#whoever planned this thank YOU for cheering mana up
justnotkrikkit · 5 months
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Misato, Kaori, Mana, and Wakaba took a trip to Disneyland after jnats 🥰
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neutral-nobody · 4 years
A/N: This is the result of me sitting myself down and forcing myself to write. So I hope it’s enjoyable.
Synopsis: Truth or Dare is rough when everyone avoids picking truth.
Word Count: 2901
Virus World belongs to @voiceoflarka
“Is the coast clear?” Mana asked, watching intently as Liadan peered out the window of their dorm. She looked left to right a few times, before turning to Mana and shrugging.
“Looks like it, but you can never tell with Mu, can you?”
“Not really, no,” Mana let out a deep sigh and collapsed back on the couch. She pulled out her phone and checked the time on it. “Fifteen minutes to go now.”
“I’m so sorry I got you into this mess,” Liadan said, though her tone was somewhat light-hearted. “I didn’t think it would turn into … whatever this is.”
“An elaborate war game. A challenge of life and death?” Mana suggested.
“That’s an exaggeration.”
“Doesn’t feel like it,” Mana peered at the door again, glad that Liadan was standing guard. She was antsy for this game to be over. Normally, dares did not carry over into the next day, but Mu and Mana’s self-admitted stubbornness had allowed it to continue. Neither were the type to back down, after all.
The team had been playing truth or dare yesterday. Since everyone was carrying a large amount of emotional baggage they were not interested in sharing, everyone picked dare. It started easy enough; Suv being dared to hang upside-down on the couch for an entire round. Nao being dared to eat a teaspoon of Liadan’s hottest chilli sauce. Xav having to sit on Victor’s lap for a round. Simple, but funny things. From there, it got wilder; Mu being dared to give his phone to Liadan for her to post something on his Instagram. Mana still was not sure what she had done for that. Mana and Victor being group dared into a push-up contest, loser having to be a footrest for a round after. Naturally, Mana lost that one, but she was a good sport and committed to her punishment.
Eventually, the big dare came out.
“Alright, I have a group dare,” Liadan smirked and rubbed her hands together menacingly.
“Who for? Please tell me no more push-ups,” Mana pleaded, rubbing her back. “I don’t wanna be a footrest again.”
“I’m sorry!” Victor said, for the fifth time. Mana just shrugged at him.
“No, no more push-ups,” Liadan chuckled at her. “But it’s still a competition dare.”
“Who’s in?” Nao asked.
“Hm… Mu and Mana,” Liadan looked between the two of them. “I dare you two, to have a boop-off!”
“A.., what?” Mu tilted his head in confusion at her.
“A boop-off. We set a time limit, whoever between the two of you is the last to boop the other on the nose, wins!”
“Seriously?!” Mana crossed her arms and grimaced. “First push-ups with the strongest one here, now I have to boop the hardest one to catch? You all have it out for me, I swear.”
“I thought competing with Victor would motivate you!” Suv replied quickly.
“Motivated me to never do it again.”
“Ignoring Mana’s whining,” Xav said, rolling his eyes at her, “What’s the time limit?”
“Well, the normal time limit I’ve seen is 24 hours,” Liadan pondered, remembering the instructions on the website she got the idea from. “But we could always shorten-”
“Nah I wanna these two try for a whole day, that sounds hilarious,” Nao interrupted, now with a menacing grin on his face. “Imagine how competitive Mana will get.”
“Yeah, let’s do 24 hours!” Suv agreed. Liadan sighed, but then nodded.
“Alright then, 24 hours,” she relented. She looked at the clock on the wall. “The time is… 10.30pm, so we’ll start now.”
Before anyone could react, Mana cried out as suddenly she felt a soft boop on her nose. Looking like he had not moved an inch, Mu smirked as he folded his arms and crossed a leg.
“Sorry Mana, I’ve got this one in the bag,” he taunted. Mana just rolled her eyes at him.
“Wait, is there a punishment for losing?” Victor asked. “There was last time.”
“Victor!” Mana shrieked.
“I’m sorry!! I’m trying to follow the rules!” he wailed, waving his hands in front of him as Mana glared fiercely.
“Someone could always be a footrest for a week,” Nao suggested.
“Loser buys the winner dinner?” Suv offered.
“How about,” Xav scratched his chin in thought, “Winner gets to ask the loser a truth question, since we all keep picking dare.”
“Oh, I like that,” Nao grinned at Xav. “Who knew you were so devious?”
“No thank you,” Mana shook her head at that.
“What do you think I’ll ask you, Mana?” Mu teased. “I’m sure there’s plenty to tell.”
“Oh, it is on,” Mana turned her glare towards him now. “Just you wait, I’ll boop you.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“Ten minutes now,” Liadan’s eyes were on the clock, breaking Mana out of her thoughts.
“We’re getting there,” Mana breathed deeply. “We’re almost there.”
“Thank goodness,” Liadan breathed along with her, trying to help her calm down.
“I just… I don’t want Mu asking… you know…” Mana went quiet. Liadan knew what she was hinting at. It had been obvious to her for a while now. She was good at intuiting Mana like that. Everyone played their cards close to their chest in this team, but Mana was always the hardest to crack open when it came to personal information. Liadan had accepted it at this point, if she was going to learn things about the eevee virus, she would have to be patient.
“I know, Mana, I know,” she comforted. She wanted to head to the couch and sit with her, but she was on guard duty and had to stay at the door.
“I’m not ready for that. Not at all.”
“Well, look on the bright side? You’re winning right now,” Liadan said, trying to cheer her up.
“Don’t jinx it!” Mana exclaimed. “You know he’s out there.”
Liadan sighed and nodded, thinking back on just how hard Mana had worked to get that last boop in.
“I’m getting worried now, I haven’t seen Mana in three hours,” Mu looked down at his phone. He had finally found Liadan’s post; it was just a photo of a potato. With no caption. Mu didn’t even remember a potato in the room. It really clashed with the aesthetic of his Gram, that was for sure.
“You think she’s up to something?” Victor wondered.
“Probably?” Mu shrugged. “She hasn’t tried to get me since training this morning.”
“I’m impressed she kept at for so long,” Victor chuckled. “You didn’t give her a real chance though.”
“All’s fair in boops and war,” Mu joked.
Mu and Victor exited the room they were in, into the school courtyard. Knowing that the coast was clear, the two began heading for their trainees’ dorms. Whilst Victor’s eyes focused straight ahead, Mu was constantly looking around, making sure that Mana was no where near him. They were in the early evening now; she was surely getting desperate. Desperate enough for a crazy scheme? He was not sure. Even still, he wouldn’t put it past her.
“Guys, wait up!” A familiar voice called out behind them. The 99ers turned around to see Liadan running up to them. “Have you seen Mana anywhere?”
“No, we haven’t,” Victor answered. “Is everything alright?”
“I haven’t seen her,” she explained. “I’m worried she’s planning something stupid.”
“Well whatever it is, it won’t work,” Mu boasted. “I’m too fast for her.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Liadan rolled her eyes. “You made that clear at training. You’re oh so fast and strong.”
“What do you… oh…” Mu looked down. “I’ve been boasting too much, haven’t I?”
“Kind of, yes,” Victor said with a shrug. “Almost as bad as Nao.”
“Oh no, that bad?”
“That bad.”
“Well, I can’t apologise now, not until I win,” Mu sighed. “I’ll do it then.”
The trio continued walking towards the dorm, an uneasy silence over them. Mu’s eyes continued to dart around, especially when they passed his usual tree. No sign of her there. The idea of her being bold enough to hide in there made him almost laugh. That would have been a hell of an attempt. Especially with how bad Mana was at hiding. He decided to save that idea for later, if Mana somehow managed to get him back.
“What are you going to ask her, if you win?” Liadan asked, breaking their silence. Mu turned around, an uncertain look on his face.
“I don’t actually know…” he mumbled.
“Wait, you don’t?!” Victor asked, completely shocked. “You seemed like you did?”
“I don’t want to ask something that will upset her, you know?” he shrugged and looked down again. “Last time I asked personal questions I got the silent treatment for a long time. I doubt she’ll want to answer me again.”
“A dare is a dare, so she knows she would have to,” Liadan said. “Come on now, if you wanted to ask something personal, you know you have both grown so much closer! Surely she would answer you this time?”
“This is Mana we’re talking about,” Mu bit his lip. “She clams up.”
“Well, maybe just ask her something like her favourite colour?” Victor suggested. Liadan and Mu just stared at him, until he sighed. “Bad example, I know.”
“Maybe, or I could ask-”
Mu’s words were cut off by a loud noise, what sounded like a firework going off behind him. Turning around wildly, he noticed Liadan waving her hand slightly too late. A figure burst from the tree line above them, camouflaged by her green and brown attire. As he turned back to face them, it was who he was expecting, but also not. Mana’s green ears and sultry smirk on her face were something he had not seen for a long time. Quick as a flash, she booped his nose and left him with some parting words.
“Not this time, Big Cat.”
Mu was too stunned to give chase as she beelined it back to their dorm, her evolution giving her extra speed to make her escape. He looked back up to the tree, so shocked he didn’t see her. His eyes then narrowed as he turned to Liadan.
“You traitor.”
“I… have to go… bye!” She waved awkwardly, then dashed off after Mana.
“Wow… I can’t believe they played us like that,” Victor laughed. “That was impressive.”
Mu nodded, but then a smirk of determination grew on his face.
“Looks like it’s our turn to set a trap then.”
“I still can’t believe they fell for that,” Liadan mused.
“You make an excellent distraction,” Mana complimented. “Nobody expects the straight-man.”
“I also can’t believe you called Mu Big Cat,” she teased.
“Leafeon has pet names for everyone, it’s nothing special,” Mana defended herself. She was blushing hard at this point.
“Oh really, what’s mine then?”
“Oh… well thank you!” Liadan beamed at her, a light blush now on her cheeks. She turned back to the window as there was a sudden noise outside.
“Is it him?” Mana asked, now ducking behind the couch.
“No… it’s… Horns?!” Liadan said, incredulously. “What’s he doing here so late?!”
“I don’t know!”
Liadan opened the door so slightly as the cow virus approached.
“Horns, is everything okay?” Liadan asked. “You’re out of breath.”
“It’s… it’s Jolly…” Horns was panting. “Something’s wrong… please…”
“Mana?” Liadan asked, looking back at her. To her surprise, Mana was already heading for the door.
“Let’s go,” she said, a look of determination on her face. Horns nodded and started running. Liadan and Mana did their best to keep up, but Horns was always surprisingly fast. They kept running through the corridors, then into the courtyard. Horns stopped, then turned around and looked to the two of them.
“Horns, what’s-”
To Mana’s horror, Mu dropped down from the tree above her, his tree. Hanging upside down, he quickly booped her on the nose and winked. Mana shrieked and tried to get him back, but it was already too late as his phantom image disappeared.
“Aaand time!” Suv called out, jumping out from behind a wall. “Mu wins!”
“Yeah! We did it!” Xav cried out, jumping out as well.
“We got you good, Mana,” Nao laughed as he popped out. “Your face is priceless!”
Mana stood dumbfounded, looking between them all. Her eyes then fell onto Horns.
“How did you get roped into this?”
“Well, after you barred all of us from the dorm,” Victor said, stepping out from his hiding place as well. “We crashed at Gamma and Psi’s.”
“God was everyone in on it?!” Mana exclaimed.
“Sorry Mana…” Horns mumbled. Mana sighed but then smiled at him.
“No Horns, I’m not mad at you, don’t apologize,” she reassured. Horns beamed at her appreciatively.
“We knew you wouldn’t let any of us in,” Victor continued. “So, we needed another strategy.”
“Then, I thought we could use Horns as bait! Because no one would suspect him!” Suv grinned, boasting at his master plan.
“That’s harsh…” Horns mumbled again.
“Because you’re so nice.”
“I didn’t think you were such a good actor, I’m impressed,” Liadan admitted.
“Nao made me run laps so I would be ‘in character’ when I got there,” Horns glared at him. Nao just grinned back at him.
“And it worked. You’re welcome.”
“So, what happens now?” Liadan asked.
“What happens,” everyone turned to see Mu sitting in another tree directly behind Horns. “Is Mana and I are going to have a little chat whilst everyone turns in for the night.”
“But I wanna hear it,” Nao whined. Victor just put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head.
“No one said everyone had to hear the question,” he said simply.
“Thanks for the assist,” Mu jumped out of the tree and gave Horns a pat on the shoulder.
“I… wow… No worries!” Horns squeaked. “I need to get back to the dorm now, bye!”
“Bye Horns!” Xav called out, waving to him. “Make sure you tell them what happened!”
“Yeah, Gamma will be clamouring to know,” Victor laughed. He then turned to the rest of the team. “Come on guys, let’s give these two some space.”
“Alright, let’s go, I’m exhausted,” Suv yawned, stretching his arms. “It’s hard being the smart one. Thank god we have you Liadan, I couldn’t do this all the time.”
“Fair enough,” Liadan laughed and then sighed. She put a reassuring hand on Mana’s shoulder. “Good luck.”
Mana and Mu were then left to the courtyard, alone.
“You know…” Mu said, looking up at the stars, “You’re very good at the silent treatment.”
“Thank you, I try,” Mana rolled her eyes at him. “I’m just waiting.”
“For your question.”
Before now, they had been sitting in the courtyard for ten minutes, on one of the benches. Mu noticed Mana getting more and more tense, and was once again refusing to meet his gaze. He hated it when she got like that, and he hated that he seemed to be the cause of it. He took a deep breath, finally settling on a question for her.
“Okay, I have my question.”
“Alright, shoot,” Mana still didn’t look at him.
“Are you mad at me?”
Mana did a double take, looking at him in sheer confusion.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“I… why would I be mad at you?”
“Well you won’t look at me, for one,” Mu started, causing Mana to look down again. “And I did just win. I don’t want you to hate me.”
“Mu… I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at,” she paused, then let out a deep sigh. “At the situation.”
“The situation?”
“You try being put into a competition to boop one of the quickest beings known to virus-kind, who can leave an phantom image behind, and when he wins he gets to ask you any personal question,” Mana’s voice raised with every word until she was practically shouting. Mu flinched back, surprised.
“Mana… I…”
“It’s not your fault,” Mana sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. “But you can see where I’m coming from. It’s a hopeless, powerless situation.”
“But you got me,” Mu grabbed Mana’s hand off his shoulder and held it tightly. “You actually got me. It was amazing.”
“It was sheer luck.”
“No, it was a good plan,” Mu assured her. “You did really well. I did not expect Leafeon to come out.”
“Why her? Jolteon is quick too.”
“Well, for one, Jolteon is bright yellow,” Mana pointed out, and Mu chuckled at that. “Two, Jolteon can’t sit still. Too bouncy, not good for hiding. Leafeon knows how to be chill, well, sometimes.”
Mu nodded; her reasoning was sound. Another smirk grew on his face.
“Big Cat, though?”
“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?” Mana sighed and covered her face with her hands.
“It’s cute.”
“Leafeon gives everyone pet names, I swear.”
“It’s okay, I believe you,” Mu chuckled. There was another pause between them, before Mana spoke up.
“Ask another one.”
“I’m sorry?” Mu asked.
“Ask again. Don’t waste a question on that. You know I could never hate you, Mu.”
“Okay then…” Mu looked down, scratching his cheek in thought. “I’ve got it.”
“Did you want to go get some ice-cream?”
“Mu, it’s 11pm.”
Mana sighed, but then laughed. Mu chuckled along with her.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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