@xbloodsoakedx​ replied: Violet vc: Miky~(sounds like mickey, lol sorry Mikhail)
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He stares.
“......How long did it take you to come up with that nickname?”
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strykingback · 2 years
Starter for @xbloodsoakedx​ because Hermes wants to fight and kill Zolten.
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“Are you the one called Zolten? Because if so..... then I wont be holding back any longer. So I shall give you one chance to try and strike me. Succeed and I shall fight back with everything I have, fail and I shall kill you right here.” Hermes said in a calm yet mocking tone. Never before had he ever had been so angry in his life. 
Yet, this was more than that. This was tranquil fury emanating from the immortal man. He did not care if Zolten managed to strike him or failed to strike him. The end result was still going to be the same he was going to be killed. All for Violets mind to finally be at ease. He did not care about how much pain or agony he would be in due to his healing but....he did not mind at all. 
It was just nothing to him at this point in his life. He wanted someone to protect and that someone was Violet herself and he wanted keep her safe, no matter what it took. 
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tetsuwan-atom · 3 years
Oh man, lazy mornings, Bowen lived for this sort of thing. To stay in as long as he wanted. Or, well, at least until 8.. maybe 9.. he could go for a 9 right about now. Man he made his bed so comfortable. He just wanted to wrap himself around these covers and...
...Oh wait a minute...
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Staring at his clock, he realised, he wasn't alone at the moment. That's right, that place he was looking at with the strange readings. That woman, Violet, the one who was going to be homeless, from that troubled place. That's right.. he brought here here give her a place to stay for the time being. He didn't know how long this was going to last, maybe go see the UG's Department of Housing. There should be some crisis accommodation available. But then she isn't a citizen of Authrum. This.. might take a while.
Maybe start with Merlin.... well, when he can see him.
Right now, haaaah, maybe sleep in later. Maybe nap. Better play the good host and see if his guest is up. Might be a good idea to make breakfast for the two of them, he thought.
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frznkingdom · 2 years
@xbloodsoakedx holiday starter
That time apart had felt like an eternity. An eternity filled with nothing but uncertainty and fear. Yet now, with the arrival of the holiday and the chaos from before coming to an end, they could cast aside that fear for the moment and just be together. 
If only time could just stop for them.
Neither faunus wanted to let go after it was their turn to hug Violet. It was like they couldn't get enough after being apart for so long. Words seemed to fail as nothing seemed fitting enough for what they wanted to say to her, but it was almost as if nothing needed to be said at all.
They were together again. That was the most important thing. 
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Carefully, Gale held out a bag to Violet with a smile on her face. It contained the holiday gifts they'd been wanting to give her. Inside, the superhuman would find a warm scarf, a couple of hot chocolate bombs, and a drawing of the three of them made by Gale herself. 
Nera leaned forward to gently place a kiss on Violet's head. 
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"Merry Christmas, Violet." 
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@xbloodsoakedx​ like for starter (Amy)
"And I just thought that they stopped sending assassins after me when they realized that it was useless ... I have a better idea. I will pay you more than they paid you and we will disperse without any problems. I do not want to hurt a pretty woman."
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akumanoken · 3 years
Violet vc: How you take your coffee my dude?
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“Black.  Normally I get an espresso, but just black coffee for me.”
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“On the bright side, now the god you despise has retired and no longer will cause trouble. Now you get the role as god AND do better then him! I can understand your distaste in the role, but on the bright side, you can make the world literally better.“
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green-x-reaper · 3 years
Violet: *raises hands silently*
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fxtelism-moved · 3 years
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If you like my blog, send me "♡".
@xbloodsoakedx​ sent: ♡ ;)
@tiredstudents sent: ♡♡♡♡♡♡
@cursedfortune sent: ♡♡♡
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Friends!~ ;v;
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@xbloodsoakedx​ said: I've been told to put this here. *drops a Violet on Hythlodaeus... & she's HYPERACTIVE FOR SOME REASON*
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Yeah, he’s used to this. “Oh my, such a state you’re in! Perhaps you need some form of letting out all that energy?”
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strykingback · 2 years
@xbloodsoakedx​ said: 
Rip your wallet & your free time :^)
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I’ve been in Gacha hell before, atleast Im able to amass huge stocks of crystals on Cookie Run without having to purchase one thing. Plus I may limit myself to one purchase on Genshin and thats it. 
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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@xbloodsoakedx​ sent in : "Hey, uh, Bowen. I heard it was your birthday... uh... just now. Happy birthday! But uh... I don't exactly have anything to give right now." Violet tapped her fingers together awkwardly. "Uh, is there something you want to do? Or something I could do for you? Bake a cake maybe? Do you like cake?" She's not a great baker, but she's willing to try! She wants to do something special for him.
Even if she still didn't have anything to give him, the blonde still smiled so warmly and happily, he moved to take both her hands in his, gazing upon her hues.
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"If I'll be honest, Violet, you're the greatest gift anyone could ever ask for." With that, he kissed her lips, softly, before his expression grew excited. "I got an idea, we've got all day to spend together, how about we go get some lunch at one of my favourite joints.. then we can catch a movie afterwards! How does that sound?"
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frznkingdom · 2 years
@xbloodsoakedx​ continued
They really did understand each other to a degree, didn’t they? That response only made Nera continue to smile.
She still had her gloves on at the moment, but knowing that Violet didn’t have aura made the faunus hope that, one day, she could discard them entirely. To get rid of the lingering worry that always plagued the back of her mind and enjoy what most others took for granted. Something so simple.
But for now, this was enough.
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“Anytime, Violet,” she murmured softly, enjoying the calmness and quiet of the room they were in. “You’re more than welcome to ask if you ever want more of this.”
Honestly, the faunus didn’t want this to stop. She was just so content in this moment. “It’s... been a while since someone let me be so close. Thank you for not being afraid of me.”
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xxyumeno · 3 years
@xbloodsoakedx​ + violet &&. cont’d from here
         Childe could only laugh, ❝ I don’t go around saying that to just any girl you know. If you look over there. ❞ a hand gesture was made in La Signora’s general direction. ❝ Isn’t one I wouldn’t it say it to. We know where we stand with each other and that not on death’s doorstep. ❞ he now chuckled. In fact Childe was on very bad terms wtih some if not all the other Harbingers. What could he say? Childe was a man of class of doing it the old fashion way and that was doing it himself.
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   ❝ I must say, your entire assemble suits you beautifully well~ And I’m not just paying you good lip service. I mean it~ ❞ he grinned as he threw her a wink.❝ That it does leave me to wonder if such a beauty hasn’t already been asked for their first dance? ❞
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akumanoken · 2 years
Violet is watching in the background somewhere with Kyouya, proud smile on her face. "You better take care of my son, or I'll be doing all that & more to you."
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“Y-yeah no problem.... last thing i need is you hurling a building at me...”  God first the oyabun and now her?? Souji can’t just know normal people, can he?
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castelleve · 3 years
@xbloodsoakedx​ kissing is just swapping spit anyway so-
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“And it’s just as unsanitary.”
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