#who has actually read everything I have so far hi shet
hollandorks · 2 years
stay - teaser
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neil (tenet) x reader
hi look another teaser! I’ve had a chunk of this fic written for a while, and I’m really not sure when it’ll ever get finished or posted, but I decided to just go ahead and post a tiny teaser anyways 
I don’t actually have a summary of this one but: reader is a white hat hacker and private investigator who discovers some odd things when she starts to look into her hot, mysterious new neighbor. Eventually syncs up with canon (and don’t worry it’s a fix it fic) 
word count: 376
y/n looked up as her new neighbor stepped outside. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit that she was staring from the moment the sun lit his hair a brilliant gold. The colors of it danced, golds and yellows and light browns, like a sun-drenched field. 
Her new neighbor was…not bad looking. He was tall, startlingly so, with a sharp jawline and broad shoulders to boot. 
He glanced over at her and she nearly lost her breath at his brilliantly blue eyes. 
“Are you my new neighbor?” she asked with a confidence she didn’t feel. She barely had to raise her voice as the balconies were very close. She shifted to plant one foot on her chair, elbow on her knee, glad she was still wearing something business casual from her morning meeting with the suspicious wife. At least she wasn’t in her stained cactus print pajamas. She would have had to move from the embarrassment. He was very good-looking. Hot in a rumpled young professor way. 
“Looks like it.” He flashed her a grin full of straight white teeth. He had an accent, too. British. Hot. Damn, she thought in a bit of a daze. She noticed the way he pinched the pinky of one hand with the thumb and forefinger of his other hand. His fingers were long. The sunlight flashed across the face of an expensive looking watch. 
“You’re not a serial killer, are you?” she asked to cover up the heat setting in her cheeks. 
“Worse, I’m afraid. I’m a physicist.” She grinned at the response. Hot and smart.
She closed her laptop and stood. “Damn, I was hoping to find another killer to bounce ideas off of.” 
“Well, there’s always time to change careers.” The man leaned over the small space separating their balconies and held out a hand for her to shake. “I’m Neil.” 
She took his hand and shook it, trying hard not to notice how his very large hand dwarfed hers. “Nice to meet you, Neil.” 
She turned to go inside, catching a flash of a raised eyebrow as he said, “Not going to tell me your name?” 
She looked over her shoulder at him and winked. “Nope,” she said as she stepped inside and closed the door.
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