#well ok saying heavily is probably a bit of a stretch but yknow involved nonetheless
arolesbianism ยท 4 months
Every day I shake and cry as I stare longingly at years old posts and threads abt oni lore knowing very well that even if the original poster still gives a shit abt oni lore they probably don't give as much of a shit as I do
#rat rambles#oni posting#^ not said in a 'Im the only Real oni fan' way but in a 'Im insane' way#I know damn well Im the only guy who has a several hour lecture about olivia characterization based on barely anything locked and loaded#its just me losing my mind as olivia is mentioned in an email or smth and contemplating the potential deep implications of i#all while the mention in question is just that shell be at a party or smth (that is an actual example of exactly this experience btw)#look tbf it is a fascinating mention as it shoes that despite complications in olivia and jackies relationship olivia is still heavily#involved in company matters including stuff regarding company image and events#well ok saying heavily is probably a bit of a stretch but yknow involved nonetheless#it shoes some strange degree of trust on jackie's part even though she obviously doesn't actually trust or respect her much otherwise#thats a bit harsh but its not wrong jackie very much doesnt respect olivia like at all even if she might not think that she doesnt#and well jackie seemingly doesnt trust olivia to be given privy to certain information#tbf its because she knows damn well its stuff olivia would be against so its not like shes making an incorrect judgement there per say#but I do think on some level olivia is the closest thing to a person jackie sees as an equal#not nearly close enough evidently but olivia is despite everything an important person to jackie#jackie just also sucks and is too caught up in her own ambition to truly see how poorly she treats olivia#she wants olivia to be there and gives her a lot of resources and power along with additional responsibilities so on some level she does#see olivia as at the bare minimum more valuable to her goals than most ppl but along with the evident personal factors it becomes rly messy#it showcases one of the core flaws of jackie as a very emotionally driven person who wants to see and present herself as objective#and you see this is the bullshit I was talking abt I pulled all of that straight out of my ass and the tiniest bit from One email
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