#when you KNOW theres been a mole this should affect your security measures
just-a-simple-dyke · 2 years
Kp is so good when they take themselves seriously i wish they did that more often
#torture scenes are a prime example#this show does visceral and cruel so well but only when it wants to!! i hate that theres so much comedy and slapstick in there#if they dialed down on the comedy for like 80% i knowwww they could achieve so much more in terms of plot and interaction with it#the occasional cinematic genius undermined by all the comedy makes me sew mad you do Not need that many tonal shifts😭😭#porsches bathroom breakdown. when kinn let him go in the woods. the torture scenes. bathroom hj. ep 1 bar talk. most of ep 7#tankhuns comedy i enjoy and think is a great breather bc it fits his scenes!! i dont think they should get rid of all comedy but like#keep it where it fits only otherwise it just upsets the mood flow#gdjdgdjd ok im okay again whatever. i refuse to call this a bad show bc theres so much good stuff in there it just needs more balance#and it needs more correction on certain narratives like please acknowledge big and ken hello?? why are u not doing a check of all staff#when you KNOW theres been a mole this should affect your security measures#i think if they really committed to the 'gritty mafia show' it wouldve worked out a lot better! obviously still keep in tankhuns wit#and the breathers of the honeymoon phase and porsche and chay together and such#but swap the slapstick for more insight into how each character feels about everything thats happened or more reflection yknow#anyway this is not necessarily in regards to ep 10 its just a general observation because sometimes this show goes !!!!#and other times its like. well. that was a choice#do i want to tag this......i dont think so
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