#when acrylic paint dries on skin it typically peels or rubs right off with a little bit of water
apatheticrobots · 11 months
Do you think wally has paint stains all over his body due to him being made out of fabric materials? Like there's just little hard patches of dried paint on his arms and hands?
so the thing about felt is that it's a relatively porous fabric, which means substances like paint are able to get stuck in it a lot easier. However, it's still acrylic paint, which means it's still not actually all that stubborn compared to certain other kinds of paint.
all this leading up to I don't think Wally would Consistently have paint stains on his arms/hands(/Maybe his face, either by moving a paint-covered hand over his face or accidentally swiping his chin with his brush as I've done on multiple occasions) but I could very much see him not cleaning off the paint fast enough and having it get dry and sticky.
at which point it would just take a little bit of water + dish soap + some rubbing alcohol + a good bit of elbow grease and itd eventually come out.
maybe he'd get a little bit of help, too
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