#who doesn't think david is actually dead in shadow and bone
smilebackwards · 1 year
i see characters apparently die on or off screen and am immediately like 'but maybe they're ok?'
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Watching Shadow and Bone season 2: Episode 8 - Let's destroy Morozova's legacy
Because he should have never existed in the first place I guess.
Wishing for Mal to perma-die, but that's not gonna happen, I assume.
Kaz flexing on the most useless things.
Wow, so show Alina actually gets to destroy the Fold.
Nina, who has been previously stated to be a garbage healer is going to have Mal's life.
Everything is somehow still the Darkling's fault.
Really. Really.
Alina is going to use Merzost specifically to bring Mal back. And her hair doesn't even go white. There's no price.
Mal's going through an identity crisis.
So Alina's sacrifice is going to be leting Mal go, I guess.
So we are finally freeing Matthias as the last thing this season.
Yup, David's dead.
And Genya is dressed like first army.
And he wanted to propose to her. That's why he asked for her favorite gemstone. Okay, that genuinely got me to tear up.
There's still 30 minutes left to the episode.
And we're definitelly still forgetting the whole West Ravka plot.
Oh, look, a bee, to give us a Sankta Lizaveta cliffhanger.
Mal's getting a new life as Sturmhond 2.0 and Alina is actually going to do what she should have done in the books.
I still think Alina should get herself a kefta and not this ugly first-army look-alike.
Oh, look, Sankta Lizabeta foreshadow in the background.
And Inej is going to have fun chasing slavers.
Kaz, about to say what he really feels - Kaz, stopping himself last minute "Money".
I love Inej's hair. Not relevant to anything, I just wish I had hair like that.
And Inej is also joining the pirate privateer crew.
These characters need to change sometimes.
I am very happy for Inej and the rest of them.
Oh, look. The good boys.
Matthias is showing how much of a badass he is.
What the fuck is happening.
She lost the pardon letter. Yikes.
Oh, look, Kaz is acting like he's not okay with slavery for now.
Oh, fuck, it's the apparat.
So, Kolya does have some remnants from his fight with the Volcra. Not as much as he should have, but sure.
So, are Nikolai and Alina getting married, or not?
Oh no. We're going for the Parem plotline.
Oh, fuck, Alina has shadow powers.
That's her price.
Oh fuck.
Damn. That was actually a fucking good ending.
A bit of clanky road getting there, but I preffer it to what the books did.
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
shadow and bone s2, ep 6-7
in which lulu goes off just a little because boyyyyyyy howdy y'all really fucked something up. you had to WORK to fuck this specific thing up. like, consciously. that was a CHOICE to make here and it was a BAD ONE. if they clear it up in ep8 then my sincerest apologies but like. i don't think it's likely
-if i knew star wars at all i would try and make a darth vader joke about the hand but the joke ain't coming. my apologies
-i think baghra's death was alright, idk. it was fine. her giving the backstory was more satisfying honestly
-good for ohval, vibing
-destroying the first army at keramzin did not at all have the punch of killing ana kuya. and there's such a focus on the orphanage but it's like. never really. REALLY talked out
-matthias and pekka rollins talking in hellgate is. shit. it's terrible. it's. i hate it fuck you wow -matthias has NO connection to him. and by creating it, and by putting pekka in a spot where he can still be a problem, after you've ALREADY USED kaz's maximum killing blow, is just. like. absolutely disgusting -that was supposed to be the END of pekka. by KAZ, AND KAZ ALONE, BECAUSE OF WHAT IT MEANS FOR KAZ. -but putting pekka in prison -- putting him in a place here he can recover his power -- putting him in front of matthias as a threat but also a possibility -- it's. i hate it. it makes no sense. it doesn't need to be here. it cuts an enormous hole into everything you already did, everything in the books not yet covered, into KAZ -they're not clearing this up in another episode. they're gonna have to deal with it. i am going to scream. i'm going to kill a man. who thought this was okay. THIS IS NOT OKAY -GODDDDDD I'M SO ANGRY -THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING HELEEN!!!!!!! YOU JUST FUCKED UP A WHOLE SERIES OF PLOT THREADS BY GODDDDDDDDDD -THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON PEKKA IS IN HELLGATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -i'm just. how can you fuck up this badly. you just. ruined so fucking much. i'm. flabbergasted at the audacity of it all -just!!!!! THERE'S NO COMING BACK FROM THIS. FROM ALREADY HAVING USED THE ENDING OF CROOKED KINGDOM BUT STILL KEEPING PEKKA AROUND. -WHAT THE ACTUAL LITERAL FUCK. -and like. without heleen, how do they get into the ice court? will that even still happen???? how can inej get any revenge on heleen in any way if HELEEN IS DEAD??????????? -heleen lives because people like that live and get away with it. because they can't just be taken care of so easily. because, like inej says to pekka at the end of crooked kingdom, DEATH IS A GIFT YOU HAVEN'T YET EARNED. inej gets to steal her diamond, the representation of lives likes hers that were stolen and sold and ruined, and heleen might lose the menagerie at the end of crooked kingdom, and inej gets to try and protect other girls from the same fate. it's not enough at all but it's something. and pekka is mentally destroyed by what kaz does. it's not enough but it's something. those things mattered. -but they don't matter at ALL here. not in any single way
-david going 'sooooooo what body part do you wanna lose' and picking up a bone saw. david :) -david :( -i think............i like his death better here, actually. i hated his death in rule of wolves bc he's the only main cast casualty and yes horrors of war and sudden death but it was just so. irritating. it's senseless. it's the point that it's senseless, but it's senseless in a way in the book that was just like, fucking for real???????? david, of all people????? and he's the ONLY ONE WHO DIES?????????????????? -here, protecting genya, it makes more sense, i think, and i'm actually not as mad about them killing him now as i thought i would be knowing the spoiler, honestly. i was going around the last two days before watching ep7 absolutely INCENSED about them killing him NOW instead of so much later but watching it. i'm kind of okay with it. -it's still kind of eh though a little bc where on earth does this fucking dumbwaiter just come from. does it make SENSE to lose david here. what does it do to genya's character now, to have it happen now -but i think the spirit of it. is perhaps better than in the books, which is what i'm getting at, idk
-speaking of horrors of war, yeah i figured nikolai's friend was gonna die
-JESPER!!!! USING HIS BUTTONS!!!!!! AS BULLETS!!!!!!!!! GODDAMN -INSPIRED -A TAKE -I LOVED IT -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -it was his buttons, right. unless he had like darts or something. well buttons was what it looked like to me and i'm standing by that
-goodbye fruszi you terrible little emo girl. her getting her fingers cut off was GREAT, GODDAMN
-the crows swooping in to save the day AGAIN is honestly. the funniest fucking thing. it just is. it's so good. it's so funny. kaz actually gets to show his sense of humor. it makes NO SENSE for them to just COME IN and yet HERE THEY ARE and it's genuinely. great, somehow -they get the sword for alina and she just goes 'nope! inej you use it. :)' like. oh my god.
-mal: i'm hit -me: ??????? WHEN THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN????? JESUS CHRIST FINE
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Shadow And Bone S2E5 Reaction
the opening with the five crows (one with a knife) and one banging on a window trapped 😭😭 aauugghh
don't mind the darkling just casually killing himself for power
I feel like they made him a more stereotypical villain but not at evil...you know? he doesn't hurt genya as much as in the books and doesn't blind his mother and do all of those things yk?
I wonder if the apparat is gonna make an appearance?
my wesper heart 🥺🥰
jesper is so done with kaz...he's just like...let me be with my boy
damn kaz's faccee all beaten 🥺
nina saying what we're all thinking "he'd rather push you away than admit he feels anything for you" and jesper just like thank God someone said it
"is that my hat!?" "you hate that hat" "yeah I hate this hat" I love him
"I know kaz...and I know you" 🥺
aww daviiddd 😭 he thinks genya is mad or something but she's ashamed of what the darkling did
nikolai vs alina in the battle of genya 😗
why is kaz so disgusted by the nickname "jes" 🤭 likes he says it so menacingly
"I'm not here for you" get it girl!
"can't you read it?" oh baby boy 🥺🥺😭 the way he tried to backtrack
oh! they didn't kill off nadias brother! that's nice!
genyas speech to the queen 😭😭 and nikolai standing up for her!!
this genya and nikolai scene was beautifully done 😭 I'm actually crying
I love seeing the religious aspect with honoring the dead
kazzzz stop being like this (I love you) you can't even look at inej
"your beauty is your armor, fragile stuff really...but what's inside you that's steel" 😭😭 david and genya I love you so much
this scene broke me 😭😭😭
"I did not do anything stupid...I said something stupid"
TOLYA AND JESPER I LOVE YOUUU THIS IS SO FUNNY "there is a poem" "that is incentive enough"
"you've got all that in your head...and you've still got all your fingers...you might just be the smartest person I know" he looks so done he doesn't know how to fix ittt
"my husband and i" kaz just glaring 🤭🤭 "isn't that right waffles"
inej 😭 I love you so much "I couldn't leave you, not like this"
mal? how did you get here?
"the problem with wanting is that it makes us weak" THAT LIINNEE
honestly I was so ready for this malina fight
Zoya being like "bro I'm not a theif" and literally all the crows being like 🧐🧐 what?
yeesss Pekka Rollins in hellgate bro
bro just best Matthias cell mate to death (gotta love the upped rating)
at least Matthias also hates Pekka now 🤷‍♂️
"you are who you are in spite of him" good line bro
I love nikolai and alinas friendship because there's no romantic chemistry there but they are just so good together 🥰 "I love it when you quote me"
damn...alinas battle with the darkling really made him give up on her now "the whole world will hear it when i make her scream"
me when wylan walked over to wylan "bro not now we're in the middle of a heist!"
me once they started talking: 🥰
the scene was so sad thougghhh cuz neither of them know their backstorys yet so they don't understaaannndd
and that's how nina zenik died (jk I've read the books)
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thesedoomdays · 3 years
I don't normally do this, but i'm, like, really obsessed over this and... Why not, huh? Here i go!
Why i think Materialkis are way more powerful than it was showed in the three Grishaverse books.
There i was, reading the second book from Grishaverse, Siege & Storm, when a thought hitted me. I got really curious... But Leigh Bardugo did nothing to clarify my doubts. Sometimes it looked like she was letting things there that seemed to prove what i was wondering. Other times... It felt like she was stepping back.
So, let's put things in the table before going ahead:
We have Grishas.
We know we have, normally, three types of Grishas. Let's just ignore Shadow Summoners, Sun Summoners, Tailors and Corpsewitches here in this one.
Leigh Bardugo taught us that Grishas aren't really something like witches. They just don't go around using magic. Actually, Grishas have a very specific kind of power. They manipulate matter:
"Everything in the world could be broken down into the same small parts. What looked like magic was really the Grisha manipulating matter at its most fundamental levels.
Marie didn't make fire. She summoned combustible elements in the air around us, and she still needed a flint to make the spark that would burn that fuel. Grisha steel wasn't endowed with magic, but by the skill of Fabrikators, who did not need heat or crude tools to manipulate metal."
— Shadow & Bone, chapter ten.
Now, keep this in mind but follow me ahead:
Etheralki manipulate natural elements.
Corporalki manipulate the human body.
Materialki are said during the the three books to manipulate matter composed of such things like metal, glass, chemicals, etc.
But even though that's what is said, there's somehing that doesn't fit. If Materialki can only control matter composed by those specific things — non organic matter and chemicals —, then how can David manipulate the horns of the Morozova's Stag? How can the Materialki in Sturmhond crew's manipulate the scales of the Sea Whip?
This left me confused. And wondering. If Materialki could manipulate scales and bones, then they could act like Corporalkis? What would stop Materialki from manipulating bones? Could they only manipulate organic matter after being removed from its source — a tree, a stag, a sea monster —, the thing that, technically, keeps the cells alive? Could they only manipulate organic matter if it was dead? That could make sense, but it still had something that really bugs me.
And while i was wondering, we also are introduced to Ilya Morozova. AKA the Bonesmith. The Materialki's hero. Sankt Ilya of the Chains.
It's pointed that Ilya Morozova was a Fabrikator way above average. And the central point of his theory is about manipulating everything:
"One of the essential tenets of Grisha theory was "like calls to like," but Morozova seemed to believe that if the world could be broken down to the same small parts, each Grisha should be able to manipulate them. Are we not all things? he demanded, underlining the words for emphasis."
— Ruin & Rising, chapter four.
But in Ruin & Rising, we also have Baghra, his daughter, talking about their life during her childhood. Where she explicitly says he was a craftsman and a healer. So... We have a Materialki manipulating organic matter that wasn't dead, or removed from a source. He was manipulating bones, skin, blood. The human body. Doesn't it sounds like a Corporalki? (also, why Corporalkis can only manipulate the human body and not other animal's body? Weird.)
Ilya Morozova healed the shattered body of his younger daughter before using merzost to bring she back to life. And, of course, we can say it was because he was super powerful and mega special — He created the amplificators, right? Extraordinary dude —. But then... David and the Materialki in Sturmhond crew's were there, manipulating organic matter like it was natural. Baghra said her father was a healer like it was natural. Darkling made David travel with him because he was the most powerful Fabrikator in the Second Army. He knew David could manipulate the bones, organic matter, in the most perfect way.
Again, what would stop Materialkis from simply manipulating the bones of the people around them?
Then i remembered something. In Siege & Storm, Alina decides that Fabrikators should have military training instead of just producing for the Second Army. Darkling didn't do that. He is something like 200 years old. Or more, we can't be sure. Older than The Unsea. And Baghra said that before the Grishas didn't distinguished between Etheralki, Corporalki, Materialki, Healers, Infernis, Alkemis, whatever. They didn't have the Second Army. They didn't have Orders. And yet, somehow, Materialkis endend up without military training. Somehow, Materialki ended being looked as less powerful, less worthy. Someone made that choice. Someone who built the Second Army.
I believe the Darkling deliberately made the choice to to put away Fabrikators from the fighting scenery. He inserted them in workshops, where they would focus on production instead of fighting. He lived in the time where Grishas didn't felt in categorys. He was Ilya Morozova's grandson, and was obsessed over the work — the work of a Fabrikator who's naturally seem as a Healer too — he left behind, after all.
He must have known what a Materialki could do. He must have known their potential. So, why he didn't use that goddamn potential in his army? Was he afraid to see Fabrikators that were military trained and seen as valuable soldiers, manipulating the human body? He must have thought they were too strong. They controled too many things. Organic and inorganic matter. Basically everything that Corporalki do, but more. Better. Maybe even turning some Etheralki useless too.
Following this, Materialki could, theoretically, manipulate chemicals like the ones Etheralki could. Or manipulate organic matter like a Corporalki could. And then become even better than these two Grishas types. Etheralkis can't play with poison, and Corporalkis can't mess with other organic matter besides the one in the human body. They need to have, of course, strength to do it. But just like it takes strength to Harshaw, or Adrik, or other Summoners, to use their power. Just like it takes from Tamar and Tolya. They just need to be trained.
"We say like calls to like, girl. But if the science is small enough, then we are like all things."
— Ruin & Rising, chapter seven.
This is what Grishas manipulate.
In its most fundamental way.
From the latin, materia.
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Watching Shadow and Bone season 2: Episode 3 - In terms of book loyalty we have no book loyalty
For better or for worse
Okay, the intro's cool on this one.
Flying ships, flying ships, flying ships!
I have no complaints for now. Just plot happening, mostly normally.
Baghra doesn't know what compassion means.
Ah, yes, everything is the Darkling's fault. Definitelly no prejudice that needed the smallest push to start the pogroms again.
And Baghra definitelly cared for the Grisha. That's why she told him to leave them to die last time.
Fuck that blame deflecting piece of shit (Baghra).
Let's see if this works (it won't).
Alina has a PTSD episode, I guess. Or a Tether moment? Or a prophecy? IDK. Alina faints because she's a little bitch.
Volcra would like a snack.
Here come the First Army, come to kill all the Grisha for the crime of being themselves.
She's lucky everyone laid their guns down, or she'd have gotten shot.
Oh, yes, please, give me the Grisha loyalists, I need a pallete cleanser.
Genya is scared of the Nichevoya... which is why she will align with a person that supports her rapist, and the reason the monsters were necessary in the first place.
David is excited to do some science. Genya is somewhat scared he'll get hurt in the process.
Spinning wheel is not a remote hideaway in the far north mountains, but like, half a day's ride away from the Fold. I guess. Probably less given how not tired everyone looks.
Oh, so the shots with the first army getting attacked were from the spinning wheel? Okay, I guess. The timeline is all over the place on this one.
Zoya acts as if she wasn't trying to fuck Aleksander days before. Like she wasn't trying turn him against her. She acts as if they were friends.
Also they're putting the purges on Vasily. Because we haven't seen the First Army be very excited about murdering Grisha two episodes ago. Definitelly all Vasily and the Darkling's fault.
I mean, at least one character acts her age in this story, but like... Zoya, of all people? The least mature adult on whatever planet Ravka is on? Okay.
Little kiddo hates piano. Same.
Oh, look, it's that scene. The bathroom scene.
They're taking late-book scenes and putting them a lot earlier in the timeline. Either they're doing a bit of a switcharoo, or they have (more) original stuff planned for the later episodes. I don't know which would be worse, given their track-record.
Yup. Definitelly a whole lot of CK scenes. With a creepy original bad guy for Inej. Because I guess whatever-her-name-was wasn't fucked up enough for them. They needed someone more rapey.
And he's dead. Wow. Well, that went nowhere.
Wow, she's dramatic. I mean, that's kinda bad, but also like... it came out of nowhere? My man's losing it. A lot.
I'm not entirely following their logic... like... okay, he's made monsters, which are draining his life force and probably making him go a little crazy... and somehow all of their actions revolve around Alina... forgiving them.
I know the point is to make him seem more evil and unhinged, but like... what. What even is going on?
I do love how Baghra is clearly telling the audience what we're supposed to believe.
Ah, yes, the least romantic proposal in the history of... ever.
They're really leaning into the whole "Grisha need to integrate" thing, huh... asimilate, one might say. So long as you're like everyone else, nothing bad will happen to you, pinky swear. Because that has ever worked in the minority's favor.
Mal? Being the voice of reason?
I see their angles. Malina, Grisha asimilation. I am not seeing the way the crows are headed, yet.
Oh, we're doing this one. This is late story Genya. Not the one who freely insulted the Queen in front of him. Not the one, who gleefully told Alina of the King's "sudden illness". She deserved better. She deserved to stay confident, powerful and more than a tool to tell us how awful the Darkling is.
Also, like, what does he actually need her for?
I think Kaz got his senses knocked out of him.
I think I prefer the book version of how Matthias got himself into the figthing. Gives him more agency. But I guess agency is a dirty word when it comes to protagonists.
Nina, you dumb bitch. You'd think a professional spy would be better at sneaking around than this.
What does she care? She literally just met Kaz. She's already betrayed her whole country for Matthias, what's one asshole criminal?
Sasha's powers are literally killing him and... I don't know what the show wants me to feel about it. I mean, I know how I feel about it, but this universe is very preachy. I'm guessing the message is "he should have let himself die in the Fold, when Alina left him for dead", which is would be very much in line with the messaging the books go for.
Yup, definitelly pushing the "Aleksander is a Grisha supremacist" angle.
"I've made my decision" And that couldn't have waited until the morning. You had to go tell him while you're both basically naked by the standarts of your era.
Okay I guess.
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