#whoever wrote that scene didn’t know what was up with those three Pokémon
I’ve been rewatching the entire Pokémon anime, and in the episode “Clefairy Tales,” there’s this delusional alien obsessed guy with a device he claims can identify aliens. While it’s mostly brushed off as a fake, their’s something interesting about all of the “aliens” it picks up.
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And in this last one, he assumes the scanner is picking up on Misty, but it is far more likely that It’s picking up on Togepi instead.
All three of these Pokémon were later retyped as fairy in gen 6.
And considering the fact that these were also the only Pokémon the scanner identified,
This man was walking around with a fairy type detection device 4 generations before it was introduced.
This is a fun coincidence in of itself, but there’s this theory that the reason the fairy type wasn’t acknowledged for so long was because, despite tons of scientific evidence, most of the regions except Kalos and possibly a few others refused to acknowledge fairy type as an actual type until very recently because they felt a fairy type would be unscientific. (I also find it funny, that, assuming this is true, they guy who discovered the fairy type could’ve easily called it ‘light type’ or even ‘sparkle type,’ and have probably gotten praised as a hero in the Pokémon scientific community.)
With this context, it also makes that one scene in X and Y where this random Sylveon trainer told him, “oh yeah, fairy types exist,” and Ash was just like, “okay, cool,” like it was nothing.
I also want you to think about, just for a second, about Oswald (the delusional alien obsessed guy.) and how he probably got obsessed with the concept of aliens in the first place
Imagine being him, noticing that certain Pokémon have these weird disparities between them and the rest of the Pokémon of the same type,
Going on a spiral convincing yourself this must mean their aliens, from another planet,
Then proceed to find out that they were simply another type that the Pokémon professors just… refused to acknowledge.
Once last Cherry to top off this spiral sundae that spawned from a weird anime coincidence,
Was it even a coincidence? Or was some guy on the anime writing team already advocating for an additional type way back in generation 1?
Maybe he just got a specific vibe from them and decided to act on it
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