#when I say I love cloud print and sky imagery and stuff I am not joking. that's one of my Big Things on a similar level to cats and snow
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misc. photos of the past few weeks or so :0
#descriptions and context in the captions as usual#I build up TONS of these types of pictures that are just random daily life stuff and not actually costumes or anything interesting and I#always forget to post them or do anything with them so... I will spam a few in a row#but then will be all caught up. This is the most recent one and I think covers like..#feb 2022 - july 2022#the other ones I just posted .. gods I'm not sure how far back some of those are#2021 or 2020 at least lol#I do not take a lot of personal pictures often hbhbj#OR I DO but they're literally ALL of the sky#something about me is I take constant pictures of the sky#but like it'd be weird for this blog to post 8 cloud pictures a week and just become a cloud blog and not a 'personal/art blog' so its#like ....... what do I do with them#YEA h   in my folders right now (I sort pictures into like 'personal' photos 'cat' photos' nature photos etc. )#my cloud/sky folder has 685 pictures in it gybhjbhgjh#when I say I love cloud print and sky imagery and stuff I am not joking. that's one of my Big Things on a similar level to cats and snow#(+ other precipitation /weather. I also like rain and sleet and stuff just not as much as snow)#ANYWAY trying to catch up on images since Why Not#I really need to clean pictures off my computer more often since the space is being taken up#I mean not REALLY I think out of 900GB storage I have like 500 used so I still have 400 left AND I make videos#so that's good considering I have hours and hours and hours of game footage laying around#BUT still. that's another thing I'm weird about is being bothered by and always trying to clear away digital clutter lol#if you don't want to see posts like this then just block the tag 'photo diary' since I think thats what I've always used for them in the pas#t and now#and if you do like to see posts like this then you're in luck since I've just posted like 10 of them lmao#anyway#photo diary
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gefdreamsofthesea · 7 years
The Oracle of the Unicorns just came and I am in love.
I love them they are so pretty.
They are borderless. They have one of the prettiest back designs (the Northern Lights and trees that are reflected in a body of water).
The artwork is done by multiple artists and I know some of you don’t like decks with multiple artists but in this case I don’t feel like there’s a single out of place card. The author is Cordelia Francesca Brabbs. She has also done the out of print Goddess Power Pack.
The deck has a very airy feel, lots of sky/cloud imagery. Some of the cards are more watery, earthy, and fiery but I’d say it’s predominately air-focused if you care about stuff like that.
Most of the cards just have unicorns on them. Of the cards that have people, only one appears to be not white and near as I can tell they are all women, sorry everyone who is not a woman.
I just glanced at the guidebook. It is a very skinny guidebook. There are five spreads and apart from the Elemental Star they appear to be original spreads. No Celtic Cross, this is good. The entries for each card include the title, the text that’s on the card, a small black and white image, and a couple paragraphs of text. (TBH I’m not really impressed with any of Blue Angel’s guidebooks). There is also a section of artist biographies and a couple pages with the card, the artist who did the art for it, and the title of the artwork. Praise the gods! It is so annoying to have to hunt through the artist’s gallery because someone didn’t include the title of the original artwork.
The messages seem very positive and empowering. There are cards like Anger and Discernment that deal with more “negative” things but the anger card is about accepting your anger and expressing it in safe and healthy ways instead of telling you to “release” it or whatever every other New Age teacher tells you.
Basically it’s a more grown up version of the Magical Unicorns Oracle. It seems like the Magical Unicorns Oracle has more brown, black, and gray unicorns. The Oracle of the Unicorns has some (like on Anger and Strength). They’re more spread out in the Magical Unicorns.
Just a note on unicorns and unicorn imagery in general: I’m not saying the imagery of the “pure” white unicorn (especially when they’re on all the “good” cards) is maybe kind of racist (I don’t think this deck was created with malicious intent) but it’s something to think about, or at least, think about how we talk about unicorns.
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