#which is why im so attached to Clavis lol
venti-tangents · 1 year
!! spoilers for current event under cut !!
What a rollercoaster lmao. I feel the disagreement creeping up on me but--I enjoyed reading about Clavis inserting drama into his own relationship only for it bite him in the ass. I will not lie, he did almost push my 'ick' button in this event, which is why I'm surprised I ended up likening it.
Watching Clavis realize his mistake and try his best to learn form it and fix things was so so so cute and swoon worthy i love him so much. I do love the running theme that Cybrid has going on with post-route Clavis stories, where he screws up and learns form it. It's refreshing to see romantic media portray a man who isn't 'fixed' after getting into a relationship.
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