#what i have just described is the plot of ultrakill. it is also the plot of tma s5.
when i was created the universe did not give me the patience necessary to become an artist simply because it knew that the world wasn't ready for my magnificent ideas. such as "tma except it's ultrakill" or "tmagp except it's cruelty squad"
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tocautiouslygo · 4 years
Hi! I'm Jay. I'm a 26 year old disabled queer nonhuman from the UK. Please don't gender me or call me human. Also, please avoid ableist language on my posts and in my notifications.
This blog is firmly in support of the liberation of marginalised people and against capitalism.
I'm tired and I have no patience for amatonormativity in fandom.
DNI if: you're a TERF, you police the terms other people use for their own genders/sexualities/disabilities/neurodivergence (for example: exclusionists, transmeds, anti self dx), you don't support BLM, you don't support bodily autonomy (anti abortion, swerfs, anti medication (including self medication)), you don't support otherkin/other alterhumans, you think certain disabilities make people evil/abusive (eg "narcissistic abuse" believers).
More detailed "about this blog" under the cut. (You don't have to read any further if you don't want!)
There's a lot of star trek here! It's no longer my special interest like it was when I started this blog but I still like it a lot. I've watched less of it than you would probably assume because I got into it after I stopped easily being able to watch things due to disability. Words are hard so I almost exclusively reblog things. There's quite a lot of shipping here (tagged as #shipping for filtering purposes). Occasional non-Trek awareness and positivity posts are tagged as #not trek. I try to tag everything by series and character/ship. Feel free to go back through my blog! I enjoy the notifications.
Current spoiler policy is to tag everything from an episode for 1 week after it airs and tag major plot points for 1 month after the end of the season, as #[show] spoilers eg #snw spoilers.
I follow easily and unfollow/block easily, it's nothing personal. If I unfollowed you but didn't block you I'm okay with you still interacting with me - it probably just meant I didn't vibe with what you post or you didn't tag something I need tagging.
If there's anything I can do to make my blog more accessible to you, please tell me. I try to tag common triggers, as well as things like sarcasm and misinformation. Please let me know if you'd like something tagging. I try to only reblog videos with captions or transcripts. I describe every image I post myself, but I may reblog undescribed images (tagged as #undescribed). Sorry about that. I'm always happy to clarify the meaning of anything I say, explain jokes, and so on.
I'm trying my best to unlearn white supremacy (full disclosure: I'm white), ableism, and everything else that upholds systemic oppression. I appreciate callouts if I mess up.
You can find me elsewhere on the internet here:
Sideblog for non-trek stuff that doesn't fit here: @cakefordogs
Ultrakill sideblog: @not-hatred-but-passion
Murderbot sideblog: [currently password protected and inactive - if you know me from that fandom and want to look through the archive feel free to ask for the password]
AO3: tocautiouslygo
Non-fanfic writing (mostly poetry, some microfiction, occasional essays): write.as/cakefordogs
Fediverse: @ perihelion @ blobfox.coffee
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