#will is like 'i think id prefer dad too actually' and hopper gives him a big old hug
ikarakie · 1 year
will one day accidentally calls hop 'pop', like totally by accident. not even in the way of calling ur teacher dad, but because hop sounds like pop and will got his words mixed around.
and hopper just. pauses mid sip of his coffee. will is frozen in his spot because it does not escape him what he basically just did and he kind of wants to cry cause he does see hopper as a father figure but didn't want to, like, make things awkward.
but it's all okay. because hopper just shrugs and says: "i mean, i'd prefer something like dad. or old man. but whatever works for you, kid." and he has to hide his smile behind his mug, and will has to cover his with his hand after he recovers from the shock. (neither works)
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