#while also trying to make myself write the ask about Wolf and Cayde's meeting
orbdotexe ยท 1 year
Was thinking about how Crow is the new Godslayer, and probably is the one who ends up with "Discipleslayer" stuck on him, and realized that Exile still learns Strand from Osiris, and Crow would probably be learning right beside them since he'd be the one who followed Osiris to Neomuna
So, by Lightfall, Crow and Wolf are well into being friends, and now they're training under Osiris. Which means they're probably having Strand spars?
Wolf and Crow bonding activities thus far: fighting because your mutual mentor told you to. sharing ramen bc you both have another mutual mentor who took you both out for ramen in the City. complaining about a different mutual mentor because he keeps making you train with an axe. giving you tips with dealing with all of the above mentors
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ignisnocturnalia ยท 3 years
Hi there! I dunno if you take requests but if yeah, could I request some Zavala x Reader Relationship HC's? :3
No problem! I'd actually like to encourage requests, I like writing but I usually don't have the motive to start. I probably enjoy writing for others more than for myself, it's definitely easier to start something with guidelines/instructions that has a definitive end goal
Zavala x Reader Relationship HCs
You've had a crush on this man from the moment you first stepped into the Tower
You visit him the most out of all the Vanguard, always taking up bounties to glean praise from the stoic Titan
Zavala, seeing as many come to him for the extra work, doesn't realize why you're hounding so hard until Ikora gives him a hint
You, on the other hand, are hoping very hard he doesn't notice because you don't want to make your current relationship weird with Zavala
You continue to be oblivious to the fact that he knows, while Zavala thinks long and hard
Starting a romantic relationship is a big deal as a Guardian, to him at least
He thinks about how worried he is everytime you go to do field work, and especially the raids you've participated in; he dreads about how much he would worry if he does accept your advances
You take notice of how quiet he's gotten and you start to worry, going to Ikora for help
All she does is smile knowingly (Thanks Ikora, for taking bg character to a whole other level)
You continue to be hyper aware for the next week, watching Zavala's face and listening to his tone to make any kind of conclusion out of his short wordedness
You almost die of a heart attack when he asks you to meet him in his office after dark
Your mind is in two places: Am I about to be put down for wanting to romance the Titan Vanguard, or am I getting-
You're looking right at him before you can finish your thoughts, thank FUCK he only has a few lights on
Instead, he asks you out for a proper date
A true gentleman
Neither of you are experienced with the whole relationship business, and Zavala honestly seems like he has trouble differentiating his work life from his personal life
You decided to take him to your favorite spot on Earth
Cayde called you Lady Guardian for good reason
Zavala's face is almost in disbelief as both of you gaze up to the jagged point of Felwinter's Peak
You've packed a meal big enough for both of you, and you're determined to make this a full date
"You've scaled this mountain before?"
Plenty of times, plenty of comical deaths
"What's the matter? Scared of a little challenge? It'll be worth it, I promise." You bump his shoulder lightly to try and loosen him up
The climb is slow and every once in a while one of the temple wolves will approach you for attention
Zavala isn't keen on offering his hand until you convince him, and wolf petting becomes an unexpected bonding moment
You reach the camping outcrop roughly an hour before the sunset you want him to see
Zavala seems to understand why you've brought him here when you guide him to the edge overlooking the Temple grounds
The meal is a big success
You both share stories, and your ears still can't believe it, but Zavala actually laughed with you!
Your attention is brought back when the light level drops, and you excitedly lead him back to the edge
This time, you sit down and swing your legs over the edge; Zavala follows suit
By this point, you've gotten used to the lack of oxygen and the bite of the wind, displaying a full face blush as you inch your hand over to Zavala's that rests on the cold rock between you
You're already dating, why are you treating handholding like it's a sin?
Silence has never been more comfortable, and you even grow bold enough to rest your head on his shoulder
He tenses for a moment before allowing himself to lean into your warmth
The moment you've been waiting for happens: clouds clear just enough for the vibrant colors of the sunset to break through and the land is washed in a warm orange
You look up to see his reaction, but surprise surprise, he's looking right at you
You've never seen him look so calm before, and you can't find it in yourself to stop when you close the small gap and leave a peck on his lips
That day becomes the defining moment of your relationship with the Titan Vanguard
Nsfw ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘
Consent is absolute, he will probably ask too many times even if you are deep in it
Zavala is a sensual lover, if you want him to be rough be prepared to work for it
He'd prefer to have you as the dominant because if you're leading, he most certainly has your consent, but he will still be willing to switch roles
Hips. When do you think was the last time this man got any kind of this attention? Soft skin is hard to come by as a Guardian, and he enjoys being able to hold you
Expect plenty of rubs and massages on your thighs
Everywhere around his torso is sensitive when he's in the mood, just give a few grips or light scratches and you'll have a new beast to deal with
Zavala does his best to discover all of your sensitive spots as well; he is as dedicated to delivering pleasure to you as you are to him
He also likes to kiss around your neck and collarbone when he gets the chance
It may take a LOT of convincing and talking, but you could totally get him to rail you in his office
Long mornings just sitting in bed and cuddling
Surprisingly alright with PDA, every time you get to visit him on the job you two will share a kiss
You do not want to imagine what being a Vanguard member entails, especially if you go by how tense his muscles are; poor fella won't ask you to massage him to not burden you, but you know how much this man needs it
You can ask him to pick you up and he will gladly bridal style carry you where you want to go as long as it's nearby
You may attempt to pick him up in the same fashion, but if you cannot do it both of you will be laughing together for a long time
Scenic dates on Earth and other planets, the best non-enemy infested spots discovered by you during your Guardian outings
Occasionally you'll help him file his pesky paperwork; a desk job will never be your strong suit
Your anniversary is always spent returning to the Iron Temple and climbing Felwinter's Peak, sharing a basket of food prepared by both of you at the top while gazing at the sunset
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