#whether you'd WANT to is another matter entirely 🤣
kscribbs · 1 month
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I think we need to complete the quartet and see the dweebus and the tornado-us versions 👀👀👀
(yes I AM fishing for more kscribbs art no I will NOT stop bc I love it ur honour and also. I DO WHAT I WANT)
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Ask and ye shall receive!
(Some of the discolouration in ML Jack's hair is greyness, as well as frost.)
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ao719 · 2 years
I seen this somewhere and knew I needed to send it to you! 🤣😊🥰
Hey there! In an attempt to spread some Writer Positivity, I'd like you to share five (or more, if you'd like to!) memorable quotes by your characters, across your fics!
Aw, thank you for the ask, @xpandass420x! This is so fun!
Snippets below cut (in no particular order)
This scene from chapter 19 of Always You where after Liam sent Riley away and he kind of broke down and laid everything out on the table for Drake that’s happened:
“I found out my father was sick, unsure of whether he would pull through or not. Two weeks later, my own brother stabbed me in the back, upended my whole life, and at 22, the entire weight of the crown was placed on my shoulders. I lost my best friend and the woman I loved because of what he did. I was given a chance to get her back, but I failed miserably. I was thrust into a Social Season that I wanted no part of, but I still went through with it because I was trying to uphold my so-called duty and responsibility. And then I tried to move forward … I tried to genuinely build something with the woman I chose and felt nothing but guilt because no matter how hard I tried, my heart just wasn’t in it. But I continued to try … all while you were fucking her behind my back the entire time, making me look like a blind fool. You knew that she was planning on humiliating me further, and you still said nothing. The past four months have been nothing but a domino effect of shit that life keeps throwing at me. And you knew what a hard time I was having with it all. So I just wish that when you chose to stab me in the back … that you weren’t kicking me when you knew I was already down.”
The very end of chapter 2 of Past Meet Present:
Both men continued to stare at one another as Andrea stood between them, the air suddenly thick with tension.
One was her past. One was her present.
Both were determined to be her future.
This scene from chapter 4 of Always You when Liam and Reyna crossed that line for the very first time is probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. I’m not gonna put the whole scene, but just a little of it, lol:
“Every touch you feel should send a shiver through you,” he whispered while he slowly and ever so lightly dragged the tips of his fingers from her neck to her collarbone; Reyna was able to tell from his voice that he was now closer to her, laying at her side. She felt that shiver he spoke of as goosebumps spread across her skin from his touch. She then felt his thumb lightly brush across her full lips, and a soft breath escaped her as her lips slightly parted. “And then your heart rate will start to pick up.” Her heart fluttered at his words. “And your chest will start to rise and fall heavily …”
Reyna swallowed thickly as his fingertips continued to ghost over the skin of her collar bone before moving just beneath it. It was as if his smooth baritone was guiding her into doing everything he spoke. She could feel that he was even closer to her now; his lips barely grazed her ear, and his warm breath tickled her skin.
“And you’ll start to get that feeling deep within … the one that ignites everything …” he whispered. Her entire body was tingling as this warmth bloomed inside her; she felt Liam’s lips slowly brush across her own. “And your breath will start to quicken from the anticipation of what’s to come …” he spoke against her lips before he moved them to her neck, brushing them against her skin up to her ear. “And now … just the lightest of touches will feel like they’re going to send you over the edge.”
Liam’s fingertips moved to where the hem of her tank top was slightly raised and brushed them against the exposed skin of her lower waist down to her hip; he smirked when he saw her body visibly tremble in response. He reached up and untied her hands; Reyna kept them rested on the pillow above her head.
“And when you open your eyes and look at them …” Liam gently removed the blindfold, and she slowly opened her eyes; his baby blues were mere inches from hers, and her pupils were lust-blown and full of longing. “… they’ll know exactly how much you want them.” Does he know? “And you’ll see just how badly they want you,” he whispered again as his hand settled on her hip. Does she see it?
This scene from chapter 2 of Vancross with Liam and Croía in the library playing eye tag 🥹
Liam brought up tabs of research he had saved the day before and began looking them over. A few moments into reading, his eyes happened to flicker up from his screen, and that’s when he noticed her. Sitting alone and two tables away from him was Croía. He hadn’t seen her since the night of the party; the few classes they did have together the first day were only held twice a week, and they didn’t have them again until tomorrow. She was sitting alone with an opened book to her side and a laptop in front of her. Liam found himself curious about her, and not because of who she was related to and the mystery that surrounded that situation. She just seemed … different. She seemed quiet and from what he had heard Alia tell the others the night of the party, she was a tad reticent about her personal and family life.
Suddenly, he watched her gaze flicker up and he dropped his back to his screen.
Croía happened to glance up from her book to see Liam sitting a couple of tables away from her, staring at his laptop screen. The night of the party, she remembered seeing him in a few of her classes earlier that day, but it wasn’t until she was standing directly in front of him to be introduced that she recognized him from the news reports over the summer regarding him becoming the new Crown Prince. She would think having that kind of weight and responsibility suddenly dropped on one’s shoulders would be difficult, but he appeared to have a pretty carefree attitude considering his new circumstances. Either that, or he was just really good at the game of stoicism.
When she saw Liam lift his head, Croía quickly dropped her gaze back to her book.
The next 20 minutes passed with Liam and Croía narrowly missing each other’s curious, lingering stares as they sat in the silent library. Then, they finally glanced up at the same time. They stared at one another, both feeling caught, until Liam mouthed “hi” with a subtle grin. Croía returned her own small smile, mouthing “hi” back to him.
They held each other’s gaze for another moment before Croía’s eyes slowly dropped back down to her book. Liam could still see the faint smile she was wearing as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
On the Run Leo is one of my favorite Leo’s I’ve written, so I’m just putting a scene with him 😂
“Anyway, back to tomorrow. You two are going to want to head to the south entrance of Bergen aan Zee. And you’ll have to go through the dunes.” Leo paused, waiting for Liam to answer, but he didn’t. “Li?” Leo said, waiting for him to respond. It was still silent. “Liam!” Suddenly Leo heard Reyna’s distant giggle followed by a moan. “Jesus Christ!” He ended the call and slipped his phone into his pocket, shaking his head; he glanced up to see Drake and Maxwell giving him a questioning look. “They ate space cakes, and now Liam’s showing Reyna his rocket ship.”
“I fucking hate you for that image,” Drake shook his head.
“Blastoff,” Leo chuckled.
Thank you again for the ask! 💕
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