#wip: cruise3
tj-dragonblade · 2 months
Last Line Tag Game
Tagged by @signiorbenedickofpadua - thank you!
I have been scribbling bits that keep coming to mind on a thing I'm refusing to commit to actual wip-status yet, but if the bits keep coming that may change. Under the cut for a very direct answer to Hob's 'Tell me what you want':
"I want…I." He takes a deep breath, repeats to himself the words that Jessamy so often tells him. 'Getting what you want is easier when you TELL people what you want.' "I want. You. Naked. All over me. Inside me. I want you to tear my clothes from me and ravish me senseless; I want to take your cock again and again and again until I cannot see straight." Hob has paused with his drink half raised, mouth hanging open just a little; Dream pushes on, determined to get the words out before they fail him. "But also. I want to feel. Treasured. As though I am. Important, and valued. Worth having, worth. Wanting."
Hob has recovered, has put his cup aside, is staring at Dream with the most adoring expression on his face as he reaches to touch Dream's hand. "Oh. Oh, love, why not both. I can do both. All. Everything, everything you want." His fingers slide under Dream's palm, his thumb brushes over Dream's knuckles, the kindest and tenderest touch. "Do you want to get out of here?"
Dream curls his own fingers around Hob's, a desperate grateful press of acceptance. "Please."
"Do you want to take me home? Or do you want to come to mine?"
Dream considers; it is less about his space or Hob's space than it is about how quickly they can get there. "I am twenty minutes away by cab. Are you closer?"
Hob grins. "Oh yes, very. I live upstairs."
"You. Live upstairs?"
"I own the pub. And I live upstairs, yes." He's standing, drawing Dream up with him by the hand. "Shall we?"
~ Tagging, no obligation,feel free to tag me on existing posts if you've just done this: @lenreli, @bruce-wayne-simp, @aralezinspace, @kydrogendragon, @karalynlovescake, @ginoeh
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tj-dragonblade · 1 month
oooh Star Trek AU and cruise verse part 3 for the wip game! xo @hardly-an-escape
Hello hello! Yes! The Star Trek 'AU' was more idea than WIP until this-here round of WIP-ask gaming. Now it's got a bunch of drily-expository introduction to the scene, which is progress I'm delighted to have made. The first bit can be found here; this snippet follows on directly from that:
They meet yearly at the least, now, every 7th of June by Earth calendar reckoning, and Dream often drops by once or twice in between as well. It's been a wonderful change the last four centuries from the six that came before; their friendship is genuine, solid, lasting. Hob makes the journey back to earth every year that ends in 89, always returns to the cradle of London and the New Inn, still standing all these centuries later, to mark the turning of another century in their relationship. But in between the centennial tradition, Dream will meet him where he happens to roam, and the age of space travel means he can roam farther than he'd ever imagined. Currently he's been crewing cargo freighters out in the wormhole sector, where new and exciting things have been happening for the last few years. He's been to the Gamma Quadrant a couple of times, the entire other side of the galaxy! Sometimes he still can't quite believe it but it's absolutely brilliant; he loves just mucking around out here, experiencing things that his peasant brain could never have fathomed in his natural mortal lifetime. Then the last freighter he'd signed onto had started smuggling for the Maquis, and when her captain inevitably went to Federation prison for it, he'd cut loose from the rest of the crew and drifted back to Deep Space 9. He'll find his next berth soon, he's in no hurry, and in the meantime. Dream is here for their annual visit. "My dear friend," he greets, standing as Dream reaches the table. "It is good to see you." He clasps Dream's hand, settles a firm grip to his shoulder with the other, the sorts of physical greeting he never would have dared a few centuries back. But Dream has grown, their friendship has grown, and pulling him into a light one-armed embrace is now not only allowable, but reciprocated. "Hello, Hob," Dream murmurs, as they draw apart, and the warmth in his crystal blue eyes is unmistakable.
Cruise-verse Part 3 is not officially committed to wip status, but the unavoidable reality is that I keep scribbling down bits of conversations they could have if I decide I'm going to go ahead and write the third installment. Of this series, I suppose I should specify. Here's a bit of one of those conversations, which you'll see is still in the almost-entirely-dialogue stage:
"Holy shit…you're Morpheus Ateleíotes, head of the Oneiros branch of InfinityCorp??" "I would much prefer you continue to call me Dream; indeed, to think of me as your 'just Dream' from the cruise." "Alright alright, I can wrap my head around that. Just Dream it is, between you and me. Just. Gimme a minute to process." "That you have fucked a high-society recluse?" "I mean you were in the priciest suite on that ship; obviously you were loaded but I never—oh, hold on a tick, didn't I just see something in the newsfeed about a divorce being finalized?" "Yes, that is one of the things I wished to talk about with you today." "So you were still married when we hooked up at sea?" "…Yes. Technically." "Oh my god, I'm an adulterer??" The glittering of his eyes seems more amused than affronted. Dream tilts an eyebrow. "You were not married, so strictly speaking—" "I am party to adultery, gorgeous, don't argue semantics." "I apologize for not being forthcoming about my marital status on the cruise." "Mmyeah, might've been nice to know?" The warmth of his smile keeps the words light, free of any real sting of recrimination. "Would it have made any difference?" Hob looks him up and down, gaze sweeping over him, appraisal with a backing of very fond heat. "Absolutely not. Still would've fucked you senseless for the asking. And I do get why you wouldn't want to haul your messy baggage into your fun tropical fling." "Truly, you are the most beautiful and understanding party to adultery I could have hoped to find."
I've also posted a bit of later (and more fleshed out) conversation on a last-line-tag-meme previously.
(@hardly-an-escape just in case your tag in the original ask doesn't ping you)
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