#who could possibly watch Spock short circuit around Angel and think they’re tryna make this man straight??? are we watching the same show
ichayalovesyou · 2 years
I swear to all that is queer and fruity
Spock reacts to Kirk the same way he reacts to literally every other person he feels even a modicum of attraction to in that:
A) He speaks in fewer words or just doesn’t speak at all, generally just lets that person interrupt him more.
B) Tries to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. But also not really, he’s awkward and bad at leaving.
He’s slow to pick up on Chapel’s flirting and doesn’t try to be all smart around her. Their words after Spock Amok & Serene Squall are stunted and simple. Then he wriggles away from the conversation because fEeliNgS nO
The way Angel manipulated him good god, “Oh my poor dead vulcan fiancé 😭 you remind me of him y’know 😉” the frickin scene after he catches them walking out of a workout and having him help them put on their necklace when they’re alone in the turbolift? Angel manipulated, mansplained, malewifed our poor boy!
Anyway, Spock’s a mess.
Then what’s he do the first time he sees Kirk shirtless, you can HEAR the breaks screeching in his brain. Bare minimum conversational exchange, Jim giving him that appraising “you doin alright?” Look when Spock kinda just… trails off… a bit… Then leaves so quick “I have important work that you probably ordered me to do okay byyyyyyye”
Basically what I’m saying is the best evidence we have that Spock isn’t attracted to T’Pring is that he’s wayyyyyy too smooth with her. Way too scripted, way too “am I getting a good grade in Vulcan bondmate? Which is a normal thing to want and possible to achieve?” fiancé-ly actions be damned, that boy doesn’t love her.
Spock is the worst flirt in the galaxy when he actually has chemistry with someone beyond friendship, it’s just true.
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