#whenever someone says they love the sickfic i weep tears of joy
astrobei · 1 year
Omg hi, I’ve been reading your fics on AO3 for a while now but just recently found your tumblr!! All of your work is absolutely incredible, and my personal favorite is “I might be hoping about this”!! I’ve been wondering, would you ever write the opposite of it, where Will is taking care of Mike? Not necessarily a continuation of the original if you wanted to keep that a standalone, but maybe a separate fic? I was just curious, you wrote the dynamic of Mike taking care of Will so well, it would be so cool to see your take on that same scenario the other way around. You write their characters so so well, and I’ve always had a soft spot for sickfics. I hope you’re having a great day!! :)
hi hi hi !! sooo so glad you’ve been enjoying my work lately this is so sweet of u to say ☹️🫂 this fic is also one of my personal favorites that i’ve written so i’m extra glad that it’s stood out to you !! i’ve actually been asked this question a few times before which is so flattering honestly that people want a sequel/companion fic and if i’m being super honest i’m not sure if i will? i guess i can’t say that i for sure won’t because you never know and i probably will write a sick mike at some point because established relationship has really grown on me in the past few months but !! for now i don’t think i’ll write another sickfic specifically (at least not of that length or with only being sick as the premise) just because i know myself and writing it will feel a little repetitive and frustrating for me :/ i probably will incorporate a sick mike into a fic at some point or make it a shorter ficlet here on tumblr or something because you’re right i would love to write the reversed dynamic and i think it would be so fun !! i just don’t see myself writing another full length fic of that and that alone especially bc the original fic is so dear to me and i would hate to feel like i’m trying to outdo myself or something. anyway. that was a whole lot of rambling that u did not ask for but !! thank u sooo so much for asking and for stopping by this was so lovely !! and sick mike eventually i think! just probably not in full fic format :^)
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