have indeed wanted a vlive for a long time, especially after Jimin basically promised he would bring Tae “next time” and then didn’t follow through for over a year. I know that I and many other Vminies kind of lost it now that we finally got one. So maybe we were all just too busy enjoying it and being happy about it? Those are the type of comments I have seen from a lot of Vminies at least, just them being happy. And quite a few that also commented on them being a bit awkward and things like “now we know why Vmin doesn’t do vlives alone”.
As for “no comments on the topic” I guess you might mean more analytical types of opinions on it? I mean, I know I didn’t say much because it happened during my “break” and I can’t speak for why other Vminies haven’t said much... What I do know is that speaking on longer clips with a lot to unpack takes more time. So for me I can speak on it with some general ideas or thoughts but if I want to make a proper post about it I am gonna need the time to rewatch and take notes so that I can make something more like a proper analysis.
As for other shippers’ views I haven’t seen much at all, so I don’t know what insane and far from reality conclusions they might have come to. But I am sure most shippers will overanalyze this vlive to death and add their own spinn on it.
For me I rather not focus on what other shippers say, because it’s just a different perspective from mine, and by now I can already guess how it might be turned into proof for different ships. It doesn’t change reality though. If you want more of an opinion you might have to send me more details of what things other shippers were saying, because I won’t go look for it myself. (Though I won’t guarantee I can or will answer it since it depends on if I feel I can say something or not.) Still, thanks for the ask and sorry I couldn’t give more of an answer.
Ask 7: Your opinion on Vmin in LA and their vlive?
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I can say my opinion. :) I thought it was great, and funny though a little awkward. But actually I probably thought is was a lot less strange and awkward than what I have seen people comment. I think we saw Vmin be Vmin, and I think most of the awkwardness came from them just not knowing what to do and say. Jimin also tends to get a bit caught of guard and giggly with things Tae says or does and we got that too... I really think generally speaking it was just great seeing the two of them alone together, even though they didn’t really seem to know what to fill their time with. ^^’’’
I was also happy to see maknae line together again, because it’s a rather underrated chaotic combination. This whole thing kind of reminded me of the old hide and seek video. With the three of them playing games and doing roleplay together. It was cute. :3
As for LA Vmin in general it was just A LOT! I am glad new ARMY finally got a taste of what Award ceremony Vmin usually is like, meaning them being clingy and looking like total boyfriends. If you’ve read my post Top 15 Vmin moments 2021 then you know I had to put LA Vmin on a spot of it’s own because of all the cute things we got. Honestly, LA Vmin spoiled us so much I am feeling extra lonely now during the break, even though we have already gotten some pretty nice Vmin moments. I guess that’s just what happens when we get an avalanche of moments during a short period followed by a lot less BTS.
Ask 8: Don’t you think Vlive Vmin/kook was a bit embarrassed?
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Hi and I don’t personally felt that part you mentioned seemed particularly weird or that they seemed embarrassed. In fact I think it seems to be very normal and casual for Jimin and JK to mention the things they do together, which indeed seem to be very common. But I also think the fact that Tae was surprised to see JK open the room should be noted just as much as JK being there, and also Tae going to Jimin’s room randomly should be noted as well. In all honesty I think most shippers focus so much on just one side, aka. one ship, they lose sight of the full perspective. In this case I think Jimin talking about how JK often comes over and Tae mentioning it does of course mean it happens a lot, but I also think it shows it’s not that common. Considering Jimin’s own comment about “I wonder if he wants something urgent/important” and then also Tae’s comment on being surpised JK opened the door to Jimin’s room. Basically I think as usual shippers have too easily went with the one conclusion they want, while personally I think it’s just that some members get bored or lonely more easily, and some members are easier to approach basically whenever. Of course that’s just my guess and opinion. But to me the way Ji/kook behave is just what I expect from two very close people who have nothing to hide rather than a secret couple.
Either way, most of the embarrassment I saw when Vmin/kook were together was when they didn’t know what to do or say, and when brands were mentioned.
Ask 9: Opinion on the Vmin Vlive?
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Thank you! I too hope that 2022 will bring a lot of Vmin and great things from BTS for all of us to enjoy! :) Again, I am not sure why other Vminies haven’t written much about it, but to me there is the timing, the issue of not having time and frankly I also don’t think there is that much to say that haven’t been generally noted by the fandom already. 
I do of course have some thoughts and there were a few intresting moments for sure, but I actually do feel it has been brought up a lot in small general comments/posts/discussions, though perhaps not in any bigger analysis. Like the awkwardness, the giggling, Jimin’s soft voice, Jimin casually calling Tae teddybear, the Jimin cleaning his kimchi with his mouth and feeding it to Tae comment, the Christmas songs mentions, the Vmin/kook comparisons etc.
A lot of it was just rather obvious and talked about in general, so maybe that’s why? I really don’t know, but to me this Vlive kind of just showed us more of what many of us already expected from a Vmin vlive and a lot of things we have seen before.
Ask 10: Why are Vmin so awkward in their recent Vlive...
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Honestly to me Vmin just seem to generally be a bit awkward when it’s just the two of them (I think we have quite a few examples by now), but considering how it can look I thought they did pretty well and this vlive wasn’t that bad. :P I think Jimin just gets a bit awkward and perhaps even embarrassed when Tae is being random, or unprepared. Like he can’t keep the fond giggling at bay. I also do think them not knowing what to do or talk about did add a lot to their awkardness too just like they said.
I think the one moment that really stood out to me was when Tae first mentioned that Jimin also did a Christmas song, because I do not know what there is to feel embarrassed or awkward about that. To me this was the moment that stood out to me as most “weird” in the vlive I think. Otherwise I think what is perhaps the most interesting here is that we get examples similar to other situations that could indicate some habits or reactions that Jimin does when he gets embarrassed. For example turning away, speaking more quiet, hiding his face, laughing or just in general being very preoccupied with random things like the lamp or “the night view is really nice.” The last one in particular REALLY reminds me of Jimin in BV4 when he and Tae chose a room together. Because Vmin shake hands and Jimin randomly walks off and comments on the nice view. Too me that always came off as Jimin being awkward or embarrassed (in a situation that should be perfectly normal), and now with a similar moment and comment I feel it even more. So to me this Vlive is more of new examples of things we have kind of seen before in different ways.
Anyways, I gotta say, I actually think Vmin, as in the interactions between the two, weren’t that awkward but that most (though not all) seemed to be about them not knowing what to say. However, again, we already know it is a repeating pattern by now that Vmin seem a bit awkward when alone, so this is kind of another example of that. Though it could and likely had to do with other things as well too, like not knowing what to say/not having done lives for a while.
Ask 11: ...Jimin didn’t even remember Tae’s leg injury.
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No! Never ask me this question. Here go read this: Vmin “being distant”
Also correction, Vmin being awkward might be partly true, but it wasn’t that they didn’t know what to say to each other, they didn’t know what to say to ARMY. (That might actually be part of the problem for Vmin, that they don’t know how to talk to each other with ARMY there, but that is definitely more of a wild/delusional guess.)
And about the leg injury, Tae literally talked about it in his ending ment the same day. And just earlier in the live Jimin and Tae talked about working out, and Tae said “I really should start but it’s so hard” without mentioning his injury so I honestly just think it temporarily slipped Jimin’s mind due to the subject of working out probably being something they have mention before and also as it’s something Tae doesn’t really do but have expressed a want to start. I am sure Jimin knew about Tae’s leg, he probably just got a brain fart. Anyways, obviously people are free to make a big deal out of it, but I won’t.
Ask 12: Why did Tae only want to call JK in his live and not Jimin?
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No! Never ask me this question. Here go read this: Vmin “being distant”
As for not wanting Jimin we don’t know that he didn’t want Jimin. He simlpy said he would ask for JK. Tae also held on to Jimin and asked him to stay in the vlive when Jimin said he would leave. So clearly Tae liked having him there or he wouldn’t have said he should stay to the end.
Why Tae asked for JK we can’t know but my theory is that JK is the easiest member to ask and the most likely to come. I think this is why he often shows up in other members lives. I think Jimin even said “it’s the easiest to ask the maknae” and we know JK gets easily bored, they even mention it in the live. So I think it makes total sense that most members would think of JK when asking someone to show up for a live without planning it beforehand.
Also, Vmin has a track record of being weird with being in each other’s vlives, but we have no idea why. But clearly it hasn’t reflected anything negative on their general closeness for the past 5 years, so why should it now?
Ask 13: Jimin talks about JK. Does Jimin have nothing to say about what he does with Tae?
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Honestly, I don’t know. Ji/kook as usual are very clear and outspoken with how much time they spend together. As for Vmin we did get a few “earlier in the car” or “I already knew you enjoy whiskey” or “I went to Jimin’s room” but indeed, we rarely get to hear anything substantial of Vmin spending time together. Maybe they do boring stuff, maybe it’s private, maybe it’s just something that doesn’t happen as often. Either way I think we all have noted a ”lack” of Vmin stories, and also that it does seem they might be a bit private about it since it does happen that they spend time together, but they rarely elaborate on it.
What I did feel is that Jimin talked more “too Tae” about himself and perhaps that’s natural when including ARMY as a third part. Like they have to be clear and mention things in a way that ARMY understands too. 
Lastly, I am not sure I would call it a “need” for Jimin to talk about his close contacts with JK, but he for sure seems to be very open with his time with JK compared to with Tae. I wish we got more stories about Vmin and their relationship and things they do together considering Jimin’s own comment:
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In his own words they clearly can talk about “us” non stop. So why won’t they? Who knows. It¨s one of those things that I don¨t understand, especially considering their “best friends” label and that we do know they spend time together. Other members also seem to be perfectly fine with talking about the things they do together. So yeah. Weird, but we honestly don’t know the reason and can only guess.
Ask 14: Vmin really be wildin’ in USA, aren’t they?
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Finally someone who took this live in a postive way and enjoyed it as it deserved to be enjoyed! Honestly I really liked these lives and I think we as Vminies should be so happy for what we finally got. Vmin in LA were wildin’ and giving us above and beyond what I expected!  💜
The Christmas song part though, like..... Is it just me or does it almost feel like just looking at Jimin makes Tae think of Christmas? ;P Ok, sorry I couldn’t help myself. But really, what are the odds of Tae bringing up both of their Christmas songs like this? He really wants me to side-eye him I think.
Ask 15: Vmin and Christmas songs
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Yeah, well I think Tae just thinking about both their Christmas songs could be a coincidence.... But it’s also getting hard to just label everything as coincidences considering how it happens and how often it happens. I don’t know if there are any plans for more Vmin Christmas collabs though, I personally don’t think so. Though it does seem like Tae still might want it!
But looking at it in hindsight I also can’t help but wonder about “Christmas Tree”, because logically it feels like Tae must have known it would come out on Christmas day by the time of this live. He had definitely already made it by the time of the Vlive since it was only like a week before the first reveal of the song. I swear I never know with Tae if he is trolling us on purpose or not at times like this. Maybe that was also another reason for Jimin’s reaction? I honestly don’t know, but clearly Tae must have known about his own song, a song named Christmas Tree, being released soon as he once again brought up his own Christmas song, Jimin’s Christmas song and a notion (though some translates it differently) to make a song together.
I say it again, but the songs.... I can’t get over the coincidences, and the weird things. And especially Tae’s repeating pattern to bring it up alongside Jimin.
Someone kill me now before Tae fries my brain with his songs...
Ask 16: Tae and his “idols can have a love life too” attitude
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I haven’t yet! 😭 But I really want to watch it, and the way you describe this scene seems very in line with my image of Tae. 
What I can say is that I agree that Tae in general seems a bit tired of the dating topic, or rather that he seems to want to be able to express his love. Out of all members we know Tae is the most outspoken, and he has been blunt enough to say Sweet Night was a personal song and other similar moments. I think it’s safe to say Tae has or at the very least have had and/or wants a love life. And he is being more and more open about it too. Which sadly allows for more ARMY to get invasive about it. But perhaps it will in time make people accept the idea that Taehyung isn’t gonna stay single and is waiting to marry ARMY.
His lyrics are often romantic, the other members says he is the most romantic member, he really seems to want to share or have more than he can get at the moment and I feel so bad for them; that the idol culture is the way it is.
Taehyung is brave, and honest and I love him. (But I don’t expect to marry him).
Ask 17: A lovely message and how to join discord
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Hi, and what an honor for you to join Tumblr for my sake. Thank you!! (Also there is nothing at all wrong with your English!)
As for joining the discord, as you say you can send a message, but if not then just send an ask like this with your username (not anon). I will then send a private message to you (I already have to you, but I am explaining in case someone else wonders as well.). <3
Ask 18: Another sweet message
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Hi, and first of all I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in 2020 and for me having BTS and Vmin, and this community, helped a lot as well.
I also want to say thank you so much for your kind message, and finding my posts thoughtful and insightful. Sadly there are a lot of conflicting views, and a lot of rather negative ones, out there about Vmin’s bond, but thankfully most of the fandom knows how much Vmin love and adore each other.
I am also amazed you found me through my youtube video, because I think it’s a first that someone saw the video and then came here and not the other way around. :3
As you know I’ve already sent the link to discord, but I still wanted to share your message. Thank you again. :)
Ask 19: “Reading your content makes me feel all warmn and fuzzy”
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I totally relate to the “feeling warm and fuzzy” part while reading your ask anon. Thank you!
I don’t know why, but I always feel so happy hearing new ARMY find their way here. I don’t know how you stumbled upon my blog, but thank you so much for the kind words. Stay safe and happy, and I love you all so much as well. 💜
Ask 20: “You are my motivation”
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Hi @ren36, and thank you. Your words made me tear up. I never expected to be named as someone’s motivation. 🥺 I can’t believe you would put me next to BTS like that. I don’t think I deserve this kind of praise, but thank you. Truly, your words have moved me and it’s hearing these lovely types of messages from you all that is my biggest motivation as well!
Ask 21: MY LOVE and toning down Vmin?
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Thank you so much and HAPPY NEW YEAR and well wishes right back to you!  💜
MY LOVE.... Aaaah, just reading it fills me with a certain warmth. :3
I do think it’s possible that Namjoon copied if for “Vmin reasons” but as I said in Happy birthday “my love”! I am not sure it makes that much of a difference if Namjoon (and Hobi) copies it when it’s already been said. I mean, of course many ARMY saw it as some inside joke, but I don’t think it was a big deal enough to get directions from the company to do damage control. More likely I think it was Namjoon’s own idea, no matter if it was just trolling or to deflect a bit of the attention.
Tae asking Jin to post a specific photo could of course be something to tone down the “it clearly looks like a off time photo” from Jimin, but I also think if I remember correctly that Tae has asked Jin to post specific photos before? Either way it’s really just speculation one way or another. But in my opinion this tweet is nothing new or that much “worse” compared to many things we have seen before. Including their mushy birthday wishes/letters to each other and even Tae calling Jimin “my love” before as well. It was incredibly cute though, and I live for Vmin using these types of labels for each other.
Ask 22: MY LOVE trolling?
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It is sad. How would it be trolling anyways? Who wouldn’t like to get called someone’s love? (Or get someone’s love?) Let’s ignore the boring people who needs reasons for Vmin to not genuinely express their love in the most ridiculous and endearing ways. One would think the fandom would have realized this is a very regular thing with Vmin by now...
Ask 23: “Bro but like romantically”
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Yeah, he truly is!! And we got the message alright. And I am sure Tae did too! ;)
For real though, non Vminies acts like the bro makes any of their behavior less sweet, but it really doesn’t. Also if any part of that messsage was some kind of BTS inside joke the bro is it, not the MY LOVE part. :P
Ask 24: Happy new year and another lovely message
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Happy New year! I know the later half of the year has been a bit empty on my part, but I am so glad you guys are enjoying my posts. It really means the world to me to get positive feedback and comments like this. 💜
Being a dedicated Vminie isn’t difficult at all though. They caught me right away when I joined the fandom back in 2016 but I could never have predicted then that this is what I would be doing now. By now I keep writing thanks to your love and support, but loving Vmin never was and never will be hard.  💜
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Thank you for all the asks, and as usual I only answered a fraction of what I have gotten... But I tried to at least get all asks on the same topics covered. I aslo added a lot of sweet messages from you, because I like coming back to read them and I think you all should know how much I appreciate all your love and support for me and this blog.
I hope you had fun reading, and again, let’s hope for a lovely 2022! We are sure off to a great start! I purple you all! 💜
55 notes ¡ View notes
youryanderedaddy ¡ 3 years
Imagine a yandere ghost who is cursed is trapped in the doll, so one day a family came to live in his house, but what the ghost did not expect is to fall in love with the couple's eldest daughter. Maybe this yandere ghost (doll) use the younger brother to get closer to his beloved...
I didn't really include the doll, but the overall idea is here ;)
Tw: nsfw, non - con, underage sex? (The reader is meant to be around 18, her brother is 16 - 17, but the ghost is 100+ so idk), (technically) incest, ghosts, possession, possessive/obsessive behavior, slight parental neglect ig
You knew it was a mistake moving into the old house up the hill. You tried arguing with your parents so many times about the mansion being hidden in the woods, so far away from any civilization, bringing up the fact it hadn't been bought for the last 8 years despite the insanely low price or the news about the previous owners dying in their sleep just like that, from "natural causes" even though they were an young energetic couple. But of course your worries had been discarded so easily since your younger siblings were ecstatic, constantly talking about finally living in a castle, which was obviously pushing it too far, but kids will be kids.
Your family was big, consisting of your mother, father, two younger sisters and a brother currently in his late teens. Your siblings managed to take all the nice bright rooms on the second floor so you were forced to sleep in the attic. At first it didn't seem so bad, yes, the place was dark and dusty, the space was limited, but it was a quiet spot and there were many interesting things left there to explore and discover.
The first week you discovered a huge box full of old books, medals, notebooks and different souvenirs from all over the world. The second week you found a few paintings covered by a thin disheveled cloak, most of them depicting a pretty young boy with golden locks and sad green eyes, dresses in an expensive silky clothing resembling what was nowadays considered an elegant suit. You didn't pay it much mind yet the miserable longing gaze of the kid haunted your dreams in the following days.
During the third week you noticed that things were going missing one by one. First it was your favorite lipstick, then your new dress, and suddenly your favorite items were gone just like that. On top of all, almost as if fate was tickling your paranoia, you could hear certain sounds at night that were too distorted be natural and too human to belong to an animal. There were sobs, loud and tormented, sometimes you could make up a few words in a language no one spoke anymore. You slept less and less each night, you could swear you felt someone's lingering touch on your shoulders, them gently stroking your hair and even pressing their cold unmoving lips on yours. This was usually the point when you opened your eyes and screamed in fear only to realize you were alone in the room. There was nobody there.
Still you decided to speak with your parents about the creepy events taking place in the attic. Much to your dismay they brushed your concerns off once again, laughing softly and calling you a scaredy - cat, going as far as to joke around about your "oh so creative" imagination getting the best of you just like it did in your childhood. But this time you insisted on holding your ground, almost begging them to take action and help you. At the end your mother decided to let you sleep in your brother's room for a while until you calm down, and as embarrassing it was to share a room with a hormonal teen, it was better than constantly being on the edge and losing sleep. Or so you thought.
The first night you slept in Steve's room nothing out of the ordinary happened and for the first time in weeks you actually managed to rest. The second night was blissfully peaceful as well and you quickly fell into a deep dreamless slumber.
The third night started well, just like the previous two. Your brother was tired from studying all day and went to bed early, giving you the freedom to relax a little bit before following his example. You could read a book or try to revise for your exam tomorrow, maybe even call your bestfriend and finally let her know all about your new classmates and just how boring life in the village was. But in that moment all these suggestion sounded annoying, nothing was interesting enough to hold your interest for more than a minute. Thinking about what to do next, you suddenly became aware that your body was tense and tired, but your mind was restless. After all you hadn't had time for self - care between the paranoia episodes and the fear, maybe it was finally time to do something nice and therapeutic for yourself.
You snatched a quick look at Steve and he was sleeping soundly, snoring from time to time, his usually angry face now calm and childlike. Making sure there was no one in the room awake, you finally slipped a hand down your pajama bottom until you felt the soft fabric of your panties. You closed your eyes and run a finger up and down your clothed sex, following the line of your slit. Your pussy throbbed at the sudden contact, the lack of pleasure in the last few weeks making it sensitive to the touch. You pushed your underwear lower so it hanged around your legs, and shoved one finger into your warm hole, enjoy the way your walls clenched around the digit. You flicked your clit gently, feeling it swell from the arousal, rubbing slow circles and pressing on your sweet spot every once in a while.
Your free hand went to your breasts, bare under the comfy oversized shirt, and awoke the cherry nipples with subtle pinches causing them to harden. You couldn't help but moan quietly as you decreased the pace of which you teased your hole and added a second finger in your pussy, fucking yourself on it. You were so focused on chasing your pleasure you didn't even notice the hand on your thigh pulling your own away from your excited throbbing core and replacing it with a big hard cock. Only once its head reached your tight entrance and pressed on it did your mind register the atrocious size difference. Your words stilled in your throat, the sudden panic rising in your chest, making your vision blurry and your cheeks rosy pink. You finally opened your eyes, your heart racing at the image of your younger brother towering above you with his member so close to entering your heat.
"Steve, what are you doing?" You whispered as you tried to squirm away from the boy, but he was quicker in pinning your wrists above your head in a deadlock. When did the male become so strong? Just yesterday he would ask you to open up his water bottle and help him with his math homework and now he was doing this...
"My name is Henry, my love." The voice was different from your brother's, lower and huskier, gentler in a way. You narrowed your eyes and observed the teenager's face, gasping as you noticed that his eyes had changed from black to green, yet all his other features had stayed stayed the same. You wanted to ask so many questions - who is Henry, why were your sibling's eyes and voice different from before - but you were quickly shut by one stern gaze. "I used to live here 80 years ago." The stranger started off with an unexpectedly soft tone as his grip on your wrists loosened. "I'm a ghost. I possessed your brother." He confessed calmly while you watched his pink lips part slightly with each breath as if you were in a trance before you found the strength to break your silence.
"Why are doing this to me? Why did you take my brother's body?" You questioned him manically, feeling like a confused little lamb sent to the slaughter, trembling and stuttering in front of a knife. Henry simply chuckled at your adorable dumbfounded expression and lowered his torso until his face was mere inches away from yours and you could feel his ice - cold breath on your warm red cheek. "Because I love you, darling." The ghost replied with a confident smirk that looked so weird and unnatural on the younger boy's face you almost gagged. Before you had the chance to say anything, he continued. "I've been wanting you for a while now, little girl. And with this body I can finally have you all to myself." You opened your mouth in a protest but your screams were easily muffled by a harsh kiss and a wet tongue down your throat. Next thing you knew the man had pushed your brother's manhood into your wet sloppy cunt in one sharp thurst and in your despair you had yelled for help once again, the ghost taking your whimpers greedily and shushing them away. Struggling was pointless.
In the next hour you were reduced to a sweaty whimpering mess of pain and arousal, fear and pleasure. The ghost was fucking you in a fast brutal pace while his free hand was playing with your clit, bringing you so damn close but never enough to send you over the edge. You were crying and your whole body was aching, your tits red from the rough manhandlind, your lips bruised and swollen from the rough kisses and bites. There were purple hickeys adorning your neck, belly and thighs and you went quiet in embarrassment every time you wondered how you would be able to hide them the next day.
"Please, whoever you are, let me come, I'm begging you." You pleaded desperately as you arched your back to meet the next couple of deep thrusts. Your cheeks were wet with tears and you could even taste the bitter salty flavor in your mouth mixed with your own drool and saliva. Upon hearing your meek pleas the man mercifully started hitting your cervix with each shove until his moves became sharp and quick, targeting your g-spot. You were so close you could feel your abdomen clench and tighten from the tingling sensitations. "Please..." You uttered weakly again, making doe eyes at your brother.
"Say you love me. Tie your soul to mine forever and I'll give you exactly what you want, beloved." Henry basically growled in your ear as he groped your breasts, squizing lightly the soft flesh. Your mind was so hazy and clouded you weren't sure how to respond so you just repeated the words easiest to grasp. "Love... you... forever, ngggh..." You muttered under your breath before moaning wantonly when the forceful thrusts finally sent you over the edge and your pussy clamped down in a big, satisfying orgasm. Your bliss was short - lived because soon the ghost was pounding into you again and again, keeping you too tired to move, struggle or even speak properly besides whimpering every once in a while. The rest of the night was a blur but eventually you fell asleep from the exhausting and the pleasure.
You woke up sore, your eyes red and puffy, your muscles tense and unnatentive. You rushed to look at your brother, but the teenager was sleeping just as peacefully as he did eight hours ago. One side of you was more than glad to know everything that had happened was simply a bad, terrible dream, while the other one still felt extremely uncomfortable and uneasy. You couldn't bear staying in the room any longer so you got dressed and went into the hall. Everyone else was still asleep and you felt as restless as if you hadn't caught a blink at all. You finally gave in to your paranoia and climbed the stars leading to the third floor.
You knelt on the ground where you had found the beautiful paintings. Those green eyes from your dream seemed way too familiar for it to be a coincidence. When you finally got a hold of your favorite piece, the one with the sad young boy, you had to cover your mouth to suppress the shock. There wasn't an aristocrat with golden locks on the picture anymore.
Now the one trapped in the painting was none other than you own brother, Steve. Instead of misery and pain in mysterious blue eyes, there was only terror in his tormented black ones. You screamed for the last time before you dropped the picture on the ground and ran away from the attic, the tears streaming down your face, but unfortunately, there was no escape from the restless dead souls.
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shyvioletcat ¡ 3 years
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Yeah... I'm the worst...
*Redid the tags, got told some weren’t working. Sorry*
~ Masterlist ~
There was an ugly silence in the room, no one quite knowing how to break it. A small sob had Rowan looking back at Lyria, her hand cradling her stomach. The gesture caused a pain so sharp in Rowan’s chest that he choked on it because of the lies that rested beneath her hand. He had no real sense of reality as he stood there looking between his wife and the man she had been unfaithful to him with. His brain was still processing what he had overheard.
“You never gave me a chance.”
“Have you told him that the baby may not even be his?”
Rowan’s knees went weak and he thought he may start vomiting. This was a joke. Some sick cruel joke his friends had decided to play on him, Aelin always liked to pull a good prank. But the longer he looked at Lyria and from the look on her face the way she was trembling… this was no joke.
“Rowan. We–”
“No,” Rowan said, not bothering to look at the other man in the room. “This is not coming from you.”
Rowan’s brain was finally catching up with him and he had so many questions. The first and foremost was how exactly Sam rutting Cortland got to be standing in his kitchen as a possible father of the baby his wife was carrying.
“I want you to leave,” Rowan said to Sam. “I’m leaving this room and I want you gone.”
He didn’t bother to address Lyria as he left the kitchen and started down the hallway. She had two options here, she could come and find once showing her guest out or she could leave. Rowan hoped that for the sake of his sanity she chose the former. A dilemma struck Rowan as he stood in the hallway, only overhearing hushed sounds of conversation through his home. Where was he going to go? He didn’t want to have this conversation in the bedroom, it felt too intimate as the ravine between him and Lyria was gaping wider by the second. He wasn’t going to go back out to any of the rooms beyond the hallway and risk running into Sam again. That really only left him one option.
Rowan turned the door handle of the baby’s room and stepped inside.
The walls were painted a soft yellow, bits and pieces of baby paraphernalia were stacked in piles around the room that they hadn’t got around to sorting through. Seems they had a few more things they needed to sort through.
The fact that Sam was possibly the father of the baby had him reeling. Aelin and Sam had been broken up for a while now. Rowan had liked the guy, but he could tell that the two of them weren't meant to be. Sam and him were close to friends by the time the relationship fell apart, not enough that once Aelin had let him go Rowan had kept in contact. There's was a lot of missing information between then and now. Gods, had Aelin known and not told him? Is that why she had been getting progressively more distant over these past months?
Rowan waited, the feeling of wanting to empty the contents of his stomach returning in full force. His ears were straining for any indication that Lyria was still house. The front door closed and then he heard soft footsteps. She went to the bedroom first, saying his name softly–her voice wavering. She obviously didn’t find him there so she finally came to him. The door squeaked as she pushed it open and Rowan made a mental note to fix that before the baby came, he didn’t want them waking up because of the noise. That thought had him closing his eyes and leaning on the box that held the pieces of the cot, not even knowing where his future was heading.
Lyria was silent, waiting for Rowan to say something. So he did.
“Why?” he asked simply.
“I don’t know,” Lyria said quietly.
“Yes you do,” Rowan said coldly. “Stop trying to spare my feelings. Just tell me.”
Lyria walked over to the rocking chair in the corner, the only real piece of furniture in the room and eased herself down. At any other time Rowan would be over there, helping and hovering. But right now he was rooted to the spot.
“It was just after we had that big fight, the one about my car,” Lyria explained. That had been well over a year ago, this wasn’t the cause of the current problem. “I went out and I randomly ran into Sam. We got talking, he’d just had that messy breakup with Aelin so we were commiserating together. We exchanged numbers.”
“And then what? Swapping numbers doesn’t get you pregnant,” Rowan said as he finally turned around.
He saw Lyria in the chair, head tipped back as tears ran down her cheeks. “It was another fight, over something stupid I can’t remember now, and I told Sam and we went out and we got drunk. We’d been texting for a while, we had become friends and talking almost every day. Then suddenly that line blurred and we were more than that and that night he asked me to come back to his place, you’d headed out of town so I said yes. We had sex back at his place, and it was the worst mistake of my life.”
Rowan remembered that, he had the same blip in his memory over what exactly the fight was over, but he remembered leaving town overnight for work. He had tried to call Lyria so many times but eventually giving her the space he interpreted her silence to be asking for. And the truth of it was worse than he could have ever imagined.
“He loves you,” Rowan said, even though they broke his own heart.
“Yes.” Lyria’s reply came out with a sob.
“And do you love him?” At this point Rowan felt as though he was digging his own grave, each question and answer taking him deeper.
Another sob tore from Lyria and Rowan’s heart betrayed him, forgetting about his own pain and anger. All he wanted to do was hold his wife, kiss her and dry her tears, tell her none of it mattered. But still, he held back. He wanted to hear the answer first.
“No,” Lyria said but it lacked conviction. “I don’t know. But I know that I love you more.”
“That’s no consolation prize there, Ria,” Rowan said bitterly.
Lyria didn’t say anything, she just continued to cry and now was rubbing her stomach. Rowan had done that countless times, he had felt that baby move, talked to them, assured them that no matter what as their father he would always be there. But now…
That final question loomed in front of him, ready to drag him over the precipice of no return. Despite it all, Rowan couldn’t explain how the smile appeared on his face as he readied to say the words that could potentially haunt him for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t ask directly, he couldn't. Instead he’d delay the swing of the axe.
“Do you know?” He was a coward for delaying. “Do you know who the father is?”
Lyria nodded tears cascading over her cheeks, he watched them fall one after the other as she nodded, and he could tell her lies had reached their end. Hoping, more than believing that she was resolute in giving him an answer.
Rowan’s voice was so hollow he barely recognised it in his own ears as he said, “Tell me.”
There was a sturdy knock at the door and Aelin pushed Fleetfoot off her lap as she went to answer it. The food had arrived much quicker than she thought, she was always far too impatient to watch the actual delivery process on her phone. She tended to just get angry at the route her driver made or yelled when the wait time would randomly fluctuate. So instead she would place her order and just wait for the text. Aelin smiled at the prospect at take-out arriving, though on her way she realised that she hadn’t actually received the text indicating it was in fact here. Shrugging to herself as she swung the door open, assuming that the delivery guy had just forgotten. However, that smile fell when she saw who stood in her doorway.
It was Rowan.
Yeah, I'm definitely the worst. This one seems short but I promise the next one will make up for it. 
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