#wisteria dragon cookie x reader
How do your dragons fare in a relationship?
(Fan dragons in relationships)
Nectarine Dragon Cookie: Nectarine is a very devoted and caring lover; they don’t care if you’re weak or strong (Though strength to match them in a fight is always a plus). They don’t give up in a pursuit once they have an interest, but they’re not quick to go to scary extremes over someone. Most of the time it’s the silly stuff or other stuff that goes against their hard wisdom nature that’d win someone over. Nectarine is very protective, especially if you’re weaker and don’t like to fight, they’ll always be there for you and do their best to support you in your decisions. They don’t physically show their emotions well, mostly keeping a straight face a lot of the time but they’ll melt for things the same way. Love it when you want to sleep on them.
Sakura Dragon Cookie: They have a very motherly and caring attitude towards their partner, even if you’re somehow bigger than them Sakura wears the pants in this (Even though…they wear a leotard…whatever). Very calm and collected but shows emotion much more easily, they more often get exasperated at things that can get you in danger…especially if you do it a lot. Will absolutely dote on a partner if they got something even as small as a paper cut. You’re pretty much promised to reach your natural lifespan as they’ll insist on healing your wounds and sicknesses (a single petal from their life tree can regrow organs on mass). They’re equally as protective as Nectarine but more willing to give you your freedom on things since you are an adult and they’re not your mother.
Rocker punk Dragon Cookie: Rocker Punk is a nervous wreck in a relationship even when she doesn’t show it, the cookie raised dragon just freaking struggles. Raised on good cookie morals with the instincts of a dragon makes a not fun combo for the young adult. She’s in a mental battle and takes forever to confess in the first place, opting to be just a friend for a good long while before having the courage to say anything. They often apologize if they think she’s being too rough, a major worrywart over her own actions truly. You gotta be nice and understanding with her for this to work, poor drake got a lot going on in her head. She does truly love you though, so dates often consist of fun stuff you like to do but they’ll always score tickets for your favorite band if you have one.
Red Velvet Dragon Cookie (Velvet for short): The Velvet Dragon is the least you gotta worry about when it comes to bad reactions that could hurt you, you see they more of have the instincts of Cakes than a dragon. Them falling for you starts similar to the dragon kidnapping the princess but instead of a knight saving you, the dragon just fell in love and released you so you could be happy. Very loving and affectionate, always wanting to be around and help you no matter how menial the task. Velvet is always happy to see you and basically becomes a dog if you’ve been separated for a really long time. Honestly, they’d love you so much they’d stop their attacks on the guild and stop following Dark Enchantress for you (unless you’re a minion of hers). With a mixture of Cake and Dragon protectiveness they’ll get all fluffy and growly to even minor threats, and then incredibly vicious if you’re actually in danger. They love to take you out flying with them on clear nights.
Wisteria Dragon Cookie: Honestly, this cannot go well in any sense unless you’re as terrible as they are. I really don’t need to go into detail about how much of a toxic partner they’d be, more than likely Wisteria can’t feel real love for anything other than themselves. More of they just loved and obsessed over the idea of a person, getting to the point where they believe that person belongs to them and they’re entitled to that poor soul.
Ozone Dragon Cookie: It takes a lot of patience for Ozone to fall in love with you in the first place, and after that you’d have to get through his daughters in order to be with him. Ozone likes to spend quality time with a partner, he makes his gifts thought out and meaningful instead of the traditional gold or jewels. If you can’t fly or migrating the skies of Earthbread isn’t your thing then it’ll most like be a long-distance relationship as it’s in Ozone’s instincts to patrol the skies. However, like with his girls they’ll always make time to see and spend with you. They can travel far distances in an extremely quick amount of time if so desired, so if they ever sense you’re in danger you can pretty much expect them to show up to help you. Pet names also aren’t really their thing outside of words like “Dear” “Darling” and “Love”.
Bamboo Dragon Cookie: Bamboo is a nervous wreck much like Rocker punk but cranked up, due to years of social rejection and fear she highly doubts everything about herself. The hybrid is sadly used to being feared by cookies she just saved when they find they’re part dragon, used to being hated for something they couldn’t control. Bamboo would be a very loving and attentive partner; they would care for you a lot and give you gifts she thinks you would like. They’d be helpful and supportive in any manner they could, but she’d always have doubt in the back of her mind. She’d always fear that you either don’t truly love her or that they’ll accidentally hurt one day. This is another case where you need to be patient and work through it together.
Coffee Dragon cookie: Coffee naturally prefers more submissive or needy partners. One they have to do the caring for where they can baby and love them and threaten people who come too close. The morally questionable scientist dragon always feels the need to remain in control, not because they doubt you or your abilities but because they just like caring for you that much. However, you need to catch their interest first before a relationship could start, they're a scientist after all. But they like a good chase in return, they liked it when you were trying to gain their favor while also piquing their interest (though they adore intelligence all the same and innovation). They’re a busy dragon so to make up for that they’ll have you close or wrapped up in their tail while they work, or just have you rest on their back. They’re very affectionate in private but don’t mind showing everyone that you belong to them. Hope you don't mind feeling like a trophy spouse in public they'll pat your head openly, their affection can sound condescending to anyone else when they're being genuine like
"Oh, my precious little cookie needs me~? Alright~."
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How my fan dragon cookies react to rejection. (Technically x reader headcanon? Idk my ocs are open to the request box)
Wisteria, toxic bastard will force feed you a love potion.
Sakura, they will act calm at first though if you look into those eyes you'll see that you just unleashed the greed they try to hide because you'd suddenly find yourself waking up in a prison of tree roots.
Rocker, she'd be so fucking torn, raised by cookies but with dragon instincts. She'd try SO HARD to take the rejection like a sane cookie would but those greedy dragon instincts are roaring at her to take what they want, what happens depends on her support system through it. (And since Pitaya is often their mentor uuuuuh, be that sane cookie who shushes Pitaya when they're about to give bad advice on the subject)
Coffee, They'd fucking stare and pretend everything was fine. But what's this? You suddenly can't fall asleep, uh oh that's not good. Unless you're already a coffee cookie you probably wouldn't notice until the USUAL time you fall asleep isn't coming. You can't sleep, doctors are discovering disturbingly high caffeine levels in your jam stream and not even coffee magic can take it out. When you go back to the dragon they'll fully admit they're torturing you with no sleep until you agree to be their mate
Red velvet: Red was made different from other dragons, not naturally born but baked in the oven. Dragons look down on them for not being a "real dragon" but can't do much due to how powerful they are. Red velvet handles rejection a lot more properly, while they'd be sad and heartbroken that cake part of them takes over any draconic instinct to steal the rejector away. They'd let you go on to live your life.
Ozone: He doesn't interact with others much, the most he has is his daughters Typhoon and Layered Quake (LQ owned by @mumble-jumble-gallery). Honestly, you'd sooner have to worry about those two than Ozone if you break their heart. His daughters love them so much that any suitor has to go through them first, so while rejecting him may not end in violence it'll certainly end with you getting onto the shit list of two gods. Other than that Ozone would handle it similar to Red Velvet.
Nectarine: They'd be pretty relentless, they'd come back every day to try to change your mind over and over. They'd be pretty high spirited over it until the constant rejection starts to sink a little too deep into their head. They'd ask their mate, Sakura, for help. And what luck Sakura has feelings for you too! Well if you read how Sakura handles it well you know what happens next.
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My dragon cookies Wisteria, Sakura, Coffee, Red Velvet, Ozone, and Bamboo and Rocker punk are open for x reader requests.
One rule I have regarding Rocker is no NSFW or maybe a tad bit softer. She's a late teen to young adult in dragon years (19-22 Cookie years). Over time I'll consider things as she adapts and grows but if I feel a request is a bit much I will reject it. Please respect this rule. Thank you.
Oh and please, Wisteria is very toxic. You'd have to be their level of bad to even hope to have anything healthy with them (like your toxicity would have to cancel each other out) so anything written with them is bad.
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