#will not add him on the list tho i wanna see him jump in planica first
skiijumpinng · 2 years
Cene Prevc on ending his career
a translation of this article on Siol.net
You didn't jump in any Grand Prix or Continental Cup competitions this summer. Any particular reason?
In the spring I realised that my other goals were more challenging than ski jumping and that I would sleep better if I did something in other areas. That's why I hardly trained anymore. A few times I jumped for fun. I am starting my studies in electrical engineering in October. I also want to finish the higher education programme for rural and landscape management at the Naklo Biotechnical Centre. As far as ski jumping is concerned, this means that I will not take part in the World Cup next season.
What about the Continental Cup competitions?
Not that either.
So you've finished your career then?
If it goes on like this, then yeah. The Slovenian Ski Federation is leaving the door open for me. If I am still of the same opinion as I am at the moment, then I will finish my career in Planica.
In the spring there were already rumours about this. How much of it was true?
I was persuaded not to end the story and to leave the door open. They've said I should think about it.
So what is the timeline for your decision? Are you still going to jump?
That's exactly it. Trainings are no longer my priority. I don't go to them anymore. At the moment, the only thing on my mind is to go from exam to exam. A few weeks ago I was asked what I was trying to get in shape for and I joked that it was for each exam.
Is there nothing tempting you to come back?
I would love to do some testing. I'm waiting for Peter Slatnar to make a new version of the shoes again after many years. I am waiting for him to finish them and test them. At worst, as a trialjumper on a ski flying hill. I simply cannot say goodbye to those.
What was the deciding factor, given that you had your best season behind you?
Exactly that – the fact that it was a great season.
Did the last season surprise you?
No, it didn't. Moreso personal challenges, what to achieve while growing in a particular sport. I was very close to making myself happy. What is more important in my mind now is to improve myself in other areas of my life. To finish two schools.
The season starts in November. When will you decide?
Realistically, it's more or less decided – I'm not going to jump. The federation suggested that I should think about it. Personally, it hasn't happened. I haven't changed my mind in six months.
But you jumped well at the national championships. You were fourth, just behind the podium.
I laughed to myself because I jumped well. But from jump to jump, it was obvious that I was making bigger and bigger mistakes. You need consistency.
If you look at your career, the last season must have given you the most satisfaction. What did ski jumping give you?
First of all work habits. There were a lot of difficult moments in between, so it's hard to be surprised by any moment in my future. Not only the moments from my life, but also from others I've heard.
What has been the most beautiful moment in your career?
The last jump in Planica, where I jumped 246 metres. And immediately afterwards, 243 metres in Vikersund.
What about the Olympic silver in the team event?
It's a very nice memory. But that Olympic medal is an indication of how much effort and torture it takes to get anywhere. That Olympic competition was not difficult at all compared to the internal qualification we had the day before.
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