#wolfstargazer wonderings
wolfstargazer · 4 months
Remus runs cold. He feels it keenly and often needs to wear a jumper late into the Spring.
Sirius runs hot. He rarely needs a scarf.
Remus' hands are always cool. And Sirius loves it when Remus places them on the back of his neck.
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nomtheburritos · 7 years
im-the-hella-wolfstargazer replied to your post “Me to myself this wonderful eve”
I don't think so...there's probably a name for being more inclined towards a side, but can't quite remember now
It was just a pun joke xD I’m pansexual, just couldn’t help making the pun.
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wolfstargazer · 4 months
Remus is more likely to call Sirius by his name than Padfoot.
Sirius is more likely to call Remus Moony or Mr Moony than Remus.
Both of them use each other's first name when they are angry....
...Or when they're in bed...
Bonus - Names they do not use - Moons, Pads, Siri, Rems, Remy.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
Remus will find out your favourite book and then go read it.
He doesn't tell you he does this. It's his quiet way of getting to know you better.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
Remus is a voracious reader and has been since childhood. He mainly reads fiction and likes nothing better than discovering a battered paperback on someone else's shelf he has never read.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
What does Remus love most about Sirius?
That he's the most fearlessly alive person that he's ever met.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
What does Sirius love most about Remus?
His compassion, his certainty, and his quick and dry wit.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
Remus' favourite season is spring.
There is a willow in the garden of his childhood home. Every year he eagerly awaits the crocuses that burst, purple and gold, through the snow beneath it.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
Remus and Sirius' order in the restaurant from my latest microfic:
Two green salads
Lots of bread
Spaghetti alla puttanesca
Risotto alla Milanese
Lots of Chianti
Grappa x 1
Cannolo x 1
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
Remus takes his tea black with lemon. Preferably Earl Grey. Sometimes sweetened with honey, depending on the time of month.
He never drinks coffee.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
Remus can speak French. So long as it's gleaned from the lyrics of Piaf, Greco, and Hardy records.
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wolfstargazer · 5 months
✨When you get this ask you have to put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positive vibes are cool)🎶
I was also sent this by @picklerab23. Thanks :)
It is so difficult to choose five but I will give you five songs from my Moony Moods playlist, which is full of songs I think Remus loves:
Song to the Siren - Tim Buckley
Rose Hip November - Vashti Bunyan
Blue - Joni Mitchell
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me - Dusty Springfield
L'Amour Looks Something Like You - Kate Bush
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wolfstargazer · 3 months
Delicate - a wolfstargazer microfic - word count: 276
Remus was barely awake, but he could feel the sun from the gap in the curtains falling across his face. He stirred and felt the heaviness of Sirius' head in the well of his shoulder, Sirius' hair spilling across his chest. He was certain Sirius was still sleeping but as his eyes fluttered open he watched as Sirius delicately entwined his fingers with his own, his voice a low rumble reveberating through Remus as he said, "Tell me again when you knew."
A smile tugged at the corners of Remus' mouth. He shifted, pressing a featherlight kiss on the top of Sirius' head.
"You won't get a different answer no matter how many times you ask me."
"Hmmmm," Sirius made a low noise and turned. Remus felt the slight scratch of stubble against his skin as Sirius looked up, eyes grey, hair falling carelessly in front of them.
"Tell me again...all the same..."
Remus sighed and allowed his mind to float back through the years. The scents and sounds and tastes and sights of days gone by became as real to him now as they had been back then. Spiced woodsmoke and barked laughter. Tannins and the autumn sun catching Sirius' face just so. Remus had wondered and hoped whether it had just been nostalgia; a yearning for something familiar after all they had lost...
But he had known himself too well, had always suspected what it had meant, though it had taken losing everything for things to fall into place.
Remus swallowed, and his voice was full of emotion as he whispered quietly the words he always said anytime Sirius asked, "It was always you."
Prompt by @alltoounwellll
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wolfstargazer · 3 months
From small acorns - a wolfstargazer microfic - word count: 503
It had started with an oak tree.
A broad, ancient, gnarled oak on the very fringes of the school grounds that had stood for 300 years at least.
It was not magical.
But it belonged to them.
They had discovered it sometime in their second year, as part of their much larger enterprise to explore every inch of the school. This was before the idea of the Marauders Map had occurred to any of them, and when their desire to chart their own little universe was founded on curiosity alone.
James had climbed it instantly, of course. Peter had watched nervously from the ground below. And even then, Sirius had noticed the way Remus looked appreciatively at the tree before sinking down beneath it and opening his book.
Long after the others had lost interest, after the discoveries of the rooms long forgotten in the castle, and secret passageways they were certain no-one else knew existed, Remus returned to the oak tree. Sirius often found him there, back against the bark, face dappled by the light that filtered through the branches.
That last autumn they had walked together to it, scuffling through the leaves, and Sirius had watched Remus smile, a little sadly, as he reached out, pressed his hand to the trunk and said, "Hello, old friend."
Remus had turned, as though he suddenly remembered that Sirius was there, blushing and expecting his friend to laugh.
But Sirius would never laugh at Remus in a moment like that.
Remus didn't notice when Sirius stooped down and scooped an acorn into his hand.
Four months later, on the last birthday he'd celebrate at Hogwarts, Remus woke a little late to find his friends absent from the dormitory and his bedside table covered in cards and gifts. A small box, tied with a strand of red ribbon, caught Remus' attention. As did the small label attached scrawled with "Moony" in a familiar, spiky hand.
Remus reached for the box, pulled at the ribbon, and revealed the tissue paper within. Nestled delicately inside was a single acorn, worn smooth by the months since the tree had dropped it and of having been turned over and over in someone's hand inside the pocket of their robes.
Later, after the hubbub of the day had past, Remus managed to catch a moment when Sirius was alone in an alcove by the window in the Gryffindor Common Rooms.
Remus had smiled uncertainly, leant in conspiratorily, and said, lowly, "Thank you for the gift."
Sirius' grey eyes danced as he said with obvious amusement, "My usual extravagant gesture, of course."
Remus chuckled.
Something about Sirius' expression shifted, his tone more earnest when he said, "I thought perhaps you could plant it. Somewhere of your own. That we could maybe plant it together. Some day."
Remus wondered if or when that time would come. But he didn't doubt how much he wanted it and, with a slight crack in his voice, he said softly so that only Sirius could hear, "I'd like that."
For Remus' birthday, and a continuation of my little headcanon here.
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wolfstargazer · 4 months
Intimate - a wolfstargazer microfic - word count: 524
Sirius glowered at his reflection and tried the incantation again. But he couldn't get the words straight. Ligamens? Ligamons? James had hurriedly chanted it, and it had seemed to work. But somewhere in the course of the morning Sirius' tie had come undone. And, try as he might, he couldn't work out how to get the damn thing tied again.
He didn't want to bother James, who had been pacing up and down in the garden for the past half an hour. Sirius had never seen him like this, so utterly and completely undone. But he wasn't surprised. It had been years in the making. Finally, that afternoon, James was going to make Lily his wife.
"Bah!" Sirius tried and failed again to tie it. He supposed this was what came of spending all those years at school getting James to do the incantation for them both, never learning for himself.
"Trouble?" Remus asked, popping his head around the door.
Sirius sighed. "I can't get this bloody thing to work," he said, gesturing to the tie.
Remus smiled and entered the room. Sirius took in his appearance. His robes, although not new, suited him in shades of green. As Remus crossed the room, Sirius noted a small gold pin on the lapel of his robes. A single touch of understated ornamentation unusual for him.
Sirius reached out and touched it, examining the interlocking leaf design more closely.
"Ivy...for fidelity...and love..." Remus explained. He gave a small smile. "It was my mother's."
Remus' smile disarmed him. He reached out and took each side of Sirius' tie in his hands. The gesture seemed strangely intimate. It made Sirius start.
"What are you doing?" Sirius asked, unsettled by the way James' nerves seemed to be contagious.
"Fixing this."
"Do you know the spell?"
Remus looked momentarily perplexed before this shifted to amusement.
"The Muggle way?" Remus suggested with a smile.
Sirius gave a short laugh, feeling a little stupid.
"Oh... Right."
Remus turned up Sirius' collar, and Sirius felt him pull the fabric of his tie taut between his hands. A look of concentration appeared on Remus' face, a slight crease between the eyebrows, and Sirius enjoyed the way Remus' hands moved, firm and dextrous at their work.
Remus moved closer, threading the fabric of the tie under...then over...then through. Softly, Remus adjusted the collar and straightened the tie.
"How do I look?" Sirius asked, deliberately flirtatious, hoping to take control of all he was struggling to ignore...
... But a distance had opened up between them. Sirius felt it more now Remus was so close. Something uneasy, born of uncertainty and all the things Sirius tried not to feel. He had tried not to think about what it all meant...
But it hadn't worked. And now Sirius found himself wondering if all he need do to fix everything between them was to reach out and pull Remus close...
Remus dropped his hands and stepped back. A ghost of something flickered across his face. But as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. Sirius watched Remus compose himself. The moment passed, and Remus looked away and said, "You'll do."
Prompt by @nocturnal-phantoms-fandoms
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